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Re: BODY CHANGES:Ascension symptoms part 1,2 3.

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your the greatest. this sooooooooooooo answers so many questions I had. I test this to be true for myself. so much searching and here it is. God Blesslianeqrz_legey <butterflygris@...> wrote: Hello everyone, for those that are feeling the difference on the energy fields due to the many shifts we have been having, here it is a in dept list of symptoms and situations and facts that may clarify what you are

feeling in general. I sincerely hope it helps. Blessings Love and respect to all, Liane BODY CHANGESBody Changes Part 1This file is a montage of 23 prophetic voices speaking on the changesthat will occur within our bodies during the upcoming tribulation EarthChanges. These are organized into 22 different areas within the body.The sources of prophetic information for this montage are listed at theend of the file.This montage is broken down into the following:GENERAL BACKGROUND INFORMATIONThese listed prophetic voices at the end of this file should be read intheir entirety and may be helpful to the reader for a fullerunderstanding of the cellular transformation (mutation) process.

Onlyselected short portions of the complete prophetic voice have beenselected, assembled and categorized in this montage due to spacelimitations. These materials will be periodically dated as moreinformation is developed.This material is submitted by the House of Teaching Centre ENDTIMESDuring the Earth Changes in these End Times or Tribulation as it iscalled, the earth and the physical bodies on the earth are supposed toundergo a change as we move from the third dimension to the fourth andfifth dimensions. On the planetary scale, a massive shift is takingplace. Huge infusions of Light are coming to the Earth plane as the veilof separation and denial are lifting. Earth Changes are creatingphysical changes in your bodies right now. The planet is mutating, andso are the beings on it. There is a transmutation taking place in thevery cells of your body.A transmutation is the act of being transmuted

or changed or altered inform, appearance, nature to a higher form, transmutation is the internalchange going on inside the body that puts together the combination ofparts or chemical elements, groups or simpler compounds or by thedegradation of a complex compound so as to form a whole new combination.During mutation, this new combination may be constructed by the bodyfrom diverse conceptions into a coherent whole body that may bedifferent from previous bodies.The physical transmutation change within your bodies is a significantand basic alteration in the body. It may be a relatively permanentchange in hereditary material involving either a physical change inchromosome relations or a biochemical change in the codons that made upgenes. A codon is a triplet of nucleotides that is part of the geneticcode for the body. The genetic code specifies a particular amino acid ina protein or starts or stops protein synthesis

which means puttingthings together. This is the way the body grows or is destroyed bydisease during it's particular lifetime.There are many teachings coming down today that speak of mutation andalso speak of cellular transformation. Some have asked what is thedifference and is there a difference? Some entities feel that the wordmutation is a word that sometimes alienates a lot of people, it soundsscary to some people. So they use the word transformation or cellulartransformation because it seems like a little more gentle word to use.They feel that more people are open to the word transformation. It'smore like a gradual shifting whereas mutation feels to some people likethere are going to be some changes that are so radical that this createsmore of a fear. And these entities try and stay away from wording andlanguage that is going to create more of a fear because this thencreates a restriction of energy when people

are met with words thatcreate that type of experience or reaction.Whatever you call the changes that are taking place now in our bodies,the information that was coded into the DNA of your structure is nowbeing activated. The most concise repository of information in yourpersonal blueprint of your species is found in the cellular DNA of yourbodies. Your DNA will evolve from two helixes to twelve helixes or evenfourteen strands which correspond to energy centers, or chakras, insideand outside your body. The new type twelve strand DNA was originally inbodies 300,000 years ago.Within human body cells are light-encoded filaments, fine gossamerthreads of energy that carry information. When these gossamer threadsare working together like a fiber optic type of cable, they form thehelix of your DNA. Imagine that your frequencies are starting to detachfrom each other and that where they are still connected, they are

justthreaded together. They are not so congealed that they create that muchmatter any more. What is going to happen then is that the energy that iscoming into you is going to start to come in more easily. It is as ifthe cells have to break apart a bit.This is why so many people are now waking up and remembering. It waspredetermined that you would do so at this time! Beings who have beenliving in dense physical bodies, now have the option of living inwondrous bodies of Light. The effects are very jarring in some ways. Onthe one hand, you'll get physical vibrations that are strange andsometime feel uncomfortable. Your endocrine system may speed up or slowdown, causing various effects on your hormones. You may have a suddenstrong feeling and then it'll be gone. You may have an overwhelmingmemory and you will not be certain whether it is a dream or a reality.You are high-energy transformers, like sponges in the energy

sea aroundyou. As more and more Light becomes available to you, the intensity ofelectromagnetic energy around you also increases. Any changes in thesurrounding energetic field are picked up by your subtle (etheric) body.This body acts as a receiver and as a transmitter of these energies.These changes directly affect your physical body, which is the outwardmanifestation of the etheric level.These changes be gradual and will go on over the seven year tribulationperiod. They have definitely started. The changes depend on, for many,the level of openness, the level of flow in an individual's life. Theorientation for many has been from a linear or mental perspective. Thisis shifting for many and a lot of people are experiencing confusion asthey begin to reorient themselves into a physical and more holisticperspective. For many people this has been going on for quite some time.As far as a time period of when it begins

and when it ends, it reallydepends on the individual, their level of openness and willingness andthe clarification that has already taken place in their energy field. Bythis we mean, are they coming into alignment in their physical energysystem? Are they coming into alignment with their emotions and theemotional body? And are they creating more of an openness and a flow inthe mental body so that they can consciously receive the energies andthe frequencies that create the shifts, the transformation?Bear in mind also that all who are on the planet at this time, all formsof life, not just human life but all forms of life, are and willcontinue to be effected by what we call an increase in intensity ofLight that comes directly into and around the field of this planet. Soeven, though those who we may look upon or you may look upon as lessconscious or perhaps even totally unconscious of the changes aredefinitely effected

and will continue to be effected. They don't havethe understanding that many have who are searching on the path of whatis going on for them. Why they are experiencing greater agitation, whythey are experiencing that parts of their life are no longer working?Why are they experiencing less control in the mental body than they areused to?There is a great deal of confusion among the masses because until nowthere has not been a large enough body of clear information to explainin a way that can be understood by the masses what exactly is exactlytaking place in this time in history. For there is nothing in your pastthat can compare to what is currently going on and what will continue toaccelerate.What is happening to many of you right now is that due to the increasedenergies present, the etheric body is vibrating at a higher frequency.The physical body is then trying to catch up but it hasn't quite yetdone so.

