Guest guest Posted October 20, 2007 Report Share Posted October 20, 2007 You Can Heal The World ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- Much Love & Gratitude to simonaaaaa ♥ Date: Oct 19, 2007 5:16 PM ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- Thank you =) *~Karyn 4 Our Children~* Date: Oct 19, 2007 1:56 PM You Can Heal the World" by Doreen Virtue Many Thanks: The Lightworkers You Can Heal the World A message from Doreen Virtue October 3, 2007 Prophecies of world doom have seemingly always existed. History tells us that the belief that "the end is near" was prevalent right before the year 1000. Apparently, every generation that is alive when the year hits a new century mark is convinced that the end time prophecies apply to them. The trouble is, if enough people believe this, their collective fears really do create earthly problems. At the onset of each century, God awakens His lightworkers to heal this collective fear. Through their consciousness of truth and love, lightworkers can undo the prophecies of end times and provide needed services, such as healing, manifesting, and ministering. Weather Changes So many people are anxiously watching the weather because they believe drastic weather changes are indicative of the end of the world. Within the past two decades, our collective focus has so intently looked for abnormal weather that we have actually created erratic weather. We must always keep in mind that all matter, including rain, rocks, snow, wind, landmass, and lightning, is a product of our thoughts. God's angels will help us when we create ill weather through our collective fear thoughts. However, this doesn't mean that God created the weather or made it bad. We are not hapless victims isolated on a planet where weather "happens" to us. We are in total control of the dream. This means that we must remember the Law of Cause and Effect: whatever we think about enlarges. We who are lightworkers must daily meditate upon what we want to see, not upon what we fear may happen. Intense weather such as windstorms, floods, and earthquakes may be earth's way of releasing oversaturated negative energy. However, lightworkers can assist earth's release of this energy in gentler ways. Scientists are currently documenting evidence that our mental powers can influence the weather. These studies amplify what many lightworkers have known all along. We can visualize the energy dispersing, and being carried away by angels to the light of purification. We can also hold mental images of a collective release of unforgiveness. In this way, we help to release the grip of the earth's ego, which like our ego, is self-destructive. As with spiritual healing work involving human bodies, prayer can evoke miraculous healings of the earth body. We already have well-documented scientific evidence that prayer increases the rate of plant and microbe growth, and influences properties in air and water. Why wouldn't prayer also benefit the rest of nature? Your prayers, combined with the prayers of other lightworkers, could restore the earth to her natural state of perfect, radiant health. Energy Work upon the World British scientist Lovelock proposed a theory that saw the earth as a living organism struggling to maintain homeostasis through its shifts in landmass and weather. Lovelock named his theory "Gaia," after the Greek goddess of the earth. The Gaia theory explains earthly disasters as natural effects of human cruelty to nature. Lovelock's Gaia theory makes sense. We also know from studies using Kirlian photography that the light around matter changes as the emotions of the human holding the matter changes. If someone holds an item while angry, for example, the item will photograph with a shorter or darker aura than if that same item is photographed while its holder expresses happiness. Kirlian photography has lately come under fire as scientists argue over the source of the aura. Many scientists today believe that Kirlian photography auras are actually a picture of the item's humidity or temperature. However, whether the image surrounding items in Kirlian photographs is actually moisture, heat, or light is not the issue. The fact is that these photographic studies show marked changes in response to emotions. They also show that matter absorbs and reflects the emotions of its holder or owner. This information wouldn't surprise psychics, as we often hold a client's ring, watch, or keys during sessions. These items strengthen and increase the amount of information we can detect about the person's emotions, thought forms, and even their lives. Many times, I've simply held a client's ring and instantly been flooded with psychic information about that person. The energy that is encoded with information has been called "life force," "ki," "chi," and "prana." In the 1940's, scientists referred to life energy as "orgone energy." Researcher Wilhelm Reich found orgone energy in organic matter, including water, wool, wood, and the atmosphere. Reich eventually developed a pistol-like apparatus that could influence orgone energy, and in several monitored studies, Reich effected weather changes with this tool. He believed that the blue sky was actually visible orgone energy, since he surmised that the energy was blue-colored. Satellite photos of the earth verify that a blue electrical covering does surround the planet. We can work on healing the earth as if it's a client's body. Our energy and psychic healing can involve the same steps that we would take with a human client. For example, we would first want to relax and allow our mind to become clear. Then, we would tune into the earth and feel for areas of pain. You can talk directly to this pain and receive a great deal of information. For instance, ask it, "What are you trying to tell me?" Then listen and you'll find the pain has a voice of its own. This voice will direct you in the way that it most