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The CDC and KFC....... A Mom's thoughts on the Vaccine Court Concession

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The Autism Blog




The CDC and KFC: A Mom's View of the Vaccine Court Concession.

Like many parents across the United States , and probably the world, I have

had the most joyous week since, well, since my son quit smearing poop on the

walls and floor!

Unless you have been hiding under a rock – you know about the Hannah Polling

Case in Vaccine Court – and the concession made that her autism was triggered by

the vaccinations she received.

Now I’m your average mom trying to navigate the world of autism just like

anyone else. I spend my days on my computer or on the phone, helping other

mom’s navigate the process for their child. I send my letters to my

Legislators, and I've crashed a rally or two in my younger years. But mostly, I

spend my afternoons/evenings/weekends/holidays/summers, – knee deep IN autism.

(Literally as well a few years back...)

To have heard that news – that finally what so many of us have been saying for

years – could be, IS, true, -- is just beyond words.

I don’t live in self-pity for the life our family leads due to having a

non-verbal son who has autism. I don't spend my days in anger plotting revenge

on my son's Pediatrician or the Government. Our family has simply adapted. We

march on and press on. Seeking answers, overcoming obstacles. Like many

families, we have our good times and we have our bad times. We do the best we

can in doing whatever it takes to allow our son to achieve the highest possible

level of health and independence in his life.

Our reward, and what makes it all worth it, is seeing the many little

victories here and there.

But always, in the back of my mind, is the thought that something is missing.

That thing that has been missing for the last decade, has been the truth. But

make no mistake, it’s not the parents or independent researchers who lost the

truth, - they were the ones proclaiming it. It was the government who lost

the truth. Hidden in the far dark corners behind the press, propaganda, policy,

and politics. And might I add, fear.

The news this week and all the media attention around it – is the truth that

finally saw the light of day. The vindication. The reply to the rolling eyes

of the American Academy of Pediatrics every time a parent questions, or

questioned, the link between the vaccinations and their child’s autism.

Because of the news and that concession, and the truth that both stand for,

I’ve had this evil little smirky smile on my face. I can’t see the evil little

smirky smile on my face when I look in the mirror, – but I feel it. I know

it’s there, – and as wrong as it might be to love it, well, darnit, I love it!

And I think that is why I feel so darned giddy. More than the implications,

the vindication; it’s that finally the truth will prevail. The truth that was

there all along should anyone at the CDC or the government have been brave

enough to explore unbiased – will finally be heard.

No, ~ no matter how many court documents are sealed, no matter how many open

records requests are denied, no matter how much money the government has to

spend to deny it, -- truth was not only found, but heard through the silence

of Hannah Polling and her case before the Vaccine Court .

Dr. Schneiderman, Dr. Offit, and anyone else can stand on the couch on the

Today Show and jump up and down proclaiming the safety and denying the evidence

of harm all they want – but it will no longer mean a thing.

Parents won’t buy the bull any longer.

Silence spoke – and the sound waves from that are only going to get stronger,

and truer, as they travel further.

For the last week I have laid beside my son in bed at night telling him about

the news of late. Telling him about Hannah and how she is a hero, making history

for him. The great loss of childhood innocence and health is not lost on me as

I reflect on the toll that was taken in terms of the sheer numbers of children

that were wronged, for that right to happen. I stare at the stars glowing on his

ceiling amidst the darkness of the room, and I think of his journey; and I know

that no matter what is yet to come, – because of the news of late and the truth

it is bringing - our journey has come full circle.

Full circle in the fact that my son and I were at the first ever Congressional

Hearings on Autism and Vaccinations in Washington, D.C. I was there in person,

and my son was there by way of his before and after pictures being shown to the

members of the committee that day.

Not only in the last week have we come full circle, but we now have the one

thing that has eluded us for 14 years…

The vindication that truth brings.

Not revenge in getting even, and not that tomorrow anything will change for

him; but vindication that lies will no longer be more powerful than the truth,

nor will money and power continue to bury the truth as it has done in the past.

And as I lay there beside him being poked and pulled and prodded and pinched

as he squirms, jumps, and giggles, oblivious to what I’m explaining to him so

excitedly, – I too am giggling.

Giggling with the knowledge that no moment in time will be as significant as

this moment of truth coming from the vaccine court.

Giggling with the picture of all those mice in the CDC and in the government

having to scramble for their lives now that the cat has been let out of the bag.

And for the life of me as I try to decide what I want to do first because of

the news of late, the thing that I think I most want to do as I " ROTFLMAO " at

the thought; is simply hand deliver a big ole’ Texas-sized bucket of the

Colonel’s Extra Crispy Kentucky Fried Chicken to the head of the CDC.

Because I believe that “extra-crispy” and “fried” is what Dr. G., and a whole

lot of other folks in government will be very, very soon now that the

precedence has been set.

Enjoy the KFC Dr. G., hopefully, it’ll be your last meal as head of the


Be warned vaccine manufacturers, your 'vaccination' for immunity from

liability will soon be recalled; and your goose will soon be cooked....er

fried. Extra-Crispy style.

I think the final bittersweet irony for me in all this, is what the history

books will read one day:

" The Centers for Disease Prevention and Control, caused, one of the largest

and most profound epidemics in the history of our nation; in that what was once

a disorder that affected on average 1 in 10,000 individuals, - now affects more

than 1 in 150 individuals. "

Politicians - a final word to you:

You have a choice; does your name go down in history as defending the CDC in

denying any wrong-doing; or do you go down in history as the one who sought the

truth and did the right thing...

It's one or the other.


Written by M. Guppy

Houston, TX


M. Guppy

Autism is a very silent world; but the potential in that world speaks

volumes.... Texas Autism Advocacy: www.TexasAutismAdvocacy.org

" There are some aspects of a person's life that we have no right to

compromise. We cannot negotiate the size of an institution. No one should live

in one. We cannot debate who should get an inclusive education. Everyone

should. We cannot determine who does and who does not get the right to make

their own choices and forge their own futures. All must. "

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