This results in a speeding up of your molecular structure. Manypeople are now experiencing this as a quickening taking place withinyour own bodies. This stepping up of energies is affecting every systemin your body-nerves, muscles, vessels, skin, organs and glans as theytry to adapt to the new frequencies.The nervous system, which carries those energies throughout the body inthe form of nerve impulses, and the endocrine system, which regulatesmuch of your physiological functioning through the secretion of variouschemical substances (hormones), may be experiencing tremendous energyoverloads as they constantly attempt to maintain a state of homeostasisand balance in the body.This kind of expansion in consciousness during cellular transformationis literally pulling you into worlds that are beyond potential and arebecoming real. Things about your world are changing in front of yourvery eyes. Perhaps the most

profound noticeable change is the need thatmany people have noticed lately for more rest. Is anybody feeling tiredlately? If so, you need to continue reading this material.Your body systems are overloaded and Mother Earth's systems are alsooverloaded. Her body, the mass of herself, functions very much like yourown body. Most people do not realize that your Mother Earth actuallybreathes in and out? People that have been in caves or have been nearopenings inside the Earth can actually hear air whistling in and out ofthe Mother Earth. In surrendering to the change process going on in theEarth and in your bodies, you are releasing your own limited existence,your own limited desires, all that you have held close to you forsecurity and a feeling of nurturing and safety.So much is happening on very deep levels of yourselves and it is usuallyoccurring in the subconscious. You may feel overcome with sorrow,feeling you

have lost something, or that you are leaving somethingwithout even having an idea of what it is you are sorry or crying about.As you approach closer and closer to the final experience (calledAscension), you will feel yourselves more and more of letting go of morethings.During the process of cellular transformation, you may see or feelspecific physical changes and sensations in your body and in the bodiesof those around you, such as the following:I. ACHES, PAINS and HEADACHESNew aches and pains will appear in various places in the body and thenthese will disappear. Headaches and sudden shooting pains in the head oreyes may occur and these may be signs that adjustments are being made inyour energies. These adjustments will be attuning you to differentfrequencies during cellular transformation. The parts of your brain thathave been dormant in the past are now being used. This may require somerewiring of

brain circuitry while brain patterns that are no longerfunctional will be rerouted. As you develop a higher way of thinking andbeing, you will experience more creative energies and will create deeperlevels of meditation. See also CHANGES IN BODY SHAPE as well as ENERGYFLOW in the BODY.As transformation occurs, there may be periods when you feel moreanxious and irritable than usual. You may also feel restless, headachy,less able to concentrate. You may will have an increased sensitivity topeople, sounds, smells and environments. You may experience musclesoreness particularly in the low back, joint pains or poor digestion.When these glands are excessively simulated, your body is constantly ina hyper state of fight-or-flight and the body expends resources attremendous rates of speed.The mutation process that you are presently undergoing has beeninitiated within the molecular structure of the brain. The

progressivecycles of change are introduced to the rest of the body systemsprimarily through the cerebral-spinal fluid and from there throughoutthe nervous system generally. This accounts for the pervasive sensationsof disturbances within the head, eyes, spine and nerves. It has resultedin dizziness, headaches, and pressure in the head, usually experiencedfrom back to front, at other times, from side to side. It also accountsfor considerable nervous disruption, sleeplessness and irregular energysurges and drops. Digestion may become erratic and peculiar pains maycome and go without warning in different parts of the body.II. BODY CELLSThe tissue of our bodies is made up of cells. The cells are made up ofmolecules and this goes on and on until the subatomic level is reached.At the subatomic level, the templates or blueprints are formed for ourbodies. The probabilities of what we can do are created at the

subatomiclevel. There are changes being made at this level as the Earth Changesoccur and as the axis shift occurs on the planet. These changes are dueto occur very soon. During this period of an axis shift, past types ofbehavior and past ways of arranging matter will not be available.At our material level, these changes will appear to be a rearrangementof matter. From a spiritual level however, these changes relate to thegrowth of planetary awareness. When these changes happen, the forms oflife on the planet will change. The very structure of every cell in ourbodies is changing. The changes in your body will occur in the bodycells as these cells undergo a gentle infusion of new electromagneticimpulses. The structure of energy exchange and energy transfer is beingslowly reâ€" wired in the cells, during cellular transformation. Thiscould be the cause of periods of exhaustion as your body goes throughradical

remodeling and rebuilding. When this change are observed, RELAXand move with the changes taking place in your body. After all, you havenothing else to do. You need to spend time in meditation, reading, etc.to relax until the time comes that the changes will eventually stop.We are building new information into the cells of the body and yet ithas been said that these changes are taking place naturally. Some haveasked whether this suggests that we can reprogram our own DNA or is thisall being done automatically and we don't get involved in it. The answeris it's a little bit of both. The cells have been coded for this time inhistory, prior to the time of human birth. Many people are finding thatthey are drawn to a certain place or to a certain person. They arefinding that being in that environment, whether with that person or inthat physical place, is creating a type of trigger, a trigger in thecellular memory. So in this

respect, it is happening automatically. Weare following our impulses. We are following our natural motion in lifeto where the body is leading us and who the body is leading us to. Thisis creating the firing or triggering of new information. There is a typeof overlapping and a blending of many processes taking place as thesetriggers are activated. Then the new information is activated.This is taking place on a multitude of levels within the body. The morewe are in alignment with our body wisdom, the more there is a movementconsciously towards that which will trigger that cellular memory andactivate the transformation within the DNA. So indeed, you are takingpart, it is not to sit back and get onto automatic pilot and everythingwill happen. To some degree that is so, but also it is the more you arein alignment with these changes consciously, the more you will be thecaptain of your ship, directing and orchestrating a

co-creator of thesechanges within yourself and within the masses. There are many parts totransformation, it is neither that you are on one side of the fence oranother.What this means in biochemical terms is quite mind blowing. Afundamental renovation is occurring in your house (the body) while youare living in it. Using the analogy of remodeling your home, the workmenstrip off the old roof, tear up the old floor, disconnect your oldplumbing and turn off your electricity to re-wire the home. This alloccurs while you are trying to live there. In the same manner, as yourbody is undergoing the same «remodeling» you are trying to keepahead of the changes and you will feel extremely disoriented andinconvenienced as they occur. The changes in your body-house areoccurring because your DNA is being restructured.Your DNA contains within it an old understanding about what it is to behere that is deeply focused in

individuality. The DNA has theindividualized expression of divinity, the individual I Am, and it hasthe wholeness. Now you can conceive of both, but can you yet conceive ofwhat it would be like to be keenly aware of yourself as an individualand at the same time know that you are wholeness? That is what you areworking on achieving at this time, whether you realize it or not. Thepotentiality within the DNA is capable of reformatting to allow forthese changes.Universal law provides that the physical form for Divine life expressionof a species may be altered or reformatted only by those who dwelltherein. This means that the DNA of a species of Earth can only bealtered through the creative choice of the consciousness that dwellswithin the body form. What this means for you is that the human DNA thatis responsible for every aspect of your physical presence cannot bealtered by other beings, nor can it be changed by you

from outside ofthe physical plane. How do you change your own DNA? To change your DNAand to change your structure you need to change your emotions. You alsoneed to change your thoughts because to do these two things means tochange your biochemistry and your brain chemistry. It means headachesand nausea sometimes.As these changes occur, you will experience dizziness, feelings ofspinning and loss of emotional centering. During cellulartransformation, your body is a constant flow of discarded proteins andstructures. Your cerebrospinal fluid is being filled with discardedmineral deposits. You are literally sloughing off your body and you arerebuilding it. The changes will be very intense and will be verychallenging to you during the sloughing off process. You are geneticengineers of the new world species. If you agree with this and you arewilling, you must rearrange and rebuild your own DNA. You live in yourbody

and you will change it while you're living in it. Some people havealready begun to do this.III. CHANGES in BODY COLORDuring cellular transformation, repigmentation of the body will occur.Many different kinds of unusual marks (round, red, white, etc.) willappear on the skin of young people as well as on the skin of olderbodies. This is a temporary repigmentation process that will allow theskin to come into it's true purposes. The skin is an organ thatfunctions as a bridge between heavy, dense matter of the body and lessdense matter of the auric field of the body. Within 25 years, a slightdarkening of even the lightest people will occur. This relates to theblood cell membranes being enriched by oxygen, allowing them to move ingreater numbers and greater velocity through the capillary system closerto the surface of the skin.IV. CHANGES in BODY SHAPEYou are completing a time loop in your spiritual

