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Welcome, Diane!

Yes, midwives " count " ! Any interest in obstetrics and women's/children's

health is a qualifying factor for this list. I do believe that you are

our first international member, and I know we can learn a lot from you.

Almost all of my small family is from Great Britain--Newcastle-Upon-Tyne

and London.

We have a doula/student nurse here, and many of our members work in

traditional, and not so traditional roles. Why not tell us about your

job and interests?



One thing that vampire children have to be taught early on is: Don't

run with a wooden stake. Unknown


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In a message dated 2/14/99 5:31:38 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Diane@... writes:

<< My name is Diane and I am from England, I am actually a midwife, does that

count ?

Diane >>

Our first out of country person added to the group! Yipee, and welcome

aboard. Would absolutely love the input from a midwife from another country.

I work with many midwives in this country...all Certified Nurse Midwives at

our facility but have attended some lay midwife home births as well. One of

our nurse midwifes, Pam trained in England and she is fabulous. She always

fixes tea for her Mom's after the delivery! I just love that finishing touch.

Do you fix tea as well?????


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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest

<P> What a story!!! & nbsp; Sounds a lot like my Mike. I

raised my son without his Dad. & nbsp; He died when Mike

was 4 years old, so was a little difficult at

times. & nbsp; I stayed home until he was old enough to

stay at home by hisself. & nbsp;He was a very good kid,

always quiet and would listen to what & nbsp;I said,

never got into any trouble. & nbsp; But could not figure

out why he was having a hard time with other kids.

Being teased in school, not having any friends, altho

he did have one in the neighborhood and one in high

school. He would not tell me much, on how his day went

in school. & nbsp; Never & nbsp;had any input about

anything. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;He did the same thing

as your child. & nbsp; Math and & nbsp;Reading, he would

score superior in the SSAT, tests, & nbsp;but had a

time getting it down on paper. & nbsp; Could not get him

to do his homework. & nbsp; He made up excuses all the

time. & nbsp; Was a loner, kept to hisself, playing

video games and now a computer whiz. & nbsp; I am just

finding out about this and he is going to be 21 years

old. & nbsp; Told a teacher once, that the kids are

teasing him, and her answer was, well that is a part

of life and he will just have to & nbsp;adjust to

that. & nbsp; Poor answer for a teacher. & nbsp; Had him

tested in the second grade, IQ was high. & nbsp; And

even had an EEG done on him. & nbsp; Was diagnosed

having short-term memory but that was

all. & nbsp; & nbsp;I realized that Mike has Social

Dyslexia, which is a form of autism; will not look

anyone in the eye & nbsp;during a

conversation, & nbsp;talks in a monotone, is

an & nbsp;intellectual, very proper when speaking, shows

very little emotion, no highs or lows. & nbsp; Does not

know or tries to interact with other people. I use to

give him pep talks every morning on our way to school,

to try and make him feel good about himself,

cause & nbsp;it was very & nbsp;hard for him just being

there. & nbsp; Would not ride on the bus. & nbsp; He

walked home one day and it was about a two mile walk.

& nbsp;He is going to college, but if he will not do

some of his classes, cause he has to get up and

speak, & nbsp; & nbsp; Took 4 computer courses and Aced

all but one, and then he got a B. I am just finding

this out. & nbsp;Trying to find a way to help him

and & nbsp;I have tried to tell him, he needs to takes

some classes to help with his social skills and help

his sef-esteem. & nbsp;He does not think there is

anything wrong with him. & nbsp; Well & nbsp;I tried to

tell him that everyone has an uniqueness about them

and he is too.so maybe I can get something done about

it. & nbsp; I am glad you wrote, guess there is no

medication for it, just counseling??? & nbsp; It

is & nbsp;so nice to find out that there is a

name & nbsp;for this condition. & nbsp; Sometimes & nbsp;I

thought maybe it is me. & nbsp; Maybe & nbsp;I didnt do

something right. & nbsp; But then I had Mike when & nbsp;I

was almost 40 and the risks are

higher. & nbsp;Sincerely,

Peggy & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;<B><I>wismom24

& lt;wismom24@... & gt;</I></B> wrote:


5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid " ><TT>Hi, <BR>I am

mom to who is 13 she was diagnosed with Aspergers

last may, <BR>she had been suspected of having it for

quite a while by the school <BR>and by her therapist..

but neither shared their suspicions with me. It

<BR>wasnt Untill we switched to a new school I first

heard of Aspergers, <BR>from the school Psychologist,

who wrote a recommendation to our <BR>doctor. & nbsp;

<BR><BR>She has had problems with school since

preschool. I vividly remember <BR>the gymnastics & nbsp;

teacher at the ymca & nbsp; when she was 4 asking me if

she <BR>was *special* and how angry and hurt I

felt. & nbsp; In preschool it was her <BR>fascination

with & nbsp; her & nbsp; imaginary kitties & nbsp; that were

so real to her, <BR>she couldnt wash her hands & nbsp;

unless someone held them for her, because <BR>they

didnt like water,that & nbsp; caused the teachers & nbsp;

concern, I still was <BR>not ready to accept that

there may be something & nbsp; differnt about

her.<BR><BR>Kindergarden was hell. She definitly in my

opnion was too immature for <BR>it, but when I told

the school nurse & nbsp; my & nbsp; opnion, her answer

was.. <BR>well she is old enough. She was in

kindergarden and after care while I <BR>worked

afternoons. Some of the kids were & nbsp; pushing her

around, tearing <BR>at her clothes, she came home with

a swollen mark on & nbsp; her face. I had <BR>gone & nbsp;

to her teacher & nbsp; several times, to which the

teacher replied, <BR>s actions, cause the

other & nbsp; childern to behave this way. what a

<BR>bunch of BS. I went to the principal who sent me

back to this teacher,<BR> told me the

teacher & nbsp; grabbed her and shook her, so I & nbsp;

tried to <BR>talk to the principal,, he said i had to

work & nbsp; it out with that <BR>teacher, I again went

back to the teacher. I went in & nbsp; early and

<BR>observed, other children, grabbing her by her

jacket and shaking her, <BR>just as she had told me

the teacher had done, I watched and waited for <BR>the

teacher, the kids were unsupervised as they & nbsp; got

their coats off, <BR>and entered the class room for at

least 10 mins. She was very upset <BR>with my being

there. And again, it was s behavior, not her own.

