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Fwd: Comparison of positions of the Presidential Candidates relating to people with disabilities

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It did sound that way- you asked her to 'be nice' and she had been very nice. We have had a lot of problems with people accusing others of not being nice, or attacking when all they did was state their opinion, so wanted to take the opportunity to point that out early in the exchanges.My apologies if you did not intend it that way. :-) Carol in ILMom to , 8 DS My problem is not how I look. It's how you see me.VOTE NOBAMA '08Join our Down Syndrome information group - http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ DownSyndromeInfo Exchange/ Listen to oldest dd's music http://www.myspace. com/vennamusic [ADA Expertise] Comparison of Positions of the Presidential Candidates relating to people with disabilities > > Sunday, September 21, 2008 > This information is

set forth in an effort to provide the reader with information about the Presidential candidates' positions concerning people with disabilities. It is not intended as an endorsement of either candidate, and is posted in my private capacity. > Watch what they do (and did), not just what they say. > > Vote for the candidate of your choice, but vote. > Please feel free to share this email and add it to your blogs. > > Marc > > As we near November 4th, it is increasingly important that voters concerned about people with disabilities are well-informed about the candidates' positions. Each Presidential candidate has put forth positions on issues on their respective websites: > > McCain/Palen: www.johnmccain. com/informing/ issues < http://www.johnmcca in.com/informing /issues > > Obama/Biden: www.barackobama. com/issues < http://www.barackob ama.com/issues > > > Please take a look at each of the websites to learn where the candidates really stand. > A review of their respective records in the Senate is also revealing: > OBAMA ON EDUCATION FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES > > Barack Obama supports full funding of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), early intervention and developmental programs, and expanded college opportunities for students with disabilities.> > Obama voted for over $44 billion in funding for the IDEA. [sCR 1, Senate Vote #94, 3/22/07]> > Obama will invest $10 billion per year in early intervention,

educational and

developmental programs for children between zero and five. His plan will help expand programs such as Early Head Start to serve more children with disabilities. His plan also will encourage states to expand programs for children with disabilities, such as IDEA Part C. [ Obama Plan to Empower Americans with Disabilities < http://www.barackob ama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ]> > Obama supports increasing opportunities for college students with disabilities. He also will provide more support for these college students. Obama was an original co-sponsor of the Senate bill to reauthorize the Higher Education Act (S. 1642) which significantly expands opportunities and supports for individuals with disabilities to attend college and graduate programs. [s.1642, 110th

Congress]> > MCCAIN ON EDUCATION FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES > > McCain has repeatedly voted against the IDEA even though he claims he supports full funding of it.> > McCain has repeatedly voted against funding for special education.> > Ø McCain repeatedly voted against funding increases for the IDEA. [H.R.4577, Senate Vote #170, 6/30/00; SCR 23, Senate Vote #103, 3/26/03]> > Ø McCain has chosen tax cuts for the wealthy over education funding for students with disabilities. Specifically, McCain voted against increasing spending in the amount of $229 billion over 10 years for the IDEA. McCain also voted against an amendment that would create a reserve fund of $73 billion in IDEA funding. The spending would have been made possible by reducing tax cuts. [sCR

23, Senate Vote #103, 3/26/03; SCR 23, Senate Vote #70, 3/21/03]> > McCain did not co-sponsor reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (S. 1642). He also did not vote on passage of the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act in the 110th Congress. [s.1642, 110th Congress; S. 1642, Senate Vote #275, 7/24/07] > > OBAMA ON SUPPORT FOR LIVING INDEPENDENTLY IN THE COMMUNITY > > Obama is a co-sponsor of the Community Choice Act of 2007. Obama believes that individuals should be able to make their own choices for their living arrangements and live independently in their communities. [s.799, 110th Congress]> > Obama is a co-sponsor of the Community Living Assistance Services and Support (CLASS) Act Of 2007. This bill would help individuals with functional impairments pay for services that they need to maximize their

independence. [s.1758, 110th Congress] > > MCCAIN ON SUPPORT FOR LIVING INDEPENDENTLY IN THE COMMUNITY > > McCain strongly opposes the Community Choice Act. Asked about the Community Choice Act at a Town Hall in Denver, McCain said "The Community Choice Act is not a piece of legislation that I support." [ McCain Town Hall < http://www.washingt onpost.com/ wp-dyn/content/ article/2008/ 07/07/AR20080707 01672_5.html > , 7/7/08] > > OBAMA ON SOCIAL SERVICES SPENDING > > Obama opposes a freeze on social services spending for people with disabilities. > > Obama voted against capping non-defense spending which means that social service spending for people with disabilities could continue to meet their needs. In 2005, Obama voted against the Inhofe

amendment that would cap non-defense, non-trust fund spending. [s.1932, Senate Vote #286, 11/3/05] > > MCCAIN ON SOCIAL SERVICES SPENDING > > McCain promises that he will cap non-defense spending for at least one year, meaning that social services spending for people with disabilities will be capped as well.> > McCain voted in favor of capping non-defense spending. In 2005, McCain voted for the Inhofe amendment that would cap non-defense and non-trust fund spending. [s.1932, Senate Vote #286, 11/3/05]> > McCain proposed a freeze of discretionary spending as illustrated when he said, "As president, I will also order a prompt and thorough review of the budgets of every federal program, department, and agency. While that top-to-bottom review is underway, we will institute a one-year pause in discretionary spending increases with the

necessary exemption of military spending and veterans' benefits." [McCain Remarks on the Economy at Carnegie Mellon University, 4/15/08 < http://www.johnmcca in.com/Informing /News/Speeches/ 9bb4e69a- 36cc-4ca3- b40d-0cdd41a1b81 2.htm > ]> > OBAMA ON HEALTH CARE FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES > > Obama will sign universal health care into law by the end of his first term in office, and he has supported expanding the State Children's Health Insurance Program ("SCHIP") and health care programs for people with disabilities, children, and veterans. > > > > Under Obama's plan to provide universal health insurance, insurance companies will not be able to stop individuals from getting coverage even if they have pre-existing conditions and disabilities. Obama's plan

allows individuals and businesses to purchase public or private health coverage through a national health insurance exchange. Obama's plan would make health care more affordable and accessible to all Americans, particularly individuals who have been denied coverage in the private market due to a pre-existing condition or disability. [ Obama Plan to Empower Individuals with Disabilities < http://www.barackob ama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ]> > Obama is a co-sponsor of ending the Medicare Waiting Period Act of 2007 (S.2102). Before they can get Medicare coverage, people with disabilities must first receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) for 24 months. Due to the 24-month Medicare waiting period, an estimated 400,000 Americans with disabilities are uninsured and

many more are underinsured at a time in their lives when they need health coverage the most. During this waiting period, many individuals develop secondary conditions, their health status worsens and many die. Obama supports legislation that would phase out this harmful waiting period and provide individuals with health insurance. [s.2102, 110th Congress]> > Obama supported expanded health insurance for children. In 2007, Obama voted to reauthorize the SCHIP at over $60 billion for five years. Two children who live with a single parent who makes $51,510 would have access to health insurance coverage under SCHIP. The bill would provide $100 million in new grants to fund state outreach and enrollment efforts and allocate $49 million for a demonstration project to streamline the enrollment process for low-income children already eligible for coverage. [hr

976, Senate Vote #307, 8/2/07]> > Obama supported assuring accessible health care to people with disabilities by co-sponsoring the Promoting Wellness for Individuals with Disabilities Act (S.1050)The bill would require the U.S. Access Board to establish access standards for all diagnostic equipment (examination tables, x-ray, mammography and other radiological equipment, etc.). It also educates physicians and dentists by requiring that medical schools, dental schools, and their residency programs provide training to improve competency and clinical skills in providing care to patients with disabilities (including those with intellectual disabilities) as a condition of receiving federal funds. Finally, it establishes a national wellness grant program which will authorize funding for programs or activities for smoking cessation, weight control, nutrition or fitness that are tailored

to the needs of individuals with disabilities and authorize funding for preventive health screening> programs for individuals with disabilities to reduce the incidence of secondary conditions. [s.1050, 110th Congress]> > MCCAIN ON HEALTH CARE FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES > > McCain's health care plan does not prohibit discrimination against individuals with pre-existing conditions and disabilities. McCain's healthcare plan would replace the existing tax exclusion for employer-sponsored health coverage with a refundable tax credit for all Americans as an incentive to purchase health insurance. However, many individuals with disabilities are denied coverage or unable to afford coverage in the private market due to pre-existing conditions and disabilities. While McCain's plan would work with states to develop best practice models in expanding

coverage to individuals who have been denied coverage, it would not prohibit discrimination. [ Washington Post, 4/30/08 < http://www.washingt onpost.com/ wp-dyn/content/ article/2008/ 04/29/AR20080429 02706.html > ]> > McCain opposed reauthorizing SCHIP and providing insurance for millions of uninsured children. According to Knight Ridder , "The [2007] Senate proposal would provide coverage to 3.2 million" uninsured children and renew coverage for the 6 million children already covered by the program. The legislation passed 68-31. [H.R. 976 , Vote #307 < http://www.senate. gov/legislative/ LIS/roll_ call_lists/ roll_call_ vote_cfm. cfm?congress= 110 & session= 1 & vote=00307 > , 8/2/07; Knight Ridder ,


> VETERANS WITH DISABILITIES: > Obama:> The Disabled America Veterans (DAV) gave Obama an 80% rating in 2006. [Project Vote Smart]> Obama supported expanding health care for veterans. > > Ø In 2005, Obama voted for providing an additional $500 million per year for the next five years for mental health services for veterans. [s.2020, Senate Vote #343, 11/17/05]> > Ø In 2006, Obama voted in favor of adding $430 million for outpatient and inpatient health care and treatment for veterans. Nearly half of the military servicemen and women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan will require health care services for the physical and psychological traumas of war, yet the Bush administration and Republican-led Congress have underfunded the Veterans Administration' s medical services by at least $1.2 billion for 2007

alone. And, this was the second consecutive year they had done so. [H.R.4939, Senate Vote #98, 4/26/06; The Independent Budget, A Budget for Veterans by Veterans, 2/10/06; Newsweek, 1/19/06]> > Obama voted for $2 million for research of traumatic brain injuries to improve imaging for traumatic brain injury testing and adapting current technologies to treat brain injuries suffered in war. [H.R.5631, S. Amdt. 4781, Senate Vote #222, 8/2/06; CQ, 8/2/06]> > McCain: > > McCain opposed expanding health care for veterans.> > Ø In 2005, McCain voted against providing an additional $500 million per year for the next five years for mental health services for veterans. [s.2020, Senate Vote #343, 11/17/05] > > Ø In 2006, McCain was one of 13 senators who voted against adding $430 million for

outpatient and inpatient health care and treatment for veterans. Amendment passed 84-16. [H.R.4939, Vote #98 < http://www.senate. gov/legislative/ LIS/roll_ call_lists/ roll_call_ vote_cfm. cfm?congress= 109 & session= 2 & vote=00098 > , 4/26/06]> > > Ø McCain voted against $2 million of funding for research of traumatic brain injuries. McCain rejected legislation that would help improve imaging for traumatic brain injury testing and adapting current technologies to treat brain injuries suffered in war. [H.R.5631, S. Amdt. 4781, Senate Vote #222, 8/2/06; CQ, 8/2/06] > > > > Ø McCain voted with the Disabled American Veterans 20% of the time. Factcheck. org "However, he is correct in that McCain doesn't have a perfect score with DAV

(Disabled American Veterans), a group of 1.3 million disabled veterans that supports more funding for veterans health care. McCain has a 20 percent record of voting the way DAV would like him to in 2006…Senators were evaluated on five votes for amendments that would have increased funding for veterans' health care." [Factcheck.org < http://www.factchec k.org/askfactche ck/does_mccain_ have_a_perfect_ voting_record. html > ] > > > OBAMA ON CIVIL RIGHTS FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES > > Obama strongly supports the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Restoration Act. Indeed, he signed on as an original co-sponsor of the Senate version of the ADA Restoration Act. [s.1050, 110th Congress]> > > > Obama will appoint judges who exhibit empathy for individuals with

disabilities. "Barack Obama will appoint judges and justices who respect Congress' role as a co-equal, democratically elected branch of government and who exhibit empathy with what it means to be an American with a disability" [ Obama Plan To Empower Individuals With Disabilities < http://www.barackob ama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ]> > MCCAIN ON CIVIL RIGHTS FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES > > While McCain has also co-sponsored the ADA Restoration Act, he has promised to appoint judges like those who interpreted the ADA narrowly and deprived millions of people with disabilities of their civil rights. McCain said that as president, he would "appoint strict constructionist judges." [AP, 8/7/07] "In an address at Wake Forest University, McCain pledged to


jurists who believe `there are clear limits to the scope of judicial power'…By way of example, McCain said he would look for people in the cast of Chief Justice G. Jr. and Justice A. Alito Jr., and his friend the late Chief Justice H. Rehnquist. He called them `jurists of the highest caliber who know their own minds, and know the law, and know the difference.' " [ Los Angeles Times, 5/7/08 < http://www.latimes. com/news/ nationworld/ politics/ la-na-mccain7- 2008may07, 0,3233304. story > ]> > > OBAMA ON MEDICARE ELIGIBILITY > > In 2007, Obama voted against increasing Medicare Part D premiums for beneficiaries making over $80,000 annually. Obama voted against the Ensign Amendment that would require Medicare prescription drugs beneficiaries with annual incomes over

$80,000 and couples with annual incomes over $160,000 to pay a larger share of their Medicare Part D premium.[sCR 21, Senate Vote #93, 3/22/07]> > Obama opposed means testing for Medicare. In response to a NCPSSM questionnaire, Obama said, "The bill added `means testing' to Part B of Medicare, requiring individuals with incomes over $80,000 to pay gradually higher premiums. This undermines the basic premise of Medicare as an insurance program for all Americans and could cause wealthier and healthier people to leave the Medicare program." [NCPSSM Questionnaire; Citizen Action Illinois Questionnaire, SEIU Questionnaire] > > MCCAIN ON MEDICARE ELIGIBILITY > > McCain voted to raise the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to 67. In 1997, McCain voted in favor of raising the eligibility age for receiving Medicare from 65 to 67 with the change being phased in

between 2003 and 2027. The motion passed 62-38. [s 947, Vote #112 < http://www.senate. gov/legislative/ LIS/roll_ call_lists/ roll_call_ vote_cfm. cfm?congress= 105 & session= 1 & vote=00112 > , 6/24/97] > > OBAMA ON MENTAL HEALTH PARITY Obama is a long-time supporter of mental health parity legislation, having passed the Illinois Mental Health Parity Law. He also co-sponsored the Mental Health Parity Act of 2007. Obama co-sponsored a bill to amend the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and the Public Health Service Act to require a group health plan that provides both medical and surgical benefits and mental health benefits to ensure that: (1) the financial requirements applicable to such mental health benefits are no more restrictive than those of

substantially all medical and surgical benefits covered by the plan, including deductibles and copayments; and (2) the treatment limitations applicable to such mental health benefits are no more restrictive than those applied to substantially all medical and surgical benefits covered by the plan, including limits on the frequency of treatments or similar limits on the scope or duration> of treatment. The bill prohibited the plan from establishing separate cost sharing requirements that are applicable only with respect to mental health benefits. [110th, S.558, Introduced 2/12/07; HELP Report, 4/11/07] Obama co-sponsored and voted for a mental health parity bill that requires coverage for serious mental illnesses to be provided on the same terms and conditions as other illnesses and diseases. [92nd GA; SB 1341; 2001; Signed into law 7/27/01, PA 92-0185 ] >

MCCAIN ON MENTAL HEALTH PARITY McCain's health care plan would eliminate the mental health parity requirements in 45 states. [Wall Street Journal, 10/11/07; SOURCE: National Conference of State Legislatures ( http://www.ncsl. org/programs/ health/hmolaws. htm < http://www.ncsl. org/programs/ health/hmolaws. htm > ), accessed 7/30/07; Council for Affordable Health Insurance, accessed 7/30/07 ( http://www.cahi. org/cahi_ contents/ resources/ pdf/MandatePub20 07.pdf < http://www.cahi. org/cahi_ contents/ resources/ pdf/MandatePub20 07.pdf > )] > OBAMA ON AUTISM Obama will increase federal

funding for

outreach and support services for people on the autism spectrum. Specifical ly, "Obama will seek to increase federal ASD funding for research, treatment, screenings, public awareness, and support services to $1 billion annually by the end of his first term in office. Obama will also continue to work with parents, physicians, providers, researchers, and schools to create opportunities and effective solutions for people with ASD." [Obama Plan Supporting Americans with Autism Spectrum Disorders < http://origin. barackobama. com/pdf/AutismSp ectrumDisorders. pdf > ] Obama is a co-sponsor of the Expanding the Promise to Individuals with Autism Act (S.937) which would improve services and supports for individuals with autism spectrum disorder and their families. It would build upon programs within the

Developmental Disabilities Act to increase interdisciplinary training of> professionals, development and dissemination of evidence-based autism treatments, interventions, supports and services for children and adults, and protection and advocacy. [s.937, 110th Congress] > MCCAIN ON AUTISM McCain has not taken a leading role to expand services and supports for people with autism. McCain has not co-sponsored the Expanding the Promise to Individuals with Autism Act (S.937). [s.937, 110th Congress] McCain says he will work to advance federal autism research. "As President, McCain will work to advance federal research into autism, promote early screening, and identify better treatment options, while providing support for children with autism so that they may reach their full potential." [McCain Statement on Combating Autism in America < http://www.johnmcca in.com/content/ ?guid=24dc9c37- e739-4aa3- 8a88-ebae650a2f1 1 > ] > OBAMA ON VOTING RIGHTS FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES Obama supports fully funding the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) so that we can ensure all polling places are accessible. His administration would also assure better enforcement of federal disability rights laws – from HAVA to the Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act to the ADA – to make sure the right of Americans with disabilities to vote is fully protected. [Obama Plan to Empower Individuals with Disabilities < http://www.barackob ama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ] > MCCAIN ON VOTING RIGHTS FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES In 2002, McCain voted


against the Help America Vote Act, which was offered to correct problems in the election system and impose detailed voting-procedure requirements on the states. McCain voted for final passage of the bill. [s.565, Senate] > > > > Please visit our Advocacy Blog, at www.cilsflablog. org . "People with disabilities seek nothing more than an equal opportunity at justice, and should accept nothing less." > > > > > > > > > -- mit Saskia, Nora-Jane*2001, *2004/DS (Zitronen-Fischöl, CoenzymQ10-hochdosi ert, Vit.A, gepuffertes Vit. C + natürliches Vit. E, Himbeer-Folsä ure + B12, Selen, Zink, Probiotikum, Ginkgo Biloba, Antra, Thyroxin)>

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Thank you Kathy for the straight facts, I would have posted these

also but you beat me to it!


> >

> > Hi !

> >

> > Thank you for this information. I had already decided on my


> even before Palin got onto the scene. I was really moved when she

> spoke into the camera during the GOP convention telling me she is


> my side, really tugged at my heart, but I quickly learned all the

> cuts from special ed. programs she has made in her own state and

> how very anti medicaid and anti IDEA Mccain is......I just hope


> she will be an huge advocate for all people and children with

> disabilities in want ever she ends up doing but quite honestly,


> will never know what it's like to be denied services over and over

> again for her child. Which is a good thing for her son but not

> for mine.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > [ADA Expertise] Comparison of Positions of the

> Presidential Candidates relating to people with disabilities

> >

> > Sunday, September 21, 2008

> > This information is set forth in an effort to provide the reader

> with information about the Presidential candidates' positions

> concerning people with disabilities. It is not intended as an

> endorsement of either candidate, and is posted in my private

> capacity.

> > Watch what they do (and did), not just what they say.

> >

> > Vote for the candidate of your choice, but vote.

> > Please feel free to share this email and add it to your blogs.

> >

> > Marc

> >

> > As we near November 4th, it is increasingly important that


> concerned about people with disabilities are well-informed about


> candidates' positions. Each Presidential candidate has put forth

> positions on issues on their respective websites:

> >

> > McCain/Palen: www.johnmccain. com/informing/ issues <

> http://www.johnmcca in.com/informing /issues >

> > Obama/Biden: www.barackobama. com/issues < http://www.barackob

> ama.com/issues >

> >

> > Please take a look at each of the websites to learn where the

> candidates really stand.

> > A review of their respective records in the Senate is also

> revealing:


> >

> > Barack Obama supports full funding of the Individuals with

> Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), early intervention and

> developmental programs, and expanded college opportunities for

> students with disabilities.

> >

> > Obama voted for over $44 billion in funding for the IDEA. [sCR


> Senate Vote #94, 3/22/07]

> >

> > Obama will invest $10 billion per year in early intervention,

> educational and developmental programs for children between zero


> five. His plan will help expand programs such as Early Head Start

> to serve more children with disabilities. His plan also will

> encourage states to expand programs for children with


> such as IDEA Part C. [ Obama Plan to Empower Americans with

> Disabilities < http://www.barackob ama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa

> ctSheet.pdf > ]

> >

> > Obama supports increasing opportunities for college students


> disabilities. He also will provide more support for these college

> students. Obama was an original co-sponsor of the Senate bill to

> reauthorize the Higher Education Act (S. 1642) which significantly

> expands opportunities and supports for individuals with


> to attend college and graduate programs. [s.1642, 110th Congress]

> >


> >

> > McCain has repeatedly voted against the IDEA even though he

> claims he supports full funding of it.

> >

> > McCain has repeatedly voted against funding for special


> >

> > Ø McCain repeatedly voted against funding increases for the

> IDEA. [H.R.4577, Senate Vote #170, 6/30/00; SCR 23, Senate Vote

> #103, 3/26/03]

> >

> > Ø McCain has chosen tax cuts for the wealthy over education

> funding for students with disabilities. Specifically, McCain


> against increasing spending in the amount of $229 billion over 10

> years for the IDEA. McCain also voted against an amendment that

> would create a reserve fund of $73 billion in IDEA funding. The

> spending would have been made possible by reducing tax cuts. [sCR

> 23, Senate Vote #103, 3/26/03; SCR 23, Senate Vote #70, 3/21/03]

> >

> > McCain did not co-sponsor reauthorization of the Higher


> Act (S. 1642). He also did not vote on passage of the

> reauthorization of the Higher Education Act in the 110th Congress.

> [s.1642, 110th Congress; S. 1642, Senate Vote #275, 7/24/07]

> >


> >

> > Obama is a co-sponsor of the Community Choice Act of 2007.


> believes that individuals should be able to make their own choices

> for their living arrangements and live independently in their

> communities. [s.799, 110th Congress]

> >

> > Obama is a co-sponsor of the Community Living Assistance


> and Support (CLASS) Act Of 2007. This bill would help individuals

> with functional impairments pay for services that they need to

> maximize their independence. [s.1758, 110th Congress]

> >


> >

> > McCain strongly opposes the Community Choice Act. Asked about


> Community Choice Act at a Town Hall in Denver, McCain said " The

> Community Choice Act is not a piece of legislation that I

support. "

> [ McCain Town Hall < http://www.washingt onpost.com/ wp-

> dyn/content/ article/2008/ 07/07/AR20080707 01672_5.html > ,


> >


> >

> > Obama opposes a freeze on social services spending for people


> disabilities.

> >

> > Obama voted against capping non-defense spending which means


> social service spending for people with disabilities could


> to meet their needs. In 2005, Obama voted against the Inhofe

> amendment that would cap non-defense, non-trust fund spending.

> [s.1932, Senate Vote #286, 11/3/05]

> >


> >

> > McCain promises that he will cap non-defense spending for at


> one year, meaning that social services spending for people with

> disabilities will be capped as well.

> >

> > McCain voted in favor of capping non-defense spending. In 2005,

> McCain voted for the Inhofe amendment that would cap non-defense


> non-trust fund spending. [s.1932, Senate Vote #286, 11/3/05]

> >

> > McCain proposed a freeze of discretionary spending as


> when he said, " As president, I will also order a prompt and


> review of the budgets of every federal program, department, and

> agency. While that top-to-bottom review is underway, we will

> institute a one-year pause in discretionary spending increases


> the necessary exemption of military spending and veterans'

> benefits. " [McCain Remarks on the Economy at Carnegie Mellon

> University, 4/15/08 < http://www.johnmcca

> in.com/Informing /News/Speeches/ 9bb4e69a- 36cc-4ca3- b40d-

> 0cdd41a1b81 2.htm > ]

> >


> >

> > Obama will sign universal health care into law by the end of his

> first term in office, and he has supported expanding the State

> Children's Health Insurance Program ( " SCHIP " ) and health care

> programs for people with disabilities, children, and veterans.

