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My twins were referred to CFISD by ECI in 2/2005 when they turned 3

with an initial speech delay diagnosis. They had been diagnosed with

Autism in December 2003 by Stanford University Hospital in California

prior to us moving to Houston. Both twins were also diagnosed with

Autism by the district in 4/2005 and had been attending PPCD services

half days in addition to their enrollment in a private, not-for-profit

school in Houston, also half days. One of them mainstreamed into public

kindergarten with the help of a shadow (prior to being his shadow she

had been the para-professional in his PPCD class) at the beginning of

schoolyear 07/08 while my other is still attending the non-profit

private school. Because of the longer school day at his pivate school

he no longer attends the public school but receives speech services

through Spring-Branch ISD once per week for 45 minutes because that's

the district the private school is located in. Now I get a letter from

Cy-Fair asking if I'm interested in a reevaluation. Am I required to

have him reevaluated if we decide to enroll him in public school with

the coming 08/09 school year? Why would he need a reevaluation (he'll

still have Autism...)? Could we just request an ARD when the time comes

to work out his IEP etc? The letter, btw is the " Private School/Home

school questionnaire " . Any input would be greatly appreciated!

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school districts are required to do reevals every 3 years....has it been that

long? the re-eval has always gotten us more IEP goals. so for us it has been a

good thing.

lindsey in plano

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You'll probably have to re-evaluate even if you don't enroll him in

public school as long as they are providing the speech services to

him. Every three years...as Lindsey said. It's the federal law. It

is your right to refuse, but then they can refuse to provide

services. Also, once he is qualified as special ed and receives

services from the public school system at any time in any district

in Texas, he will be tracked and will enter school under a red-

flagged status. This will create the need for an evaluation (if

three years has lapsed) regardless of whether you want SpEd services

moving forward, since the school is then obligated to provide a FAPE

until he is formally dismissed from the program via a new FIE.


> Yes, if you enroll your son in public school they will want to do

their own

> evaluation. It's not out of the ordinary and TEA has a timeline

for it.




> Tonya





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