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Re: Sleepless in Libertyville

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What's the problem, bunky?????

Mr. Sandman skipped your house with sleeping powder? Well, welcome to

wonderful world of RA! As you can see the Blabster is also having a case of

the no sleepums. It strikes us all! I took my Ambien about 11;00 and fell

asleep around 1:00 am and popped open my peepers at about 3:30 am due to the

knee pain. Not a happy camper! I am also sweating like some kind of a farm

animal while the rest of my bunch has their peepers shut and are blowing


Even the two cats and dog are getting better shut eye than I am. I have

taken some tylenol to help the pain pill along and it is making me sleepy but

has done nothing to help the knee pain. I don't see the ortho until Friday.

Ron and Vickie both say that my knee is more swollen than it was on Monday.

Oh Great!!!! I see the ortho on Friday and Ron thinks that he will take out

another pint of fluid. I am not so sure. It is 2 weeks today and I thought

I would be much further along in my recovery than what I am. So that is

rather discouraging.

Well, I better go take something for the diarrhea of my mouth and I will talk

to y'all later in the day. My key word for today is going to be NAP. This

is the 10 year anniversary weekend of Hurricane . It does and

sometimes doesn't seem like 10 years have passed. NEVER want to go thru

another night like that again in my life!

Try to get a tiny bit of shut eye (rest) and I will talk with you later in

what is going to be a long, long day. My oldest starts college today, so she

is up already and fretting about what to wear. I wish all my problems were

that tough!

Gentle, tender, Nappy time, angel hugs,

Debs in FL

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Golly, Big Al,

All my blabbing and I didn't wish you good luck on your tests! Will be

keeping any digits that I possibly can crossed for positive outcome. I

myself am headed to a cardiologist SOON for tachycardia, palpitations and an

abnormal EKG. My nephrologist told me to go a year ago and things had stayed

not too bad all this time and all of a sudden the problem has really kicked

into overdrive. The palpitations and tachycardia is the absolute worse and

once I can start transporting myself around, they are first on my list to see

what kind of good news they have for me. My Dad passed away primarily from

heart disease complications with RA as a secondary complication and my oldest

daughter, was born with congenital heart disease, so yes, there is

definitely some familial issues that need to be addressed.

Let us know if you get any results, we got keep you in good working order for

your bail duties!!!! I hope your wife doesn't mind sharing you with us.

After all, it is good to share the wealth! You being here as been a terrific

asset to the board. It is amazing that you can take perfect strangers that

may never have the opportunity to meet face to face and have our lives

intertwined so much just by a common thread. When Vickie had her open heart

surgery when she was 18 months old, they refused to do the surgery at

Memorial Hospital and sent us " home " and the surgery was performed and

completed quite successfully at Children's Memorial Hospital on the near

north side of Chicago and we still keep in touch with the parents that went

thru the same scary experience that we went thru on the December day some 19

years ago. So it looks like, Big Al, you are in it for the long haul!

Hang in there buddy, we are all here to cheer each other and wipe away the

tears when necessary.

OK I will be talking with you later in between naps! Good luck, my friend.

God will give you the strength to get thru these rough days until you can get

some answers.

Gentle, tender, concerned angel hugs,


(making coffee for Ricky and maybe an egg if I feel REALLY nice!)

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Still up here Big Al,

I have gotten rid of husband and oldest daughter. Two youngest ones still

home, but usually no trouble. If worse gets to worse, they will go swimming.

They are both 15, so pretty much self sufficient.

Good luck with your tests and your family situation and will catch you later

today! Nausea is getting pretty bad right now also and my knee has started

to bleed again, not too badly though. So here come another pill. Tomorrow

appt with the ortho can't come soon enough. The knee feels like a butcher

knife is going right down the middle of it!

Take care,


(scratching her red hair in curlers not knowing what to make for dinner this


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Hey (Lucy),

Oh, don't worry about being blabbie at all. I really appreciate it.

Good luck as well today. Sounds like you have a real busy one ahead.

Palpitations and tachycardia defintely aren't good.

My youngest had double pneumonia when he was a real little guy and

and I spent a few days and nights at Children's. I know it all

too well.

Thanks for being so nice. As you know, I thoroughly love being here

and feel blessed to have you.

I'll probably try and catch a nap at some point today myself. Both my

kids are still home, and their buddies, so it's a crapshoot.

Have a wonderful day.

Love and hugs,


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Hi Al,

Sorry you had such a rough night. I'd like to go to the computer

when I can't sleep, but my husband usually comes looking for me and

wants me to come back to bed. Hey guess what, we used to live in

Waukegan! Ron worked at Abbott for 36 years, and I worked at Hill

Top in Lake Bluff. Small world.

I hope your other tests go well today, and that you can rest

tonight. And I hope it stops raining there soon or you're gonna need

an ark.

Judi in IN

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That's funny. I looked up Libertyville, and it's not far from where we

lived when I was born. I was born in Highland Park, but we lived in

Riverwoods. Small world is right.

Al, let us know how your tests go today. You're in our thoughts and


Love and hugs,


[ ] Re: Sleepless in Libertyville

Hi Al,

Sorry you had such a rough night. I'd like to go to the computer

when I can't sleep, but my husband usually comes looking for me and

wants me to come back to bed. Hey guess what, we used to live in

Waukegan! Ron worked at Abbott for 36 years, and I worked at Hill

Top in Lake Bluff. Small world.

I hope your other tests go well today, and that you can rest

tonight. And I hope it stops raining there soon or you're gonna need

an ark.

Judi in IN

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Hi Judy,

Thanks. The computer has definitely been a companion on nights like

the last one.

It is a small world. You both worked right by me. Luckily the rain

has subsided for now. I know we need it, but this is ridiculous.

