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FWD: The Heart of Love: Inner Clearing For More Love

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Inner Clearing For More Love

by and Peck

How can inner clearing lead to having more love in your life?

Inner clearing is the work we do – inside our own thinking and

living – that creates the space, vacuum and opportunity for more love

to flow into our lives. You deserve this.

When our lives are clogged – physically, mentally or emotionally – we

stay stuck. Stuck in our stories. Our stories are where we were

victimized by someone or by a negative circumstance. We tend to

repeat and rehearse our stories about particular events or persons

that victimized us because we can't seem to clear it. There's an

emotional component to our stories as well with negative feelings

which won't easily leave – pain, regret, remorse, guilt, shame,

resentment or anger. This is a far cry from the love we deserve!

Inner clearing is the willingness to look deeply into our lives for

healing that enables us to transcend our challenges and make room for

more love. Once the negative energies or feelings have cleared,

the " story " becomes inactive and we are free to experience love. In

Feng Shui, the Chinese art of energy clearing, it is believed that

clearing negative energies opens up " chi, " energies which are life

enhancing in many wonderful ways for health, creativity, prosperity

and love.

Here's a very personal and real " inner clearing " healing in 's

life. For several years, he had an eye problem that caused him

enormous sensitivity and intense pain with any light. For long

periods, it put him out of commission. He was not even able to drive.

And there was constant pain. We spent many hours in healing prayer.

's expectation of total healing (natural for her as full-time

spiritual healer) was almost surprising to , given the scope of

what seemed almost hopeless to him. He was more concerned with what

he'd do if he became permanently blind. We read a lot from 's

book Love Heals for inspiration. It helped to remember his

innate oneness with love. Because the healing was not quick, he was

forced to examine what needed healing " behind the obvious. " This

inner examination brought to the surface the need to let go of a long-

standing habit of holding negative, judgmental thoughts of him and

some others. He also realized that it had been an unconscious habit

to deeply take on other's suffering or something he might have done

to cause someone else even minor suffering. You could call this

sympathetic empathy verses compassionate empathy. This inner clearing

forced to completely shift his life energy pattern of go, go,

go at light speed to one of much more settled, flowing, peaceful

energy at love's speed.

Today, 's life is transformed. His entire energy has

dramatically shifted. He peacefully moves from one focus to another

without stress or push. And his eye, the surface healing, is fine. He

now plays golf in the bright sunshine with complete ease and joy.

Most of all, he is " living " in a more natural flow of love. Yes,

still accomplishing lots of gigantic things, but constantly putting

off doing things when the moment could be better spent doing

something or nothing, more peacefully. Isn't this a great example of

inner clearing.

So just like , whatever pain or challenge you are facing in your

life is a giant calling for inner clearing. And you can do it.

Actually, that's the first step, to admit the possibility of healing

and inner clearing. Just this expectation begins to loosen the grip

of your " story. " Let the love flow.

So take a deep look at your life right now, but through love's eyes.

Think about what's happened in your life. Of course there are regrets

and things you wished you had done, or not done. Many things have not

turned out the way you expected.

Now, be willing to love yourself enough to clear and release the

things that come up for you. Look at yourself and your past, through

Love's eyes, with a massive amount of forgiveness and unconditional

love. Let all the negative feelings clear, especially the ones that

tell you that you are a failure or a bad person. Let yourself off the

hook. Yes, right now. Why not? This is in your hands. You alone can

give you this gift of inner clearing for your past. Start the motion

of inner clearing and feel the energy of love guiding you. Every time

the old stories (and their accompanying negative feelings) come to

mind, make the decision that you are going to clear them by loving

yourself. It's time to let it go. You don't live there any more. You

are not even that same person you were then as you are today. Make

room to be who you are today and love yourself in this moment because

you deserve it. Remember, this is love's desire for you and this is

the life you deserve. This is the path of inner clearing that moves

you toward greater love.

Welcome to the heart of love.

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