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PWN Questions and IEP dates?

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We had our IEP meeting last night and the school wants to:

1. Eliminate the Autism ABA consultant hours from 2 hours per month

to 0.

2. 50% reduction in direct one on one services provided by the

Special Education Teacher.

3. 75% reduction in Teaching Team Meetings w/ parent from 4 times a

month to 1 time per month, with NO consultant!!

4. Replacing current Autism Consultant with a team of professionals

with no clinical application experience in Applied Behavioral

Analysis and they will be available by phone!!

5. Refusal to work a " transitional period " from current consultant

to " team "

6. 50% reduction in OT services from 30 min per week to 15 minutes

per week.

7. Refusal to consider OT during ESY based on regression of fine

motor skills last year.

Even though the test scores indicate that he's still 2 years delayed

across the board on Language, Social Skills, Adaptive Behavior.

So nothing has changed, they just " feel " like Logan is doing so well

that they can reduce his services and he'll do just fine. OH MY


We left them with a letter asking for Prior Written Notice

explaining how they arrived at their decisions. They acted like

they'd never in their life ever heard of this. They told us that the

IEP meeting was our written notice and they're not obligated to

provide this notice since they are not changing his " identification,

evaluation, or educational placement " . We went on to read where it

says " OR the provision of fape to a student. "

It's on the FRONT PAGE of Explanation of Procedural Safeguards that

they give to us everytime we have a meeting explaining what this

means. I pulled it out and read it to them.

When the school proposes to change the provision of a free,

appropriate public education to a student;

The written notice must be provided at least 10 days prior to the

proposed or refused action and must include:

1. A description of the action proposed or refused by the district,

an explanation of why the school proposes to take action, and a

description of any other options the district considered and the

reasons why those options were rejected

2. A description of each evaluation procedure, test, record, or

report the district used as a basis for the proposed or refused


3. A description of any other factors which are relevant to the

district's proposal or refusal.

Now, at the IEP meeting we kept saying, what has changed since last

week? Where's the data to support your position?

They said " We have the data to back it up. " I said " Great, go

get it. " They didn't want to go over it at the meeting to show us.

So I feel like now, they're going to be making up some bullshit data

to support what they want to do but I won't believe anything they

show me now, because why couldn't they come up with it last night?

This is such a nightmare.

Anyway, He's got the same summer services as he had last year so at

least that's off my mind. They wanted to cut THAT in half also, but

we pitched a HUGE fit and told them we would file for due process to

enact the " stay-put " provision which says his current IEP stays in

effect until a new one can be agreed on. So, they caved on that, but

they reduced all the other stuff.

My questions are:

1. We're right on the PWN correct? They really don't believe

they're obligated to provide it, that the IEP is our written notice.

(They never answered our questions about " Why " in writing!!)

2. We left this with them last night, so the IEP goes into effect in

10 days unless we file for due process. How long do they have to

give us the notice?

Thanks so much everyone!! You are all so wonderful!!!


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