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Re: private schools

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Wow Charlene! Is that all? Just get your check book out.... LOL! What are

they smoking when they think that people can afford that.


Abby's mom

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Well, we found a small christian school....and we priced it and to send

3 kids it will only cost 60 dollars a week.........this I think I can

scrape up I hope.....so big changes coming in the next few months.


private schools

Wow I found a private autism school in Colorado springs.


for part time is $18,500 and tuition for full time is $30,000 and all

that includes summer.

You all guessed it they would never have a public school for

autism here in Colorado!!!!


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I am just worried Cheryl will the christian school support your

daughter? We have private christian schools here that are good for the

regular child but for special needs well just doesnt work. Here they

want to kick your child out of school or exclude them because they just dont

have the resources. How will this christian school support your daughter?

If she does odd bizarre behaviors how will they react? Will they kick

her out of school like there allowed to do in private schools in the US?

Lots of questions but I am curious. Charlene

-- RE: private schools

Well, we found a small christian school....and we priced it and to send

3 kids it will only cost 60 dollars a week.........this I think I can

scrape up I hope.....so big changes coming in the next few months.


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I figured to afford that plus mortgage I best be a doctor or a drug

dealer LOLOL. Your right alot of money. Instead of forcing people here

to go on assistance they can place more enphasis on education and people

will not have to go on assistance for help. I may get my check book out

and fly everyone here to Cheryls house for pizza rolls and pepsi LOLOLOL


-- Re: private schools

Wow Charlene! Is that all? Just get your check book out.... LOL! What are

they smoking when they think that people can afford that.


Abby's mom

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went to a typical private Christian school last year. I

loved it. On ' bday I took stuff for a party. After the

teacher had them sing happy bday she had each child say what they

liked most about , while sat at the front of the

class and listened. On the flip side, they said they are not

equipped to deal with special ed because their curriculum moves so

fast. In fact, we're sending Jess to public next year because she

struggled academically. But I sure will miss the Christian teachings

that seemed to be taught and lived by at that school.


> Well, we found a small christian school....and we priced it and to


> 3 kids it will only cost 60 dollars a week.........this I think I


> scrape up I hope.....so big changes coming in the next few months.

> cheryls


> private schools



> Wow I found a private autism school in Colorado springs.

> Tuition

> for part time is $18,500 and tuition for full time is $30,000 and


> that includes summer.

> You all guessed it they would never have a public school


> autism here in Colorado!!!!

> http://www.coloradoinstituteofautism.org/Schoolprograms.html



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Wow Charlene that's pocket change. lol I guess one thing I do have

going for me here in VA is we have a wonderful public special ed pre-

school. Of course after the age of 4 theres only the regular public

schools. I found out this week that Sky will be going there starting

in Sept. for 2 days a week w/a home visit from one of her special ed

teachers 1 time a week. They provide the bus transportation too. I

can't believe I'll be putting my 2 1/2 year old on a bus in a few



> Wow I found a private autism school in Colorado springs.


> for part time is $18,500 and tuition for full time is $30,000 and

all that

> includes summer.

> You all guessed it they would never have a public school

for autism

> here in Colorado!!!!

> http://www.coloradoinstituteofautism.org/Schoolprograms.html



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yah, lets all go to Cheryls house!!!! I'll bring the diet pepsi!!!


> I figured to afford that plus mortgage I best be a doctor or a

> drug

> dealer LOLOL. Your right alot of money. Instead of forcing

> people here

> to go on assistance they can place more enphasis on education and

> people

> will not have to go on assistance for help. I may get my check

> book out

> and fly everyone here to Cheryls house for pizza rolls and pepsi


> Charlene


> -- Re: private schools


> Wow Charlene! Is that all? Just get your check book out.... LOL! What

> are

> they smoking when they think that people can afford that.


> Pennie

> Abby's mom




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I think it depends on the teacher. For example, 's

kindergarten teacher had her first job working in a therapeutic

nursery for sexually abused preschoolers, then worked in K-5 school

in the worst projects in Knoxville. Even though she teaches at a

private Christian school now, she could not get enough hearing about

Allie and what we are doing for her. Her father told me that as a

child (they were a missionary family who lived in Africa) that

Becky, 's teacher, became best friends with a disabled girl

in the village. In addition, I would watch how they handled " problem

children " of " typical functioning " . They were always very loving and

seemed to really try to work with the child on individual struggles.

And, they tied it all in to Christ's teachings, which is all about

Love and acceptance, anyway.


> I am just worried Cheryl will the christian school

support your

> daughter? We have private christian schools here that are good

for the

> regular child but for special needs well just doesnt work.

Here they

> want to kick your child out of school or exclude them because they

just dont

> have the resources. How will this christian school support your


> If she does odd bizarre behaviors how will they react? Will

they kick

> her out of school like there allowed to do in private schools in

the US?

> Lots of questions but I am curious. Charlene


> -- RE: private schools


> Well, we found a small christian school....and we priced it and to


> 3 kids it will only cost 60 dollars a week.........this I think I


> scrape up I hope.....so big changes coming in the next few months.

