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Uriel's Message-- Claim Your Dreams

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Uriel's Message-- Claim Your Dreams By Hoffman

There will be an end to envy, jealousy and possessiveness once humanity understands the concept of the limitlessness of the Universe and that everything which you desire on a heart level belongs to you. Everything that you can ask for, every miracle that you want to create is possible for you. Your dreams are not possible for anyone else and their dreams are not possible for you. What others have belongs to them and is a creation that they undertake for their reality. What is yours, what belongs to you, is a reflection of your dreams. Claim your dreams, take ownership of them, accept them and then focus your energy on making them a reality.

What is yours in the Universe is every desire of your heart, no matter how big or small. There is no limitation to what can be given to you and to every person. Those who do not receive do not ask. Those who do not ask do not receive. Or they do not ask for enough, for what their heart truly desires, or they ask with limitations. Asking in fear limits the Universe's ability to respond. Asking for what another has is a reflection of the limits you impose on yourselves. Those who do not believe that their dreams cannot or will not come true are simply in fear. They have dreams but are not willing to claim them out of fear they will not come true.

Your dreams are more than a passing fancy or a random thought. They are the language of your heart, which knows and understands what you are capable of and what is possible for you. It is beyond logic or understanding, beyond human comprehension because it challenges you to rise above logic and move into infinite thinking. Those who question your dreams do not understand your path or your soul's mission in this lifetime. Their doubt comes from their inability to realize your dreams for themselves.

You claim your dreams by listening to your heart and then using the mind to give a voice to what it is telling you. The Universe works with you when you claim your dreams and focus the full force of your will and intention on allowing them to become a reality. This is the best use of your power, the way that you create heaven on earth for yourselves. When each person learns how to claim their dreams and focuses on creating them you will step into the flow of the energy that surrounds you and there will be peace and joy and enough of everything for everyone, everywhere.

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