> >

> >

> >

> > Under Obama's plan to provide universal health insurance,

> insurance companies will not be able to stop individuals from

> getting coverage even if they have pre-existing conditions and

> disabilities. Obama's plan allows individuals and businesses to

> purchase public or private health coverage through a national


> insurance exchange. Obama's plan would make health care more

> affordable and accessible to all Americans, particularly


> who have been denied coverage in the private market due to a pre-

> existing condition or disability. [ Obama Plan to Empower

> Individuals with Disabilities < http://www.barackob ama.com/pdf/

> DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ]

> >

> > Obama is a co-sponsor of ending the Medicare Waiting Period Act


> 2007 (S.2102). Before they can get Medicare coverage, people with

> disabilities must first receive Social Security Disability


> (SSDI) for 24 months. Due to the 24-month Medicare waiting


> an estimated 400,000 Americans with disabilities are uninsured and

> many more are underinsured at a time in their lives when they need

> health coverage the most. During this waiting period, many

> individuals develop secondary conditions, their health status

> worsens and many die. Obama supports legislation that would phase

> out this harmful waiting period and provide individuals with


> insurance. [s.2102, 110th Congress]

> >

> > Obama supported expanded health insurance for children. In


> Obama voted to reauthorize the SCHIP at over $60 billion for five

> years. Two children who live with a single parent who makes


> would have access to health insurance coverage under SCHIP. The

> bill would provide $100 million in new grants to fund state


> and enrollment efforts and allocate $49 million for a


> project to streamline the enrollment process for low-income


> already eligible for coverage. [hr 976, Senate Vote #307, 8/2/07]

> >

> > Obama supported assuring accessible health care to people with

> disabilities by co-sponsoring the Promoting Wellness for


> with Disabilities Act (S.1050)The bill would require the U.S.


> Board to establish access standards for all diagnostic equipment

> (examination tables, x-ray, mammography and other radiological

> equipment, etc.). It also educates physicians and dentists by

> requiring that medical schools, dental schools, and their


> programs provide training to improve competency and clinical


> in providing care to patients with disabilities (including those

> with intellectual disabilities) as a condition of receiving


> funds. Finally, it establishes a national wellness grant program

> which will authorize funding for programs or activities for


> cessation, weight control, nutrition or fitness that are tailored


> the needs of individuals with disabilities and authorize funding


> preventive health screening

> > programs for individuals with disabilities to reduce the

> incidence of secondary conditions. [s.1050, 110th Congress]

> >


> >

> > McCain's health care plan does not prohibit discrimination


> individuals with pre-existing conditions and disabilities.


> healthcare plan would replace the existing tax exclusion for

> employer-sponsored health coverage with a refundable tax credit


> all Americans as an incentive to purchase health

> insurance. However, many individuals with disabilities are denied

> coverage or unable to afford coverage in the private market due to

> pre-existing conditions and disabilities. While McCain's plan


> work with states to develop best practice models in expanding

> coverage to individuals who have been denied coverage, it would


> prohibit discrimination. [ Washington Post, 4/30/08 <

> http://www.washingt onpost.com/ wp-dyn/content/ article/2008/

> 04/29/AR20080429 02706.html > ]

> >

> > McCain opposed reauthorizing SCHIP and providing insurance for

> millions of uninsured children. According to Knight

Ridder , " The

> [2007] Senate proposal would provide coverage to 3.2 million "

> uninsured children and renew coverage for the 6 million children

> already covered by the program. The legislation passed 68-31.


> 976 , Vote #307 < http://www.senate. gov/legislative/ LIS/roll_

> call_lists/ roll_call_ vote_cfm. cfm?congress=

> 110 & session=1 & vote=00307 > , 8/2/07; Knight Ridder , 8/2/07]

> >


> > Obama:

> > The Disabled America Veterans (DAV) gave Obama an 80% rating in

> 2006. [Project Vote Smart]

> > Obama supported expanding health care for veterans.

> >

> > Ø In 2005, Obama voted for providing an additional $500


> per year for the next five years for mental health services for

> veterans. [s.2020, Senate Vote #343, 11/17/05]

> >

> > Ø In 2006, Obama voted in favor of adding $430 million for

> outpatient and inpatient health care and treatment for

> veterans. Nearly half of the military servicemen and women


> in Iraq and Afghanistan will require health care services for the

> physical and psychological traumas of war, yet the Bush

> administration and Republican-led Congress have underfunded the

> Veterans Administration' s medical services by at least $1.2


> for 2007 alone. And, this was the second consecutive year they


> done so. [H.R.4939, Senate Vote #98, 4/26/06; The Independent

> Budget, A Budget for Veterans by Veterans, 2/10/06; Newsweek,

> 1/19/06]

> >

> > Obama voted for $2 million for research of traumatic brain

> injuries to improve imaging for traumatic brain injury testing and

> adapting current technologies to treat brain injuries suffered in

> war. [H.R.5631, S. Amdt. 4781, Senate Vote #222, 8/2/06; CQ,


> >

> > McCain:

> >

> > McCain opposed expanding health care for veterans.

> >

> > Ø In 2005, McCain voted against providing an additional $500

> million per year for the next five years for mental health


> for veterans. [s.2020, Senate Vote #343, 11/17/05]

> >

> > Ø In 2006, McCain was one of 13 senators who voted against

> adding $430 million for outpatient and inpatient health care and

> treatment for veterans. Amendment passed 84-16. [H.R.4939, Vote

> #98 < http://www.senate. gov/legislative/ LIS/roll_ call_lists/

> roll_call_ vote_cfm. cfm?congress= 109 & session=2 & vote=00098 > ,

> 4/26/06]

> >

> >

> > Ø McCain voted against $2 million of funding for research of

> traumatic brain injuries. McCain rejected legislation that would

> help improve imaging for traumatic brain injury testing and


> current technologies to treat brain injuries suffered in

> war. [H.R.5631, S. Amdt. 4781, Senate Vote #222, 8/2/06; CQ,

> 8/2/06]

> >

> >

> >

> > Ø McCain voted with the Disabled American Veterans 20% of the

> time. Factcheck.org " However, he is correct in that McCain doesn't

> have a perfect score with DAV (Disabled American Veterans), a


> of 1.3 million disabled veterans that supports more funding for

> veterans health care. McCain has a 20 percent record of voting the

> way DAV would like him to in 2006…Senators were evaluated on five

> votes for amendments that would have increased funding for


> health care. " [Factcheck.org < http://www.factchec


> ck/does_mccain_ have_a_perfect_ voting_record. html > ]

> >

> >


> >

> > Obama strongly supports the Americans with Disabilities Act


> Restoration Act. Indeed, he signed on as an original co-sponsor


> the Senate version of the ADA Restoration Act. [s.1050, 110th

> Congress]

> >

> >

> >

> > Obama will appoint judges who exhibit empathy for individuals


> disabilities. " Barack Obama will appoint judges and justices who

> respect Congress' role as a co-equal, democratically elected


> of government and who exhibit empathy with what it means to be an

> American with a disability " [ Obama Plan To Empower Individuals


> Disabilities < http://www.barackob ama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa

> ctSheet.pdf > ]

> >


> >

> > While McCain has also co-sponsored the ADA Restoration Act, he


> promised to appoint judges like those who interpreted the ADA

> narrowly and deprived millions of people with disabilities of


> civil rights. McCain said that as president, he would " appoint

> strict constructionist judges. " [AP, 8/7/07] " In an address at

> Wake Forest University, McCain pledged to nominate jurists who

> believe `there are clear limits to the scope of judicial power'…By

> way of example, McCain said he would look for people in the cast


> Chief Justice G. Jr. and Justice A. Alito Jr.,

> and his friend the late Chief Justice H. Rehnquist. He

> called them `jurists of the highest caliber who know their own

> minds, and know the law, and know the difference.' " [ Los Angeles

> Times, 5/7/08 < http://www.latimes. com/news/ nationworld/

> politics/ la-na-mccain7- 2008may07, 0,3233304. story > ]

> >

> >


> >

> > In 2007, Obama voted against increasing Medicare Part D premiums

> for beneficiaries making over $80,000 annually. Obama voted

> against the Ensign Amendment that would require Medicare

> prescription drugs beneficiaries with annual incomes over $80,000

> and couples with annual incomes over $160,000 to pay a larger


> of their Medicare Part D premium.[sCR 21, Senate Vote #93, 3/22/07]

> >

> > Obama opposed means testing for Medicare. In response to a


> questionnaire, Obama said, " The bill added `means testing' to Part


> of Medicare, requiring individuals with incomes over $80,000 to


> gradually higher premiums. This undermines the basic premise of

> Medicare as an insurance program for all Americans and could cause

> wealthier and healthier people to leave the Medicare

> program. " [NCPSSM Questionnaire; Citizen Action Illinois

> Questionnaire, SEIU Questionnaire]

> >


> >

> > McCain voted to raise the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to

> 67. In 1997, McCain voted in favor of raising the eligibility age

> for receiving Medicare from 65 to 67 with the change being phased


> between 2003 and 2027. The motion passed 62-38. [s 947, Vote

> #112 < http://www.senate. gov/legislative/ LIS/roll_ call_lists/

> roll_call_ vote_cfm. cfm?congress= 105 & session=1 & vote=00112 > ,

> 6/24/97]

> >

> > OBAMA ON MENTAL HEALTH PARITY Obama is a long-time


> of mental health parity legislation, having passed the Illinois

> Mental Health Parity Law. He also co-sponsored the Mental Health

> Parity Act of 2007. Obama co-sponsored a bill to amend the


> Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and the Public Health


> Act to require a group health plan that provides both medical and

> surgical benefits and mental health benefits to ensure that: (1)


> financial requirements applicable to such mental health benefits


> no more restrictive than those of substantially all medical and

> surgical benefits covered by the plan, including deductibles and

> copayments; and (2) the treatment limitations applicable to such

> mental health benefits are no more restrictive than those applied


> substantially all medical and surgical benefits covered by the


> including limits on the frequency of treatments or similar limits


> the scope or duration

> > of treatment. The bill prohibited the plan from establishing

> separate cost sharing requirements that are applicable only with

> respect to mental health benefits. [110th, S.558, Introduced

> 2/12/07; HELP Report, 4/11/07] Obama co-sponsored and voted for


> mental health parity bill that requires coverage for serious


> illnesses to be provided on the same terms and conditions as


> illnesses and diseases. [92nd GA; SB 1341; 2001; Signed into law

> 7/27/01, PA 92-0185 ]

> > MCCAIN ON MENTAL HEALTH PARITY McCain's health care plan


> eliminate the mental health parity requirements in 45 states.


> Street Journal, 10/11/07; SOURCE: National Conference of State

> Legislatures ( http://www.ncsl. org/programs/ health/hmolaws.

> htm < http://www.ncsl. org/programs/ health/hmolaws. htm > ),

> accessed 7/30/07; Council for Affordable Health Insurance,

> accessed 7/30/07 ( http://www.cahi. org/cahi_ contents/

> resources/ pdf/MandatePub20 07.pdf < http://www.cahi. org/cahi_

> contents/ resources/ pdf/MandatePub20 07.pdf > )]

> > OBAMA ON AUTISM Obama will increase federal funding for

> outreach and support services for people on the autism

> spectrum. Specifically, " Obama will seek to increase federal ASD

> funding for research, treatment, screenings, public awareness, and

> support services to $1 billion annually by the end of his first


> in office. Obama will also continue to work with parents,

> physicians, providers, researchers, and schools to create

> opportunities and effective solutions for people with ASD. " [Obama

> Plan Supporting Americans with Autism Spectrum Disorders <

> http://origin. barackobama. com/pdf/AutismSp ectrumDisorders. pdf

> > ] Obama is a co-sponsor of the Expanding the Promise to

> Individuals with Autism Act (S.937) which would improve services


> supports for individuals with autism spectrum disorder and their

> families. It would build upon programs within the Developmental

> Disabilities Act to increase interdisciplinary training of

> > professionals, development and dissemination of evidence-based

> autism treatments, interventions, supports and services for


> and adults, and protection and advocacy. [s.937, 110th


> > MCCAIN ON AUTISM McCain has not taken a leading role to expand

> services and supports for people with autism. McCain has not co-

> sponsored the Expanding the Promise to Individuals with Autism Act

> (S.937). [s.937, 110th Congress] McCain says he will work to

> advance federal autism research. " As President, McCain will

> work to advance federal research into autism, promote early

> screening, and identify better treatment options, while providing

> support for children with autism so that they may reach their full

> potential. " [McCain Statement on Combating Autism in America <

> http://www.johnmcca in.com/content/ ?guid=24dc9c37- e739-4aa3-


> ebae650a2f1 1 > ]


> supports fully funding the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) so that we

> can ensure all polling places are accessible. His administration

> would also assure better enforcement of federal disability rights

> laws – from HAVA to the Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and

> Handicapped Act to the ADA – to make sure the right of Americans

> with disabilities to vote is fully protected. [Obama Plan to


> Individuals with Disabilities < http://www.barackob ama.com/pdf/

> DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ]



> McCain voted repeatedly against the Help America Vote Act, which


> offered to correct problems in the election system and impose

> detailed voting-procedure requirements on the states. McCain


> for final passage of the bill. [s.565, Senate]

> >

> >

> >

> > Please visit our Advocacy Blog, at www.cilsflablog.

org . " People

> with disabilities seek nothing more than an equal opportunity at

> justice, and should accept nothing less. "

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > -- mit Saskia, Nora-Jane*2001, *2004/DS (Zitronen-

> Fischöl, CoenzymQ10-hochdosi ert, Vit.A, gepuffertes Vit. C +

> natürliches Vit. E, Himbeer-Folsäure + B12, Selen, Zink,

> Probiotikum, Ginkgo Biloba, Antra, Thyroxin)

> >


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Thank you for this Kathy. It seems when they cannot sully Palin’s

record, they will try to oust McCain.

, Mom to Phoebe

3 Ds and cystic fibrosis, and Nolan

6, speech delay

Proud wife to Steve,

the love of my life...

phoebe updates here

“You have brains in your head.

You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you

choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who'll

decide where to go. ” —Dr. Seuss (1904-1991), Writer, cartoonist



[mailto:DownSyndromeInfoExchange ] On Behalf Of Kathy


Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 9:30 AM

To: DownSyndromeInfoExchange

Subject: RE: [DownSyndromeInfoExchange] Re: Fwd: Comparison of positions

of the Presidential Candidates relating to people with disabilities

Here’s another:


Tuesday, September 23, 2008, 11:52 PM

McCain " voted to cut education funding, against

accountability standards. He even proposed abolishing the Department of

Education. "

Barack Obama on Tuesday, September 9th, 2008 in a TV ad

Cherry-picking the record


been nearly 50 years since a sitting senator, F. Kennedy, has won the

presidency, and Barack Obama’s recent TV ad assailing McCain’s education

record is a good example why.


especially those with long tenures like McCain, have to take a lot of votes and

state a lot of positions, all of which can later be used against them – even if

the bulk of the senator’s record points to a different conclusion than the



certainly the case with Obama’s ad, which claims, among other things, that

McCain " voted to cut education funding, against accountability standards.

He even proposed abolishing the Department of Education.”


each case, there’s an example or two bolstering Obama’s claims, but there are

other examples in McCain’s nearly 22 years in the Senate, more telling, that

show that McCain generally supports increased funding for education, stronger

accountability standards and a more powerful Education Department.


the first point, the Obama campaign cites a number of examples where McCain

didn’t support large increases in education funding backed by Democrats, but

only one case in which McCain actually “voted to cut education funding,” as the

ad alleges.


came in 1995, when McCain voted for a Republican budget resolution calling for

a 1 percent cut in the education budget. In the end, the Education Department’s

budget was cut slightly that year — in the midst of the budget wars pitting

then-President Clinton against the new Republican majority in Congress. But the

education budget quickly rebounded and McCain in 2001 voted for the law known

as the No Child Left Behind Act, which increased federal education funding by a

whopping 33 percent, or $14-billion, in a single year.


McCain campaign in response to the ad’s allegations noted a number of other

occasions in which McCain has supported increased education funding. It’s true

that Democrats have supported large funding increases beyond what Republicans

have backed, but the Education Department budget today is still 60 percent

higher than when Bush took office, increases that have largely enjoyed McCain’s



again cherry picks the record to make a case that McCain opposes accountability

standards. The Obama campaign cites a number of pre-No Child Left Behind votes

in which McCain didn’t support Democratic efforts to require states to

establish accountability standards as a condition of federal funding. Many

Republicans long opposed such conditions as a federal imposition on what is

traditionally a state responsibility: education. It wasn’t accountability

standards that they opposed, rather federal intrusion into state



so, when Bush proposed just that idea in 2001, Republicans, including McCain,

voted to create the most rigorous education accountability standards ever

imposed by the federal government on the states through the No Child Left

Behind Act.


the McCain campaign’s pledge to fully fund the No Child Left Behind Act, and in

that way endorse the expanded federal role in education that law calls for, it

seems unlikely McCain has any intention of abolishing the Department of

Education should he be elected.


for what it’s worth, he did way back in 1994, when he said on CNN's Late

Edition that " given the origins of the Department of Education, I

would favor doing away with it. "


evidence, then, for each of Obama’s charges, but entirely absent is the larger

context. Obama is citing exceptions in the McCain record rather than the rule,

and claims — erroneously — that failing to support the large increases in

education funding backed by Democrats is the same as supporting cuts. As a

result, we find the Obama campaign ad’s claims to be Barely True.


ct.com/truth- o-meter/statemen ts/723

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I read my response again and again and you are right. I didn't mean it to sound that way though. My apologies Ann. Forgive me.

I do remember those threads and they can be really ugly. I dont want any part of that.

One thing I have been watching is 's "Keeping it Real" every night. This show goes after both candidates ads, speeches, town hall meetings etc. and exposes the half truths, the "not even true" and so on. Both are guilty of running a nasty campaign. Now why do we need a President? I am just kidding ;) Not trying to start a thread. *giggles*

[ADA Expertise] Comparison of Positions of the Presidential Candidates relating to people with disabilities > > Sunday, September 21, 2008 > This information is

set forth in an effort to provide the reader with information about the Presidential candidates' positions concerning people with disabilities. It is not intended as an endorsement of either candidate, and is posted in my private capacity. > Watch what they do (and did), not just what they say. > > Vote for the candidate of your choice, but vote. > Please feel free to share this email and add it to your blogs. > > Marc > > As we near November 4th, it is increasingly important that voters concerned about people with disabilities are well-informed about the candidates' positions. Each Presidential candidate has put forth positions on issues on their respective websites: > > McCain/Palen: www.johnmccain. com/informing/ issues < http://www.johnmcca in.com/informing /issues > > Obama/Biden: www.barackobama. com/issues < http://www.barackob ama.com/issues > > > Please take a look at each of the websites to learn where the candidates really stand. > A review of their respective records in the Senate is also revealing: > OBAMA ON EDUCATION FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES > > Barack Obama supports full funding of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), early intervention and developmental programs, and expanded college opportunities for students with disabilities.> > Obama voted for over $44 billion in funding for the IDEA. [sCR 1, Senate Vote #94, 3/22/07]> > Obama will invest $10 billion per year in early intervention, educational and

developmental programs for children between zero and five. His plan will help expand programs such as Early Head Start to serve more children with disabilities. His plan also will encourage states to expand programs for children with disabilities, such as IDEA Part C. [ Obama Plan to Empower Americans with Disabilities < http://www.barackob ama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ]> > Obama supports increasing opportunities for college students with disabilities. He also will provide more support for these college students. Obama was an original co-sponsor of the Senate bill to reauthorize the Higher Education Act (S. 1642) which significantly expands opportunities and supports for individuals with disabilities to attend college and graduate programs. [s.1642, 110th

Congress]> > MCCAIN ON EDUCATION FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES > > McCain has repeatedly voted against the IDEA even though he claims he supports full funding of it.> > McCain has repeatedly voted against funding for special education.> > Ø McCain repeatedly voted against funding increases for the IDEA. [H.R.4577, Senate Vote #170, 6/30/00; SCR 23, Senate Vote #103, 3/26/03]> > Ø McCain has chosen tax cuts for the wealthy over education funding for students with disabilities. Specifically, McCain voted against increasing spending in the amount of $229 billion over 10 years for the IDEA. McCain also voted against an amendment that would create a reserve fund of $73 billion in IDEA funding. The spending would have been made possible by reducing tax cuts. [sCR

23, Senate Vote #103, 3/26/03; SCR 23, Senate Vote #70, 3/21/03]> > McCain did not co-sponsor reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (S. 1642). He also did not vote on passage of the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act in the 110th Congress. [s.1642, 110th Congress; S. 1642, Senate Vote #275, 7/24/07] > > OBAMA ON SUPPORT FOR LIVING INDEPENDENTLY IN THE COMMUNITY > > Obama is a co-sponsor of the Community Choice Act of 2007. Obama believes that individuals should be able to make their own choices for their living arrangements and live independently in their communities. [s.799, 110th Congress]> > Obama is a co-sponsor of the Community Living Assistance Services and Support (CLASS) Act Of 2007. This bill would help individuals with functional impairments pay for services that they need to maximize their

independence. [s.1758, 110th Congress] > > MCCAIN ON SUPPORT FOR LIVING INDEPENDENTLY IN THE COMMUNITY > > McCain strongly opposes the Community Choice Act. Asked about the Community Choice Act at a Town Hall in Denver, McCain said "The Community Choice Act is not a piece of legislation that I support." [ McCain Town Hall < http://www.washingt onpost.com/ wp-dyn/content/ article/2008/ 07/07/AR20080707 01672_5.html > , 7/7/08] > > OBAMA ON SOCIAL SERVICES SPENDING > > Obama opposes a freeze on social services spending for people with disabilities. > > Obama voted against capping non-defense spending which means that social service spending for people with disabilities could continue to meet their needs. In 2005, Obama voted against the Inhofe

amendment that would cap non-defense, non-trust fund spending. [s.1932, Senate Vote #286, 11/3/05] > > MCCAIN ON SOCIAL SERVICES SPENDING > > McCain promises that he will cap non-defense spending for at least one year, meaning that social services spending for people with disabilities will be capped as well.> > McCain voted in favor of capping non-defense spending. In 2005, McCain voted for the Inhofe amendment that would cap non-defense and non-trust fund spending. [s.1932, Senate Vote #286, 11/3/05]> > McCain proposed a freeze of discretionary spending as illustrated when he said, "As president, I will also order a prompt and thorough review of the budgets of every federal program, department, and agency. While that top-to-bottom review is underway, we will institute a one-year pause in discretionary spending increases with the

necessary exemption of military spending and veterans' benefits." [McCain Remarks on the Economy at Carnegie Mellon University, 4/15/08 < http://www.johnmcca in.com/Informing /News/Speeches/ 9bb4e69a- 36cc-4ca3- b40d-0cdd41a1b81 2.htm > ]> > OBAMA ON HEALTH CARE FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES > > Obama will sign universal health care into law by the end of his first term in office, and he has supported expanding the State Children's Health Insurance Program ("SCHIP") and health care programs for people with disabilities, children, and veterans. > > > > Under Obama's plan to provide universal health insurance, insurance companies will not be able to stop individuals from getting coverage even if they have pre-existing conditions and disabilities. Obama's plan

allows individuals and businesses to purchase public or private health coverage through a national health insurance exchange. Obama's plan would make health care more affordable and accessible to all Americans, particularly individuals who have been denied coverage in the private market due to a pre-existing condition or disability. [ Obama Plan to Empower Individuals with Disabilities < http://www.barackob ama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ]> > Obama is a co-sponsor of ending the Medicare Waiting Period Act of 2007 (S.2102). Before they can get Medicare coverage, people with disabilities must first receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) for 24 months. Due to the 24-month Medicare waiting period, an estimated 400,000 Americans with disabilities are uninsured and

many more are underinsured at a time in their lives when they need health coverage the most. During this waiting period, many individuals develop secondary conditions, their health status worsens and many die. Obama supports legislation that would phase out this harmful waiting period and provide individuals with health insurance. [s.2102, 110th Congress]> > Obama supported expanded health insurance for children. In 2007, Obama voted to reauthorize the SCHIP at over $60 billion for five years. Two children who live with a single parent who makes $51,510 would have access to health insurance coverage under SCHIP. The bill would provide $100 million in new grants to fund state outreach and enrollment efforts and allocate $49 million for a demonstration project to streamline the enrollment process for low-income children already eligible for coverage. [hr

