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Commentary on The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity

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Dear Friends,

I found a nice article on POnder's book: " The Dynamic Laws

of Prosperity " and I'm posting it below. She's a retired Unity

minister. Her books are simple and easy to follow. I rank her along

with Louise Hay and Iyanla Vanzant as simply being so inspiring.

You can find more articles on various success/prosperity authors if

you follow this link:


In light and love,


The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity



In 1958, when America was in a recession, members of

Ponder's Unity Church congregation were asking her for guidance on how

to get through it. She started giving prosperity classes, teaching

that prosperity was first and foremost a state of mind; a mindset of

lack could only manifest negative results.

Many members experienced dramatic turnarounds: unexpected raises,

promotions, debts paid - yet what struck Ponder was how many people

wondered whether it was 'right' to seek prosperity i.e. whether it was

consistent with spiritual values. Didn't the Bible say, " You cannot

serve God and Mammon " ( 6:24)? Ponder responded to the first

question by making a distinction: Mammon is wealth that is worshipped

for its own sake; it is wealth without God. Prosperity thinking, on

the other hand, puts God first as the source of our supply. She agreed

that Jesus had told a wealthy man to go and sell everything he had,

but it was because he was still attached to his riches; he did not yet

recognise God as the source of his supply.

The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity is generally considered Ponder's

classic work, a carefully and compassionately written compendium of

the secrets and techniques of prosperity. Following is a sample of her


Desire + visualization & affirmation = success

The brain works in terms of mental images, Ponder writes, and whatever

images it has are likely to become reality. You can, therefore,

literally see your way to success. When you create prosperous images

from scratch, don't be 'reasonable', think big. Project thoughts of

increase onto others, and you will find that they do prosper in health

and monetary terms. Send positive thoughts to those who you are in

conflict with, and watch them soften their stance. That this could

work may at first seem incredible, but is simply an extension of the

'speaking well of others' that you were taught to do as a child.

Ponder tells of a man who " dared to write out hundreds of times how he

wished things to be, rather than fretting about how they appeared at

the moment. " The man was not deluded, but simply 'affirming his good'

i.e. making firm a desire through the power of speech or writing.

Desires are healthy, Ponder says - they are like God knocking upon the

door of our mind, the means by which we can develop our full

potential. You cannot expect to be successful, Ponder says, when you

" idly drift in a stream of small events and small expectations. "

Prosperity is circulation

To attract prosperity, don't ever think about yourself as poor or say

that you can't afford something. Count your blessings, focus on

abundance, look only for opportunities. If you don't have something

that you desire, use the 'vacuum law' of prosperity and make room for

it by throwing out old goods. Make way for growth.

Ponder talks in terms of radiation and attraction i.e. the thoughts

that we give out coming back to us in some form. We engage in

radiation and attraction all the time, but because we are not properly

aware of it we don't see the error in radiating thoughts of negativity

and lack. A person trained in prosperity thinking will be very careful

to only think thoughts of prosperity, knowing that only these can

attract success back to them. Appreciate the prosperity principle that

you've got to give to get. You should expect the very best in life,

but you must " give full measure for the good you wish to receive " in

advance. Emerson's famous essay 'Compensation' highlighted this basic

law of prosperity.

The practice of tithing, she argues, puts us in tune with the

universal law of circulation. Many people think it old-fashioned, but

giving away the first tenth of your income demonstrates to yourself

that the universe is an abundant place and that you are returning some

of it to its source in acknowledgement - " just as the farmer returns

one-tenth of his seed for soil enrichment " . Between 1855 and 1934,

D Rockefeller gave away over $500 million, and when asked why,

his standard line was " God gave me my money. " Ponder also recalls the

words of Moses: " Thou shalt remember Jehovah thy God, for it is He

that giveth thee power to get wealth " . (Deuteronomy 8:18)

The key point about tithing is that it is systematic giving, not the

ad hoc giving we normally associate with charity. In systematically

giving the first 10% of whatever you earn, you'll discover that the

remaining money goes further, and that the universe will want to

systematically give back to you.

How to see money

People often have a funny attitude about money, Ponder says. They are

quick to say that money doesn't mean a lot to them, but spend their

lives working to get it. Why not admit that money is important, and

that it is basic to living a good life, wonderful if rightly used?

Money reacts to your attitudes about it, Ponder says, therefore think

well of it and admire what it can do, and you are much more likely to

enjoy more of it. See it as a tyrant, and it will be so. Continually

remind yourself of the relationship between money and thought. Think

of and expect lavish abundance for the day ahead when you wake up in

the morning. You may be surprised at what happens.

Ponder includes a fascinating reference to Einstein who she says shook

up the scientific world by proving that 'substance' (or energy - the

unformed) is convertible with matter (the formed, which includes

money). Einstein showed that the physical and non-physical worlds are

convertible and interchangeable. Prosperity thinking acknowledges the

connection between the invisible 'substance' or energy that makes up

the universe and your thoughts. By connecting the two, you have

greater control over the creation of matter.

Final word

If you are an academic Bible scholar you may not agree with Ponder's

interpretation of Biblical stories, but you will read this book for

inspiration and for its quiet good sense about thinking prosperously.

The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity may be one of the more unusual success

classics, but could be the most valuable to you if you are willing of

have an open mind. (The chapter on overcoming debt may alone justify

the price of the book.) Consider it a spiritual complement to the more

'nuts and bolts' books on financial success.

Read the full commentary in 50 Success Classics by Tom -Bowdon.

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Thank you, you can never have too much reading material to set you on the path of your goals. I am not new to this, but it is nice to read new authors that I haven't discovered yet.

