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Fw: Reading and Writing Board

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Hi guys...On the 23 and 24 of this month (your choice!) ELIJA and the LEICC is

bringing Ray Cepeda back.

I'm writing because, I don't know if I ever even told you all, but last Sept. we

began a 30 hour a week home program (it's actually 29 hours, cause that's how

the schedule worked out, yeah yeah, I know).

Ray Cepeda is consulting on our home program. One thing he introduced to us was

the Reading and Writing board, a program that was deveoloped by Nina Lovaas. My

son is a visual learner. He has a strength with letters so this ended up being a

wonderful tool for him. Last year, in a centerbased progam, he mastered only 7

targets from Sept-Jan. A couple of verbs (painting, drinking), functions of

objects (what do you eat with? rotely trained into saying fork) and a couple of

other things. In the next center based program we went to he also only had a

rate of acquisition of about 1 target per month.

With just the reading and writing board (not even counting our other programs)

he has mastered 65 targets from Sept-Dec (including 5 verbs many examples of

each in 4 weeks time). Ray was telling me that he is going to go over in a

little more detail about the reading and writing board this next conference.

Many in the past have expressed a lot of interest in the RandW board for our

children that are more visual learners as opposed to auditory learners. So I

just want to share with you the success we've had with this program and let you

know that it will be discussed in greater detail this next conference (using a

lot of video examplers of which is awesome, we're really proud of what

he's done!) This teaching tool has helped to tap into a lot of opportunity for

out little man. Anyhow, the conference information is below or you can go to the

ELIJA website.

take care,


Dates:January 23 and 24 (your choice of days)

Presented by Ray Cepeda BA Workshop Leader for The LOVAAS Institute

An In-depth Introduction to the Application and Implementation of Applied

Behavior Analysis for Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders

Hosted by The Elija Foundation & Local Early Intervention Coordinating Council

Autism Committee

This is a certificate course, you will not get a certificate if you leave prior

to 4 PM

Time: 8:30 Pre Registration 9-5 workshop (Coffee, Bagels and boxed lunch


Cost: $35.00


Location: Plainview Marriot Residence Inn

9 Gerhard Road

Plainview, NY 11803

Phone: 1 516-433-6200



A full one day workshop with Mr.Ray Cepeda B.A., private consultant and Workshop

Leader for the North Jersey site of the Lovaas Institute for Early Intervention.

Over the past nine years he has been providing direct services as well as

supervising home and school-based programs for children with autism.

The Following Topics have been Prepared:

1. Principles of Reinforcement

2. Pairing Learning with Reinforcement

3. Conducting Reinforcer Assessments

4. Functions of Behavior/Reducing Behaviors

5. Evaluating the Teaching Situation

6. Generalization

7. Discrete Trials

8. Incidental Teaching

9. Curriculum Development and Flowcharting

10. Shaping and Chaining

11. Prompting and Fading

12. Roles and Responsibilities of Supervisors/Consultants, and Team Leaders.

13. Common Treatment Mistakes

14. Discrimination Learning/Expanded Trials

15. Data Collection and Graphing

There will also be a question answer period.



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