976, Senate Vote #307, 8/2/07]> > Obama supported assuring accessible health care to people with disabilities by co-sponsoring the Promoting Wellness for Individuals with Disabilities Act (S.1050)The bill would require the U.S. Access Board to establish access standards for all diagnostic equipment (examination tables, x-ray, mammography and other radiological equipment, etc.). It also educates physicians and dentists by requiring that medical schools, dental schools, and their residency programs provide training to improve competency and clinical skills in providing care to patients with disabilities (including those with intellectual disabilities) as a condition of receiving federal funds. Finally, it establishes a national wellness grant program which will authorize funding for programs or activities for smoking cessation, weight control, nutrition or fitness that are tailored

to the needs of individuals with disabilities and authorize funding for preventive health screening> programs for individuals with disabilities to reduce the incidence of secondary conditions. [s.1050, 110th Congress]> > MCCAIN ON HEALTH CARE FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES > > McCain's health care plan does not prohibit discrimination against individuals with pre-existing conditions and disabilities. McCain's healthcare plan would replace the existing tax exclusion for employer-sponsored health coverage with a refundable tax credit for all Americans as an incentive to purchase health insurance. However, many individuals with disabilities are denied coverage or unable to afford coverage in the private market due to pre-existing conditions and disabilities. While McCain's plan would work with states to develop best practice models in expanding

coverage to individuals who have been denied coverage, it would not prohibit discrimination. [ Washington Post, 4/30/08 < http://www.washingt onpost.com/ wp-dyn/content/ article/2008/ 04/29/AR20080429 02706.html > ]> > McCain opposed reauthorizing SCHIP and providing insurance for millions of uninsured children. According to Knight Ridder , "The [2007] Senate proposal would provide coverage to 3.2 million" uninsured children and renew coverage for the 6 million children already covered by the program. The legislation passed 68-31. [H.R. 976 , Vote #307 < http://www.senate. gov/legislative/ LIS/roll_ call_lists/ roll_call_ vote_cfm. cfm?congress= 110 & session= 1 & vote=00307 > , 8/2/07; Knight Ridder , 8/2/07]>

> VETERANS WITH DISABILITIES: > Obama:> The Disabled America Veterans (DAV) gave Obama an 80% rating in 2006. [Project Vote Smart]> Obama supported expanding health care for veterans. > > Ø In 2005, Obama voted for providing an additional $500 million per year for the next five years for mental health services for veterans. [s.2020, Senate Vote #343, 11/17/05]> > Ø In 2006, Obama voted in favor of adding $430 million for outpatient and inpatient health care and treatment for veterans. Nearly half of the military servicemen and women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan will require health care services for the physical and psychological traumas of war, yet the Bush administration and Republican-led Congress have underfunded the Veterans Administration' s medical services by at least $1.2 billion for 2007

alone. And, this was the second consecutive year they had done so. [H.R.4939, Senate Vote #98, 4/26/06; The Independent Budget, A Budget for Veterans by Veterans, 2/10/06; Newsweek, 1/19/06]> > Obama voted for $2 million for research of traumatic brain injuries to improve imaging for traumatic brain injury testing and adapting current technologies to treat brain injuries suffered in war. [H.R.5631, S. Amdt. 4781, Senate Vote #222, 8/2/06; CQ, 8/2/06]> > McCain: > > McCain opposed expanding health care for veterans.> > Ø In 2005, McCain voted against providing an additional $500 million per year for the next five years for mental health services for veterans. [s.2020, Senate Vote #343, 11/17/05] > > Ø In 2006, McCain was one of 13 senators who voted against adding $430 million for

outpatient and inpatient health care and treatment for veterans. Amendment passed 84-16. [H.R.4939, Vote #98 < http://www.senate. gov/legislative/ LIS/roll_ call_lists/ roll_call_ vote_cfm. cfm?congress= 109 & session= 2 & vote=00098 > , 4/26/06]> > > Ø McCain voted against $2 million of funding for research of traumatic brain injuries. McCain rejected legislation that would help improve imaging for traumatic brain injury testing and adapting current technologies to treat brain injuries suffered in war. [H.R.5631, S. Amdt. 4781, Senate Vote #222, 8/2/06; CQ, 8/2/06] > > > > Ø McCain voted with the Disabled American Veterans 20% of the time. Factcheck. org "However, he is correct in that McCain doesn't have a perfect score with DAV

(Disabled American Veterans), a group of 1.3 million disabled veterans that supports more funding for veterans health care. McCain has a 20 percent record of voting the way DAV would like him to in 2006…Senators were evaluated on five votes for amendments that would have increased funding for veterans' health care." [Factcheck.org < http://www.factchec k.org/askfactche ck/does_mccain_ have_a_perfect_ voting_record. html > ] > > > OBAMA ON CIVIL RIGHTS FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES > > Obama strongly supports the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Restoration Act. Indeed, he signed on as an original co-sponsor of the Senate version of the ADA Restoration Act. [s.1050, 110th Congress]> > > > Obama will appoint judges who exhibit empathy for individuals with

disabilities. "Barack Obama will appoint judges and justices who respect Congress' role as a co-equal, democratically elected branch of government and who exhibit empathy with what it means to be an American with a disability" [ Obama Plan To Empower Individuals With Disabilities < http://www.barackob ama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ]> > MCCAIN ON CIVIL RIGHTS FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES > > While McCain has also co-sponsored the ADA Restoration Act, he has promised to appoint judges like those who interpreted the ADA narrowly and deprived millions of people with disabilities of their civil rights. McCain said that as president, he would "appoint strict constructionist judges." [AP, 8/7/07] "In an address at Wake Forest University, McCain pledged to nominate

jurists who believe `there are clear limits to the scope of judicial power'…By way of example, McCain said he would look for people in the cast of Chief Justice G. Jr. and Justice A. Alito Jr., and his friend the late Chief Justice H. Rehnquist. He called them `jurists of the highest caliber who know their own minds, and know the law, and know the difference.' " [ Los Angeles Times, 5/7/08 < http://www.latimes. com/news/ nationworld/ politics/ la-na-mccain7- 2008may07, 0,3233304. story > ]> > > OBAMA ON MEDICARE ELIGIBILITY > > In 2007, Obama voted against increasing Medicare Part D premiums for beneficiaries making over $80,000 annually. Obama voted against the Ensign Amendment that would require Medicare prescription drugs beneficiaries with annual incomes over

$80,000 and couples with annual incomes over $160,000 to pay a larger share of their Medicare Part D premium.[sCR 21, Senate Vote #93, 3/22/07]> > Obama opposed means testing for Medicare. In response to a NCPSSM questionnaire, Obama said, "The bill added `means testing' to Part B of Medicare, requiring individuals with incomes over $80,000 to pay gradually higher premiums. This undermines the basic premise of Medicare as an insurance program for all Americans and could cause wealthier and healthier people to leave the Medicare program." [NCPSSM Questionnaire; Citizen Action Illinois Questionnaire, SEIU Questionnaire] > > MCCAIN ON MEDICARE ELIGIBILITY > > McCain voted to raise the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to 67. In 1997, McCain voted in favor of raising the eligibility age for receiving Medicare from 65 to 67 with the change being phased in

between 2003 and 2027. The motion passed 62-38. [s 947, Vote #112 < http://www.senate. gov/legislative/ LIS/roll_ call_lists/ roll_call_ vote_cfm. cfm?congress= 105 & session= 1 & vote=00112 > , 6/24/97] > > OBAMA ON MENTAL HEALTH PARITY Obama is a long-time supporter of mental health parity legislation, having passed the Illinois Mental Health Parity Law. He also co-sponsored the Mental Health Parity Act of 2007. Obama co-sponsored a bill to amend the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and the Public Health Service Act to require a group health plan that provides both medical and surgical benefits and mental health benefits to ensure that: (1) the financial requirements applicable to such mental health benefits are no more restrictive than those of

substantially all medical and surgical benefits covered by the plan, including deductibles and copayments; and (2) the treatment limitations applicable to such mental health benefits are no more restrictive than those applied to substantially all medical and surgical benefits covered by the plan, including limits on the frequency of treatments or similar limits on the scope or duration> of treatment. The bill prohibited the plan from establishing separate cost sharing requirements that are applicable only with respect to mental health benefits. [110th, S.558, Introduced 2/12/07; HELP Report, 4/11/07] Obama co-sponsored and voted for a mental health parity bill that requires coverage for serious mental illnesses to be provided on the same terms and conditions as other illnesses and diseases. [92nd GA; SB 1341; 2001; Signed into law 7/27/01, PA 92-0185 ] >

MCCAIN ON MENTAL HEALTH PARITY McCain's health care plan would eliminate the mental health parity requirements in 45 states. [Wall Street Journal, 10/11/07; SOURCE: National Conference of State Legislatures ( http://www.ncsl. org/programs/ health/hmolaws. htm < http://www.ncsl. org/programs/ health/hmolaws. htm > ), accessed 7/30/07; Council for Affordable Health Insurance, accessed 7/30/07 ( http://www.cahi. org/cahi_ contents/ resources/ pdf/MandatePub20 07.pdf < http://www.cahi. org/cahi_ contents/ resources/ pdf/MandatePub20 07.pdf > )] > OBAMA ON AUTISM Obama will increase federal funding for

outreach and support services for people on the autism spectrum. Specifical ly, "Obama will seek to increase federal ASD funding for research, treatment, screenings, public awareness, and support services to $1 billion annually by the end of his first term in office. Obama will also continue to work with parents, physicians, providers, researchers, and schools to create opportunities and effective solutions for people with ASD." [Obama Plan Supporting Americans with Autism Spectrum Disorders < http://origin. barackobama. com/pdf/AutismSp ectrumDisorders. pdf > ] Obama is a co-sponsor of the Expanding the Promise to Individuals with Autism Act (S.937) which would improve services and supports for individuals with autism spectrum disorder and their families. It would build upon programs within the

Developmental Disabilities Act to increase interdisciplinary training of> professionals, development and dissemination of evidence-based autism treatments, interventions, supports and services for children and adults, and protection and advocacy. [s.937, 110th Congress] > MCCAIN ON AUTISM McCain has not taken a leading role to expand services and supports for people with autism. McCain has not co-sponsored the Expanding the Promise to Individuals with Autism Act (S.937). [s.937, 110th Congress] McCain says he will work to advance federal autism research. "As President, McCain will work to advance federal research into autism, promote early screening, and identify better treatment options, while providing support for children with autism so that they may reach their full potential." [McCain Statement on Combating Autism in America < http://www.johnmcca in.com/content/ ?guid=24dc9c37- e739-4aa3- 8a88-ebae650a2f1 1 > ] > OBAMA ON VOTING RIGHTS FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES Obama supports fully funding the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) so that we can ensure all polling places are accessible. His administration would also assure better enforcement of federal disability rights laws – from HAVA to the Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act to the ADA – to make sure the right of Americans with disabilities to vote is fully protected. [Obama Plan to Empower Individuals with Disabilities < http://www.barackob ama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ] > MCCAIN ON VOTING RIGHTS FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES In 2002, McCain voted repeatedly

against the Help America Vote Act, which was offered to correct problems in the election system and impose detailed voting-procedure requirements on the states. McCain voted for final passage of the bill. [s.565, Senate] > > > > Please visit our Advocacy Blog, at www.cilsflablog. org . "People with disabilities seek nothing more than an equal opportunity at justice, and should accept nothing less." > > > > > > > > > -- mit Saskia, Nora-Jane*2001, *2004/DS (Zitronen-Fischöl, CoenzymQ10-hochdosi ert, Vit.A, gepuffertes Vit. C + natürliches Vit. E, Himbeer-Folsä ure + B12, Selen, Zink, Probiotikum, Ginkgo Biloba, Antra,


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Thanks ,


> >

> > Hi !

> >

> > Thank you for this information. I had already decided on my


> even before Palin got onto the scene. I was really moved when she

> spoke into the camera during the GOP convention telling me she is


> my side, really tugged at my heart,  but I quickly learned all the

> cuts  from special ed. programs she has made in her own state and

> how very anti medicaid and anti IDEA Mccain is......I just hope


> she will be an huge advocate for all people and children with

> disabilities in want ever she ends up doing but quite honestly,


> will never know what it's like to be denied services over and over

> again for her child. Which is a good thing for her son but not

> for mine.

> >

> >    

> >  

> >

> >

> >  [ADA Expertise] Comparison of Positions of the

> Presidential Candidates relating to people with disabilities  

> >    

> >  Sunday, September 21, 2008  

> > This information is set forth in an effort to provide the reader

> with information about the Presidential candidates' positions

> concerning people with disabilities. It is not intended as an

> endorsement of either candidate, and is posted in my private

> capacity. 

> > Watch what they do (and did), not just what they say.  

> >

> > Vote for the candidate of your choice, but vote.  

> > Please feel free to share this email and add it to your blogs.  

> >

> >  Marc  

> >

> > As we near November 4th, it is increasingly important that


> concerned about people with disabilities are well-informed about


> candidates' positions. Each Presidential candidate has put forth

> positions on issues on their respective websites:  

> >

> > McCain/Palen:  www.johnmccain. com/informing/ issues  <

> http://www.johnmcca in.com/informing /issues > 

> > Obama/Biden:  www.barackobama. com/issues  < http://www.barackob

> ama.com/issues > 

> >

> > Please take a look at each of the websites to learn where the

> candidates really stand.

> > A review of their respective records in the Senate is also

> revealing:


> >

> > Barack Obama supports full funding of the Individuals with

> Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), early intervention and

> developmental programs, and expanded college opportunities for

> students with disabilities.

> >

> > Obama voted for over $44 billion in funding for the IDEA.  [sCR


> Senate Vote #94, 3/22/07]

> >

> > Obama will invest $10 billion per year in early intervention,

> educational and developmental programs for children between zero


> five.  His plan will help expand programs such as Early Head Start

> to serve more children with disabilities.  His plan also will

> encourage states to expand programs for children with


> such as IDEA Part C.  [ Obama Plan to Empower Americans with

> Disabilities  < http://www.barackob ama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa

> ctSheet.pdf > ]

> >

> > Obama supports increasing opportunities for college students


> disabilities.  He also will provide more support for these college

> students.  Obama was an original co-sponsor of the Senate bill to

> reauthorize the Higher Education Act (S. 1642) which significantly

> expands opportunities and supports for individuals with


> to attend college and graduate programs.  [s.1642, 110th Congress]

> >


> >     

> > McCain has repeatedly voted against the IDEA even though he

> claims he supports full funding of it.

> >

> > McCain has repeatedly voted against funding for special


> >

> > Ø    McCain repeatedly voted against funding increases for the

> IDEA. [H.R.4577, Senate Vote #170, 6/30/00; SCR 23, Senate Vote

> #103, 3/26/03]

> >

> > Ø    McCain has chosen tax cuts for the wealthy over education

> funding for students with disabilities.  Specifically,  McCain


> against increasing spending in the amount of $229 billion over 10

> years for the IDEA.  McCain also voted against an amendment that

> would create a reserve fund of $73 billion in IDEA funding.  The

> spending would have been made possible by reducing tax cuts.  [sCR

> 23, Senate Vote #103, 3/26/03; SCR 23, Senate Vote #70, 3/21/03]

> >

> > McCain did not co-sponsor reauthorization of the Higher


> Act (S. 1642).  He also did not vote on passage of the

> reauthorization of the Higher Education Act in the 110th Congress.

> [s.1642, 110th Congress; S. 1642, Senate Vote #275, 7/24/07]

> >


> >

> > Obama is a co-sponsor of the Community Choice Act of

2007.  Obama

> believes that individuals should be able to make their own choices

> for their living arrangements and live independently in their

> communities.  [s.799, 110th Congress]

> >

> > Obama is a co-sponsor of the Community Living Assistance


> and Support (CLASS) Act Of 2007.  This bill would help individuals

> with functional impairments pay for services that they need to

> maximize their independence.  [s.1758, 110th Congress]

> >


> >

> > McCain strongly opposes the Community Choice Act.  Asked about


> Community Choice Act at a Town Hall in Denver, McCain said " The

> Community Choice Act is not a piece of legislation that I

support. "

> [ McCain Town Hall  < http://www.washingt onpost.com/ wp-

> dyn/content/ article/2008/ 07/07/AR20080707 01672_5.html > ,


> >


> >

> > Obama opposes a freeze on social services spending for people


> disabilities. 

> >

> > Obama voted against capping non-defense spending which means


> social service spending for people with disabilities could


> to meet their needs.  In 2005, Obama voted against the Inhofe

> amendment that would cap non-defense, non-trust fund spending.

> [s.1932, Senate Vote #286, 11/3/05]

> >


> >

> > McCain promises that he will cap non-defense spending for at


> one year, meaning that social services spending for people with

> disabilities will be capped as well.

> >

> > McCain voted in favor of capping non-defense spending. In 2005,

> McCain voted for the Inhofe amendment that would cap non-defense


> non-trust fund spending. [s.1932, Senate Vote #286, 11/3/05]

> >

> > McCain proposed a freeze of discretionary spending as


> when he said,  " As president, I will also order a prompt and


> review of the budgets of every federal program, department, and

> agency. While that top-to-bottom review is underway, we will

> institute a one-year pause in discretionary spending increases


> the necessary exemption of military spending and veterans'

> benefits. " [McCain Remarks on the Economy at Carnegie Mellon

> University,   4/15/08  < http://www.johnmcca

> in.com/Informing /News/Speeches/ 9bb4e69a- 36cc-4ca3- b40d-

> 0cdd41a1b81 2.htm > ]

> >


> >

> > Obama will sign universal health care into law by the end of his

> first term in office, and he has supported expanding the State

> Children's Health Insurance Program ( " SCHIP " ) and health care

> programs for people with disabilities, children, and veterans. 

> >

> >

> >

> > Under Obama's plan to provide universal health insurance,

> insurance companies will not be able to stop individuals from

> getting coverage even if they have pre-existing conditions and

> disabilities.   Obama's plan allows individuals and businesses to

> purchase public or private health coverage through a national


> insurance exchange.  Obama's plan would make health care more

> affordable and accessible to all Americans, particularly


> who have been denied coverage in the private market due to a pre-

> existing condition or disability.  [ Obama Plan to Empower

> Individuals with Disabilities  < http://www.barackob ama.com/pdf/

> DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf >  ]

> >

> > Obama is a co-sponsor of ending the Medicare Waiting Period Act


> 2007 (S.2102).  Before they can get Medicare coverage, people with

> disabilities must first receive Social Security Disability


> (SSDI) for 24 months.  Due to the 24-month Medicare waiting


> an estimated 400,000 Americans with disabilities are uninsured and

> many more are underinsured at a time in their lives when they need

> health coverage the most.  During this waiting period, many

> individuals develop secondary conditions, their health status

> worsens and many die.  Obama supports legislation that would phase

> out this harmful waiting period and provide individuals with


> insurance. [s.2102, 110th Congress]

> >

> > Obama supported expanded health insurance for children.  In


> Obama voted to reauthorize the SCHIP at over $60 billion for five

> years.  Two children who live with a single parent who makes


> would have access to health insurance coverage under SCHIP.  The

> bill would provide $100 million in new grants to fund state


> and enrollment efforts and allocate $49 million for a


> project to streamline the enrollment process for low-income


> already eligible for coverage.  [hr 976, Senate Vote #307, 8/2/07]

> >

> > Obama supported assuring accessible health care to people with

> disabilities by co-sponsoring the Promoting Wellness for


> with Disabilities Act (S.1050)The bill would require the U.S.


> Board to establish access standards for all diagnostic equipment

> (examination tables, x-ray, mammography and other radiological

> equipment, etc.).  It also educates physicians and dentists by

> requiring that medical schools, dental schools, and their


> programs provide training to improve competency and clinical


> in providing care to patients with disabilities (including those

> with intellectual disabilities) as a condition of receiving


> funds.  Finally, it establishes a national wellness grant program

> which will authorize funding for programs or activities for


> cessation, weight control, nutrition or fitness that are tailored


> the needs of individuals with disabilities and authorize funding


> preventive health screening

> > programs for individuals with disabilities to reduce the

> incidence of secondary conditions.  [s.1050, 110th Congress]

> >


> >

> > McCain's health care plan does not prohibit discrimination


> individuals with pre-existing conditions and

disabilities.  McCain's

> healthcare plan would replace the existing tax exclusion for

> employer-sponsored health coverage with a refundable tax credit


> all Americans as an incentive to purchase health

> insurance.  However, many individuals with disabilities are denied

> coverage or unable to afford coverage in the private market due to

> pre-existing conditions and disabilities.  While McCain's plan


> work with states to develop best practice models in expanding

> coverage to individuals who have been denied coverage, it would


> prohibit discrimination.  [ Washington Post, 4/30/08  <

> http://www.washingt onpost.com/ wp-dyn/content/ article/2008/

> 04/29/AR20080429 02706.html > ]

> >

> > McCain opposed reauthorizing SCHIP and providing insurance for

> millions of uninsured children.  According to  Knight

Ridder , " The

> [2007] Senate proposal would provide coverage to 3.2 million "

> uninsured children and renew coverage for the 6 million children

> already covered by the program.  The legislation passed 68-31.


> 976 ,  Vote #307 < http://www.senate. gov/legislative/ LIS/roll_

> call_lists/ roll_call_ vote_cfm. cfm?congress=

> 110 & session= 1 & vote=00307 > , 8/2/07;  Knight Ridder , 8/2/07]

> >


> > Obama:

> > The Disabled America Veterans (DAV) gave Obama an 80% rating in

> 2006.  [Project Vote Smart]

> > Obama supported expanding health care for veterans.

> >

> > Ø    In 2005, Obama voted for providing an additional $500


> per year for the next five years for mental health services for

> veterans.  [s.2020, Senate Vote #343, 11/17/05]

> >

> > Ø    In 2006, Obama voted in favor of adding $430 million for

> outpatient and inpatient health care and treatment for

> veterans.  Nearly half of the military servicemen and women


> in Iraq and Afghanistan will require health care services for the

> physical and psychological traumas of war, yet the Bush

> administration and Republican-led Congress have underfunded the

> Veterans Administration' s medical services by at least $1.2


> for 2007 alone.  And, this was the second consecutive year they


> done so.  [H.R.4939, Senate Vote #98, 4/26/06; The Independent

> Budget, A Budget for Veterans by Veterans, 2/10/06; Newsweek,

> 1/19/06]

> >

> > Obama voted for $2 million for research of traumatic brain

> injuries to improve imaging for traumatic brain injury testing and

> adapting current technologies to treat brain injuries suffered in

> war.  [H.R.5631, S. Amdt. 4781, Senate Vote #222, 8/2/06; CQ,


> >

> > McCain:

> >

> > McCain opposed expanding health care for veterans.

