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The Five Attitudes of God

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The Five Attitudes of God

by Neal WalschWhen I was a child I had a deep fascination with God. What was Helike, I wondered? Where did He live?I know now that my ideas about God as a man living somewhere in thesky were the products of my childhood upbringing in a Roman Catholicfamily. I know that God is not limited to being a he or a she, butthat God shows up in every form in which Life Itself displays itself.Still, I hold onto this idea that there are some attributes of God. Iask myself sometimes, if God chose to show up as a human being, whatwould that be like? What kind of personality would God have?My questions about this were answered in the Conversations with Goddialogue, in which I was given the Five Attitudes of God (CwG, Book 1,pg. 65-66).In the moment of your total knowing (which moment could come upon youat any time), you, too, will feel as I do always, God said to me. Andwhat way is that? I asked. Said God......totally joyful, loving, accepting, blessing and grateful.This is, I found out later in the Dialogue, the way the soul alwaysfeels as well. That is because the soul of humans and the essence ofGod is one and the same thing. So our soul is always totally joyful,loving, accepting, blessing and grateful. The trick is to bring ourbody and our mind into alignment with that deep inner nature of our being.The soul is always joyful because Joy is what the soul (and what God)IS. God IS that which we would call, for lack of a more technical orclinical description, pure joy. I am come to understand that God ispure energy, of course. The energy that we call Life Itself. But whatdoes this energy feel like? That's the question. And the answer is,pure joy. The energy feels like pure joy. Ultimate happiness. Or whatsome Eastern mystics have called bliss.Because the soul is always in a state of bliss, or pure joy, it isalways loving. As is God. God loving everything, because God is soexcited with Itself! There is nothing that exists outside of God,nothing that is not God, and so, everything that God is happy aboutand excited about exists within God - and precisely because it doesexist within God, God is happy about it!And so, God is eternally loving. God is loving everything about Life,because God is Life Itself, expressing. If you were totally joyful allof the time, you, too, would be totally loving. There is no way youcould not be.Yes, you might say, but how can anyone be totally joyful all of thetime? Look at the world around us.The trick is to see the world as it is -- as it really is -- and notas it appears to be. (To learn more about this please read Communionwith God, which outlines in wonderful detail the Ten Illusions of Humans.)How it IS, rather than how it APPEARS to be, is how God sees theworld, and so God is always totally joyful, and that causes God to betotally loving.Because God is totally loving, God is totally accepting - for purelove is the rejection of nothing. Pure love is unconditional. In fact,all love in unconditional. Anything less than that is not love, butsome counterfeit version of that.Because love is unconditional, it accept everything. It does this bymaking no value judgments whatsoever. It does not call one thing goodand another thing bad. A thing simply is. This is what CwG calls theIsness, and Isness has no goodness or badness to it.Where we get into trouble in our lives is by attaching goodness orbadness to a thing. We make value judgments, and those judgmentscreate enormous difficulty for many reasons - not the least of whichis that we keep changing them. One day we call a thing good and thenext day we call the very same thing bad, depending on whether thething we are judging serves our purposes or not.Let me give you a simple example.Rain.One day we call rain good, the next day we call it bad. It all dependson whether it's raining on our crop or raining on our parade.Killing is another example. We think we have an absolute Right and anabsolute Wrong around this, but the truth is, we can't make up ourmind until we know and understand what the killing is for. Killing inself-defense, as an example, may not be called good, but most peopleand societies agree that it is not bad. So we find a third word. Itmay be, we say, necessary.That means it is required in order for us to do what it is we want to do.It is because of this reasoning that we call all attack a defense. Inthis way, we can morally justify it. Yet what if nothing in the worldhad to be morally justified?This is the State in which God lives. Because God does not feel theneed to morally justify (or condemn) anything, God can be totallyaccepting. But how can God be in such a place? Easy. Since God is theAll in All, nothing can hurt, damage or destroy God. And since nothingcan hurt, damage or destroy God, God has no need to judge it.Therefore, in the experience of God, a thing simply is.So, too, is it in the experience of Godliness.If we truly want the experience of what it is to be Godly, we willbegin by