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For My Friends - In Oneness!!! by Craig

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Hello all my Wonderful Friends,As you may or may not know, I am the Co-Lead Ambassador for Holistic Alternative Healing for The Humanity Healing Network on MySpace and the world wide web at www..net.It is my goal and the goal of Everyone at Humanity Healing to Unite like minded people with the purpose and Great Intention to Heal The Heart Of Humanity As A Whole.In order to accomplish this goal we must be "Together, as One, In Unity for the sake of all Mankind. We all share many things on this Space and I am Humble and Thankful to you all.Because you all are my "Friends" and "I Love You" I am Pleased to present to you if you would like, a "Badge of Friendship" from me and the Humanity Healing Network and Family, to Display Proudly on your page in Unity for the good of all Mankind.If you so desire, you may copy and paste this badge for your page. If you are unsure where to display it you may visit my page as always, as a help for you.Thank you my Wonderful Friends, In Love and Light and Oneness Always,Namaste,Craig ***For the "Friend's of Humanity Healing Badge" see Liane's posting 8-30-07 My (Ali) apologies, I could not get the badge to post online, forgive me, please?! Thanks!

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