> >

> > Ø    In 2005, McCain voted against providing an additional $500

> million per year for the next five years for mental health


> for veterans.  [s.2020, Senate Vote #343, 11/17/05] 

> >

> > Ø    In 2006, McCain was one of 13 senators who voted against

> adding $430 million for outpatient and inpatient health care and

> treatment for veterans.  Amendment passed 84-16.  [H.R.4939, Vote

> #98 < http://www.senate. gov/legislative/ LIS/roll_ call_lists/

> roll_call_ vote_cfm. cfm?congress= 109 & session= 2 & vote=00098 > ,

> 4/26/06]

> >

> >

> > Ø    McCain voted against $2 million of funding for research of

> traumatic brain injuries.  McCain rejected legislation that would

> help improve imaging for traumatic brain injury testing and


> current technologies to treat brain injuries suffered in

> war.  [H.R.5631, S. Amdt. 4781, Senate Vote #222, 8/2/06; CQ,

> 8/2/06]

> >

> >

> >

> > Ø  McCain voted with the Disabled American Veterans 20% of the

> time. Factcheck. org " However, he is correct in that McCain


> have a perfect score with DAV (Disabled American Veterans), a


> of 1.3 million disabled veterans that supports more funding for

> veterans health care. McCain has a 20 percent record of voting the

> way DAV would like him to in 2006…Senators were evaluated on five

> votes for amendments that would have increased funding for


> health care. " [Factcheck.org < http://www.factchec


> ck/does_mccain_ have_a_perfect_ voting_record. html >  ]

> >

> >


> >

> > Obama strongly supports the Americans with Disabilities Act


> Restoration Act.  Indeed, he signed on as an original co-sponsor


> the Senate version of the ADA Restoration Act.  [s.1050, 110th

> Congress]

> >

> >

> >

> > Obama will appoint judges who exhibit empathy for individuals


> disabilities.   " Barack  Obama will appoint judges and justices who

> respect Congress' role as a co-equal, democratically elected


> of government and who exhibit empathy with what it means to be  an

> American with a disability " [ Obama Plan To Empower Individuals


> Disabilities < http://www.barackob ama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa

> ctSheet.pdf > ]

> >


> >

> > While McCain has also co-sponsored the ADA Restoration Act, he


> promised to appoint judges like those who interpreted the ADA

> narrowly and deprived millions of people with disabilities of


> civil rights.  McCain said that as president, he would " appoint

> strict constructionist judges. "  [AP, 8/7/07]   " In an address at

> Wake Forest University, McCain pledged to nominate jurists who

> believe `there are clear limits to the scope of judicial power'…By

> way of example, McCain said he would look for people in the cast


> Chief Justice G. Jr. and Justice A. Alito Jr.,

> and his friend the late Chief Justice H. Rehnquist. He

> called them `jurists of the highest caliber who know their own

> minds, and know the law, and know the difference.' " [ Los Angeles

> Times, 5/7/08  < http://www.latimes. com/news/ nationworld/

> politics/ la-na-mccain7- 2008may07, 0,3233304. story > ]

> >

> >


> >

> > In 2007, Obama voted against increasing Medicare Part D premiums

> for beneficiaries making over $80,000 annually.   Obama voted

> against the Ensign Amendment that would require Medicare

> prescription drugs beneficiaries with annual incomes over $80,000

> and couples with annual incomes over $160,000 to pay a larger


> of their Medicare Part D premium.[sCR 21, Senate Vote #93, 3/22/07]

> >

> > Obama opposed means testing for Medicare.  In response to a


> questionnaire, Obama said, " The bill added `means testing' to Part


> of Medicare, requiring individuals with incomes over $80,000 to


> gradually higher premiums. This undermines the basic premise of

> Medicare as an insurance program for all Americans and could cause

> wealthier and healthier people to leave the Medicare

> program. "  [NCPSSM Questionnaire; Citizen Action Illinois

> Questionnaire, SEIU Questionnaire]

> >


> >

> > McCain voted to raise the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to

> 67. In 1997, McCain voted in favor of raising the eligibility age

> for receiving Medicare from 65 to 67 with the change being phased


> between 2003 and 2027. The motion passed 62-38. [s 947,   Vote

> #112  < http://www.senate. gov/legislative/ LIS/roll_ call_lists/

> roll_call_ vote_cfm. cfm?congress= 105 & session= 1 & vote=00112 > ,

> 6/24/97] 

> >

> >     OBAMA ON MENTAL HEALTH PARITY   Obama is a long-time


> of mental health parity legislation, having passed the Illinois

> Mental Health Parity Law.  He also co-sponsored the Mental Health

> Parity Act of 2007.  Obama co-sponsored a bill to amend the


> Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and the Public Health


> Act to require a group health plan that provides both medical and

> surgical benefits and mental health benefits to ensure that: (1)


> financial requirements applicable to such mental health benefits


> no more restrictive than those of substantially all medical and

> surgical benefits covered by the plan, including deductibles and

> copayments; and (2) the treatment limitations applicable to such

> mental health benefits are no more restrictive than those applied


> substantially all medical and surgical benefits covered by the


> including limits on the frequency of treatments or similar limits


> the scope or duration

> > of treatment. The bill prohibited the plan from establishing

> separate cost sharing requirements that are applicable only with

> respect to mental health benefits. [110th, S.558, Introduced

> 2/12/07; HELP Report, 4/11/07]   Obama co-sponsored and voted for


> mental health parity bill that requires coverage for serious


> illnesses to be provided on the same   terms and conditions as


> illnesses and diseases.  [92nd GA; SB 1341; 2001; Signed into law

> 7/27/01, PA 92-0185 ]  

> >   MCCAIN ON MENTAL HEALTH PARITY   McCain's health care plan


> eliminate the mental health parity requirements in 45

states.  [Wall

> Street Journal, 10/11/07; SOURCE: National Conference of State

> Legislatures  ( http://www.ncsl. org/programs/ health/hmolaws.

> htm  < http://www.ncsl. org/programs/ health/hmolaws. htm > ),

> accessed 7/30/07; Council for Affordable Health Insurance,

> accessed   7/30/07  ( http://www.cahi. org/cahi_ contents/

> resources/ pdf/MandatePub20 07.pdf < http://www.cahi. org/cahi_

> contents/ resources/ pdf/MandatePub20 07.pdf > )] 

> > OBAMA ON AUTISM   Obama will increase federal  funding for

> outreach and support services for people on the autism

> spectrum.  Specifical ly, " Obama will seek to increase federal ASD

> funding for research, treatment, screenings, public awareness, and

> support services to $1 billion annually by the end of his first


> in office.  Obama will also continue to work with parents,

> physicians, providers, researchers, and schools to create

> opportunities and effective solutions for people with ASD. " [Obama

> Plan Supporting Americans with Autism Spectrum Disorders <

> http://origin. barackobama. com/pdf/AutismSp ectrumDisorders. pdf

> > ]   Obama is a co-sponsor of the Expanding the Promise to 

> Individuals with Autism Act (S.937) which would improve services


> supports for individuals with autism spectrum disorder and their

> families.  It would build upon programs within the Developmental

> Disabilities Act to increase interdisciplinary training of

> > professionals, development and dissemination of evidence-based

> autism treatments, interventions, supports and services for


> and adults, and protection and advocacy.  [s.937, 110th


> > MCCAIN ON AUTISM   McCain has not taken a leading role to expand

> services and supports for people with autism. McCain has not co-

> sponsored the Expanding the Promise to Individuals with Autism Act

> (S.937). [s.937, 110th Congress]   McCain says he will work to

> advance federal autism research.   " As President, McCain will

> work to advance federal research into autism, promote early

> screening, and identify better treatment options, while providing

> support for children with autism so that they may reach their full

> potential. " [McCain Statement on Combating Autism in America  <

> http://www.johnmcca in.com/content/ ?guid=24dc9c37- e739-4aa3-


> ebae650a2f1 1 > ]  


> supports fully funding the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) so that we

> can ensure all polling places are accessible.   His administration

> would also assure better enforcement of federal disability rights

> laws – from HAVA to the Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and

> Handicapped Act to the ADA – to make sure the right of Americans

> with disabilities to vote is fully protected. [Obama Plan to


> Individuals with Disabilities < http://www.barackob ama.com/pdf/

> DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ]  



> McCain voted repeatedly against the Help America Vote Act, which


> offered to correct problems in the election system and impose

> detailed voting-procedure requirements on the states.  McCain


> for final passage of the bill.  [s.565, Senate]  

> >

> >      

> >  

> > Please visit our Advocacy Blog, at  www.cilsflablog.

org . " People

> with disabilities seek nothing more than an equal opportunity at

> justice, and should accept nothing less. "  

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >  

> >

> > -- mit Saskia, Nora-Jane*2001, *2004/DS (Zitronen-

> Fischöl, CoenzymQ10-hochdosi ert, Vit.A, gepuffertes Vit. C +

> natürliches Vit. E, Himbeer-Folsä ure + B12, Selen, Zink,

> Probiotikum, Ginkgo Biloba, Antra, Thyroxin)

> >


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Thank you so much Jenifer for accepting our apologies and for understanding. :-)Do you have a url for this? Or is it on the TV? Sounds like a program I might enjoy.I agree about both of them being over the top with stuff. Don't know why they just can't deal with the issues and stop all the mud slinging. Looking forward to the debates! That should be very interesting. :-) Carol in ILMom to , 8 DS My problem is not how I look. It's how you see me.VOTE NOBAMA '08Join our Down Syndrome information group - http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ DownSyndromeInfo Exchange/ Listen to oldest dd's music http://www.myspace. com/vennamusic Re: [DownSyndromeInfoExchange] Re: Fwd: Comparison of positions of the Presidential Candidates relating to people with disabilities

I read my response again and again and you are right. I didn't mean it to sound that way though. My apologies Ann. Forgive me.

I do remember those threads and they can be really ugly. I dont want any part of that.

One thing I have been watching is 's "Keeping it Real" every night. This show goes after both candidates ads, speeches, town hall meetings etc. and exposes the half truths, the "not even true" and so on. Both are guilty of running a nasty campaign. Now why do we need a President? I am just kidding ;) Not trying to start a thread. *giggles*

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Hello Ann,

as I said, if the post isn't helpful, just delete it.

I don't feel in a position to publicly judge the source of these

allegations, rather everyone reading the message should judge for


Here's where the comparison list originated from:


All the best,

ann45don schrieb:

I find this to be quite disturbing. and , have you

checked your sources? You are wrong about McCain not authorizing

IDEA. And a few other things you listed. Just plain wrong.

And you are wrong to state that Palin will never know what

it is like. I am not making a personal judgement against you, just

the facts here. McCain just recently stated he would increase

funding for Special Education in a Townhall meeting in New Mexico.

I wish this would stop. We need to not make assumptions based on

these "clips" of information without checking sources.



> Hi !


> Thank you for this information. I had already decided on my Pres.

even before Palin got onto the scene. I was really moved when she

spoke into the camera during the GOP convention telling me she is on

my side, really tugged at my heart, but I quickly learned all the

cuts from special ed. programs she has made in her own state and

how very anti medicaid and anti IDEA Mccain is......I just hope that

she will be an huge advocate for all people and children with

disabilities in want ever she ends up doing but quite honestly, she

will never know what it's like to be denied services over and over

again for her child. Which is a good thing for her son but not

for mine.



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"just delete it."LOL!!!! sorry..... couldn't resist. ;-) Carol in ILMom to , 8 DS My problem is not how I look. It's how you see me.VOTE NOBAMA '08Join our Down Syndrome information group - http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ DownSyndromeInfo Exchange/ Listen to oldest dd's music http://www.myspace. com/vennamusic Re: [DownSyndromeInfoExchange] Re: Fwd: Comparison of positions of the Presidential Candidates relating to people with disabilities

Hello Ann,

as I said, if the post isn't helpful, just delete it.

I don't feel in a position to publicly judge the source of these

allegations, rather everyone reading the message should judge for


Here's where the comparison list originated from:

http://advocacyadvi sors.blogspot. com/2008/ 03/advisory- board-chair- marc-dubin- esq.html

All the best,

ann45don schrieb:

I find this to be quite disturbing. and , have you

checked your sources? You are wrong about McCain not authorizing

IDEA. And a few other things you listed. Just plain wrong.

And you are wrong to state that Palin will never know what

it is like. I am not making a personal judgement against you, just

the facts here. McCain just recently stated he would increase

funding for Special Education in a Townhall meeting in New Mexico.

I wish this would stop. We need to not make assumptions based on

these "clips" of information without checking sources.



> Hi !


> Thank you for this information. I had already decided on my Pres.

even before Palin got onto the scene. I was really moved when she

spoke into the camera during the GOP convention telling me she is on

my side, really tugged at my heart, but I quickly learned all the

cuts from special ed. programs she has made in her own state and

how very anti medicaid and anti IDEA Mccain is......I just hope that

she will be an huge advocate for all people and children with

disabilities in want ever she ends up doing but quite honestly, she

will never know what it's like to be denied services over and over

again for her child. Which is a good thing for her son but not

for mine.



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Medicaid is income based…does your state have a waiver program?

From: DownSyndromeInfoExchange

[mailto:DownSyndromeInfoExchange ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 12:07 PM

To: DownSyndromeInfoExchange

Subject: Re: [DownSyndromeInfoExchange] Re: Fwd: Comparison of positions

of the Presidential Candidates relating to people with disabilities


I guess we did get denied for Medicaid (because we already had insurance)

and SSI (denied 3 times)...Never denied for SP, OT, PT and



Original Message -----

From: Bolduc

To: DownSyndromeInfoExchange

Sent: Wednesday, September

24, 2008 11:02 AM

Subject: Re:

[DownSyndromeInfoExchange] Re: Fwd: Comparison of positions of the Presidential

Candidates relating to people with disabilities


thing my daughter ever was denied was a Dynavox and I got one thru a generous

donation. Other than that, my 2 daughters gets all the therapies they need.


Original Message -----

From: Carol in IL

To: DownSyndromeInfoExchange

Sent: Wednesday, September

24, 2008 8:52 AM

Subject: Re: [DownSyndromeInfoExchange]

Re: Fwd: Comparison of positions of the Presidential Candidates relating to

people with disabilities


also no claiming attacks where there weren't any either.....even with your

explanation, I would disagree with your statement as those of us who have great

insurance have also been denied insurance coverage for things related to DS.

Disagreeing is not an attack.

They didn't want to pay for ST cause 'she's too retarded'... money does not

cure prejudice.

And could you please back up your statement regarding 'most of our kids are

being denied of'?

Which services exactly are you referring to?


in IL

Mom to , 8 DS

My problem is not how I look. It's how you see me.


Join our Down Syndrome information group -

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ DownSyndromeInfo Exchange/

Listen to oldest dd's music http://www.myspace. com/vennamusic

[ADA Expertise] Comparison of Positions of the

Presidential Candidates relating to people with disabilities


> Sunday, September 21, 2008

> This information is set forth in an effort to provide the reader

with information about the Presidential candidates' positions

concerning people with disabilities. It is not intended as an

endorsement of either candidate, and is posted in my private


> Watch what they do (and did), not just what they say.


> Vote for the candidate of your choice, but vote.

> Please feel free to share this email and add it to your blogs.


> Marc


> As we near November 4th, it is increasingly important that voters

concerned about people with disabilities are well-informed about the

candidates' positions. Each Presidential candidate has put forth

positions on issues on their respective websites:


> McCain/Palen: www.johnmccain. com/informing/ issues <


in.com/informing /issues >

> Obama/Biden: www.barackobama. com/issues < http://www.barackob

ama.com/issues >


> Please take a look at each of the websites to learn where the

candidates really stand.

> A review of their respective records in the Senate is also




> Barack Obama supports full funding of the Individuals with

Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), early intervention and

developmental programs, and expanded college opportunities for

students with disabilities.


> Obama voted for over $44 billion in funding for the IDEA. [sCR 1,

Senate Vote #94, 3/22/07]


> Obama will invest $10 billion per year in early intervention,

educational and developmental programs for children between zero and

five. His plan will help expand programs such as Early Head Start

to serve more children with disabilities. His plan also will

encourage states to expand programs for children with disabilities,

such as IDEA Part C. [ Obama Plan to Empower Americans with

Disabilities < http://www.barackob

ama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa

ctSheet.pdf > ]


> Obama supports increasing opportunities for college students with

disabilities. He also will provide more support for these college

students. Obama was an original co-sponsor of the Senate bill to

reauthorize the Higher Education Act (S. 1642) which significantly

expands opportunities and supports for individuals with disabilities

to attend college and graduate programs. [s.1642, 110th Congress]




> McCain has repeatedly voted against the IDEA even though he

claims he supports full funding of it.


> McCain has repeatedly voted against funding for special education.


> Ø McCain repeatedly voted against funding increases for the

IDEA. [H.R.4577, Senate Vote #170, 6/30/00; SCR 23, Senate Vote

#103, 3/26/03]


> Ø McCain has chosen tax cuts for the wealthy over education

funding for students with disabilities. Specifically, McCain voted

against increasing spending in the amount of $229 billion over 10

years for the IDEA. McCain also voted against an amendment that

would create a reserve fund of $73 billion in IDEA funding. The

spending would have been made possible by reducing tax cuts. [sCR

23, Senate Vote #103, 3/26/03; SCR 23, Senate Vote #70, 3/21/03]


> McCain did not co-sponsor reauthorization of the Higher Education

Act (S. 1642). He also did not vote on passage of the

reauthorization of the Higher Education Act in the 110th Congress.

[s.1642, 110th Congress; S. 1642, Senate Vote #275, 7/24/07]




> Obama is a co-sponsor of the Community Choice Act of 2007. Obama

believes that individuals should be able to make their own choices

for their living arrangements and live independently in their

communities. [s.799, 110th Congress]


> Obama is a co-sponsor of the Community Living Assistance Services

and Support (CLASS) Act Of 2007. This bill would help individuals

with functional impairments pay for services that they need to

maximize their independence. [s.1758, 110th Congress]




> McCain strongly opposes the Community Choice Act. Asked about the

Community Choice Act at a Town Hall in Denver, McCain said " The

Community Choice Act is not a piece of legislation that I support. "

[ McCain Town Hall < http://www.washingt

onpost.com/ wp-

dyn/content/ article/2008/ 07/07/AR20080707 01672_5.html > , 7/7/08]




> Obama opposes a freeze on social services spending for people with



> Obama voted against capping non-defense spending which means that

social service spending for people with disabilities could continue

to meet their needs. In 2005, Obama voted against the Inhofe

amendment that would cap non-defense, non-trust fund spending.

[s.1932, Senate Vote #286, 11/3/05]




> McCain promises that he will cap non-defense spending for at least

one year, meaning that social services spending for people with

disabilities will be capped as well.


> McCain voted in favor of capping non-defense spending. In 2005,

McCain voted for the Inhofe amendment that would cap non-defense and

non-trust fund spending. [s.1932, Senate Vote #286, 11/3/05]


> McCain proposed a freeze of discretionary spending as illustrated

when he said, " As president, I will also order a prompt and


review of the budgets of every federal program, department, and

agency. While that top-to-bottom review is underway, we will

institute a one-year pause in discretionary spending increases with

the necessary exemption of military spending and veterans'

benefits. " [McCain Remarks on the Economy at Carnegie Mellon

University, 4/15/08 < http://www.johnmcca

in.com/Informing /News/Speeches/ 9bb4e69a- 36cc-4ca3- b40d-

0cdd41a1b81 2.htm > ]




> Obama will sign universal health care into law by the end of his

first term in office, and he has supported expanding the State

Children's Health Insurance Program ( " SCHIP " ) and health care

programs for people with disabilities, children, and veterans.




> Under Obama's plan to provide universal health insurance,

insurance companies will not be able to stop individuals from

getting coverage even if they have pre-existing conditions and

disabilities. Obama's plan allows individuals and businesses to

purchase public or private health coverage through a national health

insurance exchange. Obama's plan would make health care more

affordable and accessible to all Americans, particularly individuals

who have been denied coverage in the private market due to a pre-

existing condition or disability. [ Obama Plan to Empower

Individuals with Disabilities < http://www.barackob ama.com/pdf/

DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ]


> Obama is a co-sponsor of ending the Medicare Waiting Period Act of

2007 (S.2102). Before they can get Medicare coverage, people with

disabilities must first receive Social Security Disability Insurance

(SSDI) for 24 months. Due to the 24-month Medicare waiting period,

an estimated 400,000 Americans with disabilities are uninsured and

many more are underinsured at a time in their lives when they need

health coverage the most. During this waiting period, many

individuals develop secondary conditions, their health status

worsens and many die. Obama supports legislation that would phase

out this harmful waiting period and provide individuals with health

insurance. [s.2102, 110th Congress]


> Obama supported expanded health insurance for children. In 2007,

Obama voted to reauthorize the SCHIP at over $60 billion for five

years. Two children who live with a single parent who makes $51,510

would have access to health insurance coverage under SCHIP. The

bill would provide $100 million in new grants to fund state outreach

and enrollment efforts and allocate $49 million for a demonstration

project to streamline the enrollment process for low-income children

already eligible for coverage. [hr 976, Senate Vote #307, 8/2/07]


> Obama supported assuring accessible health care to people with

disabilities by co-sponsoring the Promoting Wellness for Individuals

with Disabilities Act (S.1050)The bill would require the U.S. Access

Board to establish access standards for all diagnostic equipment

(examination tables, x-ray, mammography and other radiological

equipment, etc.). It also educates physicians and dentists by

requiring that medical schools, dental schools, and their residency

programs provide training to improve competency and clinical skills

in providing care to patients with disabilities (including those

with intellectual disabilities) as a condition of receiving federal

funds. Finally, it establishes a national wellness grant program

which will authorize funding for programs or activities for smoking

cessation, weight control, nutrition or fitness that are tailored to

the needs of individuals with disabilities and authorize funding for

preventive health screening

> programs for individuals with disabilities to reduce the

incidence of secondary conditions. [s.1050, 110th Congress]




> McCain's health care plan does not prohibit discrimination against

individuals with pre-existing conditions and disabilities. McCain's

healthcare plan would replace the existing tax exclusion for

employer-sponsored health coverage with a refundable tax credit for

all Americans as an incentive to purchase health

insurance. However, many individuals with disabilities are denied

coverage or unable to afford coverage in the private market due to

pre-existing conditions and disabilities. While McCain's plan would

work with states to develop best practice models in expanding

coverage to individuals who have been denied coverage, it would not

prohibit discrimination. [ Washington Post, 4/30/08 <


onpost.com/ wp-dyn/content/ article/2008/

04/29/AR20080429 02706.html > ]


> McCain opposed reauthorizing SCHIP and providing insurance for

millions of uninsured children. According to Knight Ridder ,

" The

[2007] Senate proposal would provide coverage to 3.2 million "

uninsured children and renew coverage for the 6 million children

already covered by the program. The legislation passed 68-31. [H.R.

976 , Vote #307 < http://www.senate.

gov/legislative/ LIS/roll_

call_lists/ roll_call_ vote_cfm. cfm?congress=

110 & session= 1 & vote=00307 > , 8/2/07; Knight Ridder , 8/2/07]



> Obama:

> The Disabled America Veterans (DAV) gave Obama an 80% rating in

2006. [Project Vote Smart]

> Obama supported expanding health care for veterans.


> Ø In 2005, Obama voted for providing an additional $500


per year for the next five years for mental health services for

veterans. [s.2020, Senate Vote #343, 11/17/05]


> Ø In 2006, Obama voted in favor of adding $430 million for

outpatient and inpatient health care and treatment for

veterans. Nearly half of the military servicemen and women serving

in Iraq and Afghanistan will require health care services for the

physical and psychological traumas of war, yet the Bush

administration and Republican-led Congress have underfunded the

Veterans Administration' s medical services by at least $1.2 billion

for 2007 alone. And, this was the second consecutive year they had

done so. [H.R.4939, Senate Vote #98, 4/26/06; The Independent

Budget, A Budget for Veterans by Veterans, 2/10/06; Newsweek,



> Obama voted for $2 million for research of traumatic brain

injuries to improve imaging for traumatic brain injury testing and

adapting current technologies to treat brain injuries suffered in

war. [H.R.5631, S. Amdt. 4781, Senate Vote #222, 8/2/06; CQ, 8/2/06]


> McCain:


> McCain opposed expanding health care for veterans.