> cheryls



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Yes, I have thought of all this in regards to Hannah as well, but I have

2 NT kids that I must think about as well. If it was just hannah I would

move to the other side of the world if I knew I could find a school who

would do her wonders.....but I don’t and I can’t. As far as I am

concerned Hannah isn’t doing well academically in the public

system...they have just decided she can’t keep up, so they are just

giving her what they think she can do.......no real challenge at all. I

convinced them to give her a much harder home reader to try.....and she

is doing real well, with me sitting with her and reading it..so I am

glad I told them to give her a try. If this school change means that I

have to be at the school nearly every day.......then at school I will

be. My youngest starts school next year too......so at least I can be at

the school without leaving him at home with dad. It is so hard trying to

decide what is best for each of my kids........we shall know more after

we see the principal on Tuesday. cherylS

private schools



> Wow I found a private autism school in Colorado springs.

> Tuition for part time is $18,500 and tuition for full time is $30,000

> and


> that includes summer.

> You all guessed it they would never have a public school


> autism here in Colorado!!!!

> http://www.coloradoinstituteofautism.org/Schoolprograms.html



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Hey better wait till this house sells.......and they tell me that brick

houses are out of fashion at the moment......so we may never

sell.....hahahaha, and I better get the other house built.....which

could take awhile as the developer thinks we are going to buy the 3

acres without electricity and phone........haha, has he got a shock

coming......our lawyer knows what he is on about.........but when it is

all done.....sure, come on over, I will throw you in the field with the

horse my 10 year insists on getting. CherylS

Re: private schools

Wow Charlene! Is that all? Just get your check book out.... LOL! What


they smoking when they think that people can afford that.


Abby's mom

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Yes, you have a point........well, they tell me they have 3 aspergers

kids already...where as Hannah isn’t aspergers......and there is a

difference, I don’t care what anyone says..and they have a down syndrome

child as well, we shall have an idea after Tuesday when we go and see

the principal.....we are taking all the kids with us.......so he can see

her. I have been asking around, and it seems that christian schools here

get the money from the same source, so if Hannah is getting 12 hours a

week in public.....she should be able to retain this in private.....i am

hoping and praying anyway..if not, it maybe a mummy over the fence each

morning, this is why we bought the land bordering onto the school, and I

have to think of my other 2 kids...it is so hard when you have a mixed

bunch. cherylS

RE: private schools

Well, we found a small christian school....and we priced it and to send

3 kids it will only cost 60 dollars a week.........this I think I can

scrape up I hope.....so big changes coming in the next few months.


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Diet pepsi............you have to be joking.....i want the real

thing,.....Coke!! cheryl

Re: private schools


> Wow Charlene! Is that all? Just get your check book out.... LOL! What

> are

> they smoking when they think that people can afford that.


> Pennie

> Abby's mom




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Cheryl, what do you mean a mummy over the fence each morning? this is

somewhat scary to me, and it to not match in the rest of you words in you

post so am not to be sure what this means in you post.


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That is great Cheryl See I have never seen a private religious

school take on special needs children. So if this one does they may do

wonders for your daughter too!!


-- RE: private schools

Yes, you have a point........well, they tell me they have 3 aspergers

kids already...where as Hannah isn’t aspergers......and there is a

difference, I don’t care what anyone says..and they have a down syndrome

child as well, we shall have an idea after Tuesday when we go and see

the principal.....we are taking all the kids with us.......so he can see

her. I have been asking around, and it seems that christian schools here

get the money from the same source, so if Hannah is getting 12 hours a

week in public.....she should be able to retain this in private.....i am

hoping and praying anyway..if not, it maybe a mummy over the fence each

morning, this is why we bought the land bordering onto the school, and I

have to think of my other 2 kids...it is so hard when you have a mixed

bunch. cherylS

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Wendie when I took michelle to preschool in Anchorage at age 3

for 4 days a week I thought she would be upset. The only one upset with

tears was me as just ran on that bus and looked out the window

smiling. Well good some services. Transportation is a biggie gives you

some free time. Only two days a week is a start but its not enough.

Raton New Mexico only did two days a week also for 3 year olds. So

Virginias program matches New Mexico. Alaska however had it 4 days a week

2 1/2 hour days. Pemberton New Jersey had it 5 days a week 2 1/2 hour

days for mild and severe had it 5 days a week 6 hour days for there

preschool. No kidding. I feel the school she is going too in Virginia is

inadequate but but but its a start and in our situations beggers can not be

choosy LOLOLOL> Now I like to hear how a teacher will be going to the

home once a week. They did not have that in New Mexico. How much OT

and speech will Sky get? Charlene

-- Re: private schools

Wow Charlene that's pocket change. lol I guess one thing I do have

going for me here in VA is we have a wonderful public special ed pre-

school. Of course after the age of 4 theres only the regular public

schools. I found out this week that Sky will be going there starting

in Sept. for 2 days a week w/a home visit from one of her special ed

teachers 1 time a week. They provide the bus transportation too. I

can't believe I'll be putting my 2 1/2 year old on a bus in a few




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I am so gald you were able to find such a good teacher for Allie.