Take care.



> Hi Al,


> Sorry you had such a rough night. I'd like to go to the computer

> when I can't sleep, but my husband usually comes looking for me and

> wants me to come back to bed. Hey guess what, we used to live in

> Waukegan! Ron worked at Abbott for 36 years, and I worked at Hill

> Top in Lake Bluff. Small world.


> I hope your other tests go well today, and that you can rest

> tonight. And I hope it stops raining there soon or you're gonna


> an ark.


> Judi in IN

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Hi Carol,

Thank you. Okay, now let's talk real small world. I work at CCH in

Riverwoods, used to live in Deerfield, and both of my kids were born

in Highland Park Hospital.

Where did you live in Riverwoods. Around Deerfield Road?

Please let me know. I hope you are doing well.



> That's funny. I looked up Libertyville, and it's not far from

where we

> lived when I was born. I was born in Highland Park, but we lived in

> Riverwoods. Small world is right.


> Al, let us know how your tests go today. You're in our thoughts and

> prayers.


> Love and hugs,

> Carol


> [ ] Re: Sleepless in Libertyville


> Hi Al,


> Sorry you had such a rough night. I'd like to go to the computer

> when I can't sleep, but my husband usually comes looking for me and

> wants me to come back to bed. Hey guess what, we used to live in

> Waukegan! Ron worked at Abbott for 36 years, and I worked at Hill

> Top in Lake Bluff. Small world.


> I hope your other tests go well today, and that you can rest

> tonight. And I hope it stops raining there soon or you're gonna


> an ark.


> Judi in IN






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<PRE>al. i have not been out of the house at all. i have not felt good the last


days. then my mom reminded me of how i felt on saturday. so i don't know what

is going on with me. i've doubled my prednisone and still no relief and no

energy. my temp up to 100.7. my poor dog. last night was pretty amazing.much

lightning and a river going down my street. i call my rheumi's office today.

but i am so out of it all i mentioned was the evaluation from the functional

capacity test, and the bloodwork i did on tuesday. i am not due to see her

for about another month now. i skipped my foot therapy today. all i did was

sit in the recliner. i just don't want to. i managed to throw some chicken

breasts in the oven for dan. he has been at school and still at work. it was

all i had energy for. if i had some cash we'd be ordering in. but oh well.

poor kid has been gone for 13 hours. the least i can do is feed him.

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Al, that's really something! We lived off Blackthorn Rd, on Greenbriar

Lane, just south of Deeerfield Rd. Our old house is just next Ryerson

conservation area. We moved when I was 5 years old, so my recollections

aren't that good. But with the help of my Mom on the phone, and Microsoft

Streets & Trips, I was able to pin down the location.

My Mom said she really regretted moving, because she loved the house and the

neighborhood. I would love to live anywhere but Florida, personally. But

as long as the business is doing well, moving isn't an option. Stan and I

were looking at homes in Utah (Park City), but for now all we can do is


I just can't get over that, Al. I don't know what made me look up

Libertyville this morning. Just curiosity. I'm glad I did, though. Maybe

when we come up for the trip, I will go by my old house. It's been probably

10 years since I've been up there.

Love and hugs,

Your virtual neighbor, Carol

[ ] Re: Sleepless in Libertyville


> Hi Al,


> Sorry you had such a rough night. I'd like to go to the computer

> when I can't sleep, but my husband usually comes looking for me and

> wants me to come back to bed. Hey guess what, we used to live in

> Waukegan! Ron worked at Abbott for 36 years, and I worked at Hill

> Top in Lake Bluff. Small world.


> I hope your other tests go well today, and that you can rest

> tonight. And I hope it stops raining there soon or you're gonna


> an ark.


> Judi in IN






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Kathy, it really is a small world!

Love and hugs,


Re: [ ] Re: Sleepless in Libertyville

<PRE>i had my tonsils out at highland park, does that count??? i also used

to work

in deerfield on wilmot rd. kathy in il

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Hi Kathy,

Absolutely. How are you today? Did you get any flooding around your



> <PRE>i had my tonsils out at highland park, does that count??? i

also used to work

> in deerfield on wilmot rd. kathy in il

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You're having the kind of day I'm having. I'm so sorry to hear you're

feeling so badly. Hopefully you'll be feeling better soon.

Sending you love and hugs,


Re: [ ] Re: Sleepless in Libertyville

<PRE>al. i have not been out of the house at all. i have not felt good the

last 2

days. then my mom reminded me of how i felt on saturday. so i don't know


is going on with me. i've doubled my prednisone and still no relief and no

energy. my temp up to 100.7. my poor dog. last night was pretty amazing.much

lightning and a river going down my street. i call my rheumi's office today.

but i am so out of it all i mentioned was the evaluation from the functional

capacity test, and the bloodwork i did on tuesday. i am not due to see her

for about another month now. i skipped my foot therapy today. all i did was

sit in the recliner. i just don't want to. i managed to throw some chicken

breasts in the oven for dan. he has been at school and still at work. it was

all i had energy for. if i had some cash we'd be ordering in. but oh well.

poor kid has been gone for 13 hours. the least i can do is feed him.

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<PRE>thanks al. i am still not quite up to par. i cancelled my foot dr and

therapy. i went to the bank, store and the farmers market in lake bluff.

(yum!!) i am already up to 99.2 and i took another 10 mgs prednisone today. i

bought some tv dinners at the store today so now if i don't feel like

cooking, i can still give my son some dinner. i hate to bother the dr when i

feel like this. just something i have to live through i guess. kathy in il

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Hi Kathy,

I am sorry to hear you're not doing good. I hope today finds you

better. I would call again and see if she can suggest

something to help.

Take care.



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