<BR><BR>The next day didnt go to that school. I

called into & nbsp; work and got <BR>her registered for

a differnt school. & nbsp; The kindergarden teacher

there, <BR>was a kind, man with a real heart for & nbsp;

kids.. my other daughter had <BR>him after and

loved him too. He suggested to the school that gina

<BR>get tested, the school Psychologist did some

testing on her, and <BR>suggested some doctors I take

her too.<BR><BR>She was & nbsp; diagnosed at that time

with ADD,and we tried several differnt <BR>meds, in

differnt dosages,nothing really worked. <BR><BR>Her

dealings with the other children didnt change much,

over the <BR>years, she has had her things stolen,

clothes ripped, been spit on, <BR>kicked, pushed,

chased around the & nbsp; class room, & nbsp; to name a

few, the <BR>difference was in the teachers and the

principal and their attitudes, <BR>at least they & nbsp;

tried to do something about it.<BR><BR> was

fortunate to have a ED teacher who had a light class

load who <BR>took her under her wing and worked with

her, got a good handle on her <BR>weeknesses and

abilities. Also the school guideance councelor had

peer <BR>groups and it was wonderful for , but at

the end of that school <BR>year, I was told.. has

made wonderful strides this year, acheived <BR>goals

made some good friends.. and seems happy, but we feel

she would <BR>be much better off in a new school,

because they couldnt control all <BR>the other

childern and since seemed to be the target for

all to <BR>harass. It & nbsp; was never the same & nbsp;

child, or same group of kids.<BR><BR>I then

homeschooled her for a & nbsp; year, & nbsp; but due to

finances, she had to <BR>go back to school. I called

the new school ahead of time, asked her

<BR>difficulties with other kids, and & nbsp; that she

had disabilities. <BR>The secretary was shocked when i

told her what the other school had <BR>said.. she told

me there was a " no tolerance " & nbsp; policy and that

the <BR>principal strictly enforced it. I was suprised

but thought yeah right!<BR>no way that will

happen.<BR><BR>She went to the school, during the

first few weeks everything was ok..<BR>then

right & nbsp; around the reporting period mid way

through the first 6 & nbsp; <BR>weeks, she was talking

about a group of kids harassing her at recess,

<BR>gave me their & nbsp; names.. and I adressed it at

an & nbsp; IEP meeting that was <BR>set up at that time.

The teacher wrote down their names.. and <BR>told

me when she came home the next day .. all of the kids

apologized <BR>to her, and one even was being nice to

her and wanted to be her <BR>friend. She is still

friends with that girl today even though they go

<BR>to differnt schools. never had & nbsp; trouble

with anyone other than <BR>her sister at school after

that.<BR><BR>This was the School that recommended she

be tested for Aspergers, and <BR>even talked to me

about where to call & nbsp; for testing. <BR><BR>This

was last school year her 6th grade & nbsp; year, this

school year, she <BR>was supposed to transition to 7th

grade, middle school.. She is lost, <BR>flunking all

major classes, no friends and her locker is & nbsp;

total chaos.<BR>The & nbsp; main area of & nbsp; trouble

is homework, she has a photographic memory <BR>when it

comes to reading or listening in class, she will

repeat what <BR>she has read or heard word for word.

She scores high on tests also.<BR>Math is her strong

point, if she could just rattle out the answer, but

<BR>she has to be bothered by writing it out, showing

work which she says <BR>confuses her. She doesnt

understand the & nbsp; necessity of & nbsp; it.

<BR>Writing is her trouble area.. she has very sloppy

writing and cannot <BR>do the Cursive writing at

all. & nbsp; She loves to read and scored off the

<BR>scales in language and has above a 12th

grade & nbsp; reading level.. but ask <BR>her & nbsp; to

do a book report., or questions on what she has read..

she <BR>just cant seem to & nbsp; get it done. I know

she comprehends what she reads, <BR>because i quiz her

on things.<BR><BR>she is classified as OHI but works

with an LD unit and teacher, we <BR>have an IEP next

week, the school social worker thinks maybe a ED

<BR>teacher and moving her to ED unit would be better

for her. I have some <BR>thoughts on that.. good and

bad, I will discuss for & nbsp; sure at the

IEP.<BR><BR> is on Prozac for her OC tendencies..

and moods.. I have noticed <BR>it has helped her moods

but hasnt done much for the OCD does anyone <BR>know

of other meds that may work better for the

OCD?<BR><BR>I think I have made this long enough for

now.. & nbsp; but & nbsp; appreciate any <BR>feedback ..

or ideas about IEP's anyone wants to

share.<BR><BR>Thanks <BR>Vicki<BR><BR></TT><BR><!--

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Just a question? What does & nbsp; mean?