growth which hasallowed you to explore some matters in depth. This time loop is nowcoming to an end and your body is beginning to change shape as you closethat time loop. As you come back to your original time sequence, youwill go back through what you have been in the past. Some people mightnotice that their head seems to be trying to expand and many people willhave headaches during these times usually associated with pressures fromthese changes. It will feel almost like someone is trying to force yourhead into a larger shape. Changes in body shape will happen slowly overtime. Currently the changes that are taking place are happening on theinside of the body in the infrastructure in the following places:A. in the cellular system in the blood B. in the central nervous systemC. in the bone marrow D. in the brain's patterning, how it is firing andreceiving information from God.These are the changes that are

occurring now and for many this createsconfusion because they feel that something is going on but they cannotsee it in the mirror. They look in the mirror and they see that they arevery much the person they were five or ten years ago. They don't seem tobe having any less wrinkles, they don't seem to be looking any morehealthy. This creates a bit of confusion because they know they areworking so consciously and so hard on their inner path. Yet the changesare slow in coming, bleeding through into the outer body. This willcertainly occur over time but it is taking place on the inside now. Thisis where the base must first be built, deeply on the inside of the bodyand will come from the inside out.In your future, you will see a greater lightness, an expression of thebody, expressing its lightness of being. You may see beings that areexperiencing a greater thinning or a lightening of your being. Manypersons will be

feeling taller. There may not be an actual shift in thephysical body of growing taller, but there will be that sense ofupliftment. The body is expressing upliftment with a feeling of walkingtall and of being lighter with the body. Some people will experienceweight change, either losing weight or gaining weight as a result ofinner transformation.The body knows how to readjust and reorganize itself because thisprocess is quite natural. This process of transformation has been codedwithin the cells of the body and is taking place naturally. What peopleare now learning to do is how to assist what is occurring naturally bybeing outside, being aware of the foods they are eating, being aware oftheir connection to the earth and by being aware of the direction theirbody is leading them. The greater you are aware of this, the greater youcan assist what is already going on and you will be continuing at itsown natural pace

according to the cellular coding for each individual.V. CHANGES in the ENDOCRINE SYSTEM and CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEMYou are already seeing an increase of a weakening in the immune systemwith the acceleration of the nervous system. There are many new strandsof disease (an imbalance) that are coming out in people. More people areexperiencing a deeper level of frustration and aggressive agitation thatis creating many symptoms in the body, many nervous disorders andfeelings of heating up. This comes out with explosions of anger andviolence. There is an imbalance in the nervous system which can createmany disorders, many types of fevers or any type of imbalance in thebrain wave system as there begins to be a readjustment of the waythoughts are set up. You will see many new disorders or diseasescropping up having to do with the central nervous system as there isthis sense that a re-wiring is going on to accommodate the

increase inintensity of light.It is as though someone is putting in a 120 watt light bulb into asocket that previously held a 40 or 60 watt bulb. There is a greaterlevel of amplitude, of power in the energy going, that you are all ofthe sudden being plugged into. It is creating not only an accelerationbut a greater magnification of energy going through your body. Thisenergy is put in or connected through the nervous system. Unless thereis a change in the way many people are going through their daily lives,the nervous system will not be able to handle the increase of energy.Some things we would suggest would be a greater contact with the naturalworld physically by literally putting the feet into the earth and thehands onto the earth. It would also be helpful to be in greater contactwith water such as having water in the home (i.e. an aquarium, bowls ofwater or some type of water). This helps create greater

balance in theelectromagnetic field. This is recommended to help balance the increaseof energy that is coming in now and does effect the physical body andits state of wellness.The etheric body acts as a transmitter and receiver for surroundingenergies. This takes place via specific energy centers for the body orchakras. Each chakra is directly associated with an endocrine gland andnerve plexus. Because of their close relationship with the chakras,which transmit and receive this energy, the endocrine and nervoussystems especially, are now undergoing radical transmutation. Theincrease in electrical energies is requiring a complete re-wiring of thenervous system, while all the organs and glands in the body are beingtotally restructured. As you take on the body of light, most of theseorgans and glands will no longer be needed, and will gradually atrophyand disappear. In the mean time, it is important to acknowledge

thechanges taking place in the body and to support the physical body asmuch as possible.As more and more light becomes available, the intensity ofelectromagnetic energy around you also increases. This means that therewill be more rapid neurological activity in the body resulting in higherintensity impulses firing the central nervous system. The nervous systemwill immediately attempt to dissipate that energy by sending it back outof the spinal chord. If these impulses then fire along facilitatedpathways into the muscular system, they could cause muscle tightness andsoreness. If they fire into the blood vessels, restricted circulationoften results. When these impulses fire into the skin, you mayexperience abnormal thermal sensations (i.e. feeling hot or cold,prickling, itching etc).If they should fire into the organs and glands, they may inhibit theirpreviously normal functioning. Therefore, we can see the

importance ofsupporting the nervous system at this time as it tries to maintain astate of homeostasis (relatively stable state of equilibrium) in thephysical body. The body is trying to catch up with the increasedfrequencies of the subtle body. One way to do this is to interrupt someof these pathways that the high intensity impulses are travelling along.Just as someone who touches a live wire is held there by the currentuntil it is switched off, so too will the structures and tissues of thebody remain in a stimulated state until these pathways are interrupted,turning off the current.The mutation process is implemented by the central nervous systeminitiated within the molecular brain structure. The progressive cyclesof change are introduced primarily through the cerebral-spinal fluid andfrom there throughout the nervous system generally. During the mutationprocess you will constantly be sloughing off whole strings

or sequencesof proteins. Full systems are being discarded by the body and are beingrebuilt with differently structured compounds which you receive throughwater, air and foods that are also undergoing electromagneticreformatting.You will find fairly high levels of excreted proteins in body fluidssuch as urine. The body is literally washing away your old bodyformatting and rebuilding it as you live and breath and move within it.The restructuring of the DNA means that you will no longer have fourbodies. You will no longer have many chakras. You will no longer be alayered consciousness. You will contain no spaces, no gaps within yourconsciousness or in your corresponding DNA. You will have a sphericalmodel with no gaps or separations. Everything within your system, withinyour being will have wholeness, roundness. It is an indescribable thingthat you will build.As we go through cellular transformation (the

period of transitioningfrom the old dying world to the emerging new world), there will be timeswhen you may feel disjoined as if your body is out-of-phase witheverything. This will be frustrating for you within your mental andemotional bodies. You may feel less functional which will occur as yourelease the old ways and before the new ways have been fully formed.This change over period will cause you to have a tendency to have lowerself-esteem.It will also bring up a variety of survival issues. You will need to usecapable bodyworkers to help you in releasing energies. These energiesare held in the crystalline matrix within the structures and tissues ofyour body. When bodywork is done in conjunction with sound, it isespecially effective. Connective tissue work will also be useful as willneuromuscular therapy. Bodywork such as this will help to re-pattern andopen your nervous system and it will also break down