removing our judgments from everything. Now this will bedifficult for us to do as long as we are living inside of the TenIllusions of Humans. The only way to escape our judgments is to escapeour illusions. Communion with God gives us the entire process by whichwe may do this. That's what makes it such a powerful book.Once we become (as God is) totally accepting, we move to the nextlevel of Godliness, which is to become totally blessing. This is whereGod resides all of the time. God not only accepts what 'is' in everysingle moment, God blesses it.To bless something means to give it your best energy. Your highestthought. Your grandest wish. You send a thing good energy when youbless it -- and this is something physical that you are doing, notmerely something conceptual or philosophical.Life energy can be moved around, manipulated, and we do this all thetime with our thoughts. We also do it with our words and actions.Thought, word and action are the Three Tools of Creation (CwG, Book1). With these devices we create, and co-create with others, ourindividual and collective experience. We are literally producing theworld around us.That is why The New Revelations says that all behavior begins withbeliefs -- and that it is beliefs we must change if we really want tochange the world (a point we are making in this blog in our series onglobal violence)Interestingly, no one who says they want to change the world --neither international political leaders nor worldwide religiousleaders -- talk very much in these terms. Political leaders don't talkabout beliefs at all, and religious leaders talk in terms of otherpeople changing their beliefs, but insist that they, themselves, haveall the right beliefs. Then they deny that this is precisely whatcauses the world to be such a dangerous place.Now the true Master blesses all of this, she does not condemn it. Andin so doing, the true Master transforms it, for the impact of hisblessing energy shifts the energy of the condition itself. That is whyblessing, and never condemning, is the greatest spiritual secret. Itis why all Masters have said, each in their own way and their ownwords, judge not, and neither condemn. For that which you judge,judges you, and that which you condemn, condemns you, and that whichyou bless, blesses you.Finally, God is always totally grateful, for thankfulness is theexperience of God recognizing Itself. To recognize means tore-cognize, that is, to know again. When God knows Itself again (whichGod does in every single golden moment of Now), God once again becomesjoyful - and the glorious Cycle of Life which is Life Itselfcontinues, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,world without end.These are the Five Attitudes of God, and they are the five attributesof the human soul. When we allow these characteristics to fill ourminds and our hearts, we become Godly. Our whole lives change, as dothe lives of those around us. For life around us cannot help butchange when we fill it with God Stuff. And Joy, Love, Acceptance,Blessing, and Gratitude is God Stuff indeed.The wonderful thing about these Five Attitudes of Godliness is notonly that one produces and creates another, but that they can be runin reverse. That is, one start with Gratitude just as easily as onecan start with Joy. Either way, if the feeling is fully expressed thefirst domino falls, and all the rest follow.I have tried to overlay these Five Attitudes of God on my daily life.For me it is sometimes easier to begin with Gratitude. Sometimes whenI first wake up, or during my day when I encounter some very unwelcomenews or moment, it is hard for me to 'get into Joy.' I just cant gothere, no matter how much I try. But Gratitude for me has been a real key.I can move into Gratitude, even for moments or events that I do notparticularly welcome, because I know that all things lead to myhighest good. Nothing that happens in my life happens without goodpurpose. Everything is perfect, and when I can 'see the perfection'(as CWG invites me to do), I see the hand of God, and I know thatthere is a higher reason and that all things are good and thateverything is bringing me to my highest expression of Who I Really Am.Think of it as a scientist does in his laboratory. There is nothingthat happens in that laboratory that is not a success, not a goodoutcome. Even so-called bad outcomes are good outcomes, in that theylead the scientist closer to the truth and to the outcome that is desired.We are all Celestial Scientists, creating something utterlymagnificent in the laboratory called Life. We are creating our Selves.And there is no way we can wrongly do that. Nor is there any way thatwe cannot ultimately get to where we wish to go - which is back tototal union with All That Is. That is, back home to God.When we know this, when we deeply believe it and completely embraceit, we find the grace to move through our lives - and any moment inour lives - with joy, love, acceptance, blessings, and gratitude. Andwhen we do that, we change our lives and change the lives of thosewhose lives we touch. And in this, we truly change the world.

