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>>>But I'm not complaining he is soooo happy..lol

Welcome to The Happy Child Effect!

LOL. Yes, now you know the enzymes are working! And are they ever.

And now you know why the Houston enzymes are so famous for giving

results like no other.

I interpret this to be a positive adjustment (clearer eyes,

attention, happy). He may be feeling much better, but even GOOD

change is still change, and he probably just isn't used to feeling

better. So he has lots of energy that he (and you) are not used to.

When I started enzymes I had much more energy and not longer had

migraines. But I was used to being in pain. So when I felt better I

simply didn't know what to do with myself. I was used to crashing

early in the evening, but now I had lots of energy I had not planned

on and didn't know what to do. One thing I clearly remember was

going up and down the steps and misjudging the last step. My vision

was better but it was different, so I would over-step until I got

used to this better feeling. Like getting new glasses when

everything looked fuzzy before. You can see better, but you are used

to over-compensating for your previous deficiency. It took me about

a month to really adjust. It seems to take kids much less time.

Please post over the next week and say how things are going. You may

want to keep at this dose for a day or so till he adjusts before




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> WOW, everyone said possiable hyper, they didn't say warp speed.. we

just got our pep and zyne, I only gave him an 1/8 of each cap 10 mins

before dinner, in juice.. But I'm not complaining he is soooo

happy..lol He has been comming to me to play, almost seems like his

eyes are clearer.

> Is their a way to slow him down a bit?

Remove one of the enzymes. I would recommend removing the Peptizyde

unless you have AFP Peptizyde in which case remove the Zyme Prime.

Warp speed, especially at low dose, is a symptom that your child does

not tolerate papain/bromelain.

Also, might be phenol intolerance which is exaggerated by the use of

enzymes for other foods, so consider adding No-Fenol at some point.

Use just one enzyme at low dose and see if things improve. It is

always better to start things one at a time.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Our son has been on anti-fungal (Nizoral) for a month now and since

Saturday on anti-virals too.

He has been extremely fidgety and hyper, not being able to sit in one

place and being extremely obsessive about food. He wasn't this obsessive

even when he was on Paxil (pre days) and I wonder if these

behaviors have anything to do with the medications. Any of you have a

similar experience? He did use some language which we have never heard

from him before in terms of the length of the sentence and the

appropriateness of the grammer: " mommy, i want to read to me " (he got me

a Barney book and asked me to read to him, previously he used to read

himself and say " I want to read a book " , but has never said the words

" read to me " )!! We hope the language keeps increasing but we would like

any input on how long this behavior lasts if at all it is due to the meds.



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Call Dr. G. He has said many times that hyperness is a sign of intolerance

or allergy to a med so he'll probably want to change the med. My son had

some of that on Valtrex.


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I know Dr. G. says to watch out for extreme hyperactivity with Valtrex- it can

mean your child is reacting to it adversely. He said flu-like symptoms are

normal but hyperness that won't go away isn't. I don't know about the

anti-fungals yet, we haven't startedt those yet! Have you called the office and




Our son has been on anti-fungal (Nizoral) for a month now and since

Saturday on anti-virals too.

He has been extremely fidgety and hyper, not being able to sit in one

place and being extremely obsessive about food. He wasn't this obsessive

even when he was on Paxil (pre days) and I wonder if these

behaviors have anything to do with the medications. Any of you have a

similar experience? He did use some language which we have never heard

from him before in terms of the length of the sentence and the

appropriateness of the grammer: " mommy, i want to read to me " (he got me

a Barney book and asked me to read to him, previously he used to read

himself and say " I want to read a book " , but has never said the words

" read to me " )!! We hope the language keeps increasing but we would like

any input on how long this behavior lasts if at all it is due to the meds.



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In a message dated 2/18/03 8:35:25 PM Central Standard Time,

nikkitom@... writes:

> After 3-4 weeks of hyper behavior while on valtrex, Dr. G switched our 5

> year old to famvir. That did the trick. The irritability and all around


Ah ha! I thought all that ugly behavior might have been tied to the valtrex.

