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Today's Gift - 08/16/2008

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Today's thought from Hazelden is:I am determined to maintain the perpendicular position.--Lucy StonePerpendicular lines make right angles; they make possible extensions of both height and breadth. Right angles are weight bearing. We speak of asserting something "squarely," making perpendiculars.People who speak their minds freely and assert their individuality feel perpendicular; the corners they create, by their points of view, are sturdy and open. Others can use them to build structures on.It's important to claim the perpendicular, even though we may feel pressured into curved or parallel positions. If we're centered in ourselves, others won't throw us off balance. Each of us needs to find our own center so that we can occupy our own place. Others will recognize us. Together we'll build high and wide.My remotest ancestors dared to point their spines upright. I'll carry on the project they began.

You are reading from the book:

The Promise of a New Day by Casey and Martha Vanceburg

The Promise of a New Day by Casey & Martha Vanceburg. Copyright 1983, 1991 by Hazelden Foundation. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of Hazelden.

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