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the K stuff vs the goldberg take...

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K suggests protein meal at the end of the day, enzymes are fine, but

he wasn't into supping hydrochloric acid though Candless McBride did

this in GAPs strategy...he told me most kids are def in hydrochloric

acid, autism or not, and their digestion is mostly enzymatic - supp

enzymes per him. Golberg's diet is pretty loose and when it works,

per K it is bc he is taking out aall the allergens and immune

stressers - the rest is the drugs - ssris are used in IBS treatment,

he has no opinion re the virals bc that isn;t his area, and rx

antifungals are sometimes nec when systemic yeast is a problem, but

diet and those rx should be sufficient - so the fact they they are

not in our kids is the autoimmune element of the puzzle that he

conceeds must be Golber's thing bc that works - diet rxs and

normalizing stools in kids who are sick with gut stuff. he says

probiotics at the beg of the day on an empty stomache after hydro c

and before other foods or drinks that will trigger peristaltic

response and set deiegstion and all the juioces that go with it in

motion. No snacks, don't over hydrate with liquids that make you pee

all your minerals away, some fiber from whole and healthy foods once

inflammation and stooling are under control - avoid processed foods

lots of sugar too many carbs and overfeeding fruits and veggies until

gut is really strong and healthy again or you risk a relapse of

symptoms...most vits and supps jsust get peed away or passed

undigested and unabsorbed in those with weak guts...he likes the idea

of Stan's mb12, nasal spray or shots, Goldberg hates the stuff as he

thinks it givews a fake perk that masks the fact that kids are still

sick and viruses are still injuring...hope htis helps that is the

difference in advice and info we are getting from these two guys both

of whom conceed that the other guy is " very smart " but each thinks

the other is missing important and crucial stuff of course...arrrgh.


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