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Re: There's Nothing Like Family

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Can you imagine learning your nephew is very

> ill; will never walk, talk, comprehend human language, etc. and then

> saying " That's informative? " I've never understood his inability to

> be empathic. The thing that's always really gotten to me is that

> Judiasm stresses one's relationship with others in this life; we

> don't focus on an afterlife. If he was so religious, how could he

> desert his sister in her time of need? I guess he also went to the

> same school as Raven's and Mike's sisters . --- In

Hmmmmm....maybe he was mentally ill? There are mentally ill people in

all walks of life, sad to say. I've totally written off one of my

relatives as being mentally ill.

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This may be a stupid question, but how is it that your sister has so

much control over your mother? It reeks of abuse!


> Kim suggested: " What about a certified letter, one that must be


> only by the addressee? ... <snip> ... "


> While it's a good idea and one that I considered yesterday the


> with it is that if my sister won't let my mother answer the phone,


> can also intercept mail ... even registered mail or certified mail.


> My thinking cap is firmly positioned on my head, Kim, and I'm

trying to

> get a clear transmission that will answer my question as to how I


> access my mother to get that one piece of information the doctors



> Raven

> Co-Administrator


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" If he was so religious, how could he desert his sister in her time of

need? "

It is important to recognize that one's behavior is not descriptive of

one's religion. It is the man that is at fault, not the religion.


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" Did Raven's brother live in Canada also? If this information is

public knowledge, can you get a copy of the death certificate? You

may be able to trace his hospital and doctors through that. "

He died in the US, but the childhood records are available here.

Can't say much more about any of this at this time, or without

Raven's permission.

" (Just a thought) Is there any other living (human) relative who

might have a clue as to what hospital he went to? "

Yes. Her other sister, who won't provide the information either.

" It's just mind boggling to me that Raven's sister has this

information and is guarding it as if it's gold....and I'd gladly give

up gold if that would help my nephew to live. --- "

Louise, they are NTs who believe they have been screwed out of their

inheritence. Money matters to them, their nephew's life doesn't. That

is the way of the world these days. Many Aspies have posted similar

stories here regarding how much and to what ends NTs will go to get




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But in your situation, Raven, there is no excuse not to help.

> That's taking things rather too far. Sad to say, but she probably


> empowered somehow and may even be enjoying the situation. I can

remember my own

> father gloating over his brother's poor health. Small wonder that I


> talked to him in a few years either.






> In a message dated 5/13/2008 10:28:45 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

> ravenmagic2003@... writes:


> So tonight, I contacted my sister with whom my mother lives.



I can say without a doubt that even if someone has hurt me terribly

and beyond all reason if they are in a desperate life situation I

have helped.

toward that end (and for you whom I like)if I can gather information

and make any calls or connections please let me know.

I am sure you have thought of this but where is grandfather in all of

this (by the way, gems those)

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> I suppose that makes me pathetic in some ways that I would be such a

> soft touch.


> Raven

> Co-Administrator


Strike that last statement from your mind and heart. That makes you

real and them fake. Human life and experience is to be valued and

children further valued as the inheriters of the world (you son is

aware of how to be a human because of the guidance you have provided)

I would only mourn those that are exposed to your sister not you! Mimi

said with love and anger toward evil people ie you sister(as if she

could rationalize this as a revenge for any wrong you could have done)

Do not lose your resole or feel weak. If this were a bible story you

would be the hero

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<snip> if this were a Bible story, you would be the

hero <snip>

Agreed wholeheartedly!

Raven, as you are looking for the past doctor,

considering there is always the possiblity he may be

retired or deceased by now, you should also be

googling for current specialists in this condition.

Just my $0.02.

Hang in there!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Still catching up with posts here. Firstly I think your sister's

behaviour is deplorable Raven.

I haven't read all this thread yet so I am not sure if someone else

has suggested it, or perhaps you have maybe thought of it already,

but could you write to your mother asking for the information?

" Raven, my heart goes out to both yourself and Cub. This

> phone call must have been terribly difficult to make and has only

> added insult to injury. Would your Mother condone the actions of


> sister if she knew what transpired? Or do you think she does know

> about you reaching out in an attempt to do everything possible to

> save Cub? If your sister has a conscious, I hope she is plauged for

> the rest of her life by her misdeed. "


> I realized last night that my sister is without a doubt the most


> centered person I have ever known. It's all about her and her

> feelings and everyone else can suffer until she exacts her

> revenge ... even if it's at the expense of a child's life.


> Unless I can get past my sister, my mother will never know why I


> to speak with her. It's just a name I need ... the name of the

> neurologist that treated my brother 40 years ago ... a name so we


> access the files in search of clues to help Cub.


> I know my sister. There's no way she's going to let anyone know


> I've contacted her in order to speak with our mother to get this


> little piece of information (the doctors could certainly use more

> information than that but a name is a good place to start).


> The world can be a cruel, cruel, cruel place to live.


> Raven

> Co-Administrator


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I realised after I had sent the below post that if you had your

mother's contact details you would likely have already contacted her

(sorry not thinking straight recently). Still is there anyone who might

have her contact details, family, friends, etc?

You have probably already tried - I guess I am just hoping and praying

that you will somehow get the information you need.


> Still catching up with posts here. Firstly I think your sister's

> behaviour is deplorable Raven.


> I haven't read all this thread yet so I am not sure if someone else

> has suggested it, or perhaps you have maybe thought of it already,

> but could you write to your mother asking for the information?



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Raven's mom is living with her sister. Her sister will not let Raven

talk to her or communicate with her in any way. She intercepts her

mother's mail as far as we know, and even a Private Investigator has

failed to reach Raven's mother.

We are now trying alternate methods.


I realised after I had sent the below post that if you had your

mother's contact details you would likely have already contacted her

(sorry not thinking straight recently). Still is there anyone who


have her contact details, family, friends, etc?

You have probably already tried - I guess I am just hoping and praying

that you will somehow get the information you need.

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