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Hello Precious Family; Today, I brought no poems and have nothing on my mind, so with an empty mind, I will write lol. First, I put much effort into helping with the prayer requests. Due to my limited pc time, I cannot reply to many posts. Today I have an empty slate. As of sunday, with no warning (this sort of thing happens with me sometimes). I am simply holding a pencil and words are being created by theirselves. If I get to a spot where I have to think, I walk away and alittle later, it flows again. It is using words I did not even know I knew. My senses say that if I share this book before it's completion, it will self destruct. I will not challenge this. no no. It will be proof using simple common sense and logic, and simple deduction to easily show that all is truely oneness. I already see this but mostly kept it to myself due to it's complexity. The problem was it turns out to

actually be simple. This will sound crazy yet will be understood; please, please put no merit into this because it is nothing. Sincerely nothing. If anything, a boyscout perhaps; Several months ago, on the last day that I had my beloved sheltie Oogie with me, I wore in a locket, a Buddhist yellow tassle, it represented the bodhisattva vow. I did not take it in ceremony as is normal, I took it in silence, a small room and a most precious being named Bardor Tulku Rinpoche. I will post his pic here. Anyway, on the last day, I removed the tassle, put it around her neck and she seemed to be smiling, in return, as customary, I cut off a small piece of her hair and placed it in the locket and to this day, it never comes off. This may lead to be becoming a dog in the future,because of the sincerity involved, but it was worth it and I am humbly proud for her. She was the closest thing I have know to true unconditional love in this life. She was, and

is very special. Now, OogieSattva. I strongly feel that in some way, she is guiding my pencil. It is not me, this is clear. Love has no boundries, amen. This would lead to a "poem". I sang this to her every night; Oogie's Lullabye Go to sleep my precious Oogie. In your dreams, find fields to run and play, and know when you wake tomorrow, I'll love you twice as much as today. -this is eternally sang, why stop now? .................................................................. On a happy note; It is amazing how even my silly stupid posts can benefit others... some here, soldiers oversees, who knows. This shows that perhaps this was wisdom, not humor (winks). Next Thought, this one is personal, no

cut and paste; are farts an out of body experience? I have pondered this for years. Now, I think I have envoked every human emotion possible, so I will say bye for now and go on to the next task of the day; I am at the library, my house keys are at home, behind locked doors lol. True, and I have never tried breaking and entering. I must rely on beginners luck. p.s. Tonight is singing the aspiration of universal compassion and I am usually nominated as the bandleader... the merit of the practice itself is offered here. A small "thank you" to all equally. Warmth and Light, Randy

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