That does not happen everyday. Is it possible to never give this teacher


When we first got to Colorado in oct 2000, the local district only

had 2 1/2 hour kindergarten and my NT son was used to all day kindergarten.

So I went to Trinidad Catholic. There they denied enrollment due

to her needs and was excepted. One day towards the end of school he

was in the cafeteria. Well they do not let them go to the bathroom on

demand and well you know how 5 year olds are dont have to go now but

have to go two minutes from now. So he had to go cocoa and was afraid to

ask. The smell in the cafeteria got so bad they discovered what he did in

no time. They yelled at him and sent him to the office. The office

couldnt get ahold of me. I had no phone and was busy with the delivery of

our house (the one were in now). they made a 5 year old boy sit on a hard

wood bench in feces in the hallway for 2 1/2 hours. Then they proceeded

to yell at me when I came to pick him up. Took me a while to catch on to

what they were upset about because they didnt talk just yelled. I took

into the bathroom had him clean himself up. Took his underwear off

and kept pants on. See its much better to had no underwear on then feces

underwear. I have been turned off of religious private schools since.


-- Re: private schools

went to a typical private Christian school last year. I

loved it. On ' bday I took stuff for a party. After the

teacher had them sing happy bday she had each child say what they

liked most about , while sat at the front of the

class and listened. On the flip side, they said they are not

equipped to deal with special ed because their curriculum moves so

fast. In fact, we're sending Jess to public next year because she

struggled academically. But I sure will miss the Christian teachings

that seemed to be taught and lived by at that school.


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Sondra in the UK and Australia sometimes they speak english

differently then ours. For example lemonade here is like 7-up there and

so forth. anyway I know that mum or mummy is mom or mommy here. Our

english is a slang


-- Re: private schools

Cheryl, what do you mean a mummy over the fence each morning? this is

somewhat scary to me, and it to not match in the rest of you words in you

post so am not to be sure what this means in you post.


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Charlene trying to learn of things but what do this mean? " So he had to go

cocoa and was afraid to

ask " . Not sure what hot cocoa to mean in this? Do hims school give hot

cocoa in the mornings and such but he wasn't allowed to have any and afraid

to ask for it? Not sure why you son was not allowed to have it if other

children's were unless you have hims on diet.


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So mummy means mom, but then what do she mean by a mom over the fence each

day. why does she go over the fence, why does she not just go into the

building front door. Just little confused.

Sometimes words are such a challenge as they seem to mean less and less of

what they say, but more and more of what they do not say.


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Sondra I cant spell. I met he had to take a feces go to the

bathroom. They always had the children go to the bathroom before lunch

and you were only allowed to once and couldnt go again until two hours

later. I cant spell right and didnt want to say the SH word (shit) LOL


-- Re: Re: private schools

Charlene trying to learn of things but what do this mean? " So he had to go

cocoa and was afraid to

ask " . Not sure what hot cocoa to mean in this? Do hims school give hot

cocoa in the mornings and such but he wasn't allowed to have any and afraid

to ask for it? Not sure why you son was not allowed to have it if other

children's were unless you have hims on diet.


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Well, the teacher I was talking about wasn't Allie's, but 's,

my oldest NT child. Jess went to private Christian school and Jess's

teacher was the one so interested in Allie's development/treatment,

but they also worked very hard with kids who had behavioral issues

at the school. I was very blessed, I had 2 great teachers for each

of my kids.


> I am so gald you were able to find such a good teacher for


> That does not happen everyday. Is it possible to never give

this teacher

> up?

> When we first got to Colorado in oct 2000, the local

district only

> had 2 1/2 hour kindergarten and my NT son was used to all day


> So I went to Trinidad Catholic. There they denied

enrollment due

> to her needs and was excepted. One day towards the end of

school he

> was in the cafeteria. Well they do not let them go to the

bathroom on

> demand and well you know how 5 year olds are dont have to go

now but

> have to go two minutes from now. So he had to go cocoa and was

afraid to

> ask. The smell in the cafeteria got so bad they discovered what

he did in

> no time. They yelled at him and sent him to the office. The


> couldnt get ahold of me. I had no phone and was busy with the

delivery of

> our house (the one were in now). they made a 5 year old boy sit

on a hard

> wood bench in feces in the hallway for 2 1/2 hours. Then they


> to yell at me when I came to pick him up. Took me a while to

catch on to

> what they were upset about because they didnt talk just yelled.

I took

> into the bathroom had him clean himself up. Took his

underwear off

> and kept pants on. See its much better to had no underwear on

then feces

> underwear. I have been turned off of religious private schools


> Charlene


> -- Re: private schools


> went to a typical private Christian school last year. I

> loved it. On ' bday I took stuff for a party. After the

> teacher had them sing happy bday she had each child say what they

> liked most about , while sat at the front of the

> class and listened. On the flip side, they said they are not

> equipped to deal with special ed because their curriculum moves so

> fast. In fact, we're sending Jess to public next year because she

> struggled academically. But I sure will miss the Christian


> that seemed to be taught and lived by at that school.


> Debi





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First thing in the morning. I am flying everyone first class!!!

Dont worry money is no option LOL

-- Re: private schools

When's my flight leave Charlene? LOL


Abby's Mom

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