> Ø In 2005, McCain voted against providing an additional $500

million per year for the next five years for mental health services

for veterans. [s.2020, Senate Vote #343, 11/17/05]


> Ø In 2006, McCain was one of 13 senators who voted against

adding $430 million for outpatient and inpatient health care and

treatment for veterans. Amendment passed 84-16. [H.R.4939,


#98 < http://www.senate.

gov/legislative/ LIS/roll_ call_lists/

roll_call_ vote_cfm. cfm?congress= 109 & session= 2 & vote=00098 > ,




> Ø McCain voted against $2 million of funding for research of

traumatic brain injuries. McCain rejected legislation that would

help improve imaging for traumatic brain injury testing and adapting

current technologies to treat brain injuries suffered in

war. [H.R.5631, S. Amdt. 4781, Senate Vote #222, 8/2/06; CQ,





> Ø McCain voted with the Disabled American Veterans 20% of the

time. Factcheck. org " However, he is correct in that McCain doesn't

have a perfect score with DAV (Disabled American Veterans), a group

of 1.3 million disabled veterans that supports more funding for

veterans health care. McCain has a 20 percent record of voting the

way DAV would like him to in 2006…Senators were evaluated on five

votes for amendments that would have increased funding for veterans'

health care. " [Factcheck.org < http://www.factchec k.org/askfactche

ck/does_mccain_ have_a_perfect_ voting_record. html > ]





> Obama strongly supports the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Restoration Act. Indeed, he signed on as an original co-sponsor of

the Senate version of the ADA Restoration Act. [s.1050, 110th





> Obama will appoint judges who exhibit empathy for individuals with

disabilities. " Barack Obama will appoint judges and justices


respect Congress' role as a co-equal, democratically elected branch

of government and who exhibit empathy with what it means to be an

American with a disability " [ Obama Plan To Empower Individuals With

Disabilities < http://www.barackob

ama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa

ctSheet.pdf > ]




> While McCain has also co-sponsored the ADA Restoration Act, he has

promised to appoint judges like those who interpreted the ADA

narrowly and deprived millions of people with disabilities of their

civil rights. McCain said that as president, he would " appoint

strict constructionist judges. " [AP, 8/7/07] " In an

address at

Wake Forest University, McCain pledged to nominate jurists who

believe `there are clear limits to the scope of judicial power'…By

way of example, McCain said he would look for people in the cast of

Chief Justice G. Jr. and Justice A. Alito Jr.,

and his friend the late Chief Justice H. Rehnquist. He

called them `jurists of the highest caliber who know their own

minds, and know the law, and know the difference.' " [ Los Angeles

Times, 5/7/08 < http://www.latimes.

com/news/ nationworld/

politics/ la-na-mccain7- 2008may07, 0,3233304. story > ]





> In 2007, Obama voted against increasing Medicare Part D premiums

for beneficiaries making over $80,000 annually. Obama voted

against the Ensign Amendment that would require Medicare

prescription drugs beneficiaries with annual incomes over $80,000

and couples with annual incomes over $160,000 to pay a larger share

of their Medicare Part D premium.[sCR 21, Senate Vote #93, 3/22/07]


> Obama opposed means testing for Medicare. In response to a NCPSSM

questionnaire, Obama said, " The bill added `means testing' to Part B

of Medicare, requiring individuals with incomes over $80,000 to pay

gradually higher premiums. This undermines the basic premise of

Medicare as an insurance program for all Americans and could cause

wealthier and healthier people to leave the Medicare

program. " [NCPSSM Questionnaire; Citizen Action Illinois

Questionnaire, SEIU Questionnaire]




> McCain voted to raise the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to

67. In 1997, McCain voted in favor of raising the eligibility age

for receiving Medicare from 65 to 67 with the change being phased in

between 2003 and 2027. The motion passed 62-38. [s 947, Vote

#112 < http://www.senate.

gov/legislative/ LIS/roll_ call_lists/

roll_call_ vote_cfm. cfm?congress= 105 & session= 1 & vote=00112 > ,



> OBAMA ON MENTAL HEALTH PARITY Obama is a long-time


of mental health parity legislation, having passed the Illinois

Mental Health Parity Law. He also co-sponsored the Mental Health

Parity Act of 2007. Obama co-sponsored a bill to amend the Employee

Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and the Public Health Service

Act to require a group health plan that provides both medical and

surgical benefits and mental health benefits to ensure that: (1) the

financial requirements applicable to such mental health benefits are

no more restrictive than those of substantially all medical and

surgical benefits covered by the plan, including deductibles and

copayments; and (2) the treatment limitations applicable to such

mental health benefits are no more restrictive than those applied to

substantially all medical and surgical benefits covered by the plan,

including limits on the frequency of treatments or similar limits on

the scope or duration

> of treatment. The bill prohibited the plan from establishing

separate cost sharing requirements that are applicable only with

respect to mental health benefits. [110th, S.558, Introduced

2/12/07; HELP Report, 4/11/07] Obama co-sponsored and voted for a

mental health parity bill that requires coverage for serious mental

illnesses to be provided on the same terms and conditions as other

illnesses and diseases. [92nd GA; SB 1341; 2001; Signed into law

7/27/01, PA 92-0185 ]

> MCCAIN ON MENTAL HEALTH PARITY McCain's health care plan


eliminate the mental health parity requirements in 45 states. [Wall

Street Journal, 10/11/07; SOURCE: National Conference of State

Legislatures ( http://www.ncsl.

org/programs/ health/hmolaws.

htm < http://www.ncsl.

org/programs/ health/hmolaws. htm > ),

accessed 7/30/07; Council for Affordable Health Insurance,

accessed 7/30/07 ( http://www.cahi.

org/cahi_ contents/

resources/ pdf/MandatePub20 07.pdf < http://www.cahi. org/cahi_

contents/ resources/ pdf/MandatePub20 07.pdf > )]

> OBAMA ON AUTISM Obama will increase federal funding for

outreach and support services for people on the autism

spectrum. Specifical ly, " Obama will seek to increase federal


funding for research, treatment, screenings, public awareness, and

support services to $1 billion annually by the end of his first term

in office. Obama will also continue to work with parents,

physicians, providers, researchers, and schools to create

opportunities and effective solutions for people with ASD. " [Obama

Plan Supporting Americans with Autism Spectrum Disorders <

http://origin. barackobama.

com/pdf/AutismSp ectrumDisorders. pdf

> ] Obama is a co-sponsor of the Expanding the Promise to

Individuals with Autism Act (S.937) which would improve services and

supports for individuals with autism spectrum disorder and their

families. It would build upon programs within the Developmental

Disabilities Act to increase interdisciplinary training of

> professionals, development and dissemination of evidence-based

autism treatments, interventions, supports and services for children

and adults, and protection and advocacy. [s.937, 110th Congress]

> MCCAIN ON AUTISM McCain has not taken a leading role to expand

services and supports for people with autism. McCain has not co-

sponsored the Expanding the Promise to Individuals with Autism Act

(S.937). [s.937, 110th Congress] McCain says he will work to

advance federal autism research. " As President, McCain will

work to advance federal research into autism, promote early

screening, and identify better treatment options, while providing

support for children with autism so that they may reach their full

potential. " [McCain Statement on Combating Autism in America <


in.com/content/ ?guid=24dc9c37- e739-4aa3- 8a88-

ebae650a2f1 1 > ]


supports fully funding the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) so that we

can ensure all polling places are accessible. His administration

would also assure better enforcement of federal disability rights

laws – from HAVA to the Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and

Handicapped Act to the ADA – to make sure the right of Americans

with disabilities to vote is fully protected. [Obama Plan to Empower

Individuals with Disabilities < http://www.barackob ama.com/pdf/

DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ]


McCain voted repeatedly against the Help America Vote Act, which was

offered to correct problems in the election system and impose

detailed voting-procedure requirements on the states. McCain voted

for final passage of the bill. [s.565, Senate]




> Please visit our Advocacy Blog, at www.cilsflablog. org .

" People

with disabilities seek nothing more than an equal opportunity at

justice, and should accept nothing less. "









> -- mit Saskia, Nora-Jane*2001, *2004/DS (Zitronen-

Fischöl, CoenzymQ10-hochdosi ert, Vit.A, gepuffertes Vit. C +

natürliches Vit. E, Himbeer-Folsä ure + B12, Selen, Zink,

Probiotikum, Ginkgo Biloba, Antra, Thyroxin)


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Its on CNN. It's 360 but he has a segment on it called "Keeping it REAL".

I cant wait for the debates! I am all giddy inside each time they announce the dates for the debates on the TV...

Re: [DownSyndromeInfoEx change] Re: Fwd: Comparison of positions of the Presidential Candidates relating to people with disabilities

I read my response again and again and you are right. I didn't mean it to sound that way though. My apologies Ann. Forgive me.

I do remember those threads and they can be really ugly. I dont want any part of that.

One thing I have been watching is 's "Keeping it Real" every night. This show goes after both candidates ads, speeches, town hall meetings etc. and exposes the half truths, the "not even true" and so on. Both are guilty of running a nasty campaign. Now why do we need a President? I am just kidding ;) Not trying to start a thread. *giggles*

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Well,,,sorry….didn’t work;-) ha.

How is ?

From: DownSyndromeInfoExchange

[mailto:DownSyndromeInfoExchange ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 4:50 AM

To: DownSyndromeInfoExchange

Subject: Re: [DownSyndromeInfoExchange] Fwd: Comparison of positions of

the Presidential Candidates relating to people with disabilities

Of course I'm trying to exert my vile influence over you all!!!


Kathy Ratkiewicz schrieb:

Wow…are you guys voting for our Pres in Switzerland, too?;-) Or just

trying to influence us?

From: DownSyndromeInfoExc hange@yahoogroup s.com [mailto:DownSyndrom eInfoExchange@ yahoogroups.

com] On Behalf Of Müller

Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2008 5:32 PM

To: DSInfoEx

Subject: [DownSyndromeInfoEx change] Fwd: Comparison of positions of the

Presidential Candidates relating to people with disabilities

Hello all,

I don't favor either presidential candidate, but all of the pro-Palin rhetoric

about having a child with DS might obscure who has actually voted for

what...Might be helpful, who knows. If not, just delete it :-)



  with Saskia, Nora-Jane*2001, *2004/DS  (Lemon flavored Codliver Oil, highly dosed CoenzymeQ10, Vit. A, buffered Vit. C + natural Vit. E, Raspberry flavored Folic Acid + B12, Selenium, Zinc, Probiotic, Ginkgo Biloba, Prilosec, Thyroxine) 


Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2008 9:18 PM

To: Dlorman

Subject: [ADA Expertise] Comparison of Positions of the Presidential

Candidates relating to people with disabilities

Sunday, September 21, 2008

This information is set forth in an effort to provide the reader with

information about the Presidential candidates’ positions concerning people with

disabilities. It is not intended as an endorsement of either candidate, and is

posted in my private capacity.

Watch what they do (and did), not just what they say.

Vote for the candidate of your choice, but vote.

Please feel free to share this email and add it to your blogs.


As we near November 4th, it is increasingly important that voters concerned

about people with disabilities are well-informed about the candidates’

positions. Each Presidential candidate has put forth positions on issues on

their respective websites:

McCain/Palen: www.johnmccain.

com/informing/ issues < http://www.johnmcca

in.com/informing /issues >

Obama/Biden: www.barackobama.

com/issues < http://www.barackob

ama.com/issues >

Please take a look at each of the websites to learn where the candidates really


A review of their respective records in the Senate is also revealing:


Barack Obama supports full funding of the Individuals with Disabilities

Education Act (IDEA), early intervention and developmental programs, and

expanded college opportunities for students with disabilities.

Obama voted for over $44 billion in funding for the IDEA. [sCR 1,

Senate Vote #94, 3/22/07]

Obama will invest $10 billion per year in early intervention, educational and

developmental programs for children between zero and five. His

plan will help expand programs such as Early Head Start to serve more children

with disabilities. His plan also will encourage states to expand programs

for children with disabilities, such as IDEA Part C. [ Obama Plan to

Empower Americans with Disabilities < http://www.barackob

ama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ]

Obama supports increasing opportunities for college students with disabilities.

He also will provide more support for these college students. Obama

was an original co-sponsor of the Senate bill to reauthorize the Higher

Education Act (S. 1642) which significantly expands opportunities and supports

for individuals with disabilities to attend college and graduate programs.

[s.1642, 110th Congress]


McCain has repeatedly voted against the IDEA even though he claims he

supports full funding of it.

McCain has repeatedly voted against funding for special education.

Ø McCain repeatedly voted against funding increases for the

IDEA. [H.R.4577, Senate Vote #170, 6/30/00; SCR 23, Senate Vote #103,


Ø McCain has chosen tax cuts for the wealthy over education

funding for students with disabilities. Specifically, McCain

voted against increasing spending in the amount of $229 billion over 10 years

for the IDEA. McCain also voted against an amendment that would create a

reserve fund of $73 billion in IDEA funding. The spending would have been

made possible by reducing tax cuts. [sCR 23, Senate Vote #103, 3/26/03;

SCR 23, Senate Vote #70, 3/21/03]

McCain did not co-sponsor reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (S.

1642). He also did not vote on passage of the reauthorization of

the Higher Education Act in the 110th Congress. [s.1642, 110th Congress; S.

1642, Senate Vote #275, 7/24/07]


Obama is a co-sponsor of the Community Choice Act of 2007. Obama

believes that individuals should be able to make their own choices for their

living arrangements and live independently in their communities. [s.799,

110th Congress]

Obama is a co-sponsor of the Community Living Assistance Services and Support

(CLASS) Act Of 2007. This bill would help individuals with functional

impairments pay for services that they need to maximize their independence.

[s.1758, 110th Congress]


McCain strongly opposes the Community Choice Act. Asked about the

Community Choice Act at a Town Hall in Denver, McCain said “The Community

Choice Act is not a piece of legislation that I support.” [ McCain Town Hall

< http://www.washingt

onpost.com/ wp-dyn/content/ article/2008/ 07/07/AR20080707 01672_5.html >

, 7/7/08]


Obama opposes a freeze on social services spending for people with


Obama voted against capping non-defense spending which means that social

service spending for people with disabilities could continue to meet their

needs. In 2005, Obama voted against the Inhofe amendment that

would cap non-defense, non-trust fund spending. [s.1932, Senate Vote #286,



McCain promises that he will cap non-defense spending for at least one year,

meaning that social services spending for people with disabilities will be

capped as well.

McCain voted in favor of capping non-defense spending. In 2005, McCain

voted for the Inhofe amendment that would cap non-defense and non-trust fund

spending. [s.1932, Senate Vote #286, 11/3/05]

McCain proposed a freeze of discretionary spending as illustrated when

he said, “As president, I will also order a prompt and

thorough review of the budgets of every federal program, department, and

agency. While that top-to-bottom review is underway, we will institute a

one-year pause in discretionary spending increases with the necessary exemption

of military spending and veterans’ benefits.” [McCain Remarks on the Economy at

Carnegie Mellon University, 4/15/08 < http://www.johnmcca

in.com/Informing /News/Speeches/ 9bb4e69a- 36cc-4ca3- b40d-0cdd41a1b81 2.htm >



Obama will sign universal health care into law by the end of his first term in

office, and he has supported expanding the State Children's Health Insurance

Program (“SCHIP”) and health care programs for people with disabilities,

children, and veterans.

Under Obama’s plan to provide universal health insurance, insurance companies

will not be able to stop individuals from getting coverage even if they have

pre-existing conditions and disabilities. Obama’s plan allows

individuals and businesses to purchase public or private health coverage

through a national health insurance exchange. Obama’s plan would make

health care more affordable and accessible to all Americans, particularly

individuals who have been denied coverage in the private market due to a pre-existing

condition or disability. [ Obama Plan to Empower Individuals with

Disabilities < http://www.barackob

ama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ]

Obama is a co-sponsor of ending the Medicare Waiting Period Act of 2007

(S.2102). Before they can get Medicare coverage, people with

disabilities must first receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) for

24 months. Due to the 24-month Medicare waiting period, an estimated

400,000 Americans with disabilities are uninsured and many more are

underinsured at a time in their lives when they need health coverage the most.

During this waiting period, many individuals develop secondary

conditions, their health status worsens and many die. Obama supports

legislation that would phase out this harmful waiting period and provide

individuals with health insurance. [s.2102, 110th Congress]

Obama supported expanded health insurance for children. In 2007,

Obama voted to reauthorize the SCHIP at over $60 billion for five years.

Two children who live with a single parent who makes $51,510 would have

access to health insurance coverage under SCHIP. The bill would provide

$100 million in new grants to fund state outreach and enrollment efforts and

allocate $49 million for a demonstration project to streamline the enrollment

process for low-income children already eligible for coverage. [hr 976,

Senate Vote #307, 8/2/07]

Obama supported assuring accessible health care to people with disabilities by

co-sponsoring the Promoting Wellness for Individuals with Disabilities Act

(S.1050)The bill would require the U.S. Access Board to establish access

standards for all diagnostic equipment (examination tables, x-ray, mammography

and other radiological equipment, etc.). It also educates physicians and

dentists by requiring that medical schools, dental schools, and their residency

programs provide training to improve competency and clinical skills in

providing care to patients with disabilities (including those with intellectual

disabilities) as a condition of receiving federal funds. Finally, it

establishes a national wellness grant program which will authorize funding for

programs or activities for smoking cessation, weight control, nutrition or

fitness that are tailored to the needs of individuals with disabilities and

authorize funding for preventive health screening programs for individuals with

disabilities to reduce the incidence of secondary conditions. [s.1050,

110th Congress]


McCain’s health care plan does not prohibit discrimination against individuals

with pre-existing conditions and disabilities. McCain’s healthcare

plan would replace the existing tax exclusion for employer-sponsored health

coverage with a refundable tax credit for all Americans as an incentive to

purchase health insurance. However, many individuals with disabilities

are denied coverage or unable to afford coverage in the private market due to

pre-existing conditions and disabilities. While McCain’s plan would work

with states to develop best practice models in expanding coverage to

individuals who have been denied coverage, it would not prohibit

discrimination. [ Washington Post, 4/30/08 < http://www.washingt

onpost.com/ wp-dyn/content/ article/2008/ 04/29/AR20080429 02706.html >


McCain opposed reauthorizing SCHIP and providing insurance for millions of uninsured

children. According to Knight Ridder , “The [2007] Senate

proposal would provide coverage to 3.2 million” uninsured children and renew

coverage for the 6 million children already covered by the program. The

legislation passed 68-31. [H.R. 976 , Vote #307 < http://www.senate.

gov/legislative/ LIS/roll_ call_lists/ roll_call_ vote_cfm. cfm?congress=

110 & session=1 & vote=00307 > , 8/2/07; Knight Ridder ,




The Disabled America Veterans (DAV) gave Obama an 80% rating in 2006. [Project

Vote Smart]

Obama supported expanding health care for veterans.

Ø In 2005, Obama voted for providing an additional $500 million

per year for the next five years for mental health services for veterans.

[s.2020, Senate Vote #343, 11/17/05]

Ø In 2006, Obama voted in favor of adding $430 million for

outpatient and inpatient health care and treatment for veterans. Nearly

half of the military servicemen and women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan will

require health care services for the physical and psychological traumas of war,

yet the Bush administration and Republican-led Congress have underfunded the

Veterans Administration’ s medical services by at least $1.2 billion for 2007

alone. And, this was the second consecutive year they had done so.

[H.R.4939, Senate Vote #98, 4/26/06; The Independent Budget, A Budget for

Veterans by Veterans, 2/10/06; Newsweek, 1/19/06]

Obama voted for $2 million for research of traumatic brain injuries to improve

imaging for traumatic brain injury testing and adapting current technologies to

treat brain injuries suffered in war. [H.R.5631, S. Amdt. 4781, Senate

Vote #222, 8/2/06; CQ, 8/2/06]


McCain opposed expanding health care for veterans.

Ø In 2005, McCain voted against providing an additional $500

million per year for the next five years for mental health services for

veterans. [s.2020, Senate Vote #343, 11/17/05]

Ø In 2006, McCain was one of 13 senators who voted against

adding $430 million for outpatient and inpatient health care and treatment for

veterans. Amendment passed 84-16. [H.R.4939, Vote #98 <


gov/legislative/ LIS/roll_ call_lists/ roll_call_ vote_cfm. cfm?congress=

109 & session=2 & vote=00098 > , 4/26/06]

Ø McCain voted against $2 million of funding for research of

traumatic brain injuries. McCain rejected legislation that would help

improve imaging for traumatic brain injury testing and adapting current

technologies to treat brain injuries suffered in war. [H.R.5631, S. Amdt.

4781, Senate Vote #222, 8/2/06; CQ, 8/2/06]

Ø McCain voted with the Disabled American Veterans 20% of the

time. Factcheck.org “However, he is correct in that McCain doesn’t

have a perfect score with DAV (Disabled American Veterans), a group of 1.3

million disabled veterans that supports more funding for veterans health care.

McCain has a 20 percent record of voting the way DAV would like him to in

2006…Senators were evaluated on five votes for amendments that would have

increased funding for veterans’ health care.” [Factcheck.org < http://www.factchec

k.org/askfactche ck/does_mccain_ have_a_perfect_ voting_record. html >



Obama strongly supports the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Restoration

Act. Indeed, he signed on as an original co-sponsor of the Senate version

of the ADA Restoration Act. [s.1050, 110th Congress]

Obama will appoint judges who exhibit empathy for individuals with

disabilities. “Barack Obama will appoint judges and justices

who respect Congress’ role as a co-equal, democratically elected branch of

government and who exhibit empathy with what it means to be an American

with a disability” [ Obama Plan To Empower Individuals With Disabilities < http://www.barackob

ama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ]


While McCain has also co-sponsored the ADA Restoration Act, he has promised to

appoint judges like those who interpreted the ADA narrowly and deprived

millions of people with disabilities of their civil rights. McCain

said that as president, he would “appoint strict constructionist judges.”

[AP, 8/7/07] “In an address at Wake Forest University, McCain

pledged to nominate jurists who believe ‘there are clear limits to the scope of

judicial power’…By way of example, McCain said he would look for people in the

cast of Chief Justice G. Jr. and Justice A. Alito Jr., and

his friend the late Chief Justice H. Rehnquist. He called them ‘jurists

of the highest caliber who know their own minds, and know the law, and know the

difference.’” [ Los Angeles Times, 5/7/08 < http://www.latimes.

com/news/ nationworld/ politics/ la-na-mccain7- 2008may07, 0,3233304. story >



In 2007, Obama voted against increasing Medicare Part D premiums for

beneficiaries making over $80,000 annually. Obama voted against the

Ensign Amendment that would require Medicare prescription drugs beneficiaries

with annual incomes over $80,000 and couples with annual incomes over $160,000

to pay a larger share of their Medicare Part D premium.[sCR 21, Senate Vote

#93, 3/22/07]

Obama opposed means testing for Medicare. In response to a NCPSSM

questionnaire, Obama said, “The bill added ‘means testing’ to Part B of

Medicare, requiring individuals with incomes over $80,000 to pay gradually

higher premiums. This undermines the basic premise of Medicare as an insurance

program for all Americans and could cause wealthier and healthier people to

leave the Medicare program.” [NCPSSM Questionnaire; Citizen Action

Illinois Questionnaire, SEIU Questionnaire]


McCain voted to raise the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to 67. In

1997, McCain voted in favor of raising the eligibility age for receiving

Medicare from 65 to 67 with the change being phased in between 2003 and 2027.

The motion passed 62-38. [s 947, Vote #112 < http://www.senate.

gov/legislative/ LIS/roll_ call_lists/ roll_call_ vote_cfm. cfm?congress=

105 & session=1 & vote=00112 > , 6/24/97]


long-time supporter of mental health parity legislation, having passed the

Illinois Mental Health Parity Law. He also co-sponsored the Mental Health

Parity Act of 2007. Obama co-sponsored a bill to amend the Employee

Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and the Public Health Service Act to

require a group health plan that provides both medical and surgical benefits

and mental health benefits to ensure that: (1) the financial requirements

applicable to such mental health benefits are no more restrictive than those of

substantially all medical and surgical benefits covered by the plan, including

deductibles and copayments; and (2) the treatment limitations applicable to

such mental health benefits are no more restrictive than those applied to substantially

all medical and surgical benefits covered by the plan, including limits on the

frequency of treatments or similar limits on the scope or duration of

treatment. The bill prohibited the plan from establishing separate cost sharing

requirements that are applicable only with respect to mental health benefits.

[110th, S.558, Introduced 2/12/07; HELP Report, 4/11/07] Obama

co-sponsored and voted for a mental health parity bill that requires coverage

for serious mental illnesses to be provided on the same terms

and conditions as other illnesses and diseases. [92nd GA; SB

1341; 2001; Signed into law 7/27/01, PA 92-0185 ]


plan would eliminate the mental health parity requirements in 45 states. [Wall

Street Journal, 10/11/07; SOURCE: National Conference of State

Legislatures ( http://www.ncsl.

org/programs/ health/hmolaws. htm < http://www.ncsl.

org/programs/ health/hmolaws. htm > ), accessed 7/30/07; Council for

Affordable Health Insurance, accessed 7/30/07 ( http://www.cahi.

org/cahi_ contents/ resources/ pdf/MandatePub20 07.pdf < http://www.cahi.

org/cahi_ contents/ resources/ pdf/MandatePub20 07.pdf > )]

OBAMA ON AUTISM Obama will increase federal funding

for outreach and support services for people on the autism spectrum. Specifically,

“Obama will seek to increase federal ASD funding for research, treatment,

screenings, public awareness, and support services to $1 billion annually by

the end of his first term in office. Obama will also continue to work

with parents, physicians, providers, researchers, and schools to create

opportunities and effective solutions for people with ASD.” [Obama Plan

Supporting Americans with Autism Spectrum Disorders < http://origin.

barackobama. com/pdf/AutismSp ectrumDisorders. pdf > ] Obama

is a co-sponsor of the Expanding the Promise to Individuals with

Autism Act (S.937) which would improve services and supports for individuals

with autism spectrum disorder and their families. It would build

upon programs within the Developmental Disabilities Act to increase

interdisciplinary training of professionals, development and dissemination of

evidence-based autism treatments, interventions, supports and services for

children and adults, and protection and advocacy. [s.937, 110th Congress]

MCCAIN ON AUTISM McCain has not taken a leading role to expand

services and supports for people with autism. McCain has not

co-sponsored the Expanding the Promise to Individuals with Autism Act (S.937).

[s.937, 110th Congress] McCain says he will work to advance federal

autism research. “As President, McCain will work to advance

federal research into autism, promote early screening, and identify better

treatment options, while providing support for children with autism so that

they may reach their full potential.” [McCain Statement on Combating Autism in

America < http://www.johnmcca

in.com/content/ ?guid=24dc9c37- e739-4aa3- 8a88-ebae650a2f1 1 > ]


fully funding the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) so that we can ensure all

polling places are accessible. His administration would also

assure better enforcement of federal disability rights laws – from HAVA to the

Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act to the ADA – to make

sure the right of Americans with disabilities to vote is fully protected.

