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Oh My GAWD! That's hysterical & reading your story sent me into a flashback of my own youth that could be considered just as, if not more emBARE-ASSing.I grew up on the west coast of Florida and if you know anything about Florida, there is plenty of water activities to partake in, salt and fresh water kinds.I spent the large majority of my time on the Weeki Wachee River when I wasnt in school. The Weeki Wachee Spring that fed the river was famous for the world's first underwater theater and some of the absolute most crystal clear spring waters you have ever seen. Any girl who grew up in that area at one point in time or another dreamt of becoming a Weeki Wachee Mermaid. (You can check it out here, if you like... http://www.weekiwachee.com/ )Eventually the small little road side tourist attraction opened up the shallow half of the spring as a water park and called it Buccaneer Bay (named after Tampa's football team, the Tampa Bay

Buccaneers).Well the park was a huge success! That was "the" place to be every summer if you were a kid. Well, at the time, the park had 2 slides, one twisty & twirly and the other was a dual straight speed slide that 2 people could race down.I always wore a one piece bathing suit because my Irish skin is so fair and even with sun screen, the sun was and still is brutal on me. So it was smart to cover as much as possible, sometimes even wearing a t-shirt over my bathing suit.Well this particular day I didnt feel the need to wear a t-shirt because I was sporting a brand new leopard print suit and, of course, I wanted to show it off. It was the kind that came up to the chest with a small spagetti strap attached at the top in the middle that tied up around the neck.Not knowing any better, I went about my usual activities of play. Being the tomboy that I was, it was always fun to challenge a boy to a race down

the slide. I had the perfect technique that made me shoot like a torpedo down the slide and skip across the water a considerable distance before losing momentum and eventually sinking...the goal was to get closer to the floating dock out in the middle of the swim area than your opponent.Well one boy decided he wanted to do the race head first, thinking my boobs would slow me down on the slide, lol. Well, being the tomboy that I was, I took the challenge and went head first...little did I know that the little spagetti strap I mentioned broke from the bathing suit as I raced down and the force of speed took my suit right off as I hit the water below. When I came to the surface of the water I quickly realized that I was wearing nothing more than a spagetti strap and turned around to see the life guard, who was stationed at the base of the slides, holding my suit in the air for all to see. I wanted to absolutely DIE at that very

moment. Well the life guard, laughing hysterically, came over close enough to toss me my suit and allowed me enough time to quickly get it back on before allowing any others down the slide. EVERYone waiting in line on the slide saw what happened and I was quickly nicknamed the naked torpedo that summer & the next year in school. I'm grateful that I can look back on all that and laugh about it now, but needless to say, back then...I never went to Buccaneer Bay without wearing my t-shirt over my bathing suit ever again. Akay woe nay oyapay wea ohyapay tonka chung kaylota ohyatahay(We will from this day forward serve our highest purpose the purpose which flows thru the Great Spirit.Let the forces of Light Guide and protect us on our journey to discover truth and knowledge)

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LMAO!!! You two are bringing back some pretty embarrassing memories for me too! Mine runs on the same lines as yours Earthmama. A two piece, a fast moving water slide, and of course a horde of people. HAHA I think the lesson is:A two peice + water = possible embarrassment for life Love you!Stefanie>> Oh My GAWD! That's hysterical & reading your story sent me into a flashback of my own youth that could be considered just as, if not more emBARE-ASSing.> > I grew up on the west coast of Florida and if you know anything about Florida, there is plenty of water activities to partake in, salt and fresh water kinds.> > I spent the large majority of my time on the Weeki Wachee River when I wasnt in school. The Weeki Wachee Spring that fed the river was famous for the world's first underwater theater and some of the absolute most crystal clear spring waters you have ever seen. Any girl who grew up in that area at one point in time or another dreamt of becoming a Weeki Wachee Mermaid. (You can check it out here, if you like... http://www.weekiwachee.com/ )> > Eventually the small little road side tourist attraction opened up the shallow half of the spring as a water park and called it Buccaneer Bay (named after Tampa's football team, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers).> > Well the park was a huge success! That was "the" place to be every summer if you were a kid. Well, at the time, the park had 2 slides, one twisty & twirly and the other was a dual straight speed slide that 2 people could race down.> > I always wore a one piece bathing suit because my Irish skin is so fair and even with sun screen, the sun was and still is brutal on me. So it was smart to cover as much as possible, sometimes even wearing a t-shirt over my bathing suit.> > Well this particular day I didnt feel the need to wear a t-shirt because I was sporting a brand new leopard print suit and, of course, I wanted to show it off. It was the kind that came up to the chest with a small spagetti strap attached at the top in the middle that tied up around the neck.> > Not knowing any better, I went about my usual activities of play. Being the tomboy that I was, it was always fun to challenge a boy to a race down the slide. I had the perfect technique that made me shoot like a torpedo down the slide and skip across the water a considerable distance before losing momentum and eventually sinking...the goal was to get closer to the floating dock out in the middle of the swim area than your opponent.> > Well one boy decided he wanted to do the race head first, thinking my boobs would slow me down on the slide, lol. Well, being the tomboy that I was, I took the challenge and went head first...little did I know that the little spagetti strap I mentioned broke from the bathing suit as I raced down and the force of speed took my suit right off as I hit the water below. When I came to the surface of the water I quickly realized that I was wearing nothing more than a spagetti strap and turned around to see the life guard, who was stationed at the base of the slides, holding my suit in the air for all to see. I wanted to absolutely DIE at that very moment. > > Well the life guard, laughing hysterically, came over close enough to toss me my suit and allowed me enough time to quickly get it back on before allowing any others down the slide. EVERYone waiting in line on the slide saw what happened and I was quickly nicknamed the naked torpedo that summer & the next year in school. > > I'm grateful that I can look back on all that and laugh about it now, but needless to say, back then...I never went to Buccaneer Bay without wearing my t-shirt over my bathing suit ever again. > > > > > Akay woe nay oyapay wea ohyapay tonka chung kaylota ohyatahay> (We will from this day forward serve our highest purpose the purpose which flows thru the Great Spirit.> Let the forces of Light Guide and protect us on our journey to discover truth and knowledge)> > > > ---------------------------------> Catch up on fall's hot new shows on TV. Watch previews, get listings, and more!>