crystallizedenergy.Cranial sacral therapy, done by a capable bodyworker, may also behelpful in integrating the energies in your body. As the increasedenergies are being integrated into the body, some may benefit fromchiropractic adjustments as there may be periods when you are prone todistortions and subluxations of the spine from changes taking place inthe body. There are many homeopathic remedies that you may try as wellas gem and Bach remedies that you may find supportive to you emotionaland physical bodies. These can be obtained in your local vitamin store.Part 2Body Changes Part 2VI. EATING and DRINKING HABITSA. EATING HABITSPeople are already finding a desire to eat in a different way. They areseeing a great shift away from the denser foods (i.e. meats and heavyproteins), and from foods that are heavy and will stay in the bodylonger and will create

greater density in the body. During cellulartransformation, your sustenance will be coming more and more from thelight or energy vibration and less and less from physical sources. Thislight pervades the universe and also affects changes in body cellsduring transformation. This can result in changes in eating habits andchanges in your appetite. There can also be a completely new arrangementof your intake of nourishment. Heavy or greasy foods cannot be digestedbecause the body is functioning with heavy foods that don't vibrate withyour changing body vibration. You will be drawn to the foods that bestharmonize with you as a being of Light. This means for some people,sustaining yourselves with very sparse diets which will make them feelterrific. For others, the intake of food may be different.You will probably notice physical changes in your body that ultimatelywill lead to physical healing. Eat as many raw and pure,

unprocessed anduncooked foods as you can. This means mostly fresh fruits and vegetableswhich results in a basic detoxification diet. You must listen to yourown body and eat what is right for you. Your body's needs will probablychange rapidly during these times. You may have weird cravings for foodsyou don't normally eat. You may have a hugh appetite one day and hardlybe hungry the next. You may experience intense cravings for certainfoods, some of which you may not normally eat. What's more important isto stay in touch, moment to moment with your body as it guides you tothe foods and support that it needs. All you have to do is to listen toyour body.In addition, you may occasionally experience disruption to the digestivesystem, resulting in stomach ache, gas, or bloating partly due to theincreased intensity of energy in the third or solar plexus chakra. Thefifth, or throat chakra is also a very powerful energy

center, and it'sphysical counterpart, the thyroid gland, is particularly vulnerable tochanges in electromagnetic energy. This gland regulates the metabolicprocesses of the body, and in many cases is trying it's hardest to keepup with the increasing vibratory rates. Some of the transmutativesymptoms that commonly result are unexplained weight gain or loss,sluggishness, altered sleep patterns, and, again, feeling more tired andfatigued than usual for no apparent reason.More fruits and vegetables will be extremely important to your diets.You will find that many fatty foods will not work in your bodies duringthese changing times of cellular transformation. Many people have beeneating meat which will still be of some importance to them. However,many people will be start to let go of these denser foods duringcellular transformation. Some heavier grains may be too dense for yourbodies as the inner body changes

occur.There are some very good nutritional substances that are from nature,that create a balance in the amino acid tract. For instance, your foodcalled spirolina is one of them, foods that are now coming out that aretermed cell foods. These are foods with a high degree of life force andthey are very good on an overall general level. We suggest that usingthese new foods or any types of supplements be done directly throughaccessing ones own body wisdom.By eating differently, you are also helping to detoxify the Earth, it'ssurface and it's atmosphere. As you do this, visualize a white lightpouring through your body and the Earth, lightening the dark spots, andloving all your parts. Cleansing your body will result in a cleansing ofthe earth. Honoring your body with pure and natural foods (as natureintended) is honoring the Earth and the Earth's offerings in a way thatis without equal. After you cleanse your body,

you will begin tostrengthen and to heal any of the body parts that were weak or tired.During cellular transformation, the body may require certain nutrientsthat it didn't need before (i.e. fats, proteins, carbohydrates,vitamins, minerals and hormones).We would recommend that each one learn to go back inward and toreconnect to the body wisdom and learn to ask and receive from moment tomoment as it changes constantly. Then one day you might have needed tohave a great deal of carbohydrates, in one form or another, on anotherday you would need to take quite another kind of food supplement, whenyour body has, for instance, balanced itself with one type of food,chlorophyll or green food. We would then move your focus to another tocreate another overall balance. Generally it is important to listen thento the body and to keep current with that information so that you areworking on a momentâ€" to-moment and daily

level.We encourage each person, and would suggest that you encourage eachperson, to come into a greater connectiveness and awareness of their ownindividual body by learning to ask the body and then learning to open tothe body wisdom. You should ask your body directly, «What on this dayto I need to operate at a high level of balance. What on this day can Ido to create a sense of flow in my ife?» If we would give outformulas, people would tend to hold onto that formula and would create aseries of boxes as to what they should do. We tend to avoid this type ofadvice because each person is so unique and what may work very well forone would not create the openness or the flow for another.B. DRINKING HABITSThe quantity of water that you drink will also be extremely important toyou during transformation. The water we drink allows the electrum toflow through your body, which is light lowered to a density as it

entersthe body mass. The more water you drink, the easier it is for the lightenergy (prana) to enter your body and to move through the physical body,rejuvenating the organs of the body. It would be wise during cellulartransformation to drink plenty of water (at least a gallon a day). Theadditional water allows the light to move through the body faster. Lightis an electrical force in our density and the additional water assiststhe movement of the light. From your perspective, you cleanse your bodywith additional fluids. The additional water permits the light (prana)to move through your body as the prana brings new life into and throughthe body.There have been very significant fluctuations in the fluid retentionlevels in the body tissue which is due to the need to keep the watercontent in mutating systems very high. In order for the mutation processto be as comfortable as possible, you will need to keep your intake

ofwater up. If you do not, your body will attempt to retain fluid in orderto ensure that the element flow within your system is maintained. Why isthis important? It is because, during the mutation process, you areconstantly sloughing off whole string or sequences of proteins. Fullsystems are being discarded and rebuilt with differently structuredcompounds which you are receiving through water, air and foods that arealso undergoing electromagnetic reformatting. In other words, you wouldfind fairly high levels of excreted proteins in such body fluids asurine. You are literally washing away your old body formatting andrebuilding it as you live and breath and move within.It is quite helpful for people to go into a diet that contains morewater, not only water in its pure form, but through the fruits andvegetables as well. This creates a greater lightness in the body andhelps the body to reorganize its electrical structure.