Thanks. Debi

Re: new to group

<P> What a story!!! & nbsp; Sounds a lot like my Mike. Iraised my son without his Dad. & nbsp; He died when Mikewas 4 years old, so was a little difficult attimes. & nbsp; I stayed home until he was old enough tostay at home by hisself. & nbsp;He was a very good kid,always quiet and would listen to what & nbsp;I said,never got into any trouble. & nbsp; But could not figureout why he was having a hard time with other kids.Being teased in school, not having any friends, althohe did have one in the neighborhood and one in highschool. He would not tell me much, on how his day wentin school. & nbsp; Never & nbsp;had any input aboutanything. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;He did the same thingas your child. & nbsp; Math and & nbsp;Reading, he wouldscore superior in the SSAT, tests, & nbsp;but had atime getting it down on paper. & nbsp; Could not get himto do his homework. & nbsp; He made up excuses all thetime. & nbsp; Was a loner, kept to hisself, playingvideo games and now a computer whiz. & nbsp; I am justfinding out about this and he is going to be 21 yearsold. & nbsp; Told a teacher once, that the kids areteasing him, and her answer was, well that is a partof life and he will just have to & nbsp;adjust tothat. & nbsp; Poor answer for a teacher. & nbsp; Had himtested in the second grade, IQ was high. & nbsp; Andeven had an EEG done on him. & nbsp; Was diagnosedhaving short-term memory but that wasall. & nbsp; & nbsp;I realized that Mike has SocialDyslexia, which is a form of autism; will not lookanyone in the eye & nbsp;during aconversation, & nbsp;talks in a monotone, isan & nbsp;intellectual, very proper when speaking, showsvery little emotion, no highs or lows. & nbsp; Does notknow or tries to interact with other people. I use togive him pep talks every morning on our way to school,to try and make him feel good about himself,cause & nbsp;it was very & nbsp;hard for him just beingthere. & nbsp; Would not ride on the bus. & nbsp; Hewalked home one day and it was about a two mile walk. & nbsp;He is going to college, but if he will not dosome of his classes, cause he has to get up andspeak, & nbsp; & nbsp; Took 4 computer courses and Acedall but one, and then he got a B. I am just findingthis out. & nbsp;Trying to find a way to help himand & nbsp;I have tried to tell him, he needs to takessome classes to help with his social skills and helphis sef-esteem. & nbsp;He does not think there isanything wrong with him. & nbsp; Well & nbsp;I tried totell him that everyone has an uniqueness about themand he is too.so maybe I can get something done aboutit. & nbsp; I am glad you wrote, guess there is nomedication for it, just counseling??? & nbsp; Itis & nbsp;so nice to find out that there is aname & nbsp;for this condition. & nbsp; Sometimes & nbsp;Ithought maybe it is me. & nbsp; Maybe & nbsp;I didnt dosomething right. & nbsp; But then I had Mike when & nbsp;Iwas almost 40 and the risks arehigher. & nbsp;Sincerely,Peggy & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;<B><I>wismom24 & lt;wismom24@... & gt;</I></B> wrote: <BLOCKQUOTE style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT:5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid"><TT>Hi, <BR>I ammom to who is 13 she was diagnosed with Aspergerslast may, <BR>she had been suspected of having it forquite a while by the school <BR>and by her therapist..but neither shared their suspicions with me. It<BR>wasnt Untill we switched to a new school I firstheard of Aspergers, <BR>from the school Psychologist,who wrote a recommendation to our <BR>doctor. & nbsp;<BR><BR>She has had problems with school sincepreschool. I vividly remember <BR>the gymnastics & nbsp;teacher at the ymca & nbsp; when she was 4 asking me ifshe <BR>was *special* and how angry and hurt Ifelt. & nbsp; In preschool it was her <BR>fascinationwith & nbsp; her & nbsp; imaginary kitties & nbsp; that wereso real to her, <BR>she couldnt wash her hands & nbsp;unless someone held them for her, because <BR>theydidnt like water,that & nbsp; caused the teachers & nbsp;concern, I still was <BR>not ready to accept thatthere may be something & nbsp; differnt abouther.<BR><BR>Kindergarden was hell. She definitly in myopnion was too immature for <BR>it, but when I toldthe school nurse & nbsp; my & nbsp; opnion, her answerwas.. <BR>well she is old enough. She was inkindergarden and after care while I <BR>workedafternoons. Some of the kids were & nbsp; pushing heraround, tearing <BR>at her clothes, she came home witha swollen mark on & nbsp; her face. I had <BR>gone & nbsp;to her teacher & nbsp; several times, to which theteacher replied, <BR>s actions, cause theother & nbsp; childern to behave this way. what a<BR>bunch of BS. I went to the principal who sent meback to this teacher,<BR> told me theteacher & nbsp; grabbed her and shook her, so I & nbsp;tried to <BR>talk to the principal,, he said i had towork & nbsp; it out with that <BR>teacher, I again wentback to the teacher. I went in & nbsp; early and<BR>observed, other children, grabbing her by herjacket and shaking her, <BR>just as she had told methe teacher had done, I watched and waited for <BR>theteacher, the kids were unsupervised as they & nbsp; gottheir coats off, <BR>and entered the class room for atleast 10 mins. She was very upset <BR>with my beingthere. And again, it was s behavior, not her own.<BR><BR>The next day didnt go to that school. Icalled into & nbsp; work and got <BR>her registered fora differnt school. & nbsp; The kindergarden teacherthere, <BR>was a kind, man with a real heart for & nbsp;kids.. my other daughter had <BR>him after andloved him too. He suggested to the school that gina<BR>get tested, the school Psychologist did sometesting on her, and <BR>suggested some doctors I takeher too.<BR><BR>She was & nbsp; diagnosed at that timewith ADD,and we tried several differnt <BR>meds, indiffernt dosages,nothing really worked. <BR><BR>Herdealings with the other children didnt change much,over the <BR>years, she has had her things stolen,clothes ripped, been spit on, <BR>kicked, pushed,chased around the & nbsp; class room, & nbsp; to name afew, the <BR>difference was in the teachers and theprincipal and their attitudes, <BR>at least they & nbsp;tried to do something about it.<BR><BR> wasfortunate to have a ED teacher who had a light classload who <BR>took her under her wing and worked withher, got a good handle on her <BR>weeknesses andabilities. Also the school guideance councelor hadpeer <BR>groups and it was wonderful for , but atthe end of that school <BR>year, I was told.. hasmade wonderful strides this year, acheived <BR>goalsmade some good friends.. and seems happy, but we feelshe would <BR>be much better off in a new school,because they couldnt control all <BR>the otherchildern and since seemed to be the target forall to <BR>harass. It & nbsp; was never the same & nbsp;child, or same group of kids.<BR><BR>I thenhomeschooled her for a & nbsp; year, & nbsp; but due tofinances, she had to <BR>go back to school. I calledthe new school ahead of time, asked her<BR>difficulties with other kids, and & nbsp; that shehad disabilities. <BR>The secretary was shocked when itold her what the other school had <BR>said.. she toldme there was a "no tolerance" & nbsp; policy and thatthe <BR>principal strictly enforced it. I was suprisedbut thought yeah right!<BR>no way that willhappen.<BR><BR>She went to the school, during thefirst few weeks everything was ok..<BR>thenright & nbsp; around the reporting period mid waythrough the first 6 & nbsp; <BR>weeks, she was talkingabout a group of kids harassing her at recess,<BR>gave me their & nbsp; names.. and I adressed it atan & nbsp; IEP meeting that was <BR>set up at that time.The teacher wrote down their names.. and <BR>toldme when she came home the next day .. all of the kidsapologized <BR>to her, and one even was being nice toher and wanted to be her <BR>friend. She is stillfriends with that girl today even though they go<BR>to differnt schools. never had & nbsp; troublewith anyone other than <BR>her sister at school afterthat.<BR><BR>This was the School that recommended shebe tested for Aspergers, and <BR>even talked to meabout where to call & nbsp; for testing. <BR><BR>Thiswas last school year her 6th grade & nbsp; year, thisschool year, she <BR>was supposed to transition to 7thgrade, middle school.. She is lost, <BR>flunking allmajor classes, no friends and her locker is & nbsp;total chaos.<BR>The & nbsp; main area of & nbsp; troubleis homework, she has a photographic memory <BR>when itcomes to reading or listening in class, she willrepeat what <BR>she has read or heard word for word.She scores high on tests also.<BR>Math is her strongpoint, if she could just rattle out the answer, but<BR>she has to be bothered by writing it out, showingwork which she says <BR>confuses her. She doesntunderstand the & nbsp; necessity of & nbsp; it.<BR>Writing is her trouble area.. she has very sloppywriting and cannot <BR>do the Cursive writing atall. & nbsp; She loves to read and scored off the<BR>scales in language and has above a 12thgrade & nbsp; reading level.. but ask <BR>her & nbsp; todo a book report., or questions on what she has read..she <BR>just cant seem to & nbsp; get it done. I knowshe comprehends what she reads, <BR>because i quiz heron things.<BR><BR>she is classified as OHI but workswith an LD unit and teacher, we <BR>have an IEP nextweek, the school social worker thinks maybe a ED<BR>teacher and moving her to ED unit would be betterfor her. I have some <BR>thoughts on that.. good andbad, I will discuss for & nbsp; sure at theIEP.<BR><BR> is on Prozac for her OC tendencies..and moods.. I have noticed <BR>it has helped her moodsbut hasnt done much for the OCD does anyone <BR>knowof other meds that may work better for theOCD?<BR><BR>I think I have made this long enough fornow.. & nbsp; but & nbsp; appreciate any <BR>feedback ..or ideas about IEP's anyone wants toshare.<BR><BR>Thanks <BR>Vicki<BR><BR></TT><BR><!--|**|begin egp html banner|**| --><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 border=0><TBODY><TR bgColor=#ffffcc><TD align=middle><FONT color=#003399 size=-1><B>Yahoo!Groups Sponsor</B></FONT></TD></TR><TR bgColor=#ffffff><TD align=middle width=470><FORMaction=http://rd.yahoo.com/M=194081.2053425.3521449.1829184/D=egroupweb/S=1705061616:HM/A=1046314/R=0/*http://www.ediets.com/start.cfm?code=3225method=get target=_top><INPUT type=hidden value=3225name=code> <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle><FONT face=arialsize=-2>ADVERTISEMENT</FONT><BR><TABLE height=250 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0width=300 bgColor=#ff6600 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=300 colSpan=2><Ahref="http://rd.yahoo.com/M=194081.2053425.3521449.1829184/D=egroupweb/S=1705061616:HM/A=1046314/R=1/*http://www.ediets.com/start.cfm?code=3225"><IMGheight=102src=" 06042002_300x250_orange_01.gif"width=300 border=0></A></TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top align=right width=110><Ahref="http://rd.yahoo.com/M=194081.2053425.3521449.1829184/D=egroupweb/S=1705061616:HM/A=1046314/R=2/*http://www.ediets.com/start.cfm?code=3225"><IMGheight=147 alt=""src=" 06042002_300x250_orange_02.gif"width=109 border=0></A></TD><TD vAlign=top align=left width=190 border="0"><TABLE height=147 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0width=189 bgColor=#ffffff border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=right><FONT face=arial color=#cc6600size=2><B>Height:</B></FONT></TD><TD> & nbsp;<SELECT name=htft> <OPTION value=4>4<OPTIONvalue=5 selected>5<OPTION value=6>6<OPTIONvalue=7>7</OPTION></SELECT> & nbsp;<FONT face=arialcolor=#cc6600 size=1>ft</FONT> <SELECT name=htin><OPTION value=0>0<OPTION value=1>1<OPTIONvalue=2>2<OPTION value=3>3<OPTION value=4selected>4<OPTION value=5>5<OPTION value=6>6<OPTIONvalue=7>7<OPTION value=8>8<OPTION value=9>9<OPTIONvalue=10>10<OPTION value=11>11</OPTION></SELECT> <FONTface=arial color=#cc6600 size=1>in</FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD align=right><FONT face=arial color=#cc6600size=2><B>Weight:</B></FONT></TD><TD> & nbsp;<INPUT maxLength=3 size=7 name=wt></TD></TR><TR><TD align=right><FONT face=Arial color=#cc6600size=2><B>Sex:</B></FONT></TD><TD> & nbsp;<INPUT type=radio CHECKED value=femalename=sex> <FONT face=Arial color=#cc6600size=1>F</FONT> <INPUT type=radio value=male name=sex><FONT face=Arial color=#cc6600size=1>M</FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle colSpan=2><INPUT type=submit value="Submit Now"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></FORM></TD></TR><TR><TD><IMG height=1 alt=""src="http://us.adserver.yahoo.com/l?M=194081.2053425.3521449.1829184/D=egroupmail/S=1705061616:HM/A=1046314/rand=190992985"width=1></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- |**|end egphtml banner|**| --><BR><TT>

