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carseat and sleeping comfort

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Evan, 8months, just got his helmet last week. His first night

sleeping in the helmet was last night, and I finally took it off at

2:30am when the guilt set in. Are there any tricks to making him

more comfortable while laying flat in his crib? Also, he and I used

to keep pretty busy and he loves riding in the car. Now, the helmet

keeps him scrunched uncomfortably in the car seat and he cries when

in the carseat. Are there any tricks for making the car seat more

comfortable while he's in the helmet. I'd hate to put a hold on our

outings... he loves them, and going out and being active keeps me

sane!!! Please help! I've been reading all the postings for this

group and they've helped immensely! Thanks to all! --Chanda, Evan's


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