[Obama Plan to Empower Individuals with Disabilities < http://www.barackob

ama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ]


2002, McCain voted repeatedly against the Help America Vote Act, which

was offered to correct problems in the election system and impose detailed

voting-procedure requirements on the states. McCain voted for final

passage of the bill. [s.565, Senate]

Please visit our Advocacy Blog, at www.cilsflablog. org . " People with

disabilities seek nothing more than an equal opportunity at justice, and should

accept nothing less. "


-- mit Saskia, Nora-Jane*2001, *2004/DS(Zitronen-Fischöl, CoenzymQ10-hochdosiert, Vit.A, gepuffertes Vit. C + natürliches Vit. E, Himbeer-Folsäure + B12, Selen, Zink, Probiotikum, Ginkgo Biloba, Antra, Thyroxin)

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a waiver pays regardless of parent income or insurance (at least in Indiana) - we are in the process of getting our waiver services (after an 11 year wait) - it is supplemental to other insurance etc. I believe we do have a wavier. I was told that my girls would have to be uninsured for 6 months to be eligible for Medicaid. I can't take that risk with my girls. Not after open heart surgery and pacer implant along with my other daughters rare chromosome abnormality. [ADA Expertise] Comparison of Positions of the Presidential Candidates relating to people with disabilities > > Sunday, September 21, 2008 > This information is set forth in an effort to provide the reader with information about the Presidential candidates' positions concerning people with disabilities. It is not intended as an endorsement of either candidate, and is posted in my private capacity. > Watch what they do (and did), not just what they say. > > Vote for the candidate of your choice, but vote. > Please feel free to share this email and add it to your blogs. > > Marc > > As we near November 4th, it is increasingly important that voters concerned about people with disabilities are well-informed about the candidates' positions. Each Presidential candidate has put forth positions on issues on their respective websites: > > McCain/Palen: www.johnmccain. com/informing/ issues < http://www.johnmccain.com/informing /issues > > Obama/Biden: www.barackobama. com/issues < http://www.barackobama.com/issues > > > Please take a look at each of the websites to learn where the candidates really stand. > A review of their respective records in the Senate is also revealing: > OBAMA ON EDUCATION FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES > > Barack Obama supports full funding of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), early intervention and developmental programs, and expanded college opportunities for students with disabilities. > > Obama voted for over $44 billion in funding for the IDEA. [sCR 1, Senate Vote #94, 3/22/07] > > Obama will invest $10 billion per year in early intervention, educational and developmental programs for children between zero and five. His plan will help expand programs such as Early Head Start to serve more children with disabilities. His plan also will encourage states to expand programs for children with disabilities, such as IDEA Part C. [ Obama Plan to Empower Americans with Disabilities < http://www.barackobama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ] > > Obama supports increasing opportunities for college students with disabilities. He also will provide more support for these college students. Obama was an original co-sponsor of the Senate bill to reauthorize the Higher Education Act (S. 1642) which significantly expands opportunities and supports for individuals with disabilities to attend college and graduate programs. [s.1642, 110th Congress] > > MCCAIN ON EDUCATION FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES > > McCain has repeatedly voted against the IDEA even though he claims he supports full funding of it. > > McCain has repeatedly voted against funding for special education. > > Ø McCain repeatedly voted against funding increases for the IDEA. [H.R.4577, Senate Vote #170, 6/30/00; SCR 23, Senate Vote #103, 3/26/03] > > Ø McCain has chosen tax cuts for the wealthy over education funding for students with disabilities. Specifically, McCain voted against increasing spending in the amount of $229 billion over 10 years for the IDEA. McCain also voted against an amendment that would create a reserve fund of $73 billion in IDEA funding. The spending would have been made possible by reducing tax cuts. [sCR 23, Senate Vote #103, 3/26/03; SCR 23, Senate Vote #70, 3/21/03] > > McCain did not co-sponsor reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (S. 1642). He also did not vote on passage of the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act in the 110th Congress. [s.1642, 110th Congress; S. 1642, Senate Vote #275, 7/24/07] > > OBAMA ON SUPPORT FOR LIVING INDEPENDENTLY IN THE COMMUNITY > > Obama is a co-sponsor of the Community Choice Act of 2007. Obama believes that individuals should be able to make their own choices for their living arrangements and live independently in their communities. [s.799, 110th Congress] > > Obama is a co-sponsor of the Community Living Assistance Services and Support (CLASS) Act Of 2007. This bill would help individuals with functional impairments pay for services that they need to maximize their independence. [s.1758, 110th Congress] > > MCCAIN ON SUPPORT FOR LIVING INDEPENDENTLY IN THE COMMUNITY > > McCain strongly opposes the Community Choice Act. Asked about the Community Choice Act at a Town Hall in Denver, McCain said " The Community Choice Act is not a piece of legislation that I support. " [ McCain Town Hall < http://www.washingtonpost.com/ wp- dyn/content/ article/2008/ 07/07/AR20080707 01672_5.html > , 7/7/08] > > OBAMA ON SOCIAL SERVICES SPENDING > > Obama opposes a freeze on social services spending for people with disabilities. > > Obama voted against capping non-defense spending which means that social service spending for people with disabilities could continue to meet their needs. In 2005, Obama voted against the Inhofe amendment that would cap non-defense, non-trust fund spending. [s.1932, Senate Vote #286, 11/3/05] > > MCCAIN ON SOCIAL SERVICES SPENDING > > McCain promises that he will cap non-defense spending for at least one year, meaning that social services spending for people with disabilities will be capped as well. > > McCain voted in favor of capping non-defense spending. In 2005, McCain voted for the Inhofe amendment that would cap non-defense and non-trust fund spending. [s.1932, Senate Vote #286, 11/3/05] > > McCain proposed a freeze of discretionary spending as illustrated when he said, " As president, I will also order a prompt and thorough review of the budgets of every federal program, department, and agency. While that top-to-bottom review is underway, we will institute a one-year pause in discretionary spending increases with the necessary exemption of military spending and veterans' benefits. " [McCain Remarks on the Economy at Carnegie Mellon University, 4/15/08 < http://www.johnmccain.com/Informing /News/Speeches/ 9bb4e69a- 36cc-4ca3- b40d- 0cdd41a1b81 2.htm > ] > > OBAMA ON HEALTH CARE FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES > > Obama will sign universal health care into law by the end of his first term in office, and he has supported expanding the State Children's Health Insurance Program ( " SCHIP " ) and health care programs for people with disabilities, children, and veterans. > > > > Under Obama's plan to provide universal health insurance, insurance companies will not be able to stop individuals from getting coverage even if they have pre-existing conditions and disabilities. Obama's plan allows individuals and businesses to purchase public or private health coverage through a national health insurance exchange. Obama's plan would make health care more affordable and accessible to all Americans, particularly individuals who have been denied coverage in the private market due to a pre- existing condition or disability. [ Obama Plan to Empower Individuals with Disabilities < http://www.barackobama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ] > > Obama is a co-sponsor of ending the Medicare Waiting Period Act of 2007 (S.2102). Before they can get Medicare coverage, people with disabilities must first receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) for 24 months. Due to the 24-month Medicare waiting period, an estimated 400,000 Americans with disabilities are uninsured and many more are underinsured at a time in their lives when they need health coverage the most. During this waiting period, many individuals develop secondary conditions, their health status worsens and many die. Obama supports legislation that would phase out this harmful waiting period and provide individuals with health insurance. [s.2102, 110th Congress] > > Obama supported expanded health insurance for children. In 2007, Obama voted to reauthorize the SCHIP at over $60 billion for five years. Two children who live with a single parent who makes $51,510 would have access to health insurance coverage under SCHIP. The bill would provide $100 million in new grants to fund state outreach and enrollment efforts and allocate $49 million for a demonstration project to streamline the enrollment process for low-income children already eligible for coverage. [hr 976, Senate Vote #307, 8/2/07] > > Obama supported assuring accessible health care to people with disabilities by co-sponsoring the Promoting Wellness for Individuals with Disabilities Act (S.1050)The bill would require the U.S. Access Board to establish access standards for all diagnostic equipment (examination tables, x-ray, mammography and other radiological equipment, etc.). It also educates physicians and dentists by requiring that medical schools, dental schools, and their residency programs provide training to improve competency and clinical skills in providing care to patients with disabilities (including those with intellectual disabilities) as a condition of receiving federal funds. Finally, it establishes a national wellness grant program which will authorize funding for programs or activities for smoking cessation, weight control, nutrition or fitness that are tailored to the needs of individuals with disabilities and authorize funding for preventive health screening > programs for individuals with disabilities to reduce the incidence of secondary conditions. [s.1050, 110th Congress] > > MCCAIN ON HEALTH CARE FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES > > McCain's health care plan does not prohibit discrimination against individuals with pre-existing conditions and disabilities. McCain's healthcare plan would replace the existing tax exclusion for employer-sponsored health coverage with a refundable tax credit for all Americans as an incentive to purchase health insurance. However, many individuals with disabilities are denied coverage or unable to afford coverage in the private market due to pre-existing conditions and disabilities. While McCain's plan would work with states to develop best practice models in expanding coverage to individuals who have been denied coverage, it would not prohibit discrimination. [ Washington Post, 4/30/08 < http://www.washingtonpost.com/ wp-dyn/content/ article/2008/ 04/29/AR20080429 02706.html > ] > > McCain opposed reauthorizing SCHIP and providing insurance for millions of uninsured children. According to Knight Ridder , " The [2007] Senate proposal would provide coverage to 3.2 million " uninsured children and renew coverage for the 6 million children already covered by the program. The legislation passed 68-31. [H.R. 976 , Vote #307 < http://www.senate.gov/legislative/ LIS/roll_ call_lists/ roll_call_ vote_cfm. cfm?congress= 110 & session= 1 & vote=00307 > , 8/2/07; Knight Ridder , 8/2/07] > > VETERANS WITH DISABILITIES: > Obama: > The Disabled America Veterans (DAV) gave Obama an 80% rating in 2006. [Project Vote Smart] > Obama supported expanding health care for veterans. > > Ø In 2005, Obama voted for providing an additional $500 million per year for the next five years for mental health services for veterans. [s.2020, Senate Vote #343, 11/17/05] > > Ø In 2006, Obama voted in favor of adding $430 million for outpatient and inpatient health care and treatment for veterans. Nearly half of the military servicemen and women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan will require health care services for the physical and psychological traumas of war, yet the Bush administration and Republican-led Congress have underfunded the Veterans Administration' s medical services by at least $1.2 billion for 2007 alone. And, this was the second consecutive year they had done so. [H.R.4939, Senate Vote #98, 4/26/06; The Independent Budget, A Budget for Veterans by Veterans, 2/10/06; Newsweek, 1/19/06] > > Obama voted for $2 million for research of traumatic brain injuries to improve imaging for traumatic brain injury testing and adapting current technologies to treat brain injuries suffered in war. [H.R.5631, S. Amdt. 4781, Senate Vote #222, 8/2/06; CQ, 8/2/06] > > McCain: > > McCain opposed expanding health care for veterans. > > Ø In 2005, McCain voted against providing an additional $500 million per year for the next five years for mental health services for veterans. [s.2020, Senate Vote #343, 11/17/05] > > Ø In 2006, McCain was one of 13 senators who voted against adding $430 million for outpatient and inpatient health care and treatment for veterans. Amendment passed 84-16. [H.R.4939, Vote #98 < http://www.senate.gov/legislative/ LIS/roll_ call_lists/ roll_call_ vote_cfm. cfm?congress= 109 & session= 2 & vote=00098 > , 4/26/06] > > > Ø McCain voted against $2 million of funding for research of traumatic brain injuries. McCain rejected legislation that would help improve imaging for traumatic brain injury testing and adapting current technologies to treat brain injuries suffered in war. [H.R.5631, S. Amdt. 4781, Senate Vote #222, 8/2/06; CQ, 8/2/06] > > > > Ø McCain voted with the Disabled American Veterans 20% of the time. Factcheck. org " However, he is correct in that McCain doesn't have a perfect score with DAV (Disabled American Veterans), a group of 1.3 million disabled veterans that supports more funding for veterans health care. McCain has a 20 percent record of voting the way DAV would like him to in 2006…Senators were evaluated on five votes for amendments that would have increased funding for veterans' health care. " [Factcheck.org < http://www.factcheck.org/askfactche ck/does_mccain_ have_a_perfect_ voting_record. html > ] > > > OBAMA ON CIVIL RIGHTS FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES > > Obama strongly supports the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Restoration Act. Indeed, he signed on as an original co-sponsor of the Senate version of the ADA Restoration Act. [s.1050, 110th Congress] > > > > Obama will appoint judges who exhibit empathy for individuals with disabilities. " Barack Obama will appoint judges and justices who respect Congress' role as a co-equal, democratically elected branch of government and who exhibit empathy with what it means to be an American with a disability " [ Obama Plan To Empower Individuals With Disabilities < http://www.barackobama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ] > > MCCAIN ON CIVIL RIGHTS FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES > > While McCain has also co-sponsored the ADA Restoration Act, he has promised to appoint judges like those who interpreted the ADA narrowly and deprived millions of people with disabilities of their civil rights. McCain said that as president, he would " appoint strict constructionist judges. " [AP, 8/7/07] " In an address at Wake Forest University, McCain pledged to nominate jurists who believe `there are clear limits to the scope of judicial power'…By way of example, McCain said he would look for people in the cast of Chief Justice G. Jr. and Justice A. Alito Jr., and his friend the late Chief Justice H. Rehnquist. He called them `jurists of the highest caliber who know their own minds, and know the law, and know the difference.' " [ Los Angeles Times, 5/7/08 < http://www.latimes.com/news/ nationworld/ politics/ la-na-mccain7- 2008may07, 0,3233304. story > ] > > > OBAMA ON MEDICARE ELIGIBILITY > > In 2007, Obama voted against increasing Medicare Part D premiums for beneficiaries making over $80,000 annually. Obama voted against the Ensign Amendment that would require Medicare prescription drugs beneficiaries with annual incomes over $80,000 and couples with annual incomes over $160,000 to pay a larger share of their Medicare Part D premium.[sCR 21, Senate Vote #93, 3/22/07] > > Obama opposed means testing for Medicare. In response to a NCPSSM questionnaire, Obama said, " The bill added `means testing' to Part B of Medicare, requiring individuals with incomes over $80,000 to pay gradually higher premiums. This undermines the basic premise of Medicare as an insurance program for all Americans and could cause wealthier and healthier people to leave the Medicare program. " [NCPSSM Questionnaire; Citizen Action Illinois Questionnaire, SEIU Questionnaire] > > MCCAIN ON MEDICARE ELIGIBILITY > > McCain voted to raise the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to 67. In 1997, McCain voted in favor of raising the eligibility age for receiving Medicare from 65 to 67 with the change being phased in between 2003 and 2027. The motion passed 62-38. [s 947, Vote #112 < http://www.senate.gov/legislative/ LIS/roll_ call_lists/ roll_call_ vote_cfm. cfm?congress= 105 & session= 1 & vote=00112 > , 6/24/97] > > OBAMA ON MENTAL HEALTH PARITY Obama is a long-time supporter of mental health parity legislation, having passed the Illinois Mental Health Parity Law. He also co-sponsored the Mental Health Parity Act of 2007. Obama co-sponsored a bill to amend the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and the Public Health Service Act to require a group health plan that provides both medical and surgical benefits and mental health benefits to ensure that: (1) the financial requirements applicable to such mental health benefits are no more restrictive than those of substantially all medical and surgical benefits covered by the plan, including deductibles and copayments; and (2) the treatment limitations applicable to such mental health benefits are no more restrictive than those applied to substantially all medical and surgical benefits covered by the plan, including limits on the frequency of treatments or similar limits on the scope or duration > of treatment. The bill prohibited the plan from establishing separate cost sharing requirements that are applicable only with respect to mental health benefits. [110th, S.558, Introduced 2/12/07; HELP Report, 4/11/07] Obama co-sponsored and voted for a mental health parity bill that requires coverage for serious mental illnesses to be provided on the same terms and conditions as other illnesses and diseases. [92nd GA; SB 1341; 2001; Signed into law 7/27/01, PA 92-0185 ] > MCCAIN ON MENTAL HEALTH PARITY McCain's health care plan would eliminate the mental health parity requirements in 45 states. [Wall Street Journal, 10/11/07; SOURCE: National Conference of State Legislatures ( http://www.ncsl.org/programs/ health/hmolaws. htm < http://www.ncsl.org/programs/ health/hmolaws. htm > ), accessed 7/30/07; Council for Affordable Health Insurance, accessed 7/30/07 ( http://www.cahi.org/cahi_ contents/ resources/ pdf/MandatePub20 07.pdf < http://www.cahi.org/cahi_ contents/ resources/ pdf/MandatePub20 07.pdf > )] > OBAMA ON AUTISM Obama will increase federal funding for outreach and support services for people on the autism spectrum. Specifical ly, " Obama will seek to increase federal ASD funding for research, treatment, screenings, public awareness, and support services to $1 billion annually by the end of his first term in office. Obama will also continue to work with parents, physicians, providers, researchers, and schools to create opportunities and effective solutions for people with ASD. " [Obama Plan Supporting Americans with Autism Spectrum Disorders < http://origin.barackobama. com/pdf/AutismSp ectrumDisorders. pdf > ] Obama is a co-sponsor of the Expanding the Promise to Individuals with Autism Act (S.937) which would improve services and supports for individuals with autism spectrum disorder and their families. It would build upon programs within the Developmental Disabilities Act to increase interdisciplinary training of > professionals, development and dissemination of evidence-based autism treatments, interventions, supports and services for children and adults, and protection and advocacy. [s.937, 110th Congress] > MCCAIN ON AUTISM McCain has not taken a leading role to expand services and supports for people with autism. McCain has not co- sponsored the Expanding the Promise to Individuals with Autism Act (S.937). [s.937, 110th Congress] McCain says he will work to advance federal autism research. " As President, McCain will work to advance federal research into autism, promote early screening, and identify better treatment options, while providing support for children with autism so that they may reach their full potential. " [McCain Statement on Combating Autism in America < http://www.johnmccain.com/content/ ?guid=24dc9c37- e739-4aa3- 8a88- ebae650a2f1 1 > ] > OBAMA ON VOTING RIGHTS FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES Obama supports fully funding the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) so that we can ensure all polling places are accessible. His administration would also assure better enforcement of federal disability rights laws – from HAVA to the Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act to the ADA – to make sure the right of Americans with disabilities to vote is fully protected. [Obama Plan to Empower Individuals with Disabilities < http://www.barackobama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ] > MCCAIN ON VOTING RIGHTS FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES In 2002, McCain voted repeatedly against the Help America Vote Act, which was offered to correct problems in the election system and impose detailed voting-procedure requirements on the states. McCain voted for final passage of the bill. [s.565, Senate] > > > > Please visit our Advocacy Blog, at www.cilsflablog. org . " People with disabilities seek nothing more than an equal opportunity at justice, and should accept nothing less. " > > > > > > > > > -- mit Saskia, Nora-Jane*2001, *2004/DS (Zitronen- Fischöl, CoenzymQ10-hochdosi ert, Vit.A, gepuffertes Vit. C + natürliches Vit. E, Himbeer-Folsä ure + B12, Selen, Zink, Probiotikum, Ginkgo Biloba, Antra, Thyroxin) >

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You can apply for the waiver while you still have insurance. There is probably a long waiting list.


