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- Anyone with answers about Obstructed sleep apnea in DS

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Hi !

Tons of us here have experience with sleep apnea. Wait a couple of days and you will have lots of responses.

Freddie was diagnosed at 3 via a sleep study. 16 episodes of obstructed breathing an hour, lasting up to 20 seconds each time. Not so good for the brain or the heart (over time). Once he had his tonsils and adenoids removed it resolved on it's own as did his acid reflux. Ahhh the sleep was so much better!!!!!! The behavior issues stopped, the language shot up and the dark circles under the eyes went away. Just an over all improvement in general.

Here is a great article. This is very common in children with DS. Please`feel free to ask any questions, anytime!


nnaMommy to Freddie 7 yrs Full Inclusion 1st Grade (soon)

The Will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.

Subject: [DownSyndromeInfoExchange] Anyone with answers about Obstructed sleep apnea in DSTo: DownSyndromeInfoExchange Date: Sunday, August 24, 2008, 6:46 PM

Ian just got out of the hospital after 10 day with pneumonia. He goes infor a sleep study sometime in October.ANyone else's child have sleep apnea and has had a sleep study?

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