wants your help. It might ask you to direct some angels or white light to certain geographical locations, for example. You'll want to suspend all doubts and judgments, and stay centered in loving trust while you follow this wise patient's lead. The earth will help you to heal her. One of my clients, who lived in a remote area of the country, asked me to psychically scan the acreage around his home during a telephone psychic reading session. I mentally walked around his land and was drawn to three separate areas. In each area, I saw a dark shape that looked like a giant wine glass buried in the ground. As I scanned these areas, I felt accompanying chills of intense negative energy. I didn't like connecting with these spots, and immediately told my client of my discomfort. He explained that the areas I had described were fenced off and had government signs warning of radiation. My client believed that my psychic vision of large wine glass shapes represented toxic waste wells beneath the ground's surface. I worked on psychically cleaning the areas during the remainder of our sessions. I frequently conduct spirit releasement work upon cities that seem to contain high levels of social unrest. A favorite visualization involves seeing a giant etheric vacuum tube, which I point down upon the city. I ask the tube to find any darkness from fear and unforgiveness. I then visualize myself switching the vacuum to a "high" setting so it rapidly inhales all the darkness. I picture this darkness going into the light of God where it is instantly purified and dispersed. After the darkness is gone, I reverse the switch on the vacuum so that white light comes out like toothpaste from a tube. This blankets the city with love, peace, and complete security. I end the visualization with a prayer of gratitude to God and His angels for the perfect health of that city. I also occasionally use this visualization upon centers of political power. You may feel drawn to use it on prisons, the rainforest, or other areas you feel drawn to heal. Another effective visualization involves seeing a giant cloud of love colored in your favorite hue. Envelope the earth in this cloud and watch it send beautiful raindrops of joy into the ground. Feel the earth's joy as it eagerly drinks this loving energy. Watch the plants and animals respond with radiant health as the ecological system circulates your gift of love. Spiritually Healing the World Spiritual healing and energy-work healing share identical goals. They only differ in the way they approach the goal. Spiritual healing looks past the illusion of problems and affirms only the underlying perfection as truth, while energy work focuses upon the problem and then tries to heal it. Spiritual healing utilizes thoughts, words, mind, and spirit, while energy work uses light and material or etheric instruments. Your inner guide will help you choose the most appropriate means of healing for each situation. As with spiritual healing on human clients, spiritual healing the earth primarily involves releasing unforgiveness since it is the mass race consciousness fueling social and environmental problems. Unforgiveness is a thought form that divides the world into good guys and bad guys. The ego-self feels comfortable blaming outside forces for its nightmares. In this way, the ego is assured of its own continuing existence. After all, once a person discovers that the ego and its perceptions are nothing but illusions, the ego is essentially removed from its throne. Like the Wizard of Oz, the ego continually tells us to "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain" while diverting our attention to outside displays of thunder and lightening. We cannot heal the nightmare of global warming, rainforest destruction, and such by holding onto judgments and anger toward "bad guy" perpetrators. This focus creates a huge petri dish that breeds "bad guy" behavior through the infallible Law of Cause and Effect: whatever we think about grows. Lightworkers can, however, spiritually heal the cause of the irresponsible behavior of those who are hurting the rainforest, and other perpetrators against nature. However, this may require some courage to trust that the solution—forgiveness—will work. God has been speaking with those who are hurting the earth. These people know, in their hearts, that they are causing pain. This knowledge has crumbled their self-images, and they see themselves as unworthy of leading happier more productive lives. Most of them fear that financial ruin would accompany their change of heart. The people who perpetuate criminal behavior are on the verge of healing, and lightworkers' collective mindset of love can provide the little push necessary to awaken their minds. Lightworkers, you can heal thousands of social ills with your collective decision to forgive and to love these criminals. You needn't forgive their actions, just the person who created the action. This may involve you being willing to forgive some "bad guy" from your own life. Many times, we project old unforgiveness onto new situations that remind us of past hurts. See the criminals for who they truly are: holy and loving children of God. Visualize them "getting" the insight that their pursuit of security and happiness has created pain for themselves and others. Imagine them having a revelation that brings them to their knees with awe for God's love. See them, in turn, using their knowledge for good by awakening and healing other criminals. If you find such visualizations unnatural or difficult, then your spiritual healing efforts can involve you deliberately holding neutral thoughts about crime. In this way, you won't add fuel to the fire through harboring angry or fearful thoughts about criminals. These sorts of thoughts are the landscape that created the frightening illusion of crime in the first place. Ask for the angels to help you to find love in your