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Karma, I loved your tail...errr hahaha....I mean naked butt story lmao. You described it so well I actually got some joy from imagining myself there too...umm I mean picturing the water and all hahaha. I love water so much but with fibro I can't handle cold water very well and I can only dream of body surfing again.

I was raised by oceans and lakes all my life and was swimming with no preserver at age two. My first body surf experience was in California and I underestimated the size of the wave and was thrown like shooting arrow up on the beach sliding all the way. I didn't know a person could get sand in so many places lmao...I think it took me a week to get rid of it all hahahaha.....ah memories.

I loved hearing about your grandma too, thats the kinda grandma I want to be!!! Oh and you MUST!!! PLEASE tell me how you lost this weight. I have strict orders from my doctor and I have one month to start losing or I go on bp medication. I've been trying to lose weight for countless years and I can't seem to get past a sugar addiction.

Ty for sharing your story and giving me a laugh for the day, your a blessing :D


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First of all let me tell you I also have Fibro.. and there can be some

really tough days.. But I have been a very active person all my life..

as a matter of fact I used to run Health Clubs as a District Manager

for over 10years.. So for me Fibro has been really hard to except..

And not to cry or whine.. I am having even more problems at the moment..

In this Naked but story.. I failed to mention that my hips and legs

gave out fighting the waves.. But I was determined to do what my heart

desired.. I am like that..and if you met me you see that I am a

fighter with this earthly body..

My soul and mind say yes and my body says no.. Damn!

But I am going through many test now.. MRI, Ultrasound.. and many

other test.. They don't think it has any thing to do with Fibro..

This has scared me so much.. I can't seem to even walk 20ft. now..

without my legs and hips going.. But I will be fine..

Yes will be fine!!

This is the reason I went on a strict diet.. as I thought it was the

extra weight.. This weight I gained in just a few months because they

had me on steroids and it bloated me up like a Chicken on Hormones..


Now the diet I am on is really simple for me.. as I love vegetables,

and here in Calif.. we have a huge selection..and fruit..

The diet is simple as I said.. and it is called the Rotation Diet..

It starts you off at 600 to 900 calories the first week.. That is the

hardest part of any diet is the first week.. Once you get through the

first week it's a piece of cake.. Or should I say a piece of fruit.. LOL

Then it goes up to 900 to 1000, then the next week 1000 to 1200 then

up to 1500 calories..

And if you have more to lose you start the rotation all over again

starting at small and increasing like I mentioned..

The importance for this low to high calorie count is to keep your

metabolism in order.. So you have consistent losses.

Your body never thinks it is on a diet.. and when you get to your goal

it is easier to maintain..

This diet is a very old diet.. I used to charge woman up to $300.00

for it plus weekly counseling.. AND IT WORKS!!

It's balanced and on the high calorie weeks you can have pizza,

Mexican food, and more..

Maybe I can see if there is some info on the web.. and send it to you..

I have really become creative with the meals over the years..So I had

a head start..

But I had some real incentive and that is that I can't seem to walk

far.. I used to walk at another job just about 7 years ago, up to

22miles a day.. So this is real incentive.. but there is more than

just the weight that is the problem so tests tests tests.. But it

can't hurt to get that off also..