What a few weeks we had coming off the " die-off period " -- thought we'd hit

the terrible teens early with my normally sweet little guy mouthing off in

such an ugly way. He's now on Famvir too and the ugly behavior and wigglies

are gone as well :).


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My son has been on valtrex for 8 weeks, and hyperness seems to come

and go in a day. But the biggest thing we have noticed is his

inability to settle down to sleep at night...he is literally bouncing

off the walls. Dr G says to wait and see how it plays out. Any one

else experience this?

And on a second note, what other things have people seen when

switching from valtrex to famvir? (good or bad)


> I know Dr. G. says to watch out for extreme hyperactivity with

Valtrex- it can mean your child is reacting to it adversely. He said

flu-like symptoms are normal but hyperness that won't go away isn't.

I don't know about the anti-fungals yet, we haven't startedt those

yet! Have you called the office and asked?

> Becky

> Re:hyper



> Our son has been on anti-fungal (Nizoral) for a month now and


> Saturday on anti-virals too.


> He has been extremely fidgety and hyper, not being able to sit in


> place and being extremely obsessive about food. He wasn't this


> even when he was on Paxil (pre days) and I wonder if these

> behaviors have anything to do with the medications. Any of you

have a

> similar experience? He did use some language which we have never


> from him before in terms of the length of the sentence and the

> appropriateness of the grammer: " mommy, i want to read to me " (he

got me

> a Barney book and asked me to read to him, previously he used to


> himself and say " I want to read a book " , but has never said the


> " read to me " )!! We hope the language keeps increasing but we

would like

> any input on how long this behavior lasts if at all it is due to

the meds.


> Thanks

> Sara






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In a message dated 2/18/03 11:19:06 PM Central Standard Time,

barbkatsaros@... writes:

> By hyperness do you mean more hyper than the child is

> normally?

Yes. My guy is typically hyper as well but on the med his body got even more

wiggly and he was much more intense.


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In a message dated 2/18/03 11:59:42 PM Central Standard Time,

barbkatsaros@... writes:

> I am at this point also where I am trying to figure out if 's

> behavior is valtrex related or just preteen behavior. He is definitely

> mouthier and less respectful. He is also taunting my younger son--getting

> in his face, pushing his buttons, etc

> which he never did before, at least not quite in the same way.

Someone on another list mentioned this as a side effect they saw with Valtrex

which disappeared when switching to Famvir. Curt's mouthy behavior ended

with the switch to Famvir as well. You might want to talk to Dr. G about it.

The reasons he gave for switching Curtis to Famvir were more that we were

seeing some good results but they were inconsistent and we also had some

negative stuff so he thought we might not be hitting the viruses in the right


> Scholastically, I am seeing no real improvement. But then, I wonder if


That's pretty much what I was thinking but Dr. G felt we could possibly move

faster with a different antiviral which seems to be happening, though still

mostly subtle (except obvious improvement with fine motor skills and

strength). So if you share your thoughts with Dr. G perhaps he will want to

try a different anti-viral.

I also think with the older, higher-functioning kids, you have to look for

more subtle signs of improvement and acknowledge them as forward movement.

We probably have a tendency to downplay little moments of clarity or

improvement because we've seen them before or they aren't as obvious as say a

child who says his first word or looks at you for the first time. The

movement from low functioning to moderate is much more obvious and we tend to

get more excited about it and speak of it as " major " progress. Movement in

higher order and more complex thinking and behavior is more subtle so it

seems very gradual, I think, but I imagine the process in the brain and body

is similar to the clearing of cobwebs that allows a nonverbal child to begin

speaking. Since starting the antivirals, Curtis is showing very subtle signs

of more complex thinking and conversations which tells me there is some

progress happening.