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Vickie....I would urge some caution in considering medications for , especially given that she is so young and is still developing neurologically, physiologically etc...There is an increasing tendency in this country to put younger and younger children on all sorts of drugs, and I for one am very fearful of the long term effects they might have. Exercise, diet, social activities etc. are a far safer direction. People seem to be generally polarized on this issue (for drugs or against them)...I have found it to be an exceedingly complex issue, sadly one which is not taken up in its full complexity by most psychiatrists I have run accross, etc etc.

It sounds like you..and ...have a lot to deal with, and I would just caution you against panicing and placing too much energy on what is "wrong" with her. Most of the human service world is caught up in a focus on people's impairments, what their disability is etc. RATHER than their gifts, talents, interests, similarities, etc. It is important to build upon who is, her strengths, and not allow the system to have you getting lost in trying to fix what her problems are...which by the way, are often the result of ineffective teaching, systems, etc. IEP's in my experience are most often boilerplate mumbojumbo and will make you crazy...again becuz they are often focused on fixing what is wrong, and not building a life....

You have done a remarkable job in advocating for her thru her education thus far...most impressive...Overall, from your email, my sense is that you are clear in what needs to be done to support , and would just encourage you to trust that clarity and not allow it to be fogged by the "experts"...more good parents have been led down into the pits by being intimidated by experts and professionals.


new to group

Hi, I am mom to who is 13 she was diagnosed with Aspergers last may, ............... is on Prozac for her OC tendencies.. and moods.. I have noticed it has helped her moods but hasnt done much for the OCD does anyone know of other meds that may work better for the OCD?I think I have made this long enough for now.. but appreciate any feedback .. or ideas about IEP's anyone wants to share.Thanks Vicki

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Must mean no blank space, maybe something I did. I did not type that in, it just came up that way. Peggy mloya9 wrote:

Just a question? What does & nbsp; mean?