It is reallyquite simple, if you think of it, it is more of a movement away from thedensity and complexities of what you have termed your modern world andmoving into a greater state of purity through which you may receive thegrace of this transformation. See also SINUS and EAR DISTURBANCES.VII. ENERGY FLOW in the BODYDuring cellular transformation in your body, there will be increasedenergy flow felt mainly in the parasympathetic system of the body (i.e.lower limbs, legs, junctions along the spinal column, and especially theganglia where the lower lumbars are positioned) and in the shoulders.Electrical sensations will move up and down the limbs of the body. Somepeople will also experience sweats and migraine headaches. You willnotice increased energies when manifesting a thought. It is good to becautious with these energies and your thoughts because they will becomemagnified during the time of transition

during cellular transformation.VII. EXERCISE HABITSWe have mentioned the importance of drinking lots of water duringcellular transformation. It is also important to do more physicalexercises (i.e. walking, jogging, running, hiking, swimming) which willbe extremely supportive during the changes. The exercise from dancingalso is particularly powerful because many energetic pathways can be cutshort and integrated throughout the body with the movement involved indancing.IX. EYESThe white portion of the eyes may gradually change color, may becomebloodshot and may become slightly darker. In some cases, this may createa slight tinge of rosiness in the eyes or a slight tinge of brown orgreen, but in most cases the color will be rosiness. This change relatesto the increased velocity of blood near the surface of the eyes that canbe viewed. The visual field of the eyes will alter and you will begin toview

dimensions differently as your physical sight is adjusted as itinteracts with the opening of the third inner eye, between your presentouter eye positions.X. FINGERNAILSMore ridges may appear in the fingernails at the smooth light halfâ€"moon line at the base of the fingernail. This part of the fingernail maybegin to vary and may become rippled.XI. HAIRA change in the hair may occur where the hair is on the body and in thethickness of the hair which will gradually become thicker over severalyears. This change will be sufficient so that it will be measurable.XII. HEADAs you begin to reformat, things have broken loose, pieces coming out ofthe tissues in your bodies. In your heads, in your skulls, those who aremutating and even those who are considering preparing for this, thereare many mineral structures that are being sloughed off into thecerebrospinal fluid. This material moves into the

spinal column, throughthe nerves and out into the tissue, so that if you recycle thisdiscarded material, you will become very uncomfortable. There may bedisturbance sensations within the head, eyes, spine and nerves (i.e.dizziness, headaches, pressures in the head (usually from back to frontand may also be from side to side).The primary place where mutation occurs is in the DNA of the brain. Whatthis means is that certain brain functions are going to be a bitdifficult. Your vision will be affected; you're most certainly going tobe affected in terms of headaches; to some extent your hearing will bealtered; and, most of all, your ability to feel that you have a sharpfocus all time will be affected. Your heads are literally beginning tocontain material that is capable of electrically short-circuiting. Ifyou have a sense that you are losing your mental clarity, that certainthings are happening in your head, including

headaches, that make youfeel that you have short circuits within your brain, that is due to thesloughing off of this material.Mood swings are also symptomatic of the body's attempts to integratemore Light. There may be moments when you feel wonderful and have agreat deal of energy, followed by a sudden crash and depression as youexperience the pull of the old world.XIII. HEARINGThe auditory range of the ears will expand so that you will be able tohear the presently inaudible sounds of God's creation within you andwhich surrounds you. This change will enable you to have faith in Godfrom hearing the sounds in your ears. Ringing or tones in the ears canalso be transmissions from spiritual entities from other dimensions.Information from these sources makes itself known to you at theappropriate time in your particular spiritual walk.XIV. HEARTHeart palpitations may be felt at times as your heart

becomes insynronization with the rhythm of the Earth's heartbeat. Changes may alsobe experienced in the heart muscle tissue and striations in the heartmuscle tissue will begin to show more variations. The tissue will seemto be spreading out as the heart muscle becomes denser. This change willallow the heart to last longer and to create a normal life span of 150years for an individual. The normal pulse rate will increase about threeto four beats over the next ten to twelve years.You may see a greater constriction around the heart as many people reactto the energy of love and light that is coming in greater magnification.More heart attacks or various illnesses will occur where there isrestrictive flow of energy around the heart center. This can be avoidedwith a greater awareness of that energy and a greater openness to theemotions, letting go, not having so much of the emotions held into thebody but finding ways for

the emotions to be harmonically experienced.The emotions are to be felt, not denied and the emotions can then createmore of a flow and less of a closing of the life force.XV. HOT AND COLD FLASHESThese will be felt more by many people as cellular transformation occursin the body. It is like your engines are being rebuilt and thetemperature gauge is being replaced. It is similar to an engine in a carand this temperature gauge, as it is in an engine, is outdated. So in away, you are finding that as you are building new information into thebody, into the cells, you are redesigning the different aspects of thephysical body through this transformation. So as this is happening,there is a greater gap in what is being experienced, a greaterexperience up and down, a greater experience of upheaval. Much is beingtossed around, much that is no longer working and that is outdated. Itis being tossed out as new data and new

equipment is being graduallyintroduced and built into the body.This is happening for all beings, whether they are conscious or not.That those who are choosing not to stay on the planet, although they maynot be conscious of their choice at all, have decided not to undergothis level of acceleration and change in the body. Those who arechoosing to be here at this time during this rapid acceleration andshifting of the physical body, of the physical mind and of the emotionalsystem, are going to make those choices either consciously for many andunconsciously for many. But all will definitely be affected by theenergies. All will experience, on some level, a shifting in the body asthe body moves naturally to a higher level of receptivity and alignmentwith its source.XVI. MEMORY CHANGESMore people are now able to tune their consciousness to receive unseenforces or wavelengths from the universe and to use this

newconsciousness to transform themselves into a new way of being. This newincoming impulses of energy is affecting the cells that compose themental, emotional and spiritual bodies. People are manifesting, on everylevel, this incoming light with your whole being. There will be timeswhen you will be inspired with flashing memories, recall of pastsituations and lives and other realizations. Insights that are eternaland cosmic are beginning to infiltrate your body and to illuminate thehuman mind in a way that inner body cells will activate. The mentalcapacity of people will increase considerably during cellulartransformation.You may find yourself in the middle of a sentence when suddenly youcompletely forget what you were going to say next. You may be thinkingabout something that happened when you have difficulty accessing thememory of the event. As you move into a state of grace during cellulartransformation, the

harder it will be to reference your past throughyour memory system. All useless data is being taken from your memoryfiles. In mastering limitation, past referencing of data was usefulbecause of your acceptance as reality based on your beliefs and priorexperiences. Referencing of data from the past is falling away andpeople will not have to keep the memory alive.XVII. MENSTRUAL CRAMPSWomen may notice a lightening of blood flow during menstruation withless flow and less cramping. Some pregnant women will have easier andshorter childbirth with less pain and labor.XVII. OUT-OF-BODY EXPERIENCESThere will be more out-of-body experiences as cellular transformationoccurs. This experience will also be accepted more by the public ingeneral. It will be accomplished by more people and the experience willbecome more popular and will become more fun as more people experienceit. More out-of body experiences have

already been increasing for manyas there is a thinning in the veil. When a being has decided to take onphysical form there was a veiling. As many go consciously on their pathand open to receive the greater frequencies of the truemulti-dimensional self, there is greater wholeness and alignment withthe soul. The body is going through a process of this effacing of theveil and a thinning and a gradual release of this protective device isoccurring.As this veil is thinning, you will realize that there are no boundariesbetween your physical self, your higher self or soul self and yourmulti-dimensional being. Many are beginning to experience greatercontact with, not only beings from other realms, but with beings ofthemselves as they are pure energy. For many, this is quite a challengeto begin to experience connection with themselves as they exist beyondtime and space as pure energy. But as the veil thins, this is one of

theexperiences that occurs greater amplification and occurs more often asthe veil beings to thin.Now as far as the out-of-body experience, the spiritual entities arechallenging many to include their body awareness and not to leave itbehind whenever they travel out-of-body and wherever the consciousnesscreates a focal point in their awareness. This may include anotherdimension such as inter-dimensional traveling or traveling beyond timeand space with the consciousness. It seems now to you that you are notgoing anywhere. But the consciousness truly does experience and entersinto this realm and dimension, It may thereby access that energy andthose frequency sets and the patterns and information you wish to seekfrom beings living in that dimension.This is really not quite so difficult as it may seem. It is a naturalskill that again has been shielded against and many are not quite readyto move into that level

