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Hi Stacey,

Well, quite a time you have had! I have been reading all the posts about

your dilemma and I have to agree with everyone here on the board. You did

the right thing under a very difficult situation. It was difficult, but now

it is over and you have helped some many children from this very bad man.

Was this your first Remicade? I think that I had my fourth on Friday. I

came home feeling exhausted and they even give me iron with my Remicade. So

when I got home, it had been hot in the car and I felt lousy. I took off my

clothes and laid down on the bed in just my panties and bra. Just wanted to

be left by myself. Closed the bedroom door, had my dinner in the bedroom

still with the door closed and still in my underwear. Well, my oldest

daughter's boyfriend comes over to pick her up for the evening, wants to say

Hi to me and opens the bedroom door and there you have it..............ME in

all my living splendor! That boy ran from my house and I am sure that he is

still running! LOL. I told Vickie that now she has to marry him or I will

have to kill him for what he saw!

Yes, just when you think things couldn't get any possibility worse, in walks

your daughter's boyfriend while you are in your undies!

Hope that you can get some rest tonight. My younger daughters are watching

the same concert.

Gentle, tender, angel hugs,

Debs in FL

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Actually, I thinking of installing one of those invisible fences that they

sell for pets. Pets....kids.... husbands... they are all the same! I am

sure that the boyfriend is in some type of psycho therapy after what he saw.

I told Ron what happened and he says well I see you all the time, , my

youngest says, yeah, Dad but you HAVE to look at her, you are married.

Well, maybe I will just kill the whole lot of them!!!! Very funny people I

live with.

The staples and stitches in my knee have all been removed and it looks as

though there is a softball under my right knee. I feel sick to my stomach,

running temps and just feel yucky. Probably have an infection. The doc gave

me Keflex but I may need something different or stronger to knock this out.

He has me coming back on Friday so that tells me that he is still very

concerned about this knee. The pain medicine is taking the edge off but I am

still up every 4 hours during the night when it wears off. I can now take my

knee out of the immobilizer 3 x a day. Gee what will I do with that " free

time " . Decisions, decisions, decisions!

Hope you have a good night!

Mr Sandman angel hugs,

Debs in FL

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Hi Iris,

Yep, my house is definitely different! My youngest is 14, I may let

her be 15 in November. She came with me to the ER a few nights ago and I was

so upset over the trauma I caused her. Phooey!!!! She said our family is

UNIQUE! and in our house UNIQUE is good! So I guess that I am not causing

too much trauma to my family.

As far as Vickie's boyfriend is concerned. He is 23 and should be used to

natural disasters. I guess that it could have been worse.....skinny dipping

in the pool, catching Ron and I doing the horizontal polka, getting hair

color put on at the shop or how about that Brazilian wax???? Yes, the list

just goes on and on. I still think my first option is the best.........get

rid of them all! My sister's second husband caught the same view and we was

FORCED to marry her also! He has stuck around for 10 years now.

I think I am going to submit my family to one of those stations that let you

have cameras put in your house and then you have a hit TV series!

Ward and June Cleaver we are NOT!


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Hi Stacey...I'm glad it went well. That was sweet of you to get Wyatt

something special.

I'm waiting for " American Idol " to come on...he may be a grouch, but

Simon is sure a biscuit!!!! (Heidi...is that right???)

Much Love & Many Hugs for You & Wyatt...


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Dear Debs...You gave me quite a chuckle...With all of

the kids we have, I never know who is going to be in

my house and the doors don't seen to keep them out.

You know what they say...take a look at the mother and

that will be the daughter at that age...I would say

that he just got a better look than most boyfriends.

What did you daughter have to say? Hope you are

feeling better. Iris

--- Auntblabbie2000@... wrote:

> Hi Stacey,


> Well, quite a time you have had! I have been

> reading all the posts about

> your dilemma and I have to agree with everyone here

> on the board. You did

> the right thing under a very difficult situation.

> It was difficult, but now

> it is over and you have helped some many children

> from this very bad man.