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Dear ,

I was profoundly moved by this post. I sit here in awe of

the expression/gift you have given us with this post. Thank you so

much, dear one. This is one I will read many times over for there is

much to learn. Love and light, LUNA

--- In , " " <ASundayInJune@...>



> The Five Attitudes of God by Neal Walsch


> When I was a child I had a deep fascination with God. What was He

> like, I wondered? Where did He live?


> I know now that my ideas about God as a man living somewhere in the

> sky were the products of my childhood upbringing in a Roman


> family. I know that God is not limited to being a he or a she, but

> that God shows up in every form in which Life Itself displays


> Still, I hold onto this idea that there are some attributes of

God. I

> ask myself sometimes, if God chose to show up as a human being,


> would that be like? What kind of personality would God have?


> My questions about this were answered in the Conversations with God

> dialogue, in which I was given the Five Attitudes of God (CwG,

Book 1,

> pg. 65-66).


> In the moment of your total knowing (which moment could come upon


> at any time), you, too, will feel as I do always, God said to me.


> what way is that? I asked. Said God...


> ...totally joyful, loving, accepting, blessing and grateful.


> This is, I found out later in the Dialogue, the way the soul always

> feels as well. That is because the soul of humans and the essence


> God is one and the same thing. So our soul is always totally


> loving, accepting, blessing and grateful. The trick is to bring our

> body and our mind into alignment with that deep inner nature of our

> being.


> The soul is always joyful because Joy is what the soul (and what


> IS. God IS that which we would call, for lack of a more technical


> clinical description, pure joy. I am come to understand that God is

> pure energy, of course. The energy that we call Life Itself. But


> does this energy feel like? That's the question. And the answer is,

> pure joy. The energy feels like pure joy. Ultimate happiness. Or


> some Eastern mystics have called bliss.


> Because the soul is always in a state of bliss, or pure joy, it is

> always loving. As is God. God loving everything, because God is so

> excited with Itself! There is nothing that exists outside of God,

> nothing that is not God, and so, everything that God is happy about

> and excited about exists within God - and precisely because it does

> exist within God, God is happy about it!


> And so, God is eternally loving. God is loving everything about


> because God is Life Itself, expressing. If you were totally joyful


> of the time, you, too, would be totally loving. There is no way you

> could not be.


> Yes, you might say, but how can anyone be totally joyful all of the

> time? Look at the world around us.


> The trick is to see the world as it is -- as it really is -- and


> as it appears to be. (To learn more about this please read


> with God, which outlines in wonderful detail the Ten Illusions of

> Humans.)


> How it IS, rather than how it APPEARS to be, is how God sees the

> world, and so God is always totally joyful, and that causes God to


> totally loving.


> Because God is totally loving, God is totally accepting - for pure

> love is the rejection of nothing. Pure love is unconditional. In


> all love in unconditional. Anything less than that is not love, but

> some counterfeit version of that.


> Because love is unconditional, it accept everything. It does this


> making no value judgments whatsoever. It does not call one thing


> and another thing bad. A thing simply is. This is what CwG calls


> Isness, and Isness has no goodness or badness to it.


> Where we get into trouble in our lives is by attaching goodness or

> badness to a thing. We make value judgments, and those judgments

> create enormous difficulty for many reasons - not the least of


> is that we keep changing them. One day we call a thing good and the

> next day we call the very same thing bad, depending on whether the

> thing we are judging serves our purposes or not.


> Let me give you a simple example.


> Rain.


> One day we call rain good, the next day we call it bad. It all


> on whether it's raining on our crop or raining on our parade.


> Killing is another example. We think we have an absolute Right and


> absolute Wrong around this, but the truth is, we can't make up our

> mind until we know and understand what the killing is for. Killing


> self-defense, as an example, may not be called good, but most


> and societies agree that it is not bad. So we find a third word. It

> may be, we say, necessary.


> That means it is required in order for us to do what it is we want


> do.


> It is because of this reasoning that we call all attack a defense.


> this way, we can morally justify it. Yet what if nothing in the


> had to be morally justified?


> This is the State in which God lives. Because God does not feel the

> need to morally justify (or condemn) anything, God can be totally

> accepting. But how can God be in such a place? Easy. Since God is


> All in All, nothing can hurt, damage or destroy God. And since


> can hurt, damage or destroy God, God has no need to judge it.

> Therefore, in the experience of God, a thing simply is.


> So, too, is it in the experience of Godliness.