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In a message dated 2/19/03 11:08:35 AM Central Standard Time,

a_bracale_mitchell@... writes:

> My son has been on valtrex for 8 weeks, and hyperness seems to come

> and go in a day. But the biggest thing we have noticed is his

> inability to settle down to sleep at night...he is literally bouncing

> off the walls. Dr G says to wait and see how it plays out. Any one

> else experience this?


That's interesting. I wonder how he decides who to switch quickly and who to

take a " wait and see " attitude with. Curt's increase in hyperness would also

come and go. However, it was kind of building and got worse the longer he

was on it. He took the Valtrex for about 5 weeks. He didn't have

difficulties sleeping at night though. One thing that might have made the

difference is that we saw some good progress with fine motor but the progress

was inconsistent ranging from much neater writing to worse writing than

before. Also, none of his viral titers seemed terribly elevated so the doc

isn't sure which virus we're hitting yet. HHV6 seems the most likely culprit

but not for certain. Maybe he sticks with Valtrex longer when there's a

specific virus it hits better that shows high?

> And on a second note, what other things have people seen when

> switching from valtrex to famvir? (good or bad)


More consistent progress and huge boost in hand strength. Drop in problems

that I think were associated with the valtrex: increase in wiggliness,

increased hyperactivity and intensity, and rudeness/rebellion/fighting back

in an ugly way.

The only new negative things we've seen with Famvir are more abdominal

discomfort (though that seems to be gone after the first week) and periods of

red ears and dark circles under the eyes (maybe the lactose in it? or maybe

something is in the air he's reacting to and it's not related).


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  • 1 month later...
  • 9 months later...
  • 2 years later...

We are also noticing how calm our son is on chelating weekends. He's

not really prone to being hyper, but when we are chelating he is one

happy, mellow, peaceful dude. We've only done 3 rounds, so I'm

attributing most of the good stuff we're seeing to the extra sulphur,

but we are seeing some GOOD STUFF. I look forward to our happy

weekends, LOL.



> My son became very calm and focused when we started chelation with


> believe the added sulfur did the trick.



> Valentina


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Does anyone know how to add sulphur while not chelating?

[ ] Re: Hyper

We are also noticing how calm our son is on chelating weekends. He's

not really prone to being hyper, but when we are chelating he is one

happy, mellow, peaceful dude. We've only done 3 rounds, so I'm

attributing most of the good stuff we're seeing to the extra sulphur,

but we are seeing some GOOD STUFF. I look forward to our happy

weekends, LOL.



> My son became very calm and focused when we started chelation with


> believe the added sulfur did the trick.



> Valentina



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My son has been on DMSA for about a year, and I am ready to start

ALA soon. He is five year old, weighs 42 pounds. What form and brand

of ALA would you recommend? I heard that ALA will worsen Yeast

problems. He has both Yeast and Clostridia issues.

Thanks for sharing.


> >

> > My son became very calm and focused when we started chelation


> ALA. I

> > believe the added sulfur did the trick.

> >

> >

> > Valentina

> >


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> My son is very hyperactive and impulsive, and his attention span is

> very short. He cannot stay at the table to do teacher directed

> activities for more than 2 minutes. He is going to be enrolled in

> kindergarten this Fall, and I am very worried. Are there any

> supplements that can help?

My son was hyper for a lot of reasons. Phenol intolerance, yeast

overgrowth, certain nutritional toxicities, certain nutritional

deficiencies, virus issues, etc.


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> What form and brand

> of ALA would you recommend?

I use whatever I find. Never cared about a certain brand.

> I heard that ALA will worsen Yeast problems.

I know everybody complains about this, but it never happened to us. Actually

the opposite was true for us.

Good luck!


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> Does anyone know how to add sulphur while not chelating?

The consensus is that if you are mercury toxic lowish levels of sulfur are


If you need to do that though, very small doses of NAC would do the trick.

Also, meat, brassica vegetables, eggs, beans, these are foods high in sulfur.

You could try them...

Also, epsom salt baths are good for adding sulfate.

Taurine supplementation...

Don't take methionine though. It's not a good idea.


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