Thanks. Debi

Re: new to group

<P> What a story!!! & nbsp; Sounds a lot like my Mike. Iraised my son without his Dad. & nbsp; He died when Mikewas 4 years old, so was a little difficult attimes. & nbsp; I stayed home until he was old enough tostay at home by hisself. & nbsp;He was a very good kid,always quiet and would listen to what & nbsp;I said,never got into any trouble. & nbsp; But could not figureout why he was having a hard time with other kids.Being teased in school, not having any friends, althohe did have one in the neighborhood and one in highschool. He would not tell me much, on how his day wentin school. & nbsp; Never & nbsp;had any input aboutanything. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;He did the same thingas your child. & nbsp; Math and & nbsp;Reading, he wouldscore superior in the SSAT, tests, & nbsp;but had atime getting it down on paper. & nbsp; Could not get himto do his homework. & nbsp; He made up excuses all thetime. & nbsp; Was a loner, kept to hisself, playingvideo games and now a computer whiz. & nbsp; I am justfinding out about this and he is going to be 21 yearsold. & nbsp; Told a teacher once, that the kids areteasing him, and her answer was, well that is a partof life and he will just have to & nbsp;adjust tothat. & nbsp; Poor answer for a teacher. & nbsp; Had himtested in the second grade, IQ was high. & nbsp; Andeven had an EEG done on him. & nbsp; Was diagnosedhaving short-term memory but that wasall. & nbsp; & nbsp;I realized that Mike has SocialDyslexia, which is a form of autism; will not lookanyone in the eye & nbsp;during aconversation, & nbsp;talks in a monotone, isan & nbsp;intellectual, very proper when speaking, showsvery little emotion, no highs or lows. & nbsp; Does notknow or tries to interact with other people. I use togive him pep talks every morning on our way to school,to try and make him feel good about himself,cause & nbsp;it was very & nbsp;hard for him just beingthere. & nbsp; Would not ride on the bus. & nbsp; Hewalked home one day and it was about a two mile walk. & nbsp;He is going to college, but if he will not dosome of his classes, cause he has to get up andspeak, & nbsp; & nbsp; Took 4 computer courses and Acedall but one, and then he got a B. I am just findingthis out. & nbsp;Trying to find a way to help himand & nbsp;I have tried to tell him, he needs to takessome classes to help with his social skills and helphis sef-esteem. & nbsp;He does not think there isanything wrong with him. & nbsp; Well & nbsp;I tried totell him that everyone has an uniqueness about themand he is too.so maybe I can get something done aboutit. & nbsp; I am glad you wrote, guess there is nomedication for it, just counseling??? & nbsp; Itis & nbsp;so nice to find out that there is aname & nbsp;for this condition. & nbsp; Sometimes & nbsp;Ithought maybe it is me. & nbsp; Maybe & nbsp;I didnt dosomething right. & nbsp; But then I had Mike when & nbsp;Iwas almost 40 and the risks arehigher. & nbsp;Sincerely,Peggy & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;<B><I>wismom24 & lt;wismom24@... & gt;</I></B> wrote: <BLOCKQUOTE style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT:5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid"><TT>Hi, <BR>I ammom to who is 13 she was diagnosed with Aspergerslast may, <BR>she had been suspected of having it forquite a while by the school <BR>and by her therapist..but neither shared their suspicions with me. It<BR>wasnt Untill we switched to a new school I firstheard of Aspergers, <BR>from the school Psychologist,who wrote a recommendation to our <BR>doctor. & nbsp;<BR><BR>She has had problems with school sincepreschool. I vividly remember <BR>the gymnastics & nbsp;teacher at the ymca & nbsp; when she was 4 asking me ifshe <BR>was *special* and how angry and hurt Ifelt. & nbsp; In preschool it was her <BR>fascinationwith & nbsp; her & nbsp; imaginary kitties & nbsp; that wereso real to her, <BR>she couldnt wash her hands & nbsp;unless someone held them for her, because <BR>theydidnt like water,that & nbsp; caused the teachers & nbsp;concern, I still was <BR>not ready to accept thatthere may be something & nbsp; differnt abouther.<BR><BR>Kindergarden was hell. She definitly in myopnion was too immature for <BR>it, but when I toldthe school nurse & nbsp; my & nbsp; opnion, her answerwas.. <BR>well she is old enough. She was inkindergarden and after care while I <BR>workedafternoons. Some of the kids were & nbsp; pushing heraround, tearing <BR>at her clothes, she came home witha swollen mark on & nbsp; her face. I had <BR>gone & nbsp;to her teacher & nbsp; several times, to which theteacher replied, <BR>s actions, cause theother & nbsp; childern to behave this way. what a<BR>bunch of BS. I went to the principal who sent meback to this teacher,<BR> told me theteacher & nbsp; grabbed her and shook her, so I & nbsp;tried to <BR>talk to the principal,, he said i had towork & nbsp; it out with that <BR>teacher, I again wentback to the teacher. I went in & nbsp; early and<BR>observed, other children, grabbing her by herjacket and shaking her, <BR>just as she had told methe teacher had done, I watched and waited for <BR>theteacher, the kids were unsupervised as they & nbsp; gottheir coats off, <BR>and entered the class room for atleast 10 mins. She was very upset <BR>with my beingthere. And again, it was s behavior, not her own.<BR><BR>The next day didnt go to that school. Icalled into & nbsp; work and got <BR>her registered fora differnt school. & nbsp; The kindergarden teacherthere, <BR>was a kind, man with a real heart for & nbsp;kids.. my other daughter had <BR>him after andloved him too. He suggested to the school that gina<BR>get tested, the school Psychologist did sometesting on her, and <BR>suggested some doctors I takeher too.<BR><BR>She was & nbsp; diagnosed at that timewith ADD,and we tried several differnt <BR>meds, indiffernt dosages,nothing really worked. <BR><BR>Herdealings with the other children didnt change much,over the <BR>years, she has had her things stolen,clothes ripped, been spit on, <BR>kicked, pushed,chased around the & nbsp; class room, & nbsp; to name afew, the <BR>difference was in the teachers and theprincipal and their attitudes, <BR>at least they & nbsp;tried to do something about it.