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The Beginnings of Mirror Work

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The Beginnings of Mirror Work!!! An

excellent short affirmation that we can all begin today, willaffect your confidence and self-esteem in a very big way. It is evenmore effective if you do this exercise or mantra in front of amirror, and look at yourself as you say these words out loud. "I approve of myself exactly as I am right now." Think about this. You can't change the past, the present is as it is now, and you can'tchange the future yet. But, if you concentrate on loving yourselfexactly

as you are right now, then, you will see major changes inyour life and how you perceive your life. Don't wait till you loseweight, or get a new hairdo, or finish your education, or move to abigger house, or until 'anything'. Just love yourself completely andhonestly just as you are right now. It will give you tremendousresults. The more you say this, the more you begin to believe it! Try it for 30 days and you will be amazed at the powerful changes. Another variation of this affirmation is: "I love myself exactly asI am right now." Say this affirmation over and over. Particularlyin front of the mirror. If you have trouble saying it out loud, orby facing a mirror and saying it, then you have a particular problemwith this. And, by overcoming it, you will definitely see amazingresults. Give it a try, what have you got to lose?! Stay Positive, PJ © P.J. Ray, 2007. http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/AffirmationstoDe-Stress A positive thinking, positive affirmations support group, that discusses ways to cope with the stresses of daily life. Come aboard! PJ and Gang

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