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AKIANE - Indigo Child Inspires Me

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This post is about an Indigo child I found online several years ago.

I was not searching but came across her work by accident. I felt led

and drawn to this special little soul and even sent email. The

purpose of this child, Akiane is clear and powerful and I want to

share her with those who may not have heard of her yet. Her website

receives over one hundred and fifty million hits a year. I can sit

for hours looking at her paintings and reading your poetry. Oddly

even though her poetry seems deeply coded I find myself understanding

them on a such a deep level that I just sob reading some of them. Her

book reveals so much more than her website does and I've put a little

bit below of what I read from free excerpts.


Akiane's mother stated that her four year child was spending more

time in the spiritual world than she was with her family. She gave

detailed accounts of the future of our earth. Also around age four

her mother could not ignore the fact that every time any type of

music was played in the home her daughter cried. One day from

exhaustion of not knowing what to do her mother began sobbing. Akiane

came to her mother and apologized but then began to describe to her

mother why she cried when she heard earth music.

Akiane said, " Mommy please don't cry " , " The music that I hear in

heaven is better than here. This music hurts my ears and my head

really bad, but heavenly music is always gentle. I can't tell you how

different it is from what you hear on earth! It feels like joy, looks

like love, smells like flowers, and dances like butterflies. Music

there is alive! You can even taste it. "

Akiane's day is a little different from other children her age who

are homeschooled. When she wakes each morning she has a drink of

water, exercises, prays, and then she paints.

" And after I paint, I write poetry, " Akiane adds. " And I write

Russian, and then I write and read Lithuanian, after which I read the

Bible. "

When asked how she knows that it's God who is speaking to her, she

replies, " Because I can hear His voice. His voice is quiet and

beautiful. " Although she was 3 at the time, she'll always remember

God's first message to her. " He said, 'You have to do this, and I'll

help you.' He said, 'Now you can help people.' I said, 'Yes, I will.'

But I said it in different words in my mind. I speak through my mind

to Him. "

Akiane also has another dream that she believes God has given her—

only this one is one that she dreams during her waking hours. " I

really want to help needy people in Africa and other places, " she

says. " Especially the Lithuanian people—the 'garbage children' is

what they are called. They live in the garbage, and 2- and 3-year-

olds are being killed for the first place in the food line, " she

says. " Lithuania has the highest suicide rate in the world. They need

help with food and medicine, and a free hospital. I really want to

build a free hospital for them. "

Akiane hopes to fund such projects with the sale of her paintings and

poetry. According to her agent, Akiane soon will embark on a world

tour to raise money for the African AIDS crisis.

" We don't have an answer as to why this is happening. We don't have a

clue, " Forelli Kramarik says about her daughter's unfolding

ministry. " We're just thankful to God. "

But Akiane does seem to have an answer. When her mother asks her why

she thinks she received her gift, the 10-year-old replies: " I have

been blessed by God. And if I'm blessed, there is one reason and one

reason only, and that is to help others. "


I am excited to her book finally in the mail soon!!! I never really

believed completely in these rainbow, crystal children until I found

Akiane's painting and poetry. I hope to one day be able to visit her

art tour and buy a few reproductions of her beautiful paintings. It's

mesmerizing to look at these and know that a child painted them. I

for one will be following this girls gift to humanity for the rest of

my life.

We can't idolize these angels that have been sent to help us but we

can hold onto what they offer to us, hope, faith and courage that our

purpose is far beyond what we can imagine and that God does exist.

I'm pretty hard headed much more like doubting so I am ever

grateful that God is patient in teaching love and in knowing exactly

what each of us needs to get there.


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