I will see what I can find on the old diet.. and send it to you.. OK

Much love



> Karma, I loved your tail...errr hahaha....I mean naked butt story

lmao. You described it so well I actually got some joy from imagining

myself there too...umm I mean picturing the water and all hahaha. I

love water so much but with fibro I can't handle cold water very well

and I can only dream of body surfing again.

> I was raised by oceans and lakes all my life and was swimming with

no preserver at age two. My first body surf experience was in

California and I underestimated the size of the wave and was thrown

like shooting arrow up on the beach sliding all the way. I didn't know

a person could get sand in so many places lmao...I think it took me a

week to get rid of it all hahahaha.....ah memories.


> I loved hearing about your grandma too, thats the kinda grandma I

want to be!!! Oh and you MUST!!! PLEASE tell me how you lost this

weight. I have strict orders from my doctor and I have one month to

start losing or I go on bp medication. I've been trying to lose weight

for countless years and I can't seem to get past a sugar addiction.


> Ty for sharing your story and giving me a laugh for the day, your a

blessing :D


> Dove


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> >

> > Oh My GAWD! That's hysterical & reading your story sent me into a

> flashback of my own youth that could be considered just as, if not more

> emBARE-ASSing.

> >

> > I grew up on the west coast of Florida and if you know anything about

> Florida, there is plenty of water activities to partake in, salt and

> fresh water kinds.

> >

> > I spent the large majority of my time on the Weeki Wachee River when I

> wasnt in school. The Weeki Wachee Spring that fed the river was famous

> for the world's first underwater theater and some of the absolute most

> crystal clear spring waters you have ever seen. Any girl who grew up in

> that area at one point in time or another dreamt of becoming a Weeki

> Wachee Mermaid. (You can check it out here, if you like...

> http://www.weekiwachee.com/ )

> >

> > Eventually the small little road side tourist attraction opened up the

> shallow half of the spring as a water park and called it Buccaneer Bay

> (named after Tampa's football team, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers).

> >

> > Well the park was a huge success! That was " the " place to be every

> summer if you were a kid. Well, at the time, the park had 2 slides, one

> twisty & twirly and the other was a dual straight speed slide that 2

> people could race down.

> >

> > I always wore a one piece bathing suit because my Irish skin is so

> fair and even with sun screen, the sun was and still is brutal on me.

> So it was smart to cover as much as possible, sometimes even wearing a

> t-shirt over my bathing suit.

> >

> > Well this particular day I didnt feel the need to wear a t-shirt

> because I was sporting a brand new leopard print suit and, of course, I

> wanted to show it off. It was the kind that came up to the chest with a

> small spagetti strap attached at the top in the middle that tied up

> around the neck.

> >

> > Not knowing any better, I went about my usual activities of play.

> Being the tomboy that I was, it was always fun to challenge a boy to a

> race down the slide. I had the perfect technique that made me shoot

> like a torpedo down the slide and skip across the water a considerable

> distance before losing momentum and eventually sinking...the goal was to

> get closer to the floating dock out in the middle of the swim area than

> your opponent.

> >

> > Well one boy decided he wanted to do the race head first, thinking my

> boobs would slow me down on the slide, lol. Well, being the tomboy that

> I was, I took the challenge and went head first...little did I know that

> the little spagetti strap I mentioned broke from the bathing suit as I

> raced down and the force of speed took my suit right off as I hit the

> water below. When I came to the surface of the water I quickly realized

> that I was wearing nothing more than a spagetti strap and turned around

> to see the life guard, who was stationed at the base of the slides,

> holding my suit in the air for all to see. I wanted to absolutely DIE

> at that very moment.

> >

> > Well the life guard, laughing hysterically, came over close enough to

> toss me my suit and allowed me enough time to quickly get it back on

> before allowing any others down the slide. EVERYone waiting in line on

> the slide saw what happened and I was quickly nicknamed the naked

> torpedo that summer & the next year in school.

> >

> > I'm grateful that I can look back on all that and laugh about it now,

> but needless to say, back then...I never went to Buccaneer Bay without

> wearing my t-shirt over my bathing suit ever again.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Akay woe nay oyapay wea ohyapay tonka chung kaylota ohyatahay

> > (We will from this day forward serve our highest purpose the purpose

> which flows thru the Great Spirit.

> > Let the forces of Light Guide and protect us on our journey to

> discover truth and knowledge)

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Catch up on fall's hot new shows on TV. Watch previews, get

> listings, and more!

> >


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Thats (Roll me over and laugh your ass off) LOL LOL!

This was sooooooooooo funny!

That must have been something! Miss Naked Torpedo..

