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Re: What in the Wild Universe?

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Thank you for this my lovely Ali. Everyone I know around me are being effected by this in so many ways. Especially by dreams. Even 's been having some crazy dreams! Also emotionally very strongly. Understanding what's going on with Mercury and the Diamond portal really helps. I'm still sending you love and energy to help you get through. So much love to you, you beautiful, gorgeous, talented, wise, and compassionate e-mama you! Stef>> There has been so much speculation of late as to what is going on here,> there, with Mr. X or Mrs. Y, with the Self, with the Universe. Many are> presently suffering from wild vacillations in mood, hunger, sleep,> etc…thus making living daily life a bit more of a challenge. There> are many reasons which are well documented about all the phenomena that> are simultaneously transpiring in the Universe and here on Earth, so I> will not reiterate the majority of what is being offered save a brief> synopsis.> > Presently we sit with the uncomfortable if not outright nasty> astrological imposition of Mercury being in Retrograde which messes up> communication, occasionally even unto the point of culminating in utter> madness. On the plus side – since nothing in the Universe is> without balance – there is the potential for previous> misunderstandings to be aired and cleared or things which should have> been resolved or communicated and not can be done with more clarity at> this time. Either way, Mercury Retrograde is a time of complete> opposite possibilities. This period will end roughly on October 26th> and will not occur again for the duration of the remainder of the year.> > On top of that we are now nearing the time of the year when the "Veil"> is thinning (which thins by the greatest degree on Halloween/Samhain/All> Hallows Eve) which means the 4th dimension is closer than its usual> three feet above and from the 3rd dimension in which we presently> physical reside. This also has interesting energetic ramifications> including increased paranormal incidences reported.> > Lastly, we are currently coping with the opening of the Diamond Portal> which has thrown many into the energetic and emotional "wild ride" they> are experiencing presently. The Diamond Portal opening is, in essence,> the Universe's way of allowing energetic vibrations to attempt to> balance out even as we raise the collective vibration thereby expediting> the process of DNA Recoding occurring naturally within each one of us;> known and accepted to us or not. The Diamond Portal shift is slated to> "close" so to speak roughly around the full moon which is on October> 26th. (Note: Don't forget that each full or new moon cycle runs three> days total – one day before, the day of, and the day following the> calendar date of the full moon.)> > In the midst of much energetic issues there has been an increase of> those issues we deal with individually as well as collectively. For> example relative to the person, if one suffers from an over-developed> ego they may suddenly feel a shift into wondering about themselves, or,> conversely, they may become even more defensive about their position. > Equally, the being who sits primarily in fear may now be experiencing a> renewed sense (heightened) of what they fear most or, conversely, they> may be feeling stronger in the face of issues which once found them> stagnated. Regardless of which case may suit, this is a most confusing> time in that case only serving to make the process of moving forward a> bit more confounding and challenging; or so many have reported to me.> > For me, this has culminated in a couple of issues on a personal level. > I have experienced some of the greatest moments of pure and utter love> and joy only to then crash to the lowest low. Food has been neither> palatable nor have I been able to keep food in my system long enough to> benefit from the intake. In regards to sleep patterns, I have also> experienced a horrific bout of insomnia where I sleep a mere two to> three hours at most, and, even though utterly exhausted, I am unable to> continue sleeping. (Now, thankfully, that has balanced itself out again> for the greatest part for me and things are returning to "normal".)> > The exact opposites have reportedly been experienced by some friends of> mine; they can neither eat nor sleep enough. Everything, so it is said,> is based largely upon the energetic vibration of each individual and> what they "need" or "have" to bring to the Grid of this dimension during> this phase (The Diamond Portal opening).> > Remember, beautiful family and friends, this is simply a synopsis of the> general "what" is going on in the Universe and in this dimension> presently. There is always room for deeper exploration should you wish> it. Much information is available, some is great, some not so great;> trust your intuition and enjoy learning!> > Namaste. Much Metta. :: deep bow of honor and respect for all ::> ~Ali~>

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I want to 2nd that thank you that wonderful Stefanie fave to you

sweet Ali. Indeed there has been so much change, and Mercury is my

birth signs planet, so wow! I have also been feeling many

differences in my thinking on the physical level, like Stef's beau

. My dreams all also very lucid, and emotionally charged dreams

mainly of my past. This is such a great help, dear. I am also glad

you are feeling a bit better, you give so much to me and all here in

this family. You truly are a wonderfully special, compassionate, and

I could go on, hehe I just love you so very much, and I am sending

love and light to you also! Your other e-daughter *wink and

smile*, LUNA ;)

> >

> > There has been so much speculation of late as to what is going on

> here,

> > there, with Mr. X or Mrs. Y, with the Self, with the Universe.


