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Whos Driving the Bus?

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Dear Divine Beauty,

Your post inspires thought and deep reflection, and I thank you for sharing it. For it reminded me vividly of a dream I've had throughout my life, over and over again. In a bus driving down a steep winding road, and I could see a car stalled at the bottom. The bus driver was asleep, or drunk, and no one in the bus was paying any attention!

In the dream I ran to the front, moved the limp driver from his perch, and, although I did not know how to drive a bus (no "formal" training, and the first few times I had this dream I was only a child of 5 years old!). Yet, somehow I managed to keep the steering wheel moving to match the sharp curves in the road (bus swaying dangerously from side to side) and found the brake and clutch just in the nick of time, pulling it to a perfect stop at the bottom of the hill - and only putting a very small gentle dent in the front fender of the car stalled there.

Immediately the passengers came fully awake, including the bus driver, and as they shuffled out of the bus, dazed, they frowned. They shouted at me "who are YOU to take control of this bus?!?! Now look what you have done! You have put a dent in this car!" even the driver of the vehicle was angry at me. End of dream.

If that ties in at all with the encouragement to take the wheel of your own life, then I believe the message is that most folks (at least those who were on my bus) are afraid of those who do step up to the plate and find their own freedom to act in a practical and life-honoring way.

Freedom is talked about much, but I feel sadly now, that we live in an asleep society, often more comfortable with the status quo (control - big brother - corporate - religious - social "norms" and so many lies taught us in the memorization drill called "formal education" - yawn) than with free spirits who ask questions out of curiousity, wish to find the truth beyond the statement, dare to dream, create, walk their own walk, listen to their own drummer, and put forth the effort needed to experiment, with intent to save and heal with good heart. All "inventions" were dreamed by someone! Just because they are now mass produced doesn't make them any less "dream" material, nor does it make your dream any less relevant just because it isn't formally patented, blessed by a group of investors to back it, or "discovered" yet.

In my experience, good hearts breaking new territory are often targeted as "suspicious" rather than praised for their good intent, creative spirit, and loving, non-agenda but to learn and grow and explore to new heights.

The "Freedom" song that came in one of my song dreams says it well:

"Freedom frightens faint hearted ones,

for they're afraid to fly.

Rather than walk in beauty, they just choose to die,

for freedom chases a rainbow, catches it in a dream,

swallows it whole inside itself as a river consumes a stream.

Freedom is a star fire shining, so far above the moon,

and lacks nothing in it's passion,

for it's always full of room,

and freedom glows with sunshine

and helps the flowers bloom,

oh, won't you come along,

and learn freedoms' song?"...

Thus, the song concludes saying that true freedom "LIVES IN me" - (implying this is not something that can be fought for, killed for, or died for - but something that must live inside our hearts in truth and respect, and be honored by each of us in our daily walk, our expression of it, in our lives each day).

So, brave hearts, I encourage you to find your way to the drivers' seat of your bus, but don't expect anyone presently sleeping in the bus to applaud your acts of courage. One must follow their lifes' destiny because it honors what we have been created for - solely. This honors the Creator and not the created.

On the journey to the road less traveled maybe we'll need to eventually get off the bus and walk (price of gas continues to rise), or ride a horse, and yet my dreams have told me, and I still do trust that beyond the bus there are other like hearted souls who will embrace the truth we have searched for and lived by, and welcome us in that safe, beautiful, respectful and harmonious flower filled field just over the horizon at the journeys' end.

And best of all, we'll know we honored and lived this great gift of being, with caring, well intended love and integrity, fully and sincerely awake in this great gift and adventure called life!

Mitakuye Oyasin, (I use these Lakota words instead of "sincerely" at the end of my letters to remind, as in the conclusion of a prayer, the respect for their deeper meaning, roughly translated, "we are all related, and what each of us does effects the whole, and the whole encompasses us - we are one - so let us walk gently, thoughtfully, respectfully upon this Good Red Road in reverence, in harmony, balance, peace...")

Peaceable White Buffalo


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