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True Value

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I look into my wallet and it is empty, except for some dust particles. This is the start of a good post; What/where is value and what is it's definition? Look at diamonds and gold- minerals, rocks, made my the earth and nothing more. I think people were awed by their shining appearances. There could be no other reason. In truth, early man just as easily could have chosen salt, lead, pumice, or anything. Each has it's own uniqueness in one way or another. We could be hording aluminum and using gold for making our soda cans. This is very topsy turvy. The infamous piece of paper with a face on it, aka money. A tree, turned into paper, printed on, and given value simply because it has "rocks" to back it up. This almost sounds like a joke. Then, I stop, re-adjust my version of wants and needs and realize that true value lies within the emotions, our experiences, our loved ones etc. These cannot be

bought for any price and if they are sincere, cannot be sold for any price either. They are not impermanent either.. no no. Even when death seeks us, who doubts that love and the bonds and emotions of joy does not follow? It is eternal. Never ending, apposed to the little piece of paper which easily gets destroyed if accidently washed. Let's take a moment, reflect and become grateful for what we have in our lives and who shares it with us. Even me, though basicly alone in many ways, I can find with no effort, things of value, blessings to be grateful for. We must remember; whatever we may not have, there are countless others who have even less than us, and as small as our families and loved ones are, there are those who have absolutely none at all. We are truely blessed. Value (smiles). Compassion To All, Randy __________________________________________________

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Dear Brother Randy,

Yet another very great lesson in blessings. I have been

very much stuck in that " pity party " and have not really and truly

seen what I have in some areas to be completely frank with you and

everyone here. I do struggle with many things but I am seeing that

yes, there are so many others that have found the strength to

overcome what I see as unbelievable obstacles in this beautiful

family here. Yes, money is a great example, that movie " The

Hitchkiker's Guide to the Galaxy " had a quote that comes to mind of

the " little pieces of green paper that people seemed to HAVE to have

for happiness and the pieces of paper were not happy either. " Or

something to that tone. Basically what I got from that movie about

money and from you, Randy is that we hold money, that piece of marked

paper with no value accept for the stones, as you described that it

represents...It is amazing, for I also look in my pockets many times

to see not much but dust or those many cards we need to use at the

grocery stores...Yikes! Thank you for this post, it is so much

something that resonates with me! Om mani padme hum, Luna


> I look into my wallet and it is empty, except for some dust

particles. This is the start of a good post;

> What/where is value and what is it's definition?

> Look at diamonds and gold- minerals, rocks, made my the earth

and nothing more. I think people were awed by their shining

appearances. There could be no other reason. In truth, early man just

as easily could have chosen salt, lead, pumice, or anything. Each has

it's own uniqueness in one way or another. We could be hording

aluminum and using gold for making our soda cans. This is very topsy


> The infamous piece of paper with a face on it, aka money. A

tree, turned into paper, printed on, and given value simply because

it has " rocks " to back it up. This almost sounds like a joke.

> Then, I stop, re-adjust my version of wants and needs and

realize that true value lies within the emotions, our experiences,

our loved ones etc. These cannot be bought for any price and if they

are sincere, cannot be sold for any price either. They are not

impermanent either.. no no. Even when death seeks us, who doubts that

love and the bonds and emotions of joy does not follow? It is

eternal. Never ending, apposed to the little piece of paper which

easily gets destroyed if accidently washed.

> Let's take a moment, reflect and become grateful for what we

have in our lives and who shares it with us. Even me, though basicly

alone in many ways, I can find with no effort, things of value,

blessings to be grateful for.

> We must remember; whatever we may not have, there are countless

others who have even less than us, and as small as our families and

loved ones are, there are those who have absolutely none at all. We

are truely blessed. Value (smiles).





> Compassion To


> Randy


> __________________________________________________


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