Hope you day goes well...

Commentary on "The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity"

Dear Friends,I found a nice article on POnder's book: "The Dynamic Lawsof Prosperity" and I'm posting it below. She's a retired Unityminister. Her books are simple and easy to follow. I rank her alongwith Louise Hay and Iyanla Vanzant as simply being so inspiring.You can find more articles on various success/prosperity authors ifyou follow this link:http://www.butler-bowdon.com/dynamic-laws-of-prosperity.htmlIn light and love,===========The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity(1962) PonderIn 1958, when America was in a recession, members of Ponder's Unity Church congregation were asking her for guidance on howto get through it. She started giving prosperity classes, teachingthat prosperity was first and foremost a state of mind; a mindset oflack could only manifest negative results.Many members experienced dramatic turnarounds: unexpected raises,promotions, debts paid - yet what struck Ponder was how many peoplewondered whether it was 'right' to seek prosperity i.e. whether it wasconsistent with spiritual values. Didn't the Bible say, "You cannotserve God and Mammon" ( 6:24)? Ponder responded to the firstquestion by making a distinction: Mammon is wealth that is worshippedfor its own sake; it is wealth without God. Prosperity thinking, onthe other hand, puts God first as the source of our supply. She agreedthat Jesus had told a wealthy man to go and sell everything he had,but it was because he was still attached to his riches; he did not yetrecognise God as the source of his supply.The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity is generally considered Ponder'sclassic work, a carefully and compassionately written compendium ofthe secrets and techniques of prosperity. Following is a sample of herideas.Desire + visualization & affirmation = successThe brain works in terms of mental images, Ponder writes, and whateverimages it has are likely to become reality. You can, therefore,literally see your way to success. When you create prosperous imagesfrom scratch, don't be 'reasonable', think big. Project thoughts ofincrease onto others, and you will find that they do prosper in healthand monetary terms. Send positive thoughts to those who you are inconflict with, and watch them soften their stance. That this couldwork may at first seem incredible, but is simply an extension of the'speaking well of others' that you were taught to do as a child.Ponder tells of a man who "dared to write out hundreds of times how hewished things to be, rather than fretting about how they appeared atthe moment." The man was not deluded, but simply 'affirming his good'i.e. making firm a desire through the power of speech or writing.Desires are healthy, Ponder says - they are like God knocking upon thedoor of our mind, the means by which we can develop our fullpotential. You cannot expect to be successful, Ponder says, when you"idly drift in a stream of small events and small expectations."Prosperity is circulationTo attract prosperity, don't ever think about yourself as poor or saythat you can't afford something. Count your blessings, focus onabundance, look only for opportunities. If you don't have somethingthat you desire, use the 'vacuum law' of prosperity and make room forit by throwing out old goods. Make way for growth.Ponder talks in terms of radiation and attraction i.e. the thoughtsthat we give out coming back to us in some form. We engage inradiation and attraction all the time, but because we are not properlyaware of it we don't see the error in radiating thoughts of negativityand lack. A person trained in prosperity thinking will be very carefulto only think thoughts of prosperity, knowing that only these canattract success back to them. Appreciate the prosperity principle thatyou've got to give to get. You should expect the very best in life,but you must "give full measure for the good you wish to receive" inadvance. Emerson's famous essay 'Compensation' highlighted this basiclaw of prosperity.The practice of tithing, she argues, puts us in tune with theuniversal law of circulation. Many people think it old-fashioned, butgiving away the first tenth of your income demonstrates to yourselfthat the universe is an abundant place and that you are returning someof it to its source in acknowledgement - "just as the farmer returnsone-tenth of his seed for soil enrichment". Between 1855 and 1934, D Rockefeller gave away over $500 million, and when asked why,his standard line was "God gave me my money." Ponder also recalls thewords of Moses: "Thou shalt remember Jehovah thy God, for it is Hethat giveth thee power to get wealth". (Deuteronomy 8:18)The key point about tithing is that it is systematic giving, not thead hoc giving we normally associate with charity. In systematicallygiving the first 10% of whatever you earn, you'll discover that theremaining money goes further, and that the universe will want tosystematically give back to you.How to see moneyPeople often have a funny attitude about money, Ponder says. They arequick to say that money doesn't mean a lot to them, but spend theirlives working to get it. Why not admit that money is important, andthat it is basic to living a good life, wonderful if rightly used?Money reacts to your attitudes about it, Ponder says, therefore thinkwell of it and admire what it can do, and you are much more likely toenjoy more of it. See it as a tyrant, and it will be so. Continuallyremind yourself of the relationship between money and thought. Thinkof and expect lavish abundance for the day ahead when you wake up inthe morning. You may be surprised at what happens.Ponder includes a fascinating reference to Einstein who she says shookup the scientific world by proving that 'substance' (or energy - theunformed) is convertible with matter (the formed, which includesmoney). Einstein showed that the physical and non-physical worlds areconvertible and interchangeable. Prosperity thinking acknowledges theconnection between the invisible 'substance' or energy that makes upthe universe and your thoughts. By connecting the two, you havegreater control over the creation of matter.Final wordIf you are an academic Bible scholar you may not agree with Ponder'sinterpretation of Biblical stories, but you will read this book forinspiration and for its quiet good sense about thinking prosperously.The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity may be one of the more unusual successclassics, but could be the most valuable to you if you are willing ofhave an open mind. (The chapter on overcoming debt may alone justifythe price of the book.) Consider it a spiritual complement to the more'nuts and bolts' books on financial success.Read the full commentary in 50 Success Classics by Tom -Bowdon.More Details

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