--------- [ADA Expertise] Comparison of Positions of the Presidential Candidates relating to people with disabilities > > Sunday, September 21, 2008 > This information is set forth in an effort to provide the reader with information about the Presidential candidates' positions concerning people with disabilities. It is not intended as an endorsement of either candidate, and is posted in my private capacity. > Watch what they do (and did), not just what they say. > > Vote for the candidate of your choice, but vote. > Please feel free to share this email and add it to your blogs. > > Marc > > As we near November 4th, it is increasingly important that voters concerned about people with disabilities are well-informed about the candidates' positions. Each Presidential candidate has put forth positions on issues on their respective websites: > > McCain/Palen: www.johnmccain. com/informing/ issues < http://www.johnmcca in.com/informing /issues > > Obama/Biden: www.barackobama. com/issues < http://www.barackob ama.com/issues > > > Please take a look at each of the websites to learn where the candidates really stand. > A review of their respective records in the Senate is also revealing: > OBAMA ON EDUCATION FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES > > Barack Obama supports full funding of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), early intervention and developmental programs, and expanded college opportunities for students with disabilities.> > Obama voted for over $44 billion in funding for the IDEA. [sCR 1, Senate Vote #94, 3/22/07]> > Obama will invest $10 billion per year in early intervention, educational and developmental programs for children between zero and five. His plan will help expand programs such as Early Head Start to serve more children with disabilities. His plan also will encourage states to expand programs for children with disabilities, such as IDEA Part C. [ Obama Plan to Empower Americans with Disabilities < http://www.barackob ama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ]> > Obama supports increasing opportunities for college students with disabilities. He also will provide more support for these college students. Obama was an original co-sponsor of the Senate bill to reauthorize the Higher Education Act (S. 1642) which significantly expands opportunities and supports for individuals with disabilities to attend college and graduate programs. [s.1642, 110th Congress]> > MCCAIN ON EDUCATION FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES > > McCain has repeatedly voted against the IDEA even though he claims he supports full funding of it.> > McCain has repeatedly voted against funding for special education.> > Ø McCain repeatedly voted against funding increases for the IDEA. [H.R.4577, Senate Vote #170, 6/30/00; SCR 23, Senate Vote #103, 3/26/03]> > Ø McCain has chosen tax cuts for the wealthy over education funding for students with disabilities. Specifically, McCain voted against increasing spending in the amount of $229 billion over 10 years for the IDEA. McCain also voted against an amendment that would create a reserve fund of $73 billion in IDEA funding. The spending would have been made possible by reducing tax cuts. [sCR 23, Senate Vote #103, 3/26/03; SCR 23, Senate Vote #70, 3/21/03]> > McCain did not co-sponsor reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (S. 1642). He also did not vote on passage of the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act in the 110th Congress. [s.1642, 110th Congress; S. 1642, Senate Vote #275, 7/24/07] > > OBAMA ON SUPPORT FOR LIVING INDEPENDENTLY IN THE COMMUNITY > > Obama is a co-sponsor of the Community Choice Act of 2007. Obama believes that individuals should be able to make their own choices for their living arrangements and live independently in their communities. [s.799, 110th Congress]> > Obama is a co-sponsor of the Community Living Assistance Services and Support (CLASS) Act Of 2007. This bill would help individuals with functional impairments pay for services that they need to maximize their independence. [s.1758, 110th Congress] > > MCCAIN ON SUPPORT FOR LIVING INDEPENDENTLY IN THE COMMUNITY > > McCain strongly opposes the Community Choice Act. Asked about the Community Choice Act at a Town Hall in Denver, McCain said "The Community Choice Act is not a piece of legislation that I support." [ McCain Town Hall < http://www.washingt onpost.com/ wp-dyn/content/ article/2008/ 07/07/AR20080707 01672_5.html > , 7/7/08] > > OBAMA ON SOCIAL SERVICES SPENDING > > Obama opposes a freeze on social services spending for people with disabilities. > > Obama voted against capping non-defense spending which means that social service spending for people with disabilities could continue to meet their needs. In 2005, Obama voted against the Inhofe amendment that would cap non-defense, non-trust fund spending. [s.1932, Senate Vote #286, 11/3/05] > > MCCAIN ON SOCIAL SERVICES SPENDING > > McCain promises that he will cap non-defense spending for at least one year, meaning that social services spending for people with disabilities will be capped as well.> > McCain voted in favor of capping non-defense spending. In 2005, McCain voted for the Inhofe amendment that would cap non-defense and non-trust fund spending. [s.1932, Senate Vote #286, 11/3/05]> > McCain proposed a freeze of discretionary spending as illustrated when he said, "As president, I will also order a prompt and thorough review of the budgets of every federal program, department, and agency. While that top-to-bottom review is underway, we will institute a one-year pause in discretionary spending increases with the necessary exemption of military spending and veterans' benefits." [McCain Remarks on the Economy at Carnegie Mellon University, 4/15/08 < http://www.johnmcca in.com/Informing /News/Speeches/ 9bb4e69a- 36cc-4ca3- b40d-0cdd41a1b81 2.htm > ]> > OBAMA ON HEALTH CARE FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES > > Obama will sign universal health care into law by the end of his first term in office, and he has supported expanding the State Children's Health Insurance Program ("SCHIP") and health care programs for people with disabilities, children, and veterans. > > > > Under Obama's plan to provide universal health insurance, insurance companies will not be able to stop individuals from getting coverage even if they have pre-existing conditions and disabilities. Obama's plan allows individuals and businesses to purchase public or private health coverage through a national health insurance exchange. Obama's plan would make health care more affordable and accessible to all Americans, particularly individuals who have been denied coverage in the private market due to a pre-existing condition or disability. [ Obama Plan to Empower Individuals with Disabilities < http://www.barackob ama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ]> > Obama is a co-sponsor of ending the Medicare Waiting Period Act of 2007 (S.2102). Before they can get Medicare coverage, people with disabilities must first receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) for 24 months. Due to the 24-month Medicare waiting period, an estimated 400,000 Americans with disabilities are uninsured and many more are underinsured at a time in their lives when they need health coverage the most. During this waiting period, many individuals develop secondary conditions, their health status worsens and many die. Obama supports legislation that would phase out this harmful waiting period and provide individuals with health insurance. [s.2102, 110th Congress]> > Obama supported expanded health insurance for children. In 2007, Obama voted to reauthorize the SCHIP at over $60 billion for five years. Two children who live with a single parent who makes $51,510 would have access to health insurance coverage under SCHIP. The bill would provide $100 million in new grants to fund state outreach and enrollment efforts and allocate $49 million for a demonstration project to streamline the enrollment process for low-income children already eligible for coverage. [hr 976, Senate Vote #307, 8/2/07]> > Obama supported assuring accessible health care to people with disabilities by co-sponsoring the Promoting Wellness for Individuals with Disabilities Act (S.1050)The bill would require the U.S. Access Board to establish access standards for all diagnostic equipment (examination tables, x-ray, mammography and other radiological equipment, etc.). It also educates physicians and dentists by requiring that medical schools, dental schools, and their residency programs provide training to improve competency and clinical skills in providing care to patients with disabilities (including those with intellectual disabilities) as a condition of receiving federal funds. Finally, it establishes a national wellness grant program which will authorize funding for programs or activities for smoking cessation, weight control, nutrition or fitness that are tailored to the needs of individuals with disabilities and authorize funding for preventive health screening> programs for individuals with disabilities to reduce the incidence of secondary conditions. [s.1050, 110th Congress]> > MCCAIN ON HEALTH CARE FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES > > McCain's health care plan does not prohibit discrimination against individuals with pre-existing conditions and disabilities. McCain's healthcare plan would replace the existing tax exclusion for employer-sponsored health coverage with a refundable tax credit for all Americans as an incentive to purchase health insurance. However, many individuals with disabilities are denied coverage or unable to afford coverage in the private market due to pre-existing conditions and disabilities. While McCain's plan would work with states to develop best practice models in expanding coverage to individuals who have been denied coverage, it would not prohibit discrimination. [ Washington Post, 4/30/08 < http://www.washingt onpost.com/ wp-dyn/content/ article/2008/ 04/29/AR20080429 02706.html > ]> > McCain opposed reauthorizing SCHIP and providing insurance for millions of uninsured children. According to Knight Ridder , "The [2007] Senate proposal would provide coverage to 3.2 million" uninsured children and renew coverage for the 6 million children already covered by the program. The legislation passed 68-31. [H.R. 976 , Vote #307 < http://www.senate. gov/legislative/ LIS/roll_ call_lists/ roll_call_ vote_cfm. cfm?congress= 110 & session= 1 & vote=00307 > , 8/2/07; Knight Ridder , 8/2/07]> > VETERANS WITH DISABILITIES: > Obama:> The Disabled America Veterans (DAV) gave Obama an 80% rating in 2006. [Project Vote Smart]> Obama supported expanding health care for veterans. > > Ø In 2005, Obama voted for providing an additional $500 million per year for the next five years for mental health services for veterans. [s.2020, Senate Vote #343, 11/17/05]> > Ø In 2006, Obama voted in favor of adding $430 million for outpatient and inpatient health care and treatment for veterans. Nearly half of the military servicemen and women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan will require health care services for the physical and psychological traumas of war, yet the Bush administration and Republican-led Congress have underfunded the Veterans Administration' s medical services by at least $1.2 billion for 2007 alone. And, this was the second consecutive year they had done so. [H.R.4939, Senate Vote #98, 4/26/06; The Independent Budget, A Budget for Veterans by Veterans, 2/10/06; Newsweek, 1/19/06]> > Obama voted for $2 million for research of traumatic brain injuries to improve imaging for traumatic brain injury testing and adapting current technologies to treat brain injuries suffered in war. [H.R.5631, S. Amdt. 4781, Senate Vote #222, 8/2/06; CQ, 8/2/06]> > McCain: > > McCain opposed expanding health care for veterans.> > Ø In 2005, McCain voted against providing an additional $500 million per year for the next five years for mental health services for veterans. [s.2020, Senate Vote #343, 11/17/05] > > Ø In 2006, McCain was one of 13 senators who voted against adding $430 million for outpatient and inpatient health care and treatment for veterans. Amendment passed 84-16. [H.R.4939, Vote #98 < http://www.senate. gov/legislative/ LIS/roll_ call_lists/ roll_call_ vote_cfm. cfm?congress= 109 & session= 2 & vote=00098 > , 4/26/06]> > > Ø McCain voted against $2 million of funding for research of traumatic brain injuries. McCain rejected legislation that would help improve imaging for traumatic brain injury testing and adapting current technologies to treat brain injuries suffered in war. [H.R.5631, S. Amdt. 4781, Senate Vote #222, 8/2/06; CQ, 8/2/06] > > > > Ø McCain voted with the Disabled American Veterans 20% of the time. Factcheck. org "However, he is correct in that McCain doesn't have a perfect score with DAV (Disabled American Veterans), a group of 1.3 million disabled veterans that supports more funding for veterans health care. McCain has a 20 percent record of voting the way DAV would like him to in 2006…Senators were evaluated on five votes for amendments that would have increased funding for veterans' health care." [Factcheck.org < http://www.factchec k.org/askfactche ck/does_mccain_ have_a_perfect_ voting_record. html > ] > > > OBAMA ON CIVIL RIGHTS FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES > > Obama strongly supports the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Restoration Act. Indeed, he signed on as an original co-sponsor of the Senate version of the ADA Restoration Act. [s.1050, 110th Congress]> > > > Obama will appoint judges who exhibit empathy for individuals with disabilities. "Barack Obama will appoint judges and justices who respect Congress' role as a co-equal, democratically elected branch of government and who exhibit empathy with what it means to be an American with a disability" [ Obama Plan To Empower Individuals With Disabilities < http://www.barackob ama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ]> > MCCAIN ON CIVIL RIGHTS FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES > > While McCain has also co-sponsored the ADA Restoration Act, he has promised to appoint judges like those who interpreted the ADA narrowly and deprived millions of people with disabilities of their civil rights. McCain said that as president, he would "appoint strict constructionist judges." [AP, 8/7/07] "In an address at Wake Forest University, McCain pledged to nominate jurists who believe `there are clear limits to the scope of judicial power'…By way of example, McCain said he would look for people in the cast of Chief Justice G. Jr. and Justice A. Alito Jr., and his friend the late Chief Justice H. Rehnquist. He called them `jurists of the highest caliber who know their own minds, and know the law, and know the difference.' " [ Los Angeles Times, 5/7/08 < http://www.latimes. com/news/ nationworld/ politics/ la-na-mccain7- 2008may07, 0,3233304. story > ]> > > OBAMA ON MEDICARE ELIGIBILITY > > In 2007, Obama voted against increasing Medicare Part D premiums for beneficiaries making over $80,000 annually. Obama voted against the Ensign Amendment that would require Medicare prescription drugs beneficiaries with annual incomes over $80,000 and couples with annual incomes over $160,000 to pay a larger share of their Medicare Part D premium.[sCR 21, Senate Vote #93, 3/22/07]> > Obama opposed means testing for Medicare. In response to a NCPSSM questionnaire, Obama said, "The bill added `means testing' to Part B of Medicare, requiring individuals with incomes over $80,000 to pay gradually higher premiums. This undermines the basic premise of Medicare as an insurance program for all Americans and could cause wealthier and healthier people to leave the Medicare program." [NCPSSM Questionnaire; Citizen Action Illinois Questionnaire, SEIU Questionnaire] > > MCCAIN ON MEDICARE ELIGIBILITY > > McCain voted to raise the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to 67. In 1997, McCain voted in favor of raising the eligibility age for receiving Medicare from 65 to 67 with the change being phased in between 2003 and 2027. The motion passed 62-38. [s 947, Vote #112 < http://www.senate. gov/legislative/ LIS/roll_ call_lists/ roll_call_ vote_cfm. cfm?congress= 105 & session= 1 & vote=00112 > , 6/24/97] > > OBAMA ON MENTAL HEALTH PARITY Obama is a long-time supporter of mental health parity legislation, having passed the Illinois Mental Health Parity Law. He also co-sponsored the Mental Health Parity Act of 2007. Obama co-sponsored a bill to amend the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and the Public Health Service Act to require a group health plan that provides both medical and surgical benefits and mental health benefits to ensure that: (1) the financial requirements applicable to such mental health benefits are no more restrictive than those of substantially all medical and surgical benefits covered by the plan, including deductibles and copayments; and (2) the treatment limitations applicable to such mental health benefits are no more restrictive than those applied to substantially all medical and surgical benefits covered by the plan, including limits on the frequency of treatments or similar limits on the scope or duration> of treatment. The bill prohibited the plan from establishing separate cost sharing requirements that are applicable only with respect to mental health benefits. [110th, S.558, Introduced 2/12/07; HELP Report, 4/11/07] Obama co-sponsored and voted for a mental health parity bill that requires coverage for serious mental illnesses to be provided on the same terms and conditions as other illnesses and diseases. [92nd GA; SB 1341; 2001; Signed into law 7/27/01, PA 92-0185 ] > MCCAIN ON MENTAL HEALTH PARITY McCain's health care plan would eliminate the mental health parity requirements in 45 states. [Wall Street Journal, 10/11/07; SOURCE: National Conference of State Legislatures ( http://www.ncsl. org/programs/ health/hmolaws. htm < http://www.ncsl. org/programs/ health/hmolaws. htm > ), accessed 7/30/07; Council for Affordable Health Insurance, accessed 7/30/07 ( http://www.cahi. org/cahi_ contents/ resources/ pdf/MandatePub20 07.pdf < http://www.cahi. org/cahi_ contents/ resources/ pdf/MandatePub20 07.pdf > )] > OBAMA ON AUTISM Obama will increase federal funding for outreach and support services for people on the autism spectrum. Specifical ly, "Obama will seek to increase federal ASD funding for research, treatment, screenings, public awareness, and support services to $1 billion annually by the end of his first term in office. Obama will also continue to work with parents, physicians, providers, researchers, and schools to create opportunities and effective solutions for people with ASD." [Obama Plan Supporting Americans with Autism Spectrum Disorders < http://origin. barackobama. com/pdf/AutismSp ectrumDisorders. pdf > ] Obama is a co-sponsor of the Expanding the Promise to Individuals with Autism Act (S.937) which would improve services and supports for individuals with autism spectrum disorder and their families. It would build upon programs within the Developmental Disabilities Act to increase interdisciplinary training of> professionals, development and dissemination of evidence-based autism treatments, interventions, supports and services for children and adults, and protection and advocacy. [s.937, 110th Congress] > MCCAIN ON AUTISM McCain has not taken a leading role to expand services and supports for people with autism. McCain has not co-sponsored the Expanding the Promise to Individuals with Autism Act (S.937). [s.937, 110th Congress] McCain says he will work to advance federal autism research. "As President, McCain will work to advance federal research into autism, promote early screening, and identify better treatment options, while providing support for children with autism so that they may reach their full potential." [McCain Statement on Combating Autism in America < http://www.johnmcca in.com/content/ ?guid=24dc9c37- e739-4aa3- 8a88-ebae650a2f1 1 > ] > OBAMA ON VOTING RIGHTS FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES Obama supports fully funding the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) so that we can ensure all polling places are accessible. His administration would also assure better enforcement of federal disability rights laws – from HAVA to the Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act to the ADA – to make sure the right of Americans with disabilities to vote is fully protected. [Obama Plan to Empower Individuals with Disabilities < http://www.barackob ama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ] > MCCAIN ON VOTING RIGHTS FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES In 2002, McCain voted repeatedly against the Help America Vote Act, which was offered to correct problems in the election system and impose detailed voting-procedure requirements on the states. McCain voted for final passage of the bill. [s.565, Senate] > > > > Please visit our Advocacy Blog, at www.cilsflablog. org . "People with disabilities seek nothing more than an equal opportunity at justice, and should accept nothing less." > > > > > > > > > -- mit Saskia, Nora-Jane*2001, *2004/DS (Zitronen-Fischöl, CoenzymQ10-hochdosi ert, Vit.A, gepuffertes Vit. C + natürliches Vit. E, Himbeer-Folsä ure + B12, Selen, Zink, Probiotikum, Ginkgo Biloba, Antra, Thyroxin)>

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here in Indiana we waited 11 years - we applied when was 2 months old and he turned 11 in August You can apply for the waiver while you still have insurance. There is probably a long waiting list. ette --------- [ADA Expertise] Comparison of Positions of the Presidential Candidates relating to people with disabilities > > Sunday, September 21, 2008 > This information is set forth in an effort to provide the reader with information about the Presidential candidates' positions concerning people with disabilities. It is not intended as an endorsement of either candidate, and is posted in my private capacity. > Watch what they do (and did), not just what they say. > > Vote for the candidate of your choice, but vote. > Please feel free to share this email and add it to your blogs. > > Marc > > As we near November 4th, it is increasingly important that voters concerned about people with disabilities are well-informed about the candidates' positions. Each Presidential candidate has put forth positions on issues on their respective websites: > > McCain/Palen: www.johnmccain. com/informing/ issues < http://www.johnmccain.com/informing /issues > > Obama/Biden: www.barackobama. com/issues < http://www.barackobama.com/issues > > > Please take a look at each of the websites to learn where the candidates really stand. > A review of their respective records in the Senate is also revealing: > OBAMA ON EDUCATION FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES > > Barack Obama supports full funding of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), early intervention and developmental programs, and expanded college opportunities for students with disabilities. > > Obama voted for over $44 billion in funding for the IDEA. [sCR 1, Senate Vote #94, 3/22/07] > > Obama will invest $10 billion per year in early intervention, educational and developmental programs for children between zero and five. His plan will help expand programs such as Early Head Start to serve more children with disabilities. His plan also will encourage states to expand programs for children with disabilities, such as IDEA Part C. [ Obama Plan to Empower Americans with Disabilities < http://www.barackobama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ] > > Obama supports increasing opportunities for college students with disabilities. He also will provide more support for these college students. Obama was an original co-sponsor of the Senate bill to reauthorize the Higher Education Act (S. 1642) which significantly expands opportunities and supports for individuals with disabilities to attend college and graduate programs. [s.1642, 110th Congress] > > MCCAIN ON EDUCATION FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES > > McCain has repeatedly voted against the IDEA even though he claims he supports full funding of it. > > McCain has repeatedly voted against funding for special education. > > Ø McCain repeatedly voted against funding increases for the IDEA. [H.R.4577, Senate Vote #170, 6/30/00; SCR 23, Senate Vote #103, 3/26/03] > > Ø McCain has chosen tax cuts for the wealthy over education funding for students with disabilities. Specifically, McCain voted against increasing spending in the amount of $229 billion over 10 years for the IDEA. McCain also voted against an amendment that would create a reserve fund of $73 billion in IDEA funding. The spending would have been made possible by reducing tax cuts. [sCR 23, Senate Vote #103, 3/26/03; SCR 23, Senate Vote #70, 3/21/03] > > McCain did not co-sponsor reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (S. 1642). He also did not vote on passage of the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act in the 110th Congress. [s.1642, 110th Congress; S. 1642, Senate Vote #275, 7/24/07] > > OBAMA ON SUPPORT FOR LIVING INDEPENDENTLY IN THE COMMUNITY > > Obama is a co-sponsor of the Community Choice Act of 2007. Obama believes that individuals should be able to make their own choices for their living arrangements and live independently in their communities. [s.799, 110th Congress] > > Obama is a co-sponsor of the Community Living Assistance Services and Support (CLASS) Act Of 2007. This bill would help individuals with functional impairments pay for services that they need to maximize their independence. [s.1758, 110th Congress] > > MCCAIN ON SUPPORT FOR LIVING INDEPENDENTLY IN THE COMMUNITY > > McCain strongly opposes the Community Choice Act. Asked about the Community Choice Act at a Town Hall in Denver, McCain said " The Community Choice Act is not a piece of legislation that I support. " [ McCain Town Hall < http://www.washingtonpost.com/ wp- dyn/content/ article/2008/ 07/07/AR20080707 01672_5.html > , 7/7/08] > > OBAMA ON SOCIAL SERVICES SPENDING > > Obama opposes a freeze on social services spending for people with disabilities. > > Obama voted against capping non-defense spending which means that social service spending for people with disabilities could continue to meet their needs. In 2005, Obama voted against the Inhofe amendment that would cap non-defense, non-trust fund spending. [s.1932, Senate Vote #286, 11/3/05] > > MCCAIN ON SOCIAL SERVICES SPENDING > > McCain promises that he will cap non-defense spending for at least one year, meaning that social services spending for people with disabilities will be capped as well. > > McCain voted in favor of capping non-defense spending. In 2005, McCain voted for the Inhofe amendment that would cap non-defense and non-trust fund spending. [s.1932, Senate Vote #286, 11/3/05] > > McCain proposed a freeze of discretionary spending as illustrated when he said, " As president, I will also order a prompt and thorough review of the budgets of every federal program, department, and agency. While that top-to-bottom review is underway, we will institute a one-year pause in discretionary spending increases with the necessary exemption of military spending and veterans' benefits. " [McCain Remarks on the Economy at Carnegie Mellon University, 4/15/08 < http://www.johnmccain.com/Informing /News/Speeches/ 9bb4e69a- 36cc-4ca3- b40d- 0cdd41a1b81 2.htm > ] > > OBAMA ON HEALTH CARE FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES > > Obama will sign universal health care into law by the end of his first term in office, and he has supported expanding the State Children's Health Insurance Program ( " SCHIP " ) and health care programs for people with disabilities, children, and veterans. > > > > Under Obama's plan to provide universal health insurance, insurance companies will not be able to stop individuals from getting coverage even if they have pre-existing conditions and disabilities. Obama's plan allows individuals and businesses to purchase public or private health coverage through a national health insurance exchange. Obama's plan would make health care more affordable and accessible to all Americans, particularly individuals who have been denied coverage in the private market due to a pre- existing condition or disability. [ Obama Plan to Empower Individuals with Disabilities < http://www.barackobama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ] > > Obama is a co-sponsor of ending the Medicare Waiting Period Act of 2007 (S.2102). Before they can get Medicare coverage, people with disabilities must first receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) for 24 months. Due to the 24-month Medicare waiting period, an estimated 400,000 Americans with disabilities are uninsured and many more are underinsured at a time in their lives when they need health coverage the most. During this waiting period, many individuals develop secondary conditions, their health status worsens and many die. Obama supports legislation that would phase out this harmful waiting period and provide individuals with health insurance. [s.2102, 110th Congress] > > Obama supported expanded health insurance for children. In 2007, Obama voted to reauthorize the SCHIP at over $60 billion for five years. Two children who live with a single parent who makes $51,510 would have access to health insurance coverage under SCHIP. The bill would provide $100 million in new grants to fund state outreach and enrollment efforts and allocate $49 million for a demonstration project to streamline the enrollment process for low-income children already eligible for coverage. [hr 976, Senate Vote #307, 8/2/07] > > Obama supported assuring accessible health care to people with disabilities by co-sponsoring the Promoting Wellness for Individuals with Disabilities Act (S.1050)The bill would require the U.S. Access Board to establish access standards for all diagnostic equipment (examination tables, x-ray, mammography and other radiological equipment, etc.). It also educates physicians and dentists by requiring that medical schools, dental schools, and their residency programs provide training to improve competency and clinical skills in providing care to patients with disabilities (including those with intellectual disabilities) as a condition of receiving federal funds. Finally, it establishes a national wellness grant program which will authorize funding for programs or activities for smoking cessation, weight control, nutrition or fitness that are tailored to the needs of individuals with disabilities and authorize funding for preventive health screening > programs for individuals with disabilities to reduce the incidence of secondary conditions. [s.1050, 110th Congress] > > MCCAIN ON HEALTH CARE FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES > > McCain's health care plan does not prohibit discrimination against individuals with pre-existing conditions and disabilities. McCain's healthcare plan would replace the existing tax exclusion for employer-sponsored health coverage with a refundable tax credit for all Americans as an incentive to purchase health insurance. However, many individuals with disabilities are denied coverage or unable to afford coverage in the private market due to pre-existing conditions and disabilities. While McCain's plan would work with states to develop best practice models in expanding coverage to individuals who have been denied coverage, it would not prohibit discrimination. [ Washington Post, 4/30/08 < http://www.washingtonpost.com/ wp-dyn/content/ article/2008/ 04/29/AR20080429 02706.html > ] > > McCain opposed reauthorizing SCHIP and providing insurance for millions of uninsured children. According to Knight Ridder , " The [2007] Senate proposal would provide coverage to 3.2 million " uninsured children and renew coverage for the 6 million children already covered by the program. The legislation passed 68-31. [H.R. 976 , Vote #307 < http://www.senate.gov/legislative/ LIS/roll_ call_lists/ roll_call_ vote_cfm. cfm?congress= 110 & session= 1 & vote=00307 > , 8/2/07; Knight Ridder , 8/2/07] > > VETERANS WITH DISABILITIES: > Obama: > The Disabled America Veterans (DAV) gave Obama an 80% rating in 2006. [Project Vote Smart] > Obama supported expanding health care for veterans. > > Ø In 2005, Obama voted for providing an additional $500 million per year for the next five years for mental health services for veterans. [s.2020, Senate Vote #343, 11/17/05] > > Ø In 2006, Obama voted in favor of adding $430 million for outpatient and inpatient health care and treatment for veterans. Nearly half of the military servicemen and women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan will require health care services for the physical and psychological traumas of war, yet the Bush administration and Republican-led Congress have underfunded the Veterans Administration' s medical services by at least $1.2 billion for 2007 alone. And, this was the second consecutive year they had done so. [H.R.4939, Senate Vote #98, 4/26/06; The Independent Budget, A Budget for Veterans by Veterans, 2/10/06; Newsweek, 1/19/06] > > Obama voted for $2 million for research of traumatic brain injuries to improve imaging for traumatic brain injury testing and adapting current technologies to treat brain injuries suffered in war. [H.R.5631, S. Amdt. 4781, Senate Vote #222, 8/2/06; CQ, 8/2/06] > > McCain: > > McCain opposed expanding health care for veterans. > > Ø In 2005, McCain voted against providing an additional $500 million per year for the next five years for mental health services for veterans. [s.2020, Senate Vote #343, 11/17/05] > > Ø In 2006, McCain was one of 13 senators who voted against adding $430 million for outpatient and inpatient health care and treatment for veterans. Amendment passed 84-16. [H.R.4939, Vote #98 < http://www.senate.gov/legislative/ LIS/roll_ call_lists/ roll_call_ vote_cfm. cfm?congress= 109 & session= 2 & vote=00098 > , 4/26/06] > > > Ø McCain voted against $2 million of funding for research of traumatic brain injuries. McCain rejected legislation that would help improve imaging for traumatic brain injury testing and adapting current technologies to treat brain injuries suffered in war. [H.R.5631, S. Amdt. 4781, Senate Vote #222, 8/2/06; CQ, 8/2/06] > > > > Ø McCain voted with the Disabled American Veterans 20% of the time. Factcheck. org " However, he is correct in that McCain doesn't have a perfect score with DAV (Disabled American Veterans), a group of 1.3 million disabled veterans that supports more funding for veterans health care. McCain has a 20 percent record of voting the way DAV would like him to in 2006…Senators were evaluated on five votes for amendments that would have increased funding for veterans' health care. " [Factcheck.org < http://www.factcheck.org/askfactche ck/does_mccain_ have_a_perfect_ voting_record. html > ] > > > OBAMA ON CIVIL RIGHTS FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES > > Obama strongly supports the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Restoration Act. Indeed, he signed on as an original co-sponsor of the Senate version of the ADA Restoration Act. [s.1050, 110th Congress] > > > > Obama will appoint judges who exhibit empathy for individuals with disabilities. " Barack Obama will appoint judges and justices who respect Congress' role as a co-equal, democratically elected branch of government and who exhibit empathy with what it means to be an American with a disability " [ Obama Plan To Empower Individuals With Disabilities < http://www.barackobama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ] > > MCCAIN ON CIVIL RIGHTS FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES > > While McCain has also co-sponsored the ADA Restoration Act, he has promised to appoint judges like those who interpreted the ADA narrowly and deprived millions of people with disabilities of their civil rights. McCain said that as president, he would " appoint strict constructionist judges. " [AP, 8/7/07] " In an address at Wake Forest University, McCain pledged to nominate jurists who believe `there are clear limits to the scope of judicial power'…By way of example, McCain said he would look for people in the cast of Chief Justice G. Jr. and Justice A. Alito Jr., and his friend the late Chief Justice H. Rehnquist. He called them `jurists of the highest caliber who know their own minds, and know the law, and know the difference.' " [ Los Angeles Times, 5/7/08 < http://www.latimes.com/news/ nationworld/ politics/ la-na-mccain7- 2008may07, 0,3233304. story > ] > > > OBAMA ON MEDICARE ELIGIBILITY > > In 2007, Obama voted against increasing Medicare Part D premiums for beneficiaries making over $80,000 annually. Obama voted against the Ensign Amendment that would require Medicare prescription drugs beneficiaries with annual incomes over $80,000 and couples with annual incomes over $160,000 to pay a larger share of their Medicare Part D premium.[sCR 21, Senate Vote #93, 3/22/07] > > Obama opposed means testing for Medicare. In response to a NCPSSM questionnaire, Obama said, " The bill added `means testing' to Part B of Medicare, requiring individuals with incomes over $80,000 to pay gradually higher premiums. This undermines the basic premise of Medicare as an insurance program for all Americans and could cause wealthier and healthier people to leave the Medicare program. " [NCPSSM Questionnaire; Citizen Action Illinois Questionnaire, SEIU Questionnaire] > > MCCAIN ON MEDICARE ELIGIBILITY > > McCain voted to raise the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to 67. In 1997, McCain voted in favor of raising the eligibility age for receiving Medicare from 65 to 67 with the change being phased in between 2003 and 2027. The motion passed 62-38. [s 947, Vote #112 < http://www.senate.gov/legislative/ LIS/roll_ call_lists/ roll_call_ vote_cfm. cfm?congress= 105 & session= 1 & vote=00112 > , 6/24/97] > > OBAMA ON MENTAL HEALTH PARITY Obama is a long-time supporter of mental health parity legislation, having passed the Illinois Mental Health Parity Law. He also co-sponsored the Mental Health Parity Act of 2007. Obama co-sponsored a bill to amend the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and the Public Health Service Act to require a group health plan that provides both medical and surgical benefits and mental health benefits to ensure that: (1) the financial requirements applicable to such mental health benefits are no more restrictive than those of substantially all medical and surgical benefits covered by the plan, including deductibles and copayments; and (2) the treatment limitations applicable to such mental health benefits are no more restrictive than those applied to substantially all medical and surgical benefits covered by the plan, including limits on the frequency of treatments or similar limits on the scope or duration > of treatment. The bill prohibited the plan from establishing separate cost sharing requirements that are applicable only with respect to mental health benefits. [110th, S.558, Introduced 2/12/07; HELP Report, 4/11/07] Obama co-sponsored and voted for a mental health parity bill that requires coverage for serious mental illnesses to be provided on the same terms and conditions as other illnesses and diseases. [92nd GA; SB 1341; 2001; Signed into law 7/27/01, PA 92-0185 ] > MCCAIN ON MENTAL HEALTH PARITY McCain's health care plan would eliminate the mental health parity requirements in 45 states. [Wall Street Journal, 10/11/07; SOURCE: National Conference of State Legislatures ( http://www.ncsl.org/programs/ health/hmolaws. htm < http://www.ncsl.org/programs/ health/hmolaws. htm > ), accessed 7/30/07; Council for Affordable Health Insurance, accessed 7/30/07 ( http://www.cahi.org/cahi_ contents/ resources/ pdf/MandatePub20 07.pdf < http://www.cahi.org/cahi_ contents/ resources/ pdf/MandatePub20 07.pdf > )] > OBAMA ON AUTISM Obama will increase federal funding for outreach and support services for people on the autism spectrum. Specifical ly, " Obama will seek to increase federal ASD funding for research, treatment, screenings, public awareness, and support services to $1 billion annually by the end of his first term in office. Obama will also continue to work with parents, physicians, providers, researchers, and schools to create opportunities and effective solutions for people with ASD. " [Obama Plan Supporting Americans with Autism Spectrum Disorders < http://origin.barackobama. com/pdf/AutismSp ectrumDisorders. pdf > ] Obama is a co-sponsor of the Expanding the Promise to Individuals with Autism Act (S.937) which would improve services and supports for individuals with autism spectrum disorder and their families. It would build upon programs within the Developmental Disabilities Act to increase interdisciplinary training of > professionals, development and dissemination of evidence-based autism treatments, interventions, supports and services for children and adults, and protection and advocacy. [s.937, 110th Congress] > MCCAIN ON AUTISM McCain has not taken a leading role to expand services and supports for people with autism. McCain has not co- sponsored the Expanding the Promise to Individuals with Autism Act (S.937). [s.937, 110th Congress] McCain says he will work to advance federal autism research. " As President, McCain will work to advance federal research into autism, promote early screening, and identify better treatment options, while providing support for children with autism so that they may reach their full potential. " [McCain Statement on Combating Autism in America < http://www.johnmccain.com/content/ ?guid=24dc9c37- e739-4aa3- 8a88- ebae650a2f1 1 > ] > OBAMA ON VOTING RIGHTS FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES Obama supports fully funding the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) so that we can ensure all polling places are accessible. His administration would also assure better enforcement of federal disability rights laws – from HAVA to the Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act to the ADA – to make sure the right of Americans with disabilities to vote is fully protected. [Obama Plan to Empower Individuals with Disabilities < http://www.barackobama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ] > MCCAIN ON VOTING RIGHTS FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES In 2002, McCain voted repeatedly against the Help America Vote Act, which was offered to correct problems in the election system and impose detailed voting-procedure requirements on the states. McCain voted for final passage of the bill. [s.565, Senate] > > > > Please visit our Advocacy Blog, at www.cilsflablog. org . " People with disabilities seek nothing more than an equal opportunity at justice, and should accept nothing less. " > > > > > > > > > -- mit Saskia, Nora-Jane*2001, *2004/DS (Zitronen- Fischöl, CoenzymQ10-hochdosi ert, Vit.A, gepuffertes Vit. C + natürliches Vit. E, Himbeer-Folsä ure + B12, Selen, Zink, Probiotikum, Ginkgo Biloba, Antra, Thyroxin) >

