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Saint Germain

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Alchemist, And Servant Of God.

From Writings

By Prophet:


Violet Flame Decrees, To Heal Body, Mind, & Soul"


he was rumored to be the transformer of stones

into raw diamonds, Saint Germain sought to transform mankind into the stuff

that the God Men are made of. His goal, his mission in life,

was to


the level of the consciousness of the average man,

to that of the Divine.


alchemists seek transformation. For centuries men have desired the

ability to change base metals, like lead, into Gold. But, this form

of alchemy, this base transformation, is only a symbol of the

ability, and the desire to transform the 5 passions inside of the

heart of man into a heart that is connected to God.


are those that believe, that Jesus was a normal man. That His abilities

to heal, to raise the dead, to elevate the hearts of many, are the

very same abilities that we all have innately within us.


Germain, through his teachings, taught that human

negative energy could be transformed into the Gold of divine energy.

This new transformation, he taught through the connection to the Violet

Flame. The Violet Flame is one of the 7 main Rays of the Holy

Spirit, or the Voice of God.


color violet has long been associated with spirituality,

and the Etheric Plane, the highest plane within us before the first God

Realm. The color violet has the highest frequency in the visible spectrum.

It is a high vibration, and it is also a cleanser, and healer.


Germain is known as the Lord of the Seventh Ray. Each time that we

pray to him, or send love to him, he brings spiritual

gifts of his joy, diplomacy and creativity. He inspires us with his



healing, alchemy, literature, philosophy, education,

and many other fields. For almost 70 years, he has helped to prepare

us for the current Aquarian age.


appeared to Guy Ballard in the early 1930's and

gave him the first of the teachings on the Violet Flame.

Saint Germain said that after many centuries of

keeping the Violet Flame secret,

the Masters had decided to release its use to the public during this very

crucial time. Saint Germain said, "The use of the violet

consuming flame, is more valuable to you and to all of mankind,

than all of the


gold, and jewels of this planet."


flame has a cleansing property to it and acts like a detergent to cleans

the consciousness. Just as soap, gets dirt out of your clothes that

need washing, the ray cleanses your body and consciousness. Soap

gets dirt out of your clothes by using the positive, and negative charges

of atoms. It works because each obits molecules has 2 sides. A side

that is attracted to dirt, and a side that is attracted to water.

The dirt loving side attracts dirt, in

much the same way that a magnet attracts metal

paper clips. The water side of the clothe, sticks to water, carrying

the dirt with it.


we invite the Violet Flame into our body and consciousness, it sets up

a similar polarity between the nucleus of the atom,

and the white-fire core of the Flame. The nucleus, is matter,

and it assumes the negative pole. The White fire

of the Violet Flame, being a part of Spirit, it

assumes the positive side. The interaction between the

2 causes a resonance. This vibratory resonance causes

the negative or dross, to be dislodged from the consciousness. This

oscillation dislodges the heavy densities that are trapped between the

electrons, orbiting the nucleus. As this hardened substance, that

weighs down the atom is loosened, it is thrown into the Violet Flame, and

it is




soap, the Violet Flame does not simply surround and remove the karmic dirt

from your consciousness, it actually transforms it into pure Light

(Divine) energy. This raises the vibrations of the body and consciousness,

and causes an new elevation to a higher, more spiritual, level to occur.


Benefits Of Repeating,


Violet Flame Decrees


Germain, has given to us the Violet Flame Decrees. Here is a sample:


AM a being of violet fire!"


AM the purity of God desires!"


you recite this, and other Violet Flame decrees,

and there are many, the violet flame permeates every cell and

atom of your body, into your mind, consciousness, emotions, subconscious,

body and memory. It enters into your past life records, and begins

to cast off the negative karma, that

you have carried within you, for centuries. What does it do

when it permeates all of your being?


Masters have given us the following explanation:


all know, that atoms are mostly just empty space. If

an atom were the size of a volleyball, it nucleus would still

be too small for our eyes to see. Yet, almost all of the atom, is

concentrated in the


which leaves the rest of the volleyball to be empty space.

