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Re: treatments

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You have the right to demand to know the reason that so far, with 3 letters of approval or release from the psych doc you have not been allowed to treat. I would demand that they treat me if I were you and I wanted to treat or file a complaint with the AMA and find another doc,, thats not right! STEPHANIE COFFEE wrote: I have been seeing my liver doctor going on 4 years and they will not put me on the treatment until they get something from my therapist stating that I will continue seeking counseling while on the tx. My counselor has written 3 different letters and each one he was not satisfied with. I go back to the liver clinic March 4th and he is aa new doctor so I am hoping that he will get me started on the tx asap. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. Jackie

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My mom and I do not get along at all. I use to be a mommy's girl. When I turned 16 and she met up with my sister's dad that is when things went down the hill. When I told my mom that I had hep. C, she treated me like i had aids, did not let my sister come around me for awhile. I think she went and asked somebody about it and they gave her a better perspective of the diease. My point is my own mother hurt my feelings by the way she acted instead of giving me support. Till this day she still treays me diffrent.

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