> Was this your first Remicade? I think that I had my

> fourth on Friday. I

> came home feeling exhausted and they even give me

> iron with my Remicade. So

> when I got home, it had been hot in the car and I

> felt lousy. I took off my

> clothes and laid down on the bed in just my panties

> and bra. Just wanted to

> be left by myself. Closed the bedroom door, had my

> dinner in the bedroom

> still with the door closed and still in my

> underwear. Well, my oldest

> daughter's boyfriend comes over to pick her up for

> the evening, wants to say

> Hi to me and opens the bedroom door and there you

> have it..............ME in

> all my living splendor! That boy ran from my house

> and I am sure that he is

> still running! LOL. I told Vickie that now she has

> to marry him or I will

> have to kill him for what he saw!


> Yes, just when you think things couldn't get any

> possibility worse, in walks

> your daughter's boyfriend while you are in your

> undies!


> Hope that you can get some rest tonight. My younger

> daughters are watching

> the same concert.


> Gentle, tender, angel hugs,


> Debs in FL


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Carol...you crack me up! I bet it is a lot of fun

around your old homestead. Well, so what if the

boyfriend had to grow up a little sooner than he

thought! How old is . What she said sounds like

my daughter. She always goes eh yuk when she even has

to entertain the thought of my husband having to look

at me much less in my underware. As far as that goes,

I would rather he have to look than me!

I really wish you could get some relief from your

pain. There is nothing worse that being in the dark

and trying to sleep with unending pain. It always

seems worse at night and harder to deal with. I

thought that Keflex was pretty strong but didn't know

it would be prescribed for general infection in the

joints because I have only had it for digestive

infection. Can he tap the knee after surgery to get

rid of water (if that is what it is)? I hope you get

some help on Friday. Let us know what dr says.

Number one on the list would be chasing my husband and

number two would be having a wonderful, long, hot

shower...wait a minute...it would be easier to chase

him after the refreshing shower.

Hang in there...wish I could take some of your pain

(just for a little while so you could sleep). Iris---

Auntblabbie2000@... wrote:

> Iris,


> Actually, I thinking of installing one of those

> invisible fences that they

> sell for pets. Pets....kids.... husbands... they

> are all the same! I am

> sure that the boyfriend is in some type of psycho

> therapy after what he saw.

> I told Ron what happened and he says well I see you

> all the time, , my

> youngest says, yeah, Dad but you HAVE to look at

> her, you are married.

> Well, maybe I will just kill the whole lot of

> them!!!! Very funny people I

> live with.


> The staples and stitches in my knee have all been

> removed and it looks as

> though there is a softball under my right knee. I

> feel sick to my stomach,

> running temps and just feel yucky. Probably have an

> infection. The doc gave

> me Keflex but I may need something different or

> stronger to knock this out.

> He has me coming back on Friday so that tells me

> that he is still very

> concerned about this knee. The pain medicine is

> taking the edge off but I am

> still up every 4 hours during the night when it

> wears off. I can now take my

> knee out of the immobilizer 3 x a day. Gee what

> will I do with that " free

> time " . Decisions, decisions, decisions!


> Hope you have a good night!


> Mr Sandman angel hugs,


> Debs in FL



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Horizontal polka ...I have heard it called many things

but ....but .....ok I am choking ..I am laughing so

hard......Kathi in OK

--- Auntblabbie2000@... wrote:

> Hi Iris,


> Yep, my house is definitely different! My youngest

> is 14, I may let

> her be 15 in November. She came with me to the ER a

> few nights ago and I was

> so upset over the trauma I caused her. Phooey!!!!

> She said our family is

> UNIQUE! and in our house UNIQUE is good! So I guess

> that I am not causing

> too much trauma to my family.


> As far as Vickie's boyfriend is concerned. He is 23

> and should be used to

> natural disasters. I guess that it could have been

> worse.....skinny dipping

> in the pool, catching Ron and I doing the horizontal

> polka, getting hair

> color put on at the shop or how about that Brazilian

> wax???? Yes, the list

> just goes on and on. I still think my first option

> is the best.........get

> rid of them all! My sister's second husband caught

> the same view and we was

> FORCED to marry her also! He has stuck around for

> 10 years now.


> I think I am going to submit my family to one of

> those stations that let you

> have cameras put in your house and then you have a

> hit TV series!


> Ward and June Cleaver we are NOT!


> Debs



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Howdy ,

No, I am a lightweight. I only have 3 daughters. is 21, na is

15 and Katrina is 14. Then I usually have my niece on lend lease is

13, but this year things have changed due to some legal issues. But my house

does also grow with friends, acquaintances and other people who come in and

out. Always have room for one more! and are only 8 months

apart.....no Ron is not some superman! We adopted when she was 3 weeks

old and the day we brought her home I found out I was pregnant with twins.