> are

> > presently suffering from wild vacillations in mood, hunger, sleep,

> > etc…thus making living daily life a bit more of a challenge.

> There

> > are many reasons which are well documented about all the phenomena

> that

> > are simultaneously transpiring in the Universe and here on Earth,

so I

> > will not reiterate the majority of what is being offered save a


> > synopsis.

> >

> > Presently we sit with the uncomfortable if not outright nasty

> > astrological imposition of Mercury being in Retrograde which

messes up

> > communication, occasionally even unto the point of culminating in

> utter

> > madness. On the plus side – since nothing in the Universe is

> > without balance – there is the potential for previous

> > misunderstandings to be aired and cleared or things which should


> > been resolved or communicated and not can be done with more

clarity at

> > this time. Either way, Mercury Retrograde is a time of complete

> > opposite possibilities. This period will end roughly on October


> > and will not occur again for the duration of the remainder of the

> year.

> >

> > On top of that we are now nearing the time of the year when

the " Veil "

> > is thinning (which thins by the greatest degree on

> Halloween/Samhain/All

> > Hallows Eve) which means the 4th dimension is closer than its


> > three feet above and from the 3rd dimension in which we presently

> > physical reside. This also has interesting energetic


> > including increased paranormal incidences reported.

> >

> > Lastly, we are currently coping with the opening of the Diamond


> > which has thrown many into the energetic and emotional " wild ride "

> they

> > are experiencing presently. The Diamond Portal opening is, in

> essence,

> > the Universe's way of allowing energetic vibrations to attempt to

> > balance out even as we raise the collective vibration thereby

> expediting

> > the process of DNA Recoding occurring naturally within each one

of us;

> > known and accepted to us or not. The Diamond Portal shift is


> to

> > " close " so to speak roughly around the full moon which is on


> > 26th. (Note: Don't forget that each full or new moon cycle runs

> three

> > days total – one day before, the day of, and the day following the

> > calendar date of the full moon.)

> >

> > In the midst of much energetic issues there has been an increase


> > those issues we deal with individually as well as collectively.


> > example relative to the person, if one suffers from an over-


> > ego they may suddenly feel a shift into wondering about


> or,

> > conversely, they may become even more defensive about their


> > Equally, the being who sits primarily in fear may now be


> a

> > renewed sense (heightened) of what they fear most or, conversely,


> > may be feeling stronger in the face of issues which once found


> > stagnated. Regardless of which case may suit, this is a most

> confusing

> > time in that case only serving to make the process of moving

forward a

> > bit more confounding and challenging; or so many have reported to


> >

> > For me, this has culminated in a couple of issues on a personal


> > I have experienced some of the greatest moments of pure and utter


> > and joy only to then crash to the lowest low. Food has been


> > palatable nor have I been able to keep food in my system long


> to

> > benefit from the intake. In regards to sleep patterns, I have


> > experienced a horrific bout of insomnia where I sleep a mere two


> > three hours at most, and, even though utterly exhausted, I am


> to

> > continue sleeping. (Now, thankfully, that has balanced itself out

> again

> > for the greatest part for me and things are returning

to " normal " .)

> >

> > The exact opposites have reportedly been experienced by some


> of

> > mine; they can neither eat nor sleep enough. Everything, so it is

> said,

> > is based largely upon the energetic vibration of each individual


> > what they " need " or " have " to bring to the Grid of this dimension

> during

> > this phase (The Diamond Portal opening).

> >

> > Remember, beautiful family and friends, this is simply a synopsis


> the

> > general " what " is going on in the Universe and in this dimension

> > presently. There is always room for deeper exploration should you

> wish

> > it. Much information is available, some is great, some not so


> > trust your intuition and enjoy learning!

> >

> > Namaste. Much Metta. :: deep bow of honor and respect for all ::

> > ~Ali~

> >


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