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Why Worries Come True

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Why Worries Come True By Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler, www.quantum-self.com Imagine each thought you think as a mental photograph. When the thought is first exposed to your brain, very little happens. But as you expose your mind to that thought again and again, the thought begins to develop and hold an image in your mind's eye just like an exposed photograph. In fact, thoughts really ARE that powerful. Anything you focus on

mentally DOES develop into a strong interconnected network of neurons. That network then holds that thought as an image. And your subconscious mind will then push you to take the actions that will bring that image into reality. This is not theory -- it is based on the research findings of modern neuroscience. You need to be careful about your thoughts, judgments, and viewpoints. If you focus your mind on something you DON'T want -- you actually strengthen the neural networks containing the image of that something. That is why worrying about something actually drives you closer to that something. Worry is actually a very

powerful form of negative goal setting. The more you worry about something, the stronger the neural networks containing your worries become. And the stronger those physical networks -- the more likely your subconscious mind will drive you to take actions that actually push you toward what you're worried about. The Part Played by Emotion The more emotion accompanying your worries, the stronger your neural networks will become. Emotion -- whether positive or negative -- is a neural supercharger. This includes stress -- which is driven by emotion! You're getting the picture of the negative cycle

that worry creates. The more worries, the more stress. The more stress, the less creative and clear your mind becomes. And the less creative you become, the less likely you will EVER solve the problem you're worried about. Plus the longer (and more passionately) you worry about something -- the faster you are driven straight into the arms of what you're worried about. A Proven Solution There is one, and only one, solution to this. You must step out of the stress/worry cycle, and direct your mental focus elsewhere. What you focus on grows. This is why it's so very important NOT to focus on

your problems! You instead want to focus on creating positive solutions that create something you DO want. Here's a plan of action: * Convert your problems to goals, * Create a detailed goal-plan, * Break your goal-plan into the smallest possible daily steps, then ... * Begin to take action -- one step at a time. And in the meantime: 1. Refuse to worry. Remember -- worry is a very powerful form of negative goal setting. 2. Create a new mental image. Create and hold a mental image of how life will be when you reach your goal. The more emotion you pack

into that positive image, and the more often you put your mental focus on it, the stronger the neural networks holding that image will become. 3. Bust your stress. Unless you manage your stress, it will continue to build negative neural networks. Don't kid yourself about stress -- it is at the core of many serious life-threatening bodily conditions, and has a way of "pretending not to be there." Brainwave training is the fastest answer to instant stress reduction. 4. Build your self-confidence. Take some steps to build your self confidence. A huge medical study showed that low self confidence and negative thoughts cause your brain

to physically shrink as much as 20%. Self confidence is not a lightweight issue -- it places unrealistic limits on your entire life! 5. Take care of your physical self. It can be easy to just take your mental and physical health for granted until something happens. Simple dehydration equal to two glasses of water, for example, has been shown to reduce your mental performance as much as 50%. Add a walk and 20-minute workout to your life, and you'll start to produce more feel-good brain neurotransmitters. 6. Grow your mind power. Your brain truly follows the same rule as your muscles -- use it, or lose it! And today's scientific

evidence is that your brain is either growing, or it's physically shrinking. http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/AffirmationstoDe-Stress A positive thinking, positive

affirmations support group, that empowers us with ways to sail through daily life stress. Come aboard! PJ and Gang

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