> If we truly want the experience of what it is to be Godly, we will

> begin by removing our judgments from everything. Now this will be

> difficult for us to do as long as we are living inside of the Ten

> Illusions of Humans. The only way to escape our judgments is to


> our illusions. Communion with God gives us the entire process by


> we may do this. That's what makes it such a powerful book.


> Once we become (as God is) totally accepting, we move to the next

> level of Godliness, which is to become totally blessing. This is


> God resides all of the time. God not only accepts what 'is' in


> single moment, God blesses it.


> To bless something means to give it your best energy. Your highest

> thought. Your grandest wish. You send a thing good energy when you

> bless it -- and this is something physical that you are doing, not

> merely something conceptual or philosophical.


> Life energy can be moved around, manipulated, and we do this all


> time with our thoughts. We also do it with our words and actions.

> Thought, word and action are the Three Tools of Creation (CwG, Book

> 1). With these devices we create, and co-create with others, our

> individual and collective experience. We are literally producing


> world around us.


> That is why The New Revelations says that all behavior begins with

> beliefs -- and that it is beliefs we must change if we really want


> change the world (a point we are making in this blog in our series


> global violence)


> Interestingly, no one who says they want to change the world --

> neither international political leaders nor worldwide religious

> leaders -- talk very much in these terms. Political leaders don't


> about beliefs at all, and religious leaders talk in terms of other

> people changing their beliefs, but insist that they, themselves,


> all the right beliefs. Then they deny that this is precisely what

> causes the world to be such a dangerous place.


> Now the true Master blesses all of this, she does not condemn it.


> in so doing, the true Master transforms it, for the impact of his

> blessing energy shifts the energy of the condition itself. That is


> blessing, and never condemning, is the greatest spiritual secret.


> is why all Masters have said, each in their own way and their own

> words, judge not, and neither condemn. For that which you judge,

> judges you, and that which you condemn, condemns you, and that


> you bless, blesses you.


> Finally, God is always totally grateful, for thankfulness is the

> experience of God recognizing Itself. To recognize means to

> re-cognize, that is, to know again. When God knows Itself again


> God does in every single golden moment of Now), God once again


> joyful - and the glorious Cycle of Life which is Life Itself

> continues, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,

> world without end.


> These are the Five Attitudes of God, and they are the five


> of the human soul. When we allow these characteristics to fill our

> minds and our hearts, we become Godly. Our whole lives change, as


> the lives of those around us. For life around us cannot help but

> change when we fill it with God Stuff. And Joy, Love, Acceptance,

> Blessing, and Gratitude is God Stuff indeed.


> The wonderful thing about these Five Attitudes of Godliness is not

> only that one produces and creates another, but that they can be


> in reverse. That is, one start with Gratitude just as easily as one

> can start with Joy. Either way, if the feeling is fully expressed


> first domino falls, and all the rest follow.


> I have tried to overlay these Five Attitudes of God on my daily


> For me it is sometimes easier to begin with Gratitude. Sometimes


> I first wake up, or during my day when I encounter some very


> news or moment, it is hard for me to 'get into Joy.' I just cant go

> there, no matter how much I try. But Gratitude for me has been a


> key.


> I can move into Gratitude, even for moments or events that I do not

> particularly welcome, because I know that all things lead to my

> highest good. Nothing that happens in my life happens without good

> purpose. Everything is perfect, and when I can 'see the perfection'

> (as CWG invites me to do), I see the hand of God, and I know that

> there is a higher reason and that all things are good and that

> everything is bringing me to my highest expression of Who I Really



> Think of it as a scientist does in his laboratory. There is nothing

> that happens in that laboratory that is not a success, not a good

> outcome. Even so-called bad outcomes are good outcomes, in that


> lead the scientist closer to the truth and to the outcome that is

> desired.


> We are all Celestial Scientists, creating something utterly

> magnificent in the laboratory called Life. We are creating our


> And there is no way we can wrongly do that. Nor is there any way


> we cannot ultimately get to where we wish to go - which is back to

> total union with All That Is. That is, back home to God.


> When we know this, when we deeply believe it and completely embrace

> it, we find the grace to move through our lives - and any moment in

> our lives - with joy, love, acceptance, blessings, and gratitude.


> when we do that, we change our lives and change the lives of those

> whose lives we touch. And in this, we truly change the world.


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