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Zurama, Can you send the link to this video you were talking about? My boys are just getting over a stomach virus and are not that interested in eating right now. I am trying to figure out how to reintroduce things to them and wondering if I should put them on some kind of easy to digest juice fast. Need help and guidance in knowing what to do so that they can also heal from this virus. Thanks, Danadiatplay wrote: Well Matt is

loving his ORange Julius lifestyle so far and does not even ask for other foods - wow. He will ask for a pear or some chicken about once a day, but seems very contect to only have a glss or two of the yolks drink at night for dinner...I think this MUST mean it does not hurt his tummy. We wonder when we can move to other smoothies and if we will be able to get green drinks in ABA style with his preferred drink as a reinforcer...I think then we will REALLY see some gains...for now though it is lutein and lysine land for us...HOw is your son doing with food? Di> >> > HI. Well, what can I say? Having spent a tone this is one of the > > cheapest things we have tried and it is going well so far...trying to > > ease the gut burden and give the digestive organs a break...2 meals > > liquid a day is our goal and smaller protions at the bigger late > > lunch meal...two pieces of organic chicken, at most a pear or pear > > and a half throughout the day and a few carrots - all with enzymes. > > The liquid meals consist of several - 2 to three organic cage free > > egg yolks, bit of fresh quezzed OJ - actually squeeze it if you can > > so it isn;t pasteurized, a drizzle of honey - it will take like OJ if > > more

honey then an Orange Julius...delish and apparently > > healing...esp if done with raw honey which has enzymes that healing > > to the intestinal mucous...we are getting two ords put together > > suddenly and this has not been exlicitly taught yet in ABA > > session...we are getting way mroe spontaneous speech and playfulness, > > the tantrums are more age appropriate and NT-ish and we are getting a > > new sentence..."I wan more hep peease..." to get > > assistance...and "Come.." instead of just led silently. It turns out > > the raw yolks are not just a source of lutein to assist with the > > visual stimming - which has decreased in the past few days after a > > bit of odd squinting and blinking as if things were just soming into > > focus...?!! Eggs, per a phone call from Beth from this list have tons > > of LYSINE

in them....ahhh, interesting. So there you go, less solid > > food seems to be MROE gains at least in Mackies case for now...hope > > eveyone is having a great day...> >>Dana and Garrett, just turned 4, SCD 2 yearsCeliac, ASD, Speech and Motor Apraxia, sensory processing disorder

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