<BR><BR> wasfortunate to have a ED teacher who had a light classload who <BR>took her under her wing and worked withher, got a good handle on her <BR>weeknesses andabilities. Also the school guideance councelor hadpeer <BR>groups and it was wonderful for , but atthe end of that school <BR>year, I was told.. hasmade wonderful strides this year, acheived <BR>goalsmade some good friends.. and seems happy, but we feelshe would <BR>be much better off in a new school,because they couldnt control all <BR>the otherchildern and since seemed to be the target forall to <BR>harass. It & nbsp; was never the same & nbsp;child, or same group of kids.<BR><BR>I thenhomeschooled her for a & nbsp; year, & nbsp; but due tofinances, she had to <BR>go back to school. I calledthe new school ahead of time, asked her<BR>difficulties with other kids, and & nbsp; that shehad disabilities. <BR>The secretary was shocked when itold her what the other school had <BR>said.. she toldme there was a "no tolerance" & nbsp; policy and thatthe <BR>principal strictly enforced it. I was suprisedbut thought yeah right!<BR>no way that willhappen.<BR><BR>She went to the school, during thefirst few weeks everything was ok..<BR>thenright & nbsp; around the reporting period mid waythrough the first 6 & nbsp; <BR>weeks, she was talkingabout a group of kids harassing her at recess,<BR>gave me their & nbsp; names.. and I adressed it atan & nbsp; IEP meeting that was <BR>set up at that time.The teacher wrote down their names.. and <BR>toldme when she came home the next day .. all of the kidsapologized <BR>to her, and one even was being nice toher and wanted to be her <BR>friend. She is stillfriends with that girl today even though they go<BR>to differnt schools. never had & nbsp; troublewith anyone other than <BR>her sister at school afterthat.<BR><BR>This was the School that recommended shebe tested for Aspergers, and <BR>even talked to meabout where to call & nbsp; for testing. <BR><BR>Thiswas last school year her 6th grade & nbsp; year, thisschool year, she <BR>was supposed to transition to 7thgrade, middle school.. She is lost, <BR>flunking allmajor classes, no friends and her locker is & nbsp;total chaos.<BR>The & nbsp; main area of & nbsp; troubleis homework, she has a photographic memory <BR>when itcomes to reading or listening in class, she willrepeat what <BR>she has read or heard word for word.She scores high on tests also.<BR>Math is her strongpoint, if she could just rattle out the answer, but<BR>she has to be bothered by writing it out, showingwork which she says <BR>confuses her. She doesntunderstand the & nbsp; necessity of & nbsp; it.<BR>Writing is her trouble area.. she has very sloppywriting and cannot <BR>do the Cursive writing atall. & nbsp; She loves to read and scored off the<BR>scales in language and has above a 12thgrade & nbsp; reading level.. but ask <BR>her & nbsp; todo a book report., or questions on what she has read..she <BR>just cant seem to & nbsp; get it done. I knowshe comprehends what she reads, <BR>because i quiz heron things.<BR><BR>she is classified as OHI but workswith an LD unit and teacher, we <BR>have an IEP nextweek, the school social worker thinks maybe a ED<BR>teacher and moving her to ED unit would be betterfor her. I have some <BR>thoughts on that.. good andbad, I will discuss for & nbsp; sure at theIEP.<BR><BR> is on Prozac for her OC tendencies..and moods.. I have noticed <BR>it has helped her moodsbut hasnt done much for the OCD does anyone <BR>knowof other meds that may work better for theOCD?<BR><BR>I think I have made this long enough fornow.. & nbsp; but & nbsp; appreciate any <BR>feedback ..or ideas about IEP's anyone wants toshare.<BR><BR>Thanks <BR>Vicki<BR><BR></TT><BR><!--|**|begin egp html banner|**| --><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 border=0><TBODY><TR bgColor=#ffffcc><TD align=middle><FONT color=#003399 size=-1><B>Yahoo!Groups Sponsor</B></FONT></TD></TR><TR bgColor=#ffffff><TD align=middle width=470><FORMaction=http://rd.yahoo.com/M=194081.2053425.3521449.1829184/D=egroupweb/S=1705061616:HM/A=1046314/R=0/*http://www.ediets.com/start.cfm?code=3225method=get target=_top><INPUT type=hidden value=3225name=code> <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle><FONT face=arialsize=-2>ADVERTISEMENT</FONT><BR><TABLE height=250 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0width=300 bgColor=#ff6600 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=300 colSpan=2><Ahref="http://rd.yahoo.com/M=194081.2053425.3521449.1829184/D=egroupweb/S=1705061616:HM/A=1046314/R=1/*http://www.ediets.com/start.cfm?code=3225"><IMGheight=102src=" 06042002_300x250_orange_01.gif"width=300 border=0></A></TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top align=right width=110><Ahref="http://rd.yahoo.com/M=194081.2053425.3521449.1829184/D=egroupweb/S=1705061616:HM/A=1046314/R=2/*http://www.ediets.com/start.cfm?code=3225"><IMGheight=147 alt=""src=" 06042002_300x250_orange_02.gif"width=109 border=0></A></TD><TD vAlign=top align=left width=190 border="0"><TABLE height=147 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0width=189 bgColor=#ffffff border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=right><FONT face=arial color=#cc6600size=2><B>Height:</B></FONT></TD><TD> & nbsp;<SELECT name=htft> <OPTION value=4>4<OPTIONvalue=5 selected>5<OPTION value=6>6<OPTIONvalue=7>7</OPTION></SELECT> & nbsp;<FONT face=arialcolor=#cc6600 size=1>ft</FONT> <SELECT name=htin><OPTION value=0>0<OPTION value=1>1<OPTIONvalue=2>2<OPTION value=3>3<OPTION value=4selected>4<OPTION value=5>5<OPTION value=6>6<OPTIONvalue=7>7<OPTION value=8>8<OPTION value=9>9<OPTIONvalue=10>10<OPTION value=11>11</OPTION></SELECT> <FONTface=arial color=#cc6600 size=1>in</FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD align=right><FONT face=arial color=#cc6600size=2><B>Weight:</B></FONT></TD><TD> & nbsp;<INPUT maxLength=3 size=7 name=wt></TD></TR><TR><TD align=right><FONT face=Arial color=#cc6600size=2><B>Sex:</B></FONT></TD><TD> & nbsp;<INPUT type=radio CHECKED value=femalename=sex> <FONT face=Arial color=#cc6600size=1>F</FONT> <INPUT type=radio value=male name=sex><FONT face=Arial color=#cc6600size=1>M</FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle colSpan=2><INPUT type=submit value="Submit Now"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></FORM></TD></TR><TR><TD><IMG height=1 alt=""src="http://us.adserver.yahoo.com/l?M=194081.2053425.3521449.1829184/D=egroupmail/S=1705061616:HM/A=1046314/rand=190992985"width=1></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- |**|end egphtml banner|**| --><BR><TT>