I could just see that! Ha Ha! oooooooooooooh..

Love this sweet NAKED BUTT STORY..

Thanks for sharing..

I will check out the link you have here.. Sounds beautiful..

My question is did you ever become a Mermaid.. It seems like you did?

Love to you



> Oh My GAWD! That's hysterical & reading your story sent me into a

flashback of my own youth that could be considered just as, if not

more emBARE-ASSing.


> I grew up on the west coast of Florida and if you know anything

about Florida, there is plenty of water activities to partake in, salt

and fresh water kinds.


> I spent the large majority of my time on the Weeki Wachee River when

I wasnt in school. The Weeki Wachee Spring that fed the river was

famous for the world's first underwater theater and some of the

absolute most crystal clear spring waters you have ever seen. Any girl

who grew up in that area at one point in time or another dreamt of

becoming a Weeki Wachee Mermaid. (You can check it out here, if you

like... http://www.weekiwachee.com/ )


> Eventually the small little road side tourist attraction opened up

the shallow half of the spring as a water park and called it Buccaneer

Bay (named after Tampa's football team, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers).


> Well the park was a huge success! That was " the " place to be every

summer if you were a kid. Well, at the time, the park had 2 slides,

one twisty & twirly and the other was a dual straight speed slide that

2 people could race down.


> I always wore a one piece bathing suit because my Irish skin is so

fair and even with sun screen, the sun was and still is brutal on me.

So it was smart to cover as much as possible, sometimes even wearing

a t-shirt over my bathing suit.


> Well this particular day I didnt feel the need to wear a t-shirt

because I was sporting a brand new leopard print suit and, of course,

I wanted to show it off. It was the kind that came up to the chest

with a small spagetti strap attached at the top in the middle that

tied up around the neck.


> Not knowing any better, I went about my usual activities of play.

Being the tomboy that I was, it was always fun to challenge a boy to a

race down the slide. I had the perfect technique that made me shoot

like a torpedo down the slide and skip across the water a considerable

distance before losing momentum and eventually sinking...the goal was

to get closer to the floating dock out in the middle of the swim area

than your opponent.


> Well one boy decided he wanted to do the race head first, thinking

my boobs would slow me down on the slide, lol. Well, being the tomboy

that I was, I took the challenge and went head first...little did I

know that the little spagetti strap I mentioned broke from the bathing

suit as I raced down and the force of speed took my suit right off as

I hit the water below. When I came to the surface of the water I

quickly realized that I was wearing nothing more than a spagetti strap

and turned around to see the life guard, who was stationed at the base

of the slides, holding my suit in the air for all to see. I wanted

to absolutely DIE at that very moment.


> Well the life guard, laughing hysterically, came over close enough

to toss me my suit and allowed me enough time to quickly get it back

on before allowing any others down the slide. EVERYone waiting in

line on the slide saw what happened and I was quickly nicknamed the

naked torpedo that summer & the next year in school.


> I'm grateful that I can look back on all that and laugh about it

now, but needless to say, back then...I never went to Buccaneer Bay

without wearing my t-shirt over my bathing suit ever again.





> Akay woe nay oyapay wea ohyapay tonka chung kaylota ohyatahay

> (We will from this day forward serve our highest purpose the purpose

which flows thru the Great Spirit.

> Let the forces of Light Guide and protect us on our journey to

discover truth and knowledge)




> ---------------------------------

> Catch up on fall's hot new shows on TV. Watch previews, get

listings, and more!


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Well , I'm glad I could bring some hilarity into your world, if even for a moment....laughter IS the best medicine, right? I never became an "official" Weeki Wachee Mermaid...but I guess you are right in the sense that I grew up on that river and created some of my fondest (and most embarassing) memories there as a child and into adulthood. That is also where I managed to acquire the nickname "Earthmama" because, as an adult, I came to love spending time on that river so much that I went canoing or tubing every weekend and I would get infuriated when I would see litter or speeding boaters with no respect or concern for the manatee that live in the river. So it became a weekly mission to take a trip down the river with my boys collecting trash and letting the boys yell at the disrespectful boaters, I would get their boat digits and then turn them in to the water cop that patrolled around on a jet ski. I was always being complimented on

how "earth conscious" my children were, so hence the name came into being.Thats the one thing I miss the most about back home...my beloved Weeki Wachee River. I guess I am a mermaid out of water now, lol.<3<3<3~EM Akay woe nay oyapay wea ohyapay tonka chung kaylota ohyatahay(We will from this day forward serve our highest purpose the purpose which flows thru the Great Spirit.Let the forces of Light Guide and protect us on our journey to discover truth and knowledge)

Take the Internet to Go: Go puts the Internet in your pocket: mail, news, photos more.

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