of multi-dimensionality. Many are becoming moreinterested in going into the consciousness of the earth because therehas been a call put out by the earth. Many are unconsciously orconsciously responding to the call to begin to work consciously anddirectly in direct alignment with the earth energy.This will assist both the individual, the mass human experience and willassist in the transformation and balancing of the earth's transformationor mutation. It is very beneficial for those who are feeling a type ofcuriosity or interest or a type of draw to this call, to begin toexplore how it is that they may travel into and align with theconsciousness of the earth. It begins much by a prayer of intent thatyou truly intend to move into this level of assistance. This is thefirst doorway that one would go through. And from there, you would needto be open to many surprises for it can happen and it can happen quicklyfor

some. They will find themselves in a very deep awareness, in a verydeep alignment with the consciousness of the earth. From there, thechoices are infinite.XIX. SINUS and EAR DISTURBANCESDisturbances in these areas are one of the primary signs of cellulartransformation. More people are experiencing sinus conditions (i.e.discomforts, drainage, and headaches). These increased disturbances willcontinue to occur during cellular transformation. Major changes willoccur in the sinus since they function in the body primarily to createbalance. These changes relate mainly to the fact that the body has beenthrown out of balance during cellular transformation. Your physical bodyresponds to the changes by over reacting to slight stimulation bybiologicals, such as pollens, not originating from itself.Flu-like symptoms, sinusitis and congestion, specific aches and pains,and feelings of toxicity may be other reactions you will

experience fromthe increased intensity of incoming energy. When these disturbanceshappen, the body is reaching a threshold. It will pass beyond thisthreshold as the body's capacity to handle more light increases. Duringthese times, it will be especially useful to take more baths and todrink lots of water. This will help your body to facilitate thesechanges more easily. Swimming will also be helpful in this respect sincewater is very soothing and relaxing as well as being useful in balancingyour energy.XX. SLEEP AND DREAMSWe are moving into the fourth dimension at the present. This is creatinga temporary confusion of time.You will have dreams that are erratic andstrange sometimes. You will wake up and feel emotionally confused. Yoursleep patterns might be totally disrupted. Perhaps you have slept eighthours a night until recent times. Now you are struggling to get sixhours of sleep and don't know why. What

we would want you to know isthat sleep patterns are going to be very different. You might findyourself sleeping many more hours than usual and having to take napsduring the day, then needing very little sleep at all and having anabundance of energy. What you are going to find is that the more Lightyou bring into your body, the less time you are going to need for sleep.What will be happening is that it is not for you to replace this sleeptime with third-dimensional busy living. It is important for you to beable to use this extra time for a higher aspect. You will start to seean conscious of what you are doing but your unconscious will begin touse this time for greater enlightenment.This is happening because you are moving into the fourth dimension. Inthis new dimension the experience of night and day is totally reversed.Most people are used to being up and around in the daytime and asleep atnight. You are in a

power struggle within yourself. It's as if part ofyou is anchoring into the fourth dimension and is trying to live in oneway while the rest of you is here in the third dimension attempting tocontinue as in the past. Your dreams might seem so jumbled at timesbecause the dream life usually makes the move from third to fourthdimension before the physical life. Your consciousness is shifting backand forth. You are having a glimmer of that experience in your dreams.Sometime your dreams are not just great but they are also sequential.Then at other times you wake up and they feel more jumbled than ever.You are going to need to cut down on television and radio usage and youare going to find that even your electric lights are going to start tohandicap you, so we would expect that you would start to cut down onthose as well. Part of what is going to happen in your world is thatthere is going to be a lessening of the need for so

much electricity andyou will want to spend more time in spiritual development.XXI. SWEAT and TEAR GLANDSChanges in the tear ducts and sweat glands of the body will take placeduring cellular transformation. As to the sweat glands, most people nowsweat less than they did about five years ago. Most people duringcellular transformation will sweat less than they formerly did, but itwill be a minor change which will be observable and measurable. As tothe tear glands, your tear solution will be slightly denser, thicker andwill be composed of more mineral compounds. This change will also bemeasurable. See also ENERGY FLOW in the BODY.XXII. VIBRATIONS in the BODYSome people are experiencing a vibration in their solar plexus from timeto time. They have noticed this vibration increasingly for the pastseveral months. This is part of the changes occurring during cellulartransformation. The earth also is

experiencing a vibration from time totime. These vibrations are designed to change the very matter of theearth's and your substance. The changes are going to slowly add certainetheric components that exist in possibility and probability and thatexist within the encompassed objectives of your soul's journey throughthis planet which is God's playing field. These changes are going to mixthese etheric components in and out of your physical body in the sameway that you would dunk a tea bag into hot water to achieve a finalrefreshing drink.The vibration of your entire body is shifting to a higher frequencyduring cellular transformation. Some are experiencing many differentphysical symptoms which can be strong at times or can be very subtle.Within this lifetime, there is more evolution taking place in your bodythan in the total of all previous lifetimes on this planet. Atransformation change is taking place in your body

as well as in theearth. The very cell structure of your body is changing which will allowyou to withstand and integrate these higher frequencies of energy. Yourbody needs to know that this is happening and that it is okay since ithas never experienced being in a Light Body before on this dimension. Asa result, body vibrations may be experienced and many people may thinkthat an earthquake is occurring during these periods. These bodyvibrations will occur through a process of induction as the Earth'sforce couples with the body. One way to balance and move this energythrough the body is with physical exercise (i.e. walking at leastseveral miles a day).Part 3Body Changes Part 3SUMMARYAs the process of cellular transformation progresses, you will beweighted down by an erroneous feeling of unworthiness. All the darknesscontained within yourself in your head, you regard as

your own littlesins. These feelings are not your sins but they are the heritage of allspecies that you represent. Because of the heaviness and darkness youbrought with you when you incarnated to this planet, you could notimagine that you were pure and divine enough. You could not imagine thatyou were good enough and clear enough as well as bright enough to holdthe Christ in your bodies. You dealing with immense biological changesand you also have all the psychological, mental/conceptual and emotionalissues that you inherited when you arrived to deal with as well. Youhave to deal with many complicated issues in your life, some of whichyou are not aware of at the present time and are all contained withinyour body.As you mutate, all of these things are being thrown up by your DNA. Youdo not have them inside of you because you did something wrong. Whenthings have been coming up from the deep places within you and have

notfelt good, it is not because you are doing anything wrong. It is becauseyou are the right thing and the old things inside your bodies have tosurface. You have to pull them out and they will come out of the DNA ofyour bodies. They will be sloughed off in your body and at the ethericlevels also.Past civilizations have made repeated attempts to regulate theirconduct, to deal with the issues of conflict and separation anddestructive behavior. They developed rules, laws and ways of dealingwith the destructive aspect of the conflict developing within theircivilizations. They set up laws and lawgivers. Sometimes they also setup a divine force that was capable of evaluating the performance of thepeople and then dishing out punishments. Sometimes this was consideredto be a very mundane part of the society, much like your legal systemwhere you have a judge that judges you. Sometimes it was elevatedthrough a divine force

