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Planetary Grid Transmissions - Full Moon Friday

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Full Moon Friday, October 26

A full 24-hour transmission period

Unified Meditation in 3 world


New York 9 pm, Paris 8 pm, Sydney 8 pm

Planetary Focus: The Ring of Fire Region

Pure human intentionality is combined with a massive crystalline

energy structure. Referred to as the Crystalline Grid and the Grid

of Unification, this structure is a highly advanced new earth energy

system which covers the entire planet. This newly activated grid

serves as the transitory bridge between consciousness paradigms.

The combined power of these two forces come together every new and

full moon for a full 24-hour transmission period... this is termed,

the Planetary Grid Transmissions. From this unified field,

participants can expect to receive strong infusions of light which

accelerate clearings, healings, openings and spiritual activation.

Through consistent sacred union on the grid, we are co-creating a

vast worldwide web of heightened divine power and momentum. Many

people are already reporting increased telepathy, vision and

synchronicity in their lives.

Everyone is inspired to create their own network channels and help

spread the word.

More human participation = more grid activation and power = more

stabilization for humanity and the earth during her dimensional


The Planetary Grid Project is helping to birth the new world

consciousness and bring stabilization to the process. It is also

helping all those that participate with developing skills of higher



1. Connect to the grid through the heart. Remain in Love the entire

day. Open to receive that which is in your divine alignment. Also

serve as a portal and transmit love (and the grid energies) to your

family, established network, earth and humanity. You can also be

more specific. It is not necessary to understand, analyse with the

mind. It is inspired to be simple and surrendered, with the unified

field and in a state of BEingness and Love.

2. We link together as ONE soul family. We are connected to each

other through our own crystalline energetic template. We are linking

our bodies of light and creating a geometric, highly tuned merkaba

light field. Many people feel a strong sense of unity all day. Stay

connected to the grid, the field. It is especially strong during the

Unified Meditations. You will be guided.


As a collective field, we are sending Love and the intention of

stabilization to the Ring of Fire region, see map below.

You are Divinely and cordially invited to place this area known as

the Ring of Fire within your Heart Centre. To draw forth this energy

that is being utilised by Mother Earth for this transmutation and

transfiguration of the old Lemuria, holding it in peace and

surrounding it with God's Love and of the nurturing Mother. These

energies of balance between the masculine and the feminine are

extremely important for the New Erthe to appear before our very

eyes. The New Lemuria is about to rise, we are all feeling this now

more than ever and to do this we are being asked to see it take

place in Balance, Harmony, Grace, Abundance and of course

Unconditional Love. Once you have visualised the Ring of Fire within

your Heart centre, breathe Divine Love into it encompassing all of

the multi-dimensional facets of these changes, knowing without any

shadow of a doubt, that all is in Divine Order and Divine Love and

in accordance to Divine Will. With a combined focus around the

world, Mother Earth shall do the rest.

Important Links:

World Clock Calculator (to figure the time of Unified Meditation

your home zone)


Planetary Grid Transmissions - program details


Join Us! Meet the Children of the Sun Community


Visit our Activation Website:


For more info - The Planetary Grid Project:


NOTE: If these links do not work, please cut and paste into your

browser's search bar.

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