All of the empty space, is where the trouble lies for us.

That is where the discord, and negative energy (karma) can get stuck.


the cellular and molecular level, this substance appears as dust, tar,

rocks, soot or cement. The Masters have used the illustration of someone

taking an old pail of tar, and pouring over a barrel full


rocks. The space between the rocks, gets gummed up by the tar running

down, and soon the whole mass is welded together as a solid peace.


Masters tell us, that when our physical, and spiritual,

bodies become clogged by negative energy (karma), that it slows down the

vibrations of the electrons in our four lower

bodies, affecting our


memory, emotions, and physical body.


a map of your inner dimensions - click here.


more heavy substances are in our 4 lower bodies, the lower our rate of

vibration an the more burdened that we become. Good health

comes from spiritual energy that flows freely, not from

karmic burdens. The Violet Flame, transmutes anything that is negative,

that is lodged anywhere in our physical or spiritual being, from

anger to physical diseases, such as bacteria.


ejects these particles of dense substances from the body and quickly dissolves



have a new mystical software, that we have recently started to program

with pictures, energies and decrees from the Violet Flame. This is

our latest and revolutionary new Part 6 affirmation session.


more info & 2 Violet Flame see the links below:


Violet Flame Spiritual Exercise


The Violet Flame Meditation Instructions


Info On Dharma Energy Clearing TM

- Violet Flame Session

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-Dearest Liane,

I was very intrigues by your message on St. Germain and the

Violet Flame. It is quite intresting to me. I did grow up as a

Catholic but now have shifted into a more eclectic focus on what I

personally feel resonates with me. Santeria, has always intrigued me

though! Thank you for the great information on St Germain and the

Viloet Flame. He seems like an amazing alchemist, aiding people in

negativity and cleansing of it. How wonderful! Love and light, LUNA

-- In , " lianeqrz_legey "

<butterflygris@...> wrote:





> Saint Germain

> Healer, Alchemist, And Servant Of God.

> From Writings By Prophet:

> " The Violet Flame Decrees, To Heal Body, Mind, & Soul " Although


> was rumored to be the transformer of stones into raw diamonds,


> Germain sought to transform mankind into the stuff that the God Men


> made of. His goal, his mission in life, was to

> raise the level of the consciousness of the average man, to

that of

> the Divine.

> All alchemists seek transformation. For centuries men have desired


> ability to change base metals, like lead, into Gold. But, this

form of

> alchemy, this base transformation, is only a symbol of the


> and the desire to transform the 5 passions inside of the heart of


> into a heart that is connected to God.


> There are those that believe, that Jesus was a normal man. That His

> abilities to heal, to raise the dead, to elevate the hearts of


> are the very same abilities that we all have innately within us.


> Saint Germain, through his teachings, taught that human


> energy could be transformed into the Gold of divine energy. This


> transformation, he taught through the connection to the Violet


> The Violet Flame is one of the 7 main Rays of the Holy Spirit, or


> Voice of God.


> The color violet has long been associated with spirituality,

and the

> Etheric Plane, the highest plane within us before the first God


> The color violet has the highest frequency in the visible spectrum.


> is a high vibration, and it is also a cleanser, and healer.


> Saint Germain is known as the Lord of the Seventh Ray. Each time


> we pray to him, or send love to him, he brings spiritual gifts


> his joy, diplomacy and creativity. He inspires us with his


> in: healing, alchemy, literature, philosophy, education, and


> other fields. For almost 70 years, he has helped to prepare us for


> current Aquarian age.


> He appeared to Guy Ballard in the early 1930's and gave him the

> first of the teachings on the Violet Flame. Saint Germain said


> after many centuries of keeping the Violet Flame


> the Masters had decided to release its use to the public during this

> very crucial time. Saint Germain said, " The use of the violet

> consuming flame, is more valuable to you and to all of mankind,


> all of the

> wealth, gold, and jewels of this planet. "


> The flame has a cleansing property to it and acts like a detergent


> cleans the consciousness. Just as soap, gets dirt out of your


> that need washing, the ray cleanses your body and consciousness.


