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Blessed are the School Zones

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We are zooming down the road, always in a hurry. Have to be here or there and always seem to be running late. We focus only on the cars in front and the white lines we must stay in, then all the sudden, School Zone, speed limit 20mph! With this, we are forced to slow down and have the chance to see children playing in yards, a bird on a wire, a magnificent tree, but instead we choose to stare at the speedometer pondering "I wonder if I can get away with doing 25?" or "crap, I will be even more late" lol. I laugh at truth here. Now, a short poem; The Thief Tick tock, tick tock, time is passing faster than we want it to; and while you stopped to read this story, it just stole some time from you. (laughing again). In total truth by reading that, a few moments of your life were taken, lost and cannot be

returned. This and all other things must be occupied with the question "was it worth it?". We live in such a fast paced hestic world and the bottom line is that it is by our choice. We run and overlook so much. We make so much time for others but rarely for ourselves. The perverbial hampster on the wheel, constantly running but not getting anywhere. All of life's answers lie within the silence and the stillness. The harder we look, the less we see. The more we force ourselves to learn, the more we forget. Stop, take a breath, and fall into life, instead of simply being of it. As complex as the world has gotten, all is still acquired within simplicity. A postnote; it is common to say that tomorrow is not guaranteed. A more profound truth is that our mext heartbeat isn't. Moment by moment, breath by breath... such a gift to appreciate and enjoy. Breathe in Breathe out, Randy

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