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I feel for you and . My son was just diagnosed yesterday, but I found this site months ago because I knew the ADD diagnosis was just "not quite right". started middle school this year and we had the same issues with classwork and homework. He scores off the charts on test, but can't stand to write things down. His handwriting is very poor and he tries to write as little as possible even about a subject he knows very much about. We have a decision pending about whether or not qualifies for special ed based on the doctors results from yesterday, so he has a 504 and not an IEP, but I do know that one of the modifications I have found that may help is having her use a tape recorder and a word processor. This would require having to learn to type but there are great tutorials that you can download for free. If she can do her written work on a computer, she may actually enjoy it rather than dread it like writing. This is just a suggestion. I hope it all works out for her. Also, kudos to you for kicking butt and taking names when it comes to the bullying. I didn't do that and now I am trying to keep my son from becoming a bully himself (he has taken more than he can stand). Good luck.

new to group

Hi, I am mom to who is 13 she was diagnosed with Aspergers last may, she had been suspected of having it for quite a while by the school and by her therapist.. but neither shared their suspicions with me. It wasnt Untill we switched to a new school I first heard of Aspergers, from the school Psychologist, who wrote a recommendation to our doctor. She has had problems with school since preschool. I vividly remember the gymnastics teacher at the ymca when she was 4 asking me if she was *special* and how angry and hurt I felt. In preschool it was her fascination with her imaginary kitties that were so real to her, she couldnt wash her hands unless someone held them for her, because they didnt like water,that caused the teachers concern, I still was not ready to accept that there may be something differnt about her.Kindergarden was hell. She definitly in my opnion was too immature for it, but when I told the school nurse my opnion, her answer was.. well she is old enough. She was in kindergarden and after care while I worked afternoons. Some of the kids were pushing her around, tearing at her clothes, she came home with a swollen mark on her face. I had gone to her teacher several times, to which the teacher replied, s actions, cause the other childern to behave this way. what a bunch of BS. I went to the principal who sent me back to this teacher, told me the teacher grabbed her and shook her, so I tried to talk to the principal,, he said i had to work it out with that teacher, I again went back to the teacher. I went in early and observed, other children, grabbing her by her jacket and shaking her, just as she had told me the teacher had done, I watched and waited for the teacher, the kids were unsupervised as they got their coats off, and entered the class room for at least 10 mins. She was very upset with my being there. And again, it was s behavior, not her own. The next day didnt go to that school. I called into work and got her registered for a differnt school. The kindergarden teacher there, was a kind, man with a real heart for kids.. my other daughter had him after and loved him too. He suggested to the school that gina get tested, the school Psychologist did some testing on her, and suggested some doctors I take her too.She was diagnosed at that time with ADD,and we tried several differnt meds, in differnt dosages,nothing really worked. Her dealings with the other children didnt change much, over the years, she has had her things stolen, clothes ripped, been spit on, kicked, pushed, chased around the class room, to name a few, the difference was in the teachers and the principal and their attitudes, at least they tried to do something about it. was fortunate to have a ED teacher who had a light class load who took her under her wing and worked with her, got a good handle on her weeknesses and abilities. Also the school guideance councelor had peer groups and it was wonderful for , but at the end of that school year, I was told.. has made wonderful strides this year, acheived goals made some good friends.. and seems happy, but we feel she would be much better off in a new school, because they couldnt control all the other childern and since seemed to be the target for all to harass. It was never the same child, or same group of kids.I then homeschooled her for a year, but due to finances, she had to go back to school. I called the new school ahead of time, asked her difficulties with other kids, and that she had disabilities. The secretary was shocked when i told her what the other school had said.. she told me there was a "no tolerance" policy and that the principal strictly enforced it. I was suprised but thought yeah right!no way that will happen.She went to the school, during the first few weeks everything was ok..then right around the reporting period mid way through the first 6 weeks, she was talking about a group of kids harassing her at recess, gave me their names.. and I adressed it at an IEP meeting that was set up at that time. The teacher wrote down their names.. and told me when she came home the next day .. all of the kids apologized to her, and one even was being nice to her and wanted to be her friend. She is still friends with that girl today even though they go to differnt schools. never had trouble with anyone other than her sister at school after that.This was the School that recommended she be tested for Aspergers, and even talked to me about where to call for testing. This was last school year her 6th grade year, this school year, she was supposed to transition to 7th grade, middle school.. She is lost, flunking all major classes, no friends and her locker is total chaos.The main area of trouble is homework, she has a photographic memory when it comes to reading or listening in class, she will repeat what she has read or heard word for word. She scores high on tests also.Math is her strong point, if she could just rattle out the answer, but she has to be bothered by writing it out, showing work which she says confuses her. She doesnt understand the necessity of it. Writing is her trouble area.. she has very sloppy writing and cannot do the Cursive writing at all. She loves to read and scored off the scales in language and has above a 12th grade reading level.. but ask her to do a book report., or questions on what she has read.. she just cant seem to get it done. I know she comprehends what she reads, because i quiz her on things.she is classified as OHI but works with an LD unit and teacher, we have an IEP next week, the school social worker thinks maybe a ED teacher and moving her to ED unit would be better for her. I have some thoughts on that.. good and bad, I will discuss for sure at the IEP. is on Prozac for her OC tendencies.. and moods.. I have noticed it has helped her moods but hasnt done much for the OCD does anyone know of other meds that may work better for the OCD?I think I have made this long enough for now.. but appreciate any feedback .. or ideas about IEP's anyone wants to share.Thanks Vicki