heart for those who perpetuate crimes upon the earth. This love will heal their fear-based behavior, and help you to truly experience the wonder of knowing that we are all one in God. When I embarked upon the lightworker's way, my intuition urged me to avoid negative conversations, television shows, and reading material. My intuition didn't have to ask me twice! I readily followed this guidance, as I was anxious to preserve the still-fragile joy of rediscovering my spiritual self. As I talk with other lightworkers, I find that they, too, have received and are following this same inner guidance. Yet, some lightworkers' healing activities will place them in "front line" positions where interaction with the media is unavoidable. Other lightworkers, who have positions in the government or in traditional health care settings, may find their attentions assaulted with graphic scenes and heated discussions. Certainly, it is easier to keep one's focus on the loving truth of the world by avoiding news accounts and discussions about "problems." However, this may not always be practical or desirable. One lightworker said that she enjoys watching the evening news because she then knows where to direct her prayers. Her outlook is a wonderful model for those of us who wonder how to balance our desires to keep our minds pure while providing healing services to the world. We can always ask for angels to help us to release our fears and anger about worldly situations. Angels want to help us heal the world. However, except in cases of dire emergency, we must ask for their intervention because of the Law of Free Will. The angels gladly respond to our calls for help, as they know that they are simultaneously healing the world as they heal the hearts and minds of lightworkers. Lightworkers' time and energy is best used in healing functions. For that reason, arguments and debates about world problems are counterproductive to the lightworker's way. Conflict stems from the ego and is based in seeing others and ourselves as separated beings. The time and energy spent in a debate could be better used in a session of energy work, spiritual healing, or simple human gestures of kindness toward the earth. In the same vein, our world healing involves guarding the words we use in our speech and thoughts. This includes avoiding discussions about "how awful" this and that part of the world has become. There is always a way to kindly steer such conversations toward an outlook of hope and healing. I often ask Jesus or Holy Spirit to help me choose my words, and I'm always amazed at how they instantly give me just the right phrase to say. World Health and Peace On a spiritual plane, not only is there nothing wrong with the world, but there is no world. The illusion of solid matter stems from the mind of man, not from the Creator. Nonetheless, the compassionate lightworker can help herself, her brothers and her sisters on earth to enjoy their dream about earth. You've undoubtedly had the experience of a lucid dream where you had a split consciousness and were simultaneously dreaming while being aware that you were dreaming. Part of you was doing the dreaming, while the other part watched you dream. That part of your consciousness that was watching was able to steer the dream's direction. You can direct the mass dream with your awareness, in the same way. Whenever a lightworker experiences the revelation of being one with God's love and with each other, a contribution is made to the mind of every other being. The effect is similar to how a wrinkle appears in the brain's cortex whenever something new is learned. The one mind receives this lightworker's sane thoughts about true reality, and the new wrinkle nudges the entire sonship and daughtership of God to awaken. Spiritual healing of the planet involves the true self-mind, and not the body. Therefore, your treatments will be done within the true self-world. You enter this world by pushing the "on" button to the parallel life with a loving thought. This means you'll need to avoid holding fearful or angry thoughts about the world. You may need to remind yourself of the healing benefits of practicing "nonattachment" to matter, as espoused in Eastern philosophies. Although you, of course, love nature and don't want to see it spoiled or destroyed. You show the most love for it by holding thoughts from the high plane of truth. We can't heal from the level of fear and despair, after all. The world is healed the instant you decide to see a healed world. I have signs posted in my home that read, "The world is loving, happy, and whole." This reminds me to heal the world by seeing it healed—not as a way of denying ugliness or pain, but to peel away those unwanted outer illusions. The core of our world is beautiful, clean, and peaceful, and we can experience this world with a simple decision to see it. In this respect, the only requirement of a lightworker who desires to help the world is a decision to stay centered in a perspective of love. As we lightworkers heal individually, the world is simultaneously healed. As A Course in Miracles says, "Thus is your healing everything the world requires, that it may be healed. The resurrection of the world awaits your healing and your happiness, that you may demonstrate the healing of the world." Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 22, 2007 Report Share Posted October 22, 2007 Dear Lara, Thank you for this post by my favorite author! well, ok, one of many but she is on the top 3, lol....This was a great post full of so much information for healing. Angels are just such beautiful and wonderful beings. They seem to never let us down when we most need them yes? Thank you sweetie for posting this. I shall save it for it has sooooo much I would love to re-read! Love and light, LUNA Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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