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RE: Re: A test for Rife machines

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There may be a bit of misunderstanding here. Rife type frequencies are

pulsed. They are not sinusoidal AC.

Jim Bare


>Exactly, that's why I'm biased against treating cancers with

>alternating current.

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> Exactly, that's why I'm biased against treating cancers with

> alternating current. As everyone here probably knows, the early

> electrotherapists stopped treating cancer when they found that any

> cancer cells that were not " burned " outright by the electricity were

> instead vitalized by it. I just don't understand how putting the

> name " Rife " on the frequency generators makes the cancers more

> cooperative.


What role do you believe electromedicine should play in the treatment of

cancer--in simple terms, please.

What other treatments do you think work for cancer.


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On 21 Aug 2000, at 16:37,

alex bondarook wrote:


> > > I finally concluded that the damaged *normal*

> > > cells are what wakes up the immune system and gets it to

> > > scrutinize the cells it's been ignoring.


> > Waking up of the immune system to a specific disease is often

> > poorly understood;


> Oh, I never target a specific disease, on the assumption that I know

> less about what's really wrong than the immune system does. So I

> focus on just triggering the immune system, and let -it- decide what

> needs to be done.

An interesting approach, that meshes well with the mentioned medical

microbiology research into disease incubation period, and difficulty

with getting the immune system to activate. It's not clear to me that

limited cell damage is enough to trigger the required specific immune

response, but i'll keep it in mind.

Something to be wary of is recent research which indicates that some

disease occurs when the immune system has been found to be exhausted.

It may be possible that repeatedly triggering the immune system could

progress it more rapidly towards exhaustion if there were some

tendency or inclination for it to do so. There may be some means of

offsetting any tendency towards premature immune system exhaustion.

> > > In my own pad machine the goal was to " fake " the damage without

> > > actually causing much, so that any immune response was in excess

> > > of what was warranted by the actual damage. My hope was that an

> > > immune system aroused that way would be more likely to find

> > > disease conditions it was ignoring.

> >

> > Diseases frequently cannot be put into remission by working with

> > modalities which try to reach all microorganisms by the blood alone.


> Oh, I don't do any blood electrification, except what's incidental.


> > > My theory was that our immune systems have an abnormally high

> > > threshold before they will trigger, and that this adaptation was

> > > necessary to save us from continuously struggling against a

> > > contaminated environment we cannot escape. Otherwise we would be

> > > 'sick' all the time.

And the immune system may well rapidly become exhausted, per the

findings of recent research.

> > > The consequence of this is that the immune

> > > system ignores a certain amount of background disease before it

> > > kicks in. (For example have you noticed that your body ignores

> > > something common like a cold until it gets quite miserable?)

> >

> > While this observation parallels what we know as the 'incubation

> > period' of pathogenic disease, the below excerpt indicates that

> > disease incubation often isn't well understood by medical

> > microbiologists. My own position is that there is merit in being

> > cautious about hypothesising / extrapolating about something which

> > microbiologists apparently often struggle to understand.

> >


> Oh, I just meant that if the immune system kicked in sooner, the

> more miserable parts of a cold might not even get a chance to happen.

I've found colloidal silver, in moderation and for a short term

illness, helps here. I also take a water chaser to reduce the

slightly caustic tendency of CS. It's not a panacea in my experience,

but has some benefits which seem to outway the downsides when handled


> > > Unfortunately things like cancer are already firmly established by

> > > the time the immune system kicks-in. This is what I concluded

> > > anyway.

> >

> > Cancer cells apparently have an ionic coating which prevents immune

> > cell recognition. Part of electro-therapuetic/magnetic pulse

> > research is aimed at partially compromising the ionic coating of

> > cancer cells, so that immune cell recognition can begin.

> >


> I don't know if I would try that. Cancer patients have long been

> claiming that their cancers spread after a biopsy. If cancers really

> are viral in origin, then the last thing I would do is compromise the

> layer enclosing them, either by scalpel or electrically. What if that

> layer isn't really protecting the cancer, what if it's the body's

> attempt to seal it off? It would explain why cancers spread like

> crazy after being electrified.

Agreed that it is a mtter for great care and research. A sympathetic

vet or local spca can provide access to some animals for which

treatments on tumors can be explored. Better still of course is to

use lab animals such as Rife did. Research risks are then managed.

> By the way, my own background was in electronics, much later I

> became fascinated with electrotherapy, and now I love building

> experimental machines for people. I'm not here to sell anything

> though :)

Hopefully dedicated engineers/researchers of a scientific orientation

can make some sense out of the mixed messages. Papers at my site and

elsewhere given me reason to pursue atleast partial progress in these

matters. I've explored a number of devices, and have more work to do

as opportunity permits.

Take care,


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Interesting. I think there was some work done with triangulation's of either

ionizing radiation or microwave or both. They used three beams that intersected

at the tumor so that area got a lethal dose and the rest of the tissue did not.

Never heard if it worked or no.

Re: A test for Rife machines



> What other treatments do you think work for cancer.


> Thanks!


Well, after watching my Aunt die of colon cancer in the exact manner

expected, i.e. brief remission after horrible radiation and

chemotherapy followed by a sudden and final flare up of the cancer,

I've thought about this a little. I once had a fast growing and

painful black mole on my left earlobe. My strategy was to raise it's

temperature daily until my body rejected it. When it finally came off

the skin underneath was practically healed already. A year and a half

later a tiny mole appeared, and it has not grown in the years since.

Same thing with my upper left arm where I got my allergy tests. A

fast growing and painful red 'gumdrop' appeared there years later,

and I treated it the same way, by holding a soldering iron 1/8 " away

from it daily. That one left a round pale circle on my arm when it

finally fell off. So what I'm leading up to is this: If I ever got a

tumor inside my body, I

would get the MRI or whatever it was that they used on my Aunt to

locate the exact position of the tumor, and then I would get a TINY

dose of radiation to devitalize the tumor in the hopes that my body

would then attack both THAT tumor plus any similiar cancer cells my

immune system comes across. Better than radiation would be

microwaves, but I'm not a Doctor so I don't know if they have

anything like that.


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