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We have always had insurance, but he still qualified for

Medicaid and the Medicaid waiver. Insurance pays first…Medicaid picks up the

co-pay and Danny’s deductible.

From: DownSyndromeInfoExchange

[mailto:DownSyndromeInfoExchange ] On Behalf Of pbeurrier@...

Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 3:20 PM

To: DownSyndromeInfoExchange

Subject: Re: [DownSyndromeInfoExchange] Re: Fwd: Comparison of positions

of the Presidential Candidates relating to people with disabilities

You can apply for the waiver while you still have insurance.

There is probably a long waiting list.


--------- [ADA Expertise] Comparison of Positions of the

Presidential Candidates relating to people with disabilities


> Sunday, September 21, 2008

> This information is set forth in an effort to provide the reader

with information about the Presidential candidates' positions

concerning people with disabilities. It is not intended as an

endorsement of either candidate, and is posted in my private


> Watch what they do (and did), not just what they say.


> Vote for the candidate of your choice, but vote.

> Please feel free to share this email and add it to your blogs.


> Marc


> As we near November 4th, it is increasingly important that voters

concerned about people with disabilities are well-informed about the

candidates' positions. Each Presidential candidate has put forth

positions on issues on their respective websites:


> McCain/Palen: www.johnmccain. com/informing/ issues <


in.com/informing /issues >

> Obama/Biden: www.barackobama. com/issues < http://www.barackob

ama.com/issues >


> Please take a look at each of the websites to learn where the

candidates really stand.

> A review of their respective records in the Senate is also




> Barack Obama supports full funding of the Individuals with

Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), early intervention and

developmental programs, and expanded college opportunities for

students with disabilities.


> Obama voted for over $44 billion in funding for the IDEA. [sCR 1,

Senate Vote #94, 3/22/07]


> Obama will invest $10 billion per year in early intervention,

educational and developmental programs for children between zero and

five. His plan will help expand programs such as Early Head Start

to serve more children with disabilities. His plan also will

encourage states to expand programs for children with disabilities,

such as IDEA Part C. [ Obama Plan to Empower Americans with

Disabilities < http://www.barackob

ama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa

ctSheet.pdf > ]


> Obama supports increasing opportunities for college students with

disabilities. He also will provide more support for these college

students. Obama was an original co-sponsor of the Senate bill to

reauthorize the Higher Education Act (S. 1642) which significantly

expands opportunities and supports for individuals with disabilities

to attend college and graduate programs. [s.1642, 110th Congress]




> McCain has repeatedly voted against the IDEA even though he

claims he supports full funding of it.


> McCain has repeatedly voted against funding for special education.


> Ø McCain repeatedly voted against funding increases for the

IDEA. [H.R.4577, Senate Vote #170, 6/30/00; SCR 23, Senate Vote

#103, 3/26/03]


> Ø McCain has chosen tax cuts for the wealthy over education

funding for students with disabilities. Specifically, McCain voted

against increasing spending in the amount of $229 billion over 10

years for the IDEA. McCain also voted against an amendment that

would create a reserve fund of $73 billion in IDEA funding. The

spending would have been made possible by reducing tax cuts. [sCR

23, Senate Vote #103, 3/26/03; SCR 23, Senate Vote #70, 3/21/03]


> McCain did not co-sponsor reauthorization of the Higher Education

Act (S. 1642). He also did not vote on passage of the

reauthorization of the Higher Education Act in the 110th Congress.

[s.1642, 110th Congress; S. 1642, Senate Vote #275, 7/24/07]




> Obama is a co-sponsor of the Community Choice Act of 2007. Obama

believes that individuals should be able to make their own choices

for their living arrangements and live independently in their

communities. [s.799, 110th Congress]


> Obama is a co-sponsor of the Community Living Assistance Services

and Support (CLASS) Act Of 2007. This bill would help individuals

with functional impairments pay for services that they need to

maximize their independence. [s.1758, 110th Congress]




> McCain strongly opposes the Community Choice Act. Asked about the

Community Choice Act at a Town Hall in Denver, McCain said " The

Community Choice Act is not a piece of legislation that I support. "

[ McCain Town Hall < http://www.washingt

onpost.com/ wp-

dyn/content/ article/2008/ 07/07/AR20080707 01672_5.html > , 7/7/08]




> Obama opposes a freeze on social services spending for people with



> Obama voted against capping non-defense spending which means that

social service spending for people with disabilities could continue

to meet their needs. In 2005, Obama voted against the Inhofe

amendment that would cap non-defense, non-trust fund spending.

[s.1932, Senate Vote #286, 11/3/05]




> McCain promises that he will cap non-defense spending for at least

one year, meaning that social services spending for people with

disabilities will be capped as well.


> McCain voted in favor of capping non-defense spending. In 2005,

McCain voted for the Inhofe amendment that would cap non-defense and

non-trust fund spending. [s.1932, Senate Vote #286, 11/3/05]


> McCain proposed a freeze of discretionary spending as illustrated

when he said, " As president, I will also order a prompt and


review of the budgets of every federal program, department, and

agency. While that top-to-bottom review is underway, we will

institute a one-year pause in discretionary spending increases with

the necessary exemption of military spending and veterans'

benefits. " [McCain Remarks on the Economy at Carnegie Mellon

University, 4/15/08 < http://www.johnmcca

in.com/Informing /News/Speeches/ 9bb4e69a- 36cc-4ca3- b40d-

0cdd41a1b81 2.htm > ]




> Obama will sign universal health care into law by the end of his

first term in office, and he has supported expanding the State

Children's Health Insurance Program ( " SCHIP " ) and health care

programs for people with disabilities, children, and veterans.




> Under Obama's plan to provide universal health insurance,

insurance companies will not be able to stop individuals from

getting coverage even if they have pre-existing conditions and

disabilities. Obama's plan allows individuals and businesses to

purchase public or private health coverage through a national health

insurance exchange. Obama's plan would make health care more

affordable and accessible to all Americans, particularly individuals

who have been denied coverage in the private market due to a pre-

existing condition or disability. [ Obama Plan to Empower

Individuals with Disabilities < http://www.barackob ama.com/pdf/

DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ]


> Obama is a co-sponsor of ending the Medicare Waiting Period Act of

2007 (S.2102). Before they can get Medicare coverage, people with

disabilities must first receive Social Security Disability Insurance

(SSDI) for 24 months. Due to the 24-month Medicare waiting period,

an estimated 400,000 Americans with disabilities are uninsured and

many more are underinsured at a time in their lives when they need

health coverage the most. During this waiting period, many

individuals develop secondary conditions, their health status

worsens and many die. Obama supports legislation that would phase

out this harmful waiting period and provide individuals with health

insurance. [s.2102, 110th Congress]


> Obama supported expanded health insurance for children. In 2007,

Obama voted to reauthorize the SCHIP at over $60 billion for five

years. Two children who live with a single parent who makes $51,510

would have access to health insurance coverage under SCHIP. The

bill would provide $100 million in new grants to fund state outreach

and enrollment efforts and allocate $49 million for a demonstration

project to streamline the enrollment process for low-income children

already eligible for coverage. [hr 976, Senate Vote #307, 8/2/07]


> Obama supported assuring accessible health care to people with

disabilities by co-sponsoring the Promoting Wellness for Individuals

with Disabilities Act (S.1050)The bill would require the U.S. Access

Board to establish access standards for all diagnostic equipment

(examination tables, x-ray, mammography and other radiological

equipment, etc.). It also educates physicians and dentists by

requiring that medical schools, dental schools, and their residency

programs provide training to improve competency and clinical skills

in providing care to patients with disabilities (including those

with intellectual disabilities) as a condition of receiving federal

funds. Finally, it establishes a national wellness grant program

which will authorize funding for programs or activities for smoking

cessation, weight control, nutrition or fitness that are tailored to

the needs of individuals with disabilities and authorize funding for

preventive health screening

> programs for individuals with disabilities to reduce the

incidence of secondary conditions. [s.1050, 110th Congress]




> McCain's health care plan does not prohibit discrimination against

individuals with pre-existing conditions and disabilities. McCain's

healthcare plan would replace the existing tax exclusion for

employer-sponsored health coverage with a refundable tax credit for

all Americans as an incentive to purchase health

insurance. However, many individuals with disabilities are denied

coverage or unable to afford coverage in the private market due to

pre-existing conditions and disabilities. While McCain's plan would

work with states to develop best practice models in expanding

coverage to individuals who have been denied coverage, it would not

prohibit discrimination. [ Washington Post, 4/30/08 <


onpost.com/ wp-dyn/content/ article/2008/

04/29/AR20080429 02706.html > ]


> McCain opposed reauthorizing SCHIP and providing insurance for

millions of uninsured children. According to Knight Ridder ,

" The

[2007] Senate proposal would provide coverage to 3.2 million "

uninsured children and renew coverage for the 6 million children

already covered by the program. The legislation passed 68-31. [H.R.

976 , Vote #307 < http://www.senate.

gov/legislative/ LIS/roll_

call_lists/ roll_call_ vote_cfm. cfm?congress=

110 & session= 1 & vote=00307 > , 8/2/07; Knight Ridder , 8/2/07]



> Obama:

> The Disabled America Veterans (DAV) gave Obama an 80% rating in

2006. [Project Vote Smart]

> Obama supported expanding health care for veterans.


> Ø In 2005, Obama voted for providing an additional $500


per year for the next five years for mental health services for

veterans. [s.2020, Senate Vote #343, 11/17/05]


> Ø In 2006, Obama voted in favor of adding $430 million for

outpatient and inpatient health care and treatment for

veterans. Nearly half of the military servicemen and women serving

in Iraq and Afghanistan will require health care services for the

physical and psychological traumas of war, yet the Bush

administration and Republican-led Congress have underfunded the

Veterans Administration' s medical services by at least $1.2 billion

for 2007 alone. And, this was the second consecutive year they had

done so. [H.R.4939, Senate Vote #98, 4/26/06; The Independent

Budget, A Budget for Veterans by Veterans, 2/10/06; Newsweek,



> Obama voted for $2 million for research of traumatic brain

injuries to improve imaging for traumatic brain injury testing and

adapting current technologies to treat brain injuries suffered in

war. [H.R.5631, S. Amdt. 4781, Senate Vote #222, 8/2/06; CQ, 8/2/06]


> McCain:


> McCain opposed expanding health care for veterans.


> Ø In 2005, McCain voted against providing an additional $500

million per year for the next five years for mental health services

for veterans. [s.2020, Senate Vote #343, 11/17/05]


> Ø In 2006, McCain was one of 13 senators who voted against

adding $430 million for outpatient and inpatient health care and

treatment for veterans. Amendment passed 84-16. [H.R.4939,


#98 < http://www.senate.

gov/legislative/ LIS/roll_ call_lists/

roll_call_ vote_cfm. cfm?congress= 109 & session= 2 & vote=00098 > ,




> Ø McCain voted against $2 million of funding for research of

traumatic brain injuries. McCain rejected legislation that would

help improve imaging for traumatic brain injury testing and adapting

current technologies to treat brain injuries suffered in

war. [H.R.5631, S. Amdt. 4781, Senate Vote #222, 8/2/06; CQ,





> Ø McCain voted with the Disabled American Veterans 20% of the

time. Factcheck. org " However, he is correct in that McCain doesn't

have a perfect score with DAV (Disabled American Veterans), a group

of 1.3 million disabled veterans that supports more funding for

veterans health care. McCain has a 20 percent record of voting the

way DAV would like him to in 2006…Senators were evaluated on five

votes for amendments that would have increased funding for veterans'

health care. " [Factcheck.org < http://www.factchec k.org/askfactche

ck/does_mccain_ have_a_perfect_ voting_record. html > ]





> Obama strongly supports the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Restoration Act. Indeed, he signed on as an original co-sponsor of

the Senate version of the ADA Restoration Act. [s.1050, 110th





> Obama will appoint judges who exhibit empathy for individuals with

disabilities. " Barack Obama will appoint judges and justices


respect Congress' role as a co-equal, democratically elected branch

of government and who exhibit empathy with what it means to be an

American with a disability " [ Obama Plan To Empower Individuals With

Disabilities < http://www.barackob

ama.com/pdf/ DisabilityPlanFa

ctSheet.pdf > ]




> While McCain has also co-sponsored the ADA Restoration Act, he has

promised to appoint judges like those who interpreted the ADA

narrowly and deprived millions of people with disabilities of their

civil rights. McCain said that as president, he would " appoint

strict constructionist judges. " [AP, 8/7/07] " In an

address at

Wake Forest University, McCain pledged to nominate jurists who

believe `there are clear limits to the scope of judicial power'…By

way of example, McCain said he would look for people in the cast of

Chief Justice G. Jr. and Justice A. Alito Jr.,

and his friend the late Chief Justice H. Rehnquist. He

called them `jurists of the highest caliber who know their own

minds, and know the law, and know the difference.' " [ Los Angeles

Times, 5/7/08 < http://www.latimes.

com/news/ nationworld/

politics/ la-na-mccain7- 2008may07, 0,3233304. story > ]





> In 2007, Obama voted against increasing Medicare Part D premiums

for beneficiaries making over $80,000 annually. Obama voted

against the Ensign Amendment that would require Medicare

prescription drugs beneficiaries with annual incomes over $80,000

and couples with annual incomes over $160,000 to pay a larger share

of their Medicare Part D premium.[sCR 21, Senate Vote #93, 3/22/07]


> Obama opposed means testing for Medicare. In response to a NCPSSM

questionnaire, Obama said, " The bill added `means testing' to Part B

of Medicare, requiring individuals with incomes over $80,000 to pay

gradually higher premiums. This undermines the basic premise of

Medicare as an insurance program for all Americans and could cause

wealthier and healthier people to leave the Medicare

program. " [NCPSSM Questionnaire; Citizen Action Illinois

Questionnaire, SEIU Questionnaire]




> McCain voted to raise the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to

67. In 1997, McCain voted in favor of raising the eligibility age

for receiving Medicare from 65 to 67 with the change being phased in

between 2003 and 2027. The motion passed 62-38. [s 947, Vote

#112 < http://www.senate.

gov/legislative/ LIS/roll_ call_lists/

roll_call_ vote_cfm. cfm?congress= 105 & session= 1 & vote=00112 > ,



> OBAMA ON MENTAL HEALTH PARITY Obama is a long-time


of mental health parity legislation, having passed the Illinois

Mental Health Parity Law. He also co-sponsored the Mental Health

Parity Act of 2007. Obama co-sponsored a bill to amend the Employee

Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and the Public Health Service

Act to require a group health plan that provides both medical and

surgical benefits and mental health benefits to ensure that: (1) the

financial requirements applicable to such mental health benefits are

no more restrictive than those of substantially all medical and

surgical benefits covered by the plan, including deductibles and

copayments; and (2) the treatment limitations applicable to such

mental health benefits are no more restrictive than those applied to

substantially all medical and surgical benefits covered by the plan,

including limits on the frequency of treatments or similar limits on

the scope or duration

> of treatment. The bill prohibited the plan from establishing

separate cost sharing requirements that are applicable only with

respect to mental health benefits. [110th, S.558, Introduced

2/12/07; HELP Report, 4/11/07] Obama co-sponsored and voted for a

mental health parity bill that requires coverage for serious mental

illnesses to be provided on the same terms and conditions as other

illnesses and diseases. [92nd GA; SB 1341; 2001; Signed into law

7/27/01, PA 92-0185 ]

> MCCAIN ON MENTAL HEALTH PARITY McCain's health care plan


eliminate the mental health parity requirements in 45 states. [Wall

Street Journal, 10/11/07; SOURCE: National Conference of State

Legislatures ( http://www.ncsl.

org/programs/ health/hmolaws.

htm < http://www.ncsl.

org/programs/ health/hmolaws. htm > ),

accessed 7/30/07; Council for Affordable Health Insurance,

accessed 7/30/07 ( http://www.cahi.

org/cahi_ contents/

resources/ pdf/MandatePub20 07.pdf < http://www.cahi. org/cahi_

contents/ resources/ pdf/MandatePub20 07.pdf > )]

> OBAMA ON AUTISM Obama will increase federal funding for

outreach and support services for people on the autism

spectrum. Specifical ly, " Obama will seek to increase federal


funding for research, treatment, screenings, public awareness, and

support services to $1 billion annually by the end of his first term

in office. Obama will also continue to work with parents,

physicians, providers, researchers, and schools to create

opportunities and effective solutions for people with ASD. " [Obama

Plan Supporting Americans with Autism Spectrum Disorders <

http://origin. barackobama.

com/pdf/AutismSp ectrumDisorders. pdf

> ] Obama is a co-sponsor of the Expanding the Promise to

Individuals with Autism Act (S.937) which would improve services and

supports for individuals with autism spectrum disorder and their

families. It would build upon programs within the Developmental

Disabilities Act to increase interdisciplinary training of

> professionals, development and dissemination of evidence-based

autism treatments, interventions, supports and services for children

and adults, and protection and advocacy. [s.937, 110th Congress]

> MCCAIN ON AUTISM McCain has not taken a leading role to expand

services and supports for people with autism. McCain has not co-

sponsored the Expanding the Promise to Individuals with Autism Act

(S.937). [s.937, 110th Congress] McCain says he will work to

advance federal autism research. " As President, McCain will

work to advance federal research into autism, promote early

screening, and identify better treatment options, while providing

support for children with autism so that they may reach their full

potential. " [McCain Statement on Combating Autism in America <


in.com/content/ ?guid=24dc9c37- e739-4aa3- 8a88-

ebae650a2f1 1 > ]


supports fully funding the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) so that we

can ensure all polling places are accessible. His administration

would also assure better enforcement of federal disability rights

laws – from HAVA to the Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and

Handicapped Act to the ADA – to make sure the right of Americans

with disabilities to vote is fully protected. [Obama Plan to Empower

Individuals with Disabilities < http://www.barackob ama.com/pdf/

DisabilityPlanFa ctSheet.pdf > ]


McCain voted repeatedly against the Help America Vote Act, which was

offered to correct problems in the election system and impose

detailed voting-procedure requirements on the states. McCain voted

for final passage of the bill. [s.565, Senate]




> Please visit our Advocacy Blog, at www.cilsflablog. org .

" People

with disabilities seek nothing more than an equal opportunity at

justice, and should accept nothing less. "









> -- mit Saskia, Nora-Jane*2001, *2004/DS (Zitronen-

Fischöl, CoenzymQ10-hochdosi ert, Vit.A, gepuffertes Vit. C +

natürliches Vit. E, Himbeer-Folsä ure + B12, Selen, Zink,

Probiotikum, Ginkgo Biloba, Antra, Thyroxin)


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