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Threelac info - interesting....

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Threelac seems to be very successful with many of our kids on the

spectrum...we do not use it at this time bc of the FOS and canola oil

ingredients...but I noticed that one of the ingredients is castor

oil...a classic traditional anti parasite/worm remedy...this is what

used to be given to de worm and prtect from parasites in my grandpa's

day - routinely, 2 or three times a year...I think this is why that

particular brand is more helpful to some people than all the

others...parasites are being addressed as well as the yeast..which may

well be responding to the parasite infections....

Most of the common parasites are in everyone and are harmless in almost

everyone...they come in they go out..alot like the metals in healthy

systems...they are big trouble only for the immune compromised and the

young...and especially the IMMUNE COMPROMISED YOUNG...well, there you

have it. If anyone has seen big gains post clearing up a parasite

infection can you please e mail us as we are about to begin a month

long one in our house....cheers.

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We haven't found any value in the threelac for parasites. The best

it can do there is help raise ph. But if your child is acidic

enough, the ph wont raise high enough with the threelac to make a

difference. Parasites cannot survive in a ph range of 7.2-

7.4...neither can cancer cells or many other anaerobic pathogens.

I've recently bought a supplement to help get Ian's ph levels up.

It'll be interesting to see what changes.


> Threelac seems to be very successful with many of our kids on the

> spectrum...we do not use it at this time bc of the FOS and canola


> ingredients...but I noticed that one of the ingredients is castor

> oil...a classic traditional anti parasite/worm remedy...this is


> used to be given to de worm and prtect from parasites in my


> day - routinely, 2 or three times a year...I think this is why that

> particular brand is more helpful to some people than all the

> others...parasites are being addressed as well as the yeast..which


> well be responding to the parasite infections....


> Most of the common parasites are in everyone and are harmless in


> everyone...they come in they go out..alot like the metals in


> systems...they are big trouble only for the immune compromised and


> young...and especially the IMMUNE COMPROMISED YOUNG...well, there


> have it. If anyone has seen big gains post clearing up a parasite

> infection can you please e mail us as we are about to begin a month

> long one in our house....cheers.


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Cool...please keep me posted as to your progress. Is the ph level

related to alkaline or acidic stuff...I have heard that cancer cannot

progress or develop in bodies if the blood is very alkaline...can't

get Matt to eat the foods yet that make him alkaline - unless egg

yolks do that trick ;} Sigh...let me know what you learn..we are

going down the HUmaworm trail, minus the fiber in their supps...and

we shall see...


> >

> > Threelac seems to be very successful with many of our kids on the

> > spectrum...we do not use it at this time bc of the FOS and canola

> oil

> > ingredients...but I noticed that one of the ingredients is castor

> > oil...a classic traditional anti parasite/worm remedy...this is

> what

> > used to be given to de worm and prtect from parasites in my

> grandpa's

> > day - routinely, 2 or three times a year...I think this is why


> > particular brand is more helpful to some people than all the

> > others...parasites are being addressed as well as the


> may

> > well be responding to the parasite infections....

> >

> > Most of the common parasites are in everyone and are harmless in

> almost

> > everyone...they come in they go out..alot like the metals in

> healthy

> > systems...they are big trouble only for the immune compromised


> the

> > young...and especially the IMMUNE COMPROMISED YOUNG...well, there

> you

> > have it. If anyone has seen big gains post clearing up a parasite

> > infection can you please e mail us as we are about to begin a


> > long one in our house....cheers.

> >


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