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Re: All the thing that have been posted

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Dear Louise...I can't be catholic anymore because I am

remarried and can't receive communion(You can if don't

remarry and are just divorced). I had already left by

then. My mother had to get a dispensation to marry by

father...gasp...a baptist. My father was a very

personally religious man and I realize that he missed

out on having a family to go to church with him but he

never complained and always went to mass with us on

Christmas and Easter.

A funny story for you. I went to my cousin's wedding

and my children were around 5 and 7. My family is

VERY Catholic. When it was time for communion my

children wanted to know if they could go up and get

blessed like they did at their church before they made

their communion. When they handed my 5 year old son a

host, he didn't know what to do with it and gave it to

my cousin's grandmother who had the wine. It was the

biggest scandal in my family. I just laughed and told

my mom that if they wanted to damn a child for trying

to get blessed and not understanding then shame on

them. They think that it is bad enough that I

divorced and am no longer catholic.

I know where you are coming from...my ex had a child

with someone he worked with while we were married.

Actually, that is just the icing on the cake of our

divorce. I am married to a fabulous man no who would

never cheat on me. I guess I deserved it after all

those years of hell. Have a good one. Iris

--- Louise Neustadter <RNLouise@...> wrote:

> I am so glad that I am back on line. We had a

> problem with our computer and I had to wait till

> y came back from a business trip for him to fix

> it. I have missed you all and could not wait until I

> saw the RA_Support headings again! Dear Stacey in

> PA- any one who hurts a child emotionally and

> physically should be strung up by the b-lls. You can

> fill in the blank letter.Debs in Fl- It sounds like

> things are a little better for you. I am concerned

> about the infection. Sounds like you need something

> stronger than Keflex. It was so good to hear the

> humorous things that make life bearable sometime.

> The one about you in the undies was a scream. Yes I

> believe that your daughter has to marry him or you

> will have to hire a hit man because of what he has

> seen! Tess in Oregon- If one man had to have a

> mammogram-that would be the end of the human

> race.Iris- I believe that way about the Catholic

> church also.I left it 25 years ago and never looked

> back My cheating ex-husband left me for his pregnant

> girlfriend in 1976 and the church told me I had no

> Right to divorce him. (My ex has just married for

> the 5th time) I met my wonderful husband in 1981-we

> married in 1982 and became Episcopalians.Robin

> is an Episcopalian-He says we have all of

> the pageantry-none of the guilt.He said the 10

> reasons to be Episcopalian on his recent HBO special

> and y and I were laughing so hard we were

> crying! Heidi don't let the b-tches get you down.

> Those terriblegirls will get what is due to them for

> what goes around-comes around. I am 50 years old and

> have watched it happen for many years. Love to

> all- Louise in Alabama

> Louise



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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