priestly group or a Deity.You were told that «The Deity wants you to behave this way». Youwere told that «The Deity required you to do this and if you did notdo this, the Deity will require punish you in various ways». When youarrived here, you brought with you a sense that some things were rightand some things were wrong. You also brought with you a sense that somethings could be good and some things could be evil. This is somethingthat is not helpful to you anymore.There is something that you really ought to slough off during cellulartransformation. Consider it as releasing the Father/God. I think youmight want to trade your Father/God in for something else-for a Christchild. You know the Christ child is not very adept in judgment anddoesn't know everything. When you get to be an adult, then you knoweverything especially when you get to be a Father/Mother/God type, whichof course means that you are

in a position to evaluate performance.So you have within you, a kind of a Father/Mother/God figure, an oldextraterrestrial one. You may even have an extraterrestrial lawgiver, asopposed to a mother of Father/God. This is one that evaluates because itknows everything, and it knows what is right because it has seen it allbefore. It is operating out of the past. It's actually woven into yourDNA structure. It's part of this material that you need to release, thisjudgment.You've got a genetic scorecard, and you've got a scorekeeper that keepsticking off whether you're getting it right or not. Every time you don'tget it right, you clench at every level of your being. Every time youget it right, you kind of bloom, except that there's always FEAR thatyou won't be able to hold on to this rightness. So you can see that itis time to release that idea of divinity. Judgment is not useful to you.To be joined to the

Christ child, you must relinquish the keeper. Thereis a price for the Christ child, you have to trade in your keeper. Theydon't live in harmony you know. But there is another price that you haveto pay. You have to give up evaluating your every act, your everythought, your every feeling, your every sensation. Do you think it wouldbe possible that you could have a headache and that would be good? Doyou think you could have indigestion or dizziness and that would befine? Do you think you could hurt someone else and it would still beright?There is constant fluxation in your energy system that registers whenyou have done well and when you have done badly. The feelings of beingjudged causes a certain clenching in your biochemistry and a knotting-upoccurs within you. That clenching causes a clustering of the materialyou're trying to release because of the mutation process. Clenchinginterferes with the sloughing off

process and with the rebuildingprocess going on within you.Therefore, every time you make a judgement of yourself, you sour the Phbalance in your body. This Ph change interferes with the electrical flowwithin the body. You also cluster into lumps the disposable garbage inyour body and these are harder to pass out of your bodies. Judgementtherefore, interferes with comfortable mutation which will create FEAR.If you plan for self-improvement and you keep catching yourselfrepeatedly failing in your self improvement plan, actual FEAR willoccur. This FEAR may take the following forms:E. You will never get it right. F. You will never measure up G. You willnever be worthy H. You are never going to get a grip on this process ofbeing good I. You are never going to get a grip on this process of beingright J. You are never going to get a grip on this process of beingspiritual.Each person, in your uniqueness, will

be more attuned to certainenergies than other persons. The analogy could be made of having anantenna calibrated to receive a particular radio station. Many peoplewill resonate with different wavelengths at different vibrationalfrequencies than other people. Whatever wavelengths your particulardesign is calibrated to, these wavelengths are pathways cut in yourconsciousness. Once you have begun to transmute (change), the energiesof those particular frequencies of the universe will take advantage ofthese pathways to transmute more and more of the same energies to you.It may appear that issues you thought you had dealt with and resolved,have suddenly re-emerged in your life, bigger than ever, with even moreintensity and drama than before. It is useful not to identify theseissues as being your personal «stuff». You need to recognize onlythat these energies are present and then let them move through you. Knowthat you

are transmuting them for the many who are not yet consciousenough to do it for themselves.You need to understand clearly about the painful acts and the things youhave called «bad and wicked». If you knew what was really going onand if you understood the essence of the actions, you would understandthat they were necessary and appropriate for you to grow and to change.Your «Deity» tells you there are many things that you must not doand should you do them, this is sin or a karmic burden on you. I say toyou that I have never seen a «sin» upon this planet. I have seenmany things such as:1. Beings acting out their heritage 2. Beings trying to understand theirheritage 3. Beings reenacting their battles 4. Beings reenacting theirmurders 5. Beings reenacting their betrayals 6. Beings studying theenergy of those things 7. Beings trying to see a way out all of theaboveI do not see these as «sins». I see them

as an attempt tounderstand your task on earth and to work through this task byexperiencing what you have come here to change. It is a very frighteningidea that there will be no keeper to protect others from you. There willbe no keeper to protect you from yourself and there will be no keeper toprotect you from others. Judgments will destroy your physical structure.In the coming magnetic polar axis shift, judgments will destroy yourbody such as the judgments that you have made against yourself and allthe ones you have made daily in little things.All judgements on anything such as on food, body aches and pains,clothing, your dealings with others, etc., will effect your body and themutation process going on within your bodies. These judgements aredestroying the balance within your bodies. They are making the mutationprocess difficult, painful and very depressing as you continue to judgenot only yourself but others as

well.This is something that you will have to quit doing. You will have tomove into self-acceptance of your self as well as of others in order tocreate a biochemical and an electromagnetic environment in your bodiesthat will optimize the opportunity for the body to mutate easily. Thisthen will occur with some balance and with some stability and sometimeswith an emotional sense of well-being.This is nothing which is being taken from you during cellulartransformation (mutation) without your consent. It is something that isbeing purged from your system because you are desiring to increase thefrequency of your vibration. This is referred to by some teachers as«Ascension» which is simply increasing the frequency of yourvibration. There is greater perception and a greater desire for love andharmony and peace among many people.As their vibrations increase, then the people of the Earth must takeinto their own

hands how they wish to construct this peace and harmonyas well as this love and this truth. It will soon become evident that inthe negotiations between nations and between individuals (in a businesssense and in an economic sense) there will be no longer the possibilityof one hiding from another. For where they lie, the other will detectit. The people of the Earth are becoming far too alert. This is what ismeant by increasing the vibration of the Earth.The following prophetic sources of information regarding mutation orcellular transmission in these End Times were studied for this montage:1. «July 1993 and Beyond»-Vyawamus through BarbaraBurns-Sedona-The Journal of Emergence-July 1993-Page 16.2. «Prophesy by Gordon- Scallion»-The Sedonia Journal ofEmergence-December 1993-Page 12.3. «Becoming Light»-The Brotherhood of Light through Bearse-The Sedonia Journal of Emergence-November 1993-Page

64.4. «It is time to incarnate fully»-Robbyn and His MerryeBande-Spirit Speaks-Issue 24-Page 57.5. «The Shift Into Fourth Dimension»-The Spirit of the PhysicalMaster through Shapiro-Sedona-The Journal of Emergence!â€"September, 1993 Page 3.6. «From the ls of a Channel»-Brotherhood of Light throughFernella Rundell-Connecting Link, Issue 21-Page 84.7. «Dreams of the Future»-Speaks of Many Truths through Shapiro-Sedona-Journal of Emergence-December 1993â€" Page 6.8. «The Expansions of July»-Arthur Fanning/ YHWH-Sedonia-TheJournal of Emergence-July 1993-Page 8.9. «In the beginning-The ascension planet»-from thePleiadians-Spirit Speaks #50-Page 15.10. «Change is Eternal»-Joopah through Shapiro-Sedona-Journal of Emergence!-August 1993-Page 14.11. «Self-Acceptance-The key to Ascension»-Vywamus through BarbaraBurns-Sedonia-Journal of