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Well, new name anyhow. I used to be a member under the name

Candygirl2098 but I have gotten rid of that " identity " and now use

this one. For those of you who don't know me or may not have a clue

as to who I am here I go..... I am a PPCD teacher (preschool program

for children with disabilities) in San Texas. I am currently

teaching summer school. My largest population in the classroom is

Autism. I haven't had any experience with Aspergers Syndrome (as far

as I know). I am interested to hear stories or answer any questions

anyone might have. I figure this can help me as I grow and learn to

work with these kids.


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  • 9 months later...
Guest guest

Welcome Doug,

We have another Doug in the group so you will have to be Doug II. LOL

I am glad you found us, and thank you for sharing your story. It is

one that needs to be shared. Many times people look at us with Hep C

and since our diease is a invisible one they look at us like we are

crazy when we say we are ill. Still we would like them to validate

our fears and concerns. That is why these support groups and real

time groups are so important. So one to share a thought or question

with. Having a hand that reaches out to say I have been there.

Welcome to our group and we are so pleased to be of assistance to

you in any way. A shoulder, a listening ear, to have us look up

information for you. That is what we are here for.



Owner and Moderator


> Hello all my name is Doug and i contracted hep-c from iv-drug


> in what i call a past life Diagnosed in 1986 which was then non-a


> b hep then they isolated the virus and aptly called it C.(that


> have been a brainer lol). Tried interferon and combo therapy both

> with negative results and find myself now with all the symptoms of

> slow liver failure...cirrosis,portal hypertension,acites and

> esophogeal varices which thank god have not ruptured yet (my


> fear).I'm still able to work full time but i wonder for how long


> the job is very physical.I am married and have an eleven year old

> daughter and a 26 yr old step daughter.Because i'm able to work


> to look at me i don't look sick...well its just hard

> somtimes...people don't understand whats going on inside this body

> but i know, only to well......thanks for letting me vent...oh and


> also see a hepatologist at a transplant center once a


> again.....godspeed....Doug.

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Hi Doug ... I'm Doug!

Most likely like you I contracted hepatitis c through iv drug

use although I had every risk factor except for transfusions and

hemodialysis. I was diagnosed three and a half years ago and

have been through two rounds of treatment so far.

Welcome to the group and good luck!


new to group

Hello all my name is Doug and i contracted hep-c from iv-drug use

in what i call a past life Diagnosed in 1986 which was then non-a non

b hep then they isolated the virus and aptly called it C.(that must

have been a brainer lol). Tried interferon and combo therapy both

with negative results and find myself now with all the symptoms of

slow liver failure...cirrosis,portal hypertension,acites and

esophogeal varices which thank god have not ruptured yet (my biggest

fear).I'm still able to work full time but i wonder for how long as

the job is very physical.I am married and have an eleven year old

daughter and a 26 yr old step daughter.Because i'm able to work and

to look at me i don't look sick...well its just hard

somtimes...people don't understand whats going on inside this body

but i know, only to well......thanks for letting me vent...oh and i

also see a hepatologist at a transplant center once a year...thanks


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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

welcome to the group! I am sure you will learn a lot. You might also want to take some time and read through the archives to see what the list has been up to. We have discussed in a limited way that estrogenic herbs might cause in increase in cervical mucous.

alicia huntley cnm msn-----Original Message----- From: matt & sharalyn paetz Hello, My name is Sharalyn Paetz. I am a health nut of sorts. I work with a midwife sharing my knowledge with clients about herbs, essential oils, reflexology and such. I am studying to be a NFP teacher through CCLI. I am also a lay counselor for breastfeeding. I am excited to network with others who have similar interests. Right off the bat, I have a question.Does anyone know of any herbs that might be taken that could effect cervical mucus?Example: Would taking Wild Yam in a certain quantity increase or decrease cervical mucus? Does it effect temperature readings?Thanks in advance for your help.Sharalyn Paetz

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