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Welcome New Member Drinkwater/ Case History from the UK/IBD?

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Dear ,On behalf of all our members, welcome to our Erythema Nodosum Group! Thanks for sending in your Questionnaire. I have added your information to our "Member Medical History" Files on the Group site and posted it below.You now have Full EN Group privileges.You are receiving Special Notices EN Group emails, and you may also visit the Erythema Nodosum Group Site :http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/erythema_nodosum_Group/ http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/erythema_nodosum_Group/ whenever you like by logging on with your Yahoo ID and secret password.Our Group is Online, and we have quite a few members who live in the UK. I live in Southern California, USA. What concerns me the most is your digestive and visual disturbances. It may indicate Inflammatory Bowel Disease either Crohn's or Ulcerative Colitis. Perhaps a visit to a gastroenterologist might shed some light on the issue. There are, as you know, quite a few related disorders to EN. Often finding the trigger can be a difficult task, but don't give up. We are here to help you and your doctors to solve the riddle and get you into remission.Welcome to our Friendly GroupLove,Idiopathic EN 1968******* Drinkwater's Case History11/07/061. Drinkwater, age 46. 2. London, England. 3. My email address is nuthatch_mins@.... 4. My yahoo ID is nuthatch_mins. 5. My symptoms: I seem to have a chronic form (although I hope it is just going to go away). Symptoms start with eyes, first they itch, then they get blurry (seems to be a slight discharge), then bloodshot, a bit sore. Then red lumps on lower legs, feet. Tender, inflamed, hot, then gradually getting less inflamed and bruised-looking (but not purple). Lower legs and ankles very swollen. Skin then gets itchy and flakes off. Painful joints, knees and ankles, ankles worst affected. Fatigue. At worst I have only been able to hobble slowly with a stick. The latest episode, my joints were not affected, although while my nodules are now getting better I am just starting to have pain in one ankle... I have also had headache and nausea, don't know if they are related. During the most recent episode I also had strange spots on my hands, starting at the same time as the eye sympoms. Eye symptoms can precede nodules by some weeks. 6. Other health conditions: type 2 diabetes. PCOS. 7. Medication for EN: I have only tried NSAIDs which helped a bit with painful joints but not a great deal with any other symptoms. 8 and 9. First definite episode started early February this year and went on until end of June (but I believe I had a mild form last year, possibly continuing into the beginning of this year, and I think I first had the eye symptoms several years ago). It started up again at the beginning of September and is ongoing. 10. I agree. 11. I agree. 12. I think it was Google but could have been on Yahoo because I was using them both at the time. I hope you will accept my application as I'm anxious to see if other people have had similar experiences. My GP does not know a lot about the condition, and although I saw a rheumatologist, it took a long time to get the appointment and the condition seemed to be clearing up. I didn't realise it was coming back so soon. I know it is supposed to last only 6 to 8 weeks, but I had it for five months earlier this year, and am now into the third month of the second episode this year. I know a lot of serious conditions can underly EN and that is worrying me a bit. Is this support group based in UK? Look forward to hearing from you. .

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