The one twin was lost early in the pregnancy, but hung in there and was

born 8 months later. Not exactly how I would have planned my children, but

God had other plans. Would not have changed a thing, although we did a lot

of nasty looks. Here I had a new baby that I was carrying and I had one in

the oven. So I had pity looks at me and Ron got the nasty stares at him!

LOL. It is the old story, you make plans and God laughs!!!! and

grew up much like twins and to this day it drives Vickie nuts when they talk

in their own little language! This is her payback for not being nice to her

baby sisters! Now to this mixture add 1 Siberian Husky and 2 stray kittens

and we sprinkle heavily with LOVE.

I guess from my stories, it just seems like I have more kids!

Now that I think about it, sometimes I THINK I have more kids! Oh well, the

more the merrier!

Hope you have a good evening!

Gentle, tender, Brady bunch angel hugs,

Debs in FL

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Hi Stacey,

I just got home from staying in Gainesville overnight after my Remicade

infusion, and I was searching far and wide for the update on how your first

infusion went. I'm glad to see it went well. I actually felt good after

the first infusion and thought it must be my imagination. But by the second

day I was sure I was feeling a little better.

Let us know how you're doing today.

Love and hugs,


[ ] Tess

Hi Tess,

My Remicade IV went well today. Much better than expected. I feel pretty

good actually, but then I usually feel my best in the evening. We stopped

for lunch and Toys R Us afterwards. I felt the need to get Wyatt something

special. I am going to write more later. There is a Backstreet Boys


on UPN and the commercial is over. Gotta go!!!!!



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Got to ask, how many kids do you have? I have 5 12-25 and a husband and

usually at least 1 extra. This summer was wild-all 5 home. Oldest daughter

just moved into a new apartment yesterday, next oldest went back to

college-hopefully to graduate this year-she take time off to work and

regroup but plans on going straight through to graduate school. Then there

is Dan, he is 20, undecided about college and working as a carpenter full

time-living at home. he is almost 17-Junior and Sam, she is almost

13-7th grade. And our 4 legged population-2 guinea pigs, 1 chinchilla, 4

cats, 5 dogs, 11 dairy goats. This summer we had a revolving door with

extra-sleepovers. No one headed to marriage yet, though.


3 Fox Haven Way

Chelmsford, MA 01824

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Hi Carol,

Actually I am feeling pretty good. Tired though. I got outside today and

did some weed wacking. Not a lot. I was out about 30 min at the most. I

thought of doing more but didn't want to make that mistake. I feel like I

have actually accomplished something today. I can even see my ankles and my

knees are not so swollen. My hands are working much better. It was so

strange to be able to get right out of bed without having to sit on the edge

and take inventory first to see what is working and what is not. Everything

worked. Amazing. How did your infusion go? I hope it went well too. I

have been a little busy lately and really haven't had the time to go through

all of the e-mails yet. There is a storm coming so I'm going to have to cut

this one short for now.

Love and Hugs

Stacey in PA

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Stacey, I'm so happy you're starting to feel good! Isn't it great to start

to feel good again? Enjoy it, but continue to be wise and use moderation in

your activities. I didn't, and I'm paying the price right now. It's just

so tempting do do a lot when you're feeling good.

My infusion went well, with the exception of the 7 tries it took them to

start the IV. I was flaring before the infusion, and I'm still having a bad

flare. Hopefully the Remicade will kick in and I'll feel better in the next

couple of days.

Love and hugs,


Re: [ ] Stacey

Hi Carol,

Actually I am feeling pretty good. Tired though. I got outside today and

did some weed wacking. Not a lot. I was out about 30 min at the most. I

thought of doing more but didn't want to make that mistake. I feel like I

have actually accomplished something today. I can even see my ankles and


knees are not so swollen. My hands are working much better. It was so

strange to be able to get right out of bed without having to sit on the


and take inventory first to see what is working and what is not.


worked. Amazing. How did your infusion go? I hope it went well too. I

have been a little busy lately and really haven't had the time to go


all of the e-mails yet. There is a storm coming so I'm going to have to


this one short for now.

Love and Hugs

Stacey in PA

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