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Re: Prayer request continued

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Fears/Acknowledgements/Perspectives. My Friend; Perhaps you are easily frightened, conditioned to only focus on the ugliness of the world. This is common because it comes so easily. We see whatever we wish and tune out whatever we don't. This is the mind at work and it basicly, has a mind of it's own. So easily it controls us instead of vice-versa. Fear only exists because we choose to let it. The remedy would be a boost of self esteem and a realization that darkness never wins. It never has and never will. We must focus on the positive, the good. It is there just as equally as the bad. For this remains a balance, a universal 50/50 as either cannot exist without the other. So, with this mindset and carrying one's faith, the only bad that can possibly happen to us would come from realms, places, entities higher than ourselves, in which case, no matter how much we worried, we would loose. We have total control of so many

things in our lives, and the wisdom to make the best of it even when it seems like it could be better. As long as we know that we alone are in charge of our destiny, we can adjust in many ways. When we reach a situation where it undoubtably is the work/doings of a power greater than we are, then... prayer and faith are our only weapons. The key to this puzzle is to actually know with total certainty exactly what is being manifested by us and what is coming from beyond. The mind very often confuses these two. Very normal, very human. Keep your head up. You have made it this far, undoubtably. Things may get better, they may stay stagnent awhile, but either way, we all are given the two gifts of compassion and wisdom if we choose to apply them. Your wisdom, and a kind, gentle-hearted mindset and footsteps will most likely prevail. You will win. Warmth and Light, Randy __________________________________________________

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Dear Friend,

I am just at a loss for words, I know that I am posting this a

few days after you have written this. What I humbly feel you may

need to do is to contact a local Salvation Army or Red Cross, someone

whom can give you information on speaking to a local lawyer. In the

town I live in, we have a Catholic Charities, you do not have to

belong to a church or be of the Catholic Faith, they are there to

help people. They have services of once a week a lawyer will come in

for free to give consultations. I know it seems like nothing is

going right, and it looks like you are having so many challenges at

once, the strength to keep going is tough. As Randy so gently

reminded you, please do not give in to your fear. Keep at these

people, call them non-stop, fax them as you have and yes, I will pray

for you for there seems like a lot of things in your life that are

just very scary. If you must, since you live alone, learn some self

defense, there are videos at the library. I am not advocating

violence. That is definitely not a way to approach this person you

are concerned about. Ignore this person. You may want to alert a

neighbor, if there is someone you trust or a co-worker, friend,

someone, so that you can call them if you feel you are in danger. I

lived in a pretty scary part of Boston for a bit and saw some things

you describe, honestly, I just had to hold my head up, and look

straight ahead and just ignore any remarks, looks, etc...Fear, as

Randy said can overcome you, my dear. I will keep you in my thoughts

that you may have a warm home and the money for it. Trust in your

Higher Power is my humble advice. Namaste, Luna

--- In , " csoa_uacv " <csoa_uacv@...>



> Dear Prayer Friends:


> Thank you to each of you who prayer for me yesterday.

> Some very disturbing things are happening in my personal

> experience. I would be thankful if you'll be kind enough

> to continue praying for me. Now that I have the courage

> to post this, please continue to pray with me while I give

> you updates on improvements in these bizarre things.


> I urgently need your prayers about moving to a new

> apartment and getting my foster care license. I have

> been relocated to a temporary apartment because my

> building was shut down and demolished. The apartment

> they put me in seemed OK at first, but later I found many

> things horribly wrong. There were unknown kinds of giant

> flying, crawling, unknown tiny slithering bugs, and rats.

> The building's construction is defective too, so I called

> the City building inspector. He came out and promised to

> contact the landlord and send me a copy of their report,

> but that was the first week of January 2007, and I haven't

> heard from them.


> Now I'm afraid for my life because someone constantly

> lurks around and leaves their garbage on the steps

> between my third floor apartment and the second floor.

> When I came in from my foster care parenting class

> Saturday, Oct. 20, 2007, the strange man who lives in

> the apartment under me was looking at me like a nut, and

> I was shocked to see a large zip lock bag full of new

> condoms by my door. I don't know who put them there,

> but this is especially alarming because I live alone.


> I signed the lease for a new public housing apartment I'm

> supposed to move to from here, and they gave me the

> keys. However, they should, but didn't say anything

> about when my move in date is or how I will be informed

> about it. I left phone messages they did not reply to when

> their voice mail box was not full, stopped by their office,

> faxed and mailed them a letter in which I told them to

> never send any mail to my street address because it is

> unsafe. Their voice mailbox is almost always full. They

> denied receiving my messages, faxes and letter, but seem

> unconcerned about it. Mail boxes in this apartment

> building are constantly ripped off the wall, and bunches

> of mail for multiple former tenants is thrown all over the

> place. The local post office for this address doesn't

> forward or put mail on hold although I filled out the

> proper forms and applied for both. The lock on the

> outside door from the street to the lobby where mail

> boxes are is ripped off.


> As if that's not enough, last week two women from one of

> many public housing offices came to my apartment and

> said public housing will cancel their contract with the

> landlord of this apartment building. They said on

> November 1, 2007 they will give me a 90 day notice and

> my rent will go up by over $1,000. They also said, in

> December 2007 they will give me a 30 day eviction notice

> which will take effect in January 2008. This is in spite

> ofthe fact that I've already signed my new lease. I can't

> move because I don't have the money for a security deposit.

> I asked the two ladies for a copy of what they said before

> they left, which I could have given an agency that requires

> a copy before they pay my rent deposit, but they didn't give

> me one. The only reason I know who they were, is because I

> insisted they give me their name and phone number before

> they left.


> I called both ladies those ladies the following day, to

> request a copy of what they said, for the social service

> agency, and one of them said they would consult people

> at the office where I signed my lease and call me back.

> That was Thursday, Oct. 18, 2007 and I haven't heard

> from them since. So, I can get my security deposit

> from the social service agency and move. A needy group

> I gave a mutually beneficial fund raising plan to that

> would enable me to afford to move somewhere else

> decided against it. That's a sketchy idea of why I feel

> like I'm in the twilight zone waiting for dooms day with

> nobody's phones, faxes or mail is functioning normally.

> Please continue to pray for me, as I keep you posted!


> V.E.


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