> gets dirt out of your clothes by using the positive, and negative

> charges of atoms. It works because each obits molecules has 2

sides. A

> side that is attracted to dirt, and a side that is attracted to


> The dirt loving side attracts dirt, in much the same way


> a magnet attracts metal paper clips. The water side of the clothe,

> sticks to water, carrying the dirt with it.


> When we invite the Violet Flame into our body and consciousness, it


> up a similar polarity between the nucleus of the atom, and the

> white-fire core of the Flame. The nucleus, is matter, and it


> the negative pole. The White fire of the Violet Flame,

being a

> part of Spirit, it assumes the positive side. The interaction

> between the 2 causes a resonance. This vibratory resonance


> the negative or dross, to be dislodged from the consciousness. This

> oscillation dislodges the heavy densities that are trapped between


> electrons, orbiting the nucleus. As this hardened substance, that

> weighs down the atom is loosened, it is thrown into the Violet


> and it is

> carried away.


> Unlike soap, the Violet Flame does not simply surround and remove


> karmic dirt from your consciousness, it actually transforms it into

> pure Light (Divine) energy. This raises the vibrations of the body


> consciousness, and causes an new elevation to a higher, more


> level to occur.

> The Benefits Of Repeating,

> The Violet Flame Decrees Saint Germain, has given to us the Violet

> Flame Decrees. Here is a sample: " I AM a being of violet fire! "

> I AM the purity of God desires! " When you recite this, and


> Violet Flame decrees, and there are many, the violet flame


> every cell and atom of your body, into your mind, consciousness,

> emotions, subconscious, body and memory. It enters into your past


> records, and begins to cast off the negative karma, that you


> carried within you, for centuries. What does it do when it


> all of your being?

> The Masters have given us the following explanation:


> We all know, that atoms are mostly just empty space. If an atom


> the size of a volleyball, it nucleus would still be too small for


> eyes to see. Yet, almost all of the atom, is concentrated in the

> nucleus, which leaves the rest of the volleyball to be empty


> All of the empty space, is where the trouble lies for us. That is

> where the discord, and negative energy (karma) can get stuck.


> At the cellular and molecular level, this substance appears as dust,

> tar, rocks, soot or cement. The Masters have used the illustration


> someone taking an old pail of tar, and pouring over a barrel full

> of rocks. The space between the rocks, gets gummed up by the tar

> running down, and soon the whole mass is welded together as a


> peace.


> The Masters tell us, that when our physical, and spiritual,


> become clogged by negative energy (karma), that it slows down the

> vibrations of the electrons in our four lower bodies,

affecting our

> mind, memory, emotions, and physical body.


> See a map of your inner dimensions - click here.

> <http://www.newspiritservices.com/innerdimensions.html>


> The more heavy substances are in our 4 lower bodies, the lower our


> of vibration an the more burdened that we become. Good health


> from spiritual energy that flows freely, not from karmic

burdens. The

> Violet Flame, transmutes anything that is negative, that is lodged

> anywhere in our physical or spiritual being, from anger to physical

> diseases, such as bacteria.


> It ejects these particles of dense substances from the body and


> dissolves them.


> We have a new mystical software, that we have recently started to

> program with pictures, energies and decrees from the Violet Flame.


> is our latest and revolutionary new Part 6 affirmation session.


> For more info & 2 Violet Flame see the links below:

> The Violet Flame Spiritual Exercise

> <http://www.newspiritservices.com/violetflameexercise.html>

> For The Violet Flame Meditation Instructions

> <http://www.newspiritservices.com/violetflame.html>

> For Info On Dharma Energy Clearing TM - Violet Flame Session

> <http://www.newspiritservices.com/part6violet.html>


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