Emergence!-August 1993-Page 44.12. «Dance with the Deva»-Vywamus through BarbaraBurns-Sedonia-Journal of Emergence!-December, 1993-Page 9.13. «Increase your awareness»-From Merlin-Spirit Speaks, Issue24-Page 52.14. «The Awakening of Mankind»-YHWH through ArthurFanning-Sedona-Journal of Emergence-September-1993-Page 18.15. «Look To Yourself»-zi Solhara and zi Alhambra through LeondraRobin May-Sedonia-Journal of Emergence!-November 1993-Page 66.16. «Earth Changes Create Body Changes»-Speaks of Many TruthsThrough Shapiro-Sedonia-Journal of Emergence!â€" July 1993-Page27.17. «Relaxing Into the Flow-Vywamus and Lenduce through SaemmiMuth-Sedona-Journal of Emergence-September 1993-Page 72.18. «I'm O.K.-I'm Just Mutating»-through Zarantra-Golden StarPublishing and Golden Star Alliance-1992.19. Webster's Nineth New Collegiate

Dictionary-Merriam-WebsterInc.-1984.20. Predictables-The Pleiadians through Drew-Sedonia-Journal ofEmergence!-February 1994-Page 2.21. One Song: Love-YHWH through Arthur Fanning-Sedona-Journal ofEmergence! February 1994-Page 22.22. Quantum Mechanical You-Part 1-Vywamus through BarbaraBurns-Sedonia-Journal of Emergence! February 1994 , Page 30.23. The Unified Heart through Elora Marie-Ana, 626 Walden Circle,Boulder, CO, 80303, (303) 499-3643There is a Divine Order to everything in life. It is for this reasonthat exactly where you are at any given time in life, is exactly whereyou should be according to the Divine unfolding of your consciousnessand life.http://www.abundanthope.net/mb1a/forum/showthread.php?t=778<http://www.abundanthope.net/mb1a/forum/showthread.php?t=778>© Copyright by AbundantHope.net all rights reserved __________________________________________________

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Hello Liane,

This information is very useful to understand the changes in energy

that we have been experiencing. Thank you so much.

Peace, Love and Light



> Hello everyone,

> for those that are feeling the difference on the energy fields due


> the many shifts we have been having, here it is a in dept list of

> symptoms and situations and facts that may clarify what you are

> feeling in general. I sincerely hope it helps.

> Blessings

> Love and respect to all,


> Liane





> Body Changes Part 1


> This file is a montage of 23 prophetic voices speaking on the


> that will occur within our bodies during the upcoming tribulation


> Changes. These are organized into 22 different areas within the


> The sources of prophetic information for this montage are listed

at the

> end of the file.

> This montage is broken down into the following:




> These listed prophetic voices at the end of this file should be

read in

> their entirety and may be helpful to the reader for a fuller

> understanding of the cellular transformation (mutation) process.


> selected short portions of the complete prophetic voice have been

> selected, assembled and categorized in this montage due to space

> limitations. These materials will be periodically dated as more

> information is developed.

> This material is submitted by the House of Teaching Centre




> During the Earth Changes in these End Times or Tribulation as it is

> called, the earth and the physical bodies on the earth are

supposed to

> undergo a change as we move from the third dimension to the fourth


> fifth dimensions. On the planetary scale, a massive shift is taking

> place. Huge infusions of Light are coming to the Earth plane as

the veil

> of separation and denial are lifting. Earth Changes are creating

> physical changes in your bodies right now. The planet is mutating,


> so are the beings on it. There is a transmutation taking place in


> very cells of your body.


> A transmutation is the act of being transmuted or changed or

altered in

> form, appearance, nature to a higher form, transmutation is the


> change going on inside the body that puts together the combination


> parts or chemical elements, groups or simpler compounds or by the

> degradation of a complex compound so as to form a whole new


> During mutation, this new combination may be constructed by the


> from diverse conceptions into a coherent whole body that may be

> different from previous bodies.


> The physical transmutation change within your bodies is a


> and basic alteration in the body. It may be a relatively permanent

> change in hereditary material involving either a physical change in

> chromosome relations or a biochemical change in the codons that

made up

> genes. A codon is a triplet of nucleotides that is part of the


> code for the body. The genetic code specifies a particular amino

acid in

> a protein or starts or stops protein synthesis which means putting

> things together. This is the way the body grows or is destroyed by

> disease during it's particular lifetime.


> There are many teachings coming down today that speak of mutation


> also speak of cellular transformation. Some have asked what is the

> difference and is there a difference? Some entities feel that the


> mutation is a word that sometimes alienates a lot of people, it


> scary to some people. So they use the word transformation or


> transformation because it seems like a little more gentle word to


> They feel that more people are open to the word transformation.


> more like a gradual shifting whereas mutation feels to some people


> there are going to be some changes that are so radical that this


> more of a fear. And these entities try and stay away from wording


> language that is going to create more of a fear because this then

> creates a restriction of energy when people are met with words that

> create that type of experience or reaction.


> Whatever you call the changes that are taking place now in our


> the information that was coded into the DNA of your structure is


> being activated. The most concise repository of information in your

> personal blueprint of your species is found in the cellular DNA of


> bodies. Your DNA will evolve from two helixes to twelve helixes or


> fourteen strands which correspond to energy centers, or chakras,


> and outside your body. The new type twelve strand DNA was

originally in

> bodies 300,000 years ago.

> Within human body cells are light-encoded filaments, fine gossamer

> threads of energy that carry information. When these gossamer


> are working together like a fiber optic type of cable, they form


> helix of your DNA. Imagine that your frequencies are starting to


> from each other and that where they are still connected, they are


> threaded together. They are not so congealed that they create that


> matter any more. What is going to happen then is that the energy

that is

> coming into you is going to start to come in more easily. It is as


> the cells have to break apart a bit.


> This is why so many people are now waking up and remembering. It


> predetermined that you would do so at this time! Beings who have


> living in dense physical bodies, now have the option of living in

> wondrous bodies of Light. The effects are very jarring in some

ways. On

> the one hand, you'll get physical vibrations that are strange and

> sometime feel uncomfortable. Your endocrine system may speed up or


> down, causing various effects on your hormones. You may have a


> strong feeling and then it'll be gone. You may have an overwhelming

> memory and you will not be certain whether it is a dream or a


> You are high-energy transformers, like sponges in the energy sea


> you. As more and more Light becomes available to you, the

intensity of

> electromagnetic energy around you also increases. Any changes in


> surrounding energetic field are picked up by your subtle (etheric)


> This body acts as a receiver and as a transmitter of these


> These changes directly affect your physical body, which is the


> manifestation of the etheric level.


> These changes be gradual and will go on over the seven year


> period. They have definitely started. The changes depend on, for


> the level of openness, the level of flow in an individual's life.


> orientation for many has been from a linear or mental perspective.


> is shifting for many and a lot of people are experiencing

confusion as

> they begin to reorient themselves into a physical and more holistic

> perspective. For many people this has been going on for quite some


> As far as a time period of when it begins and when it ends, it


> depends on the individual, their level of openness and willingness


> the clarification that has already taken place in their energy

field. By

> this we mean, are they coming into alignment in their physical


> system? Are they coming into alignment with their emotions and the

> emotional body? And are they creating more of an openness and a

flow in

> the mental body so that they can consciously receive the energies


> the frequencies that create the shifts, the transformation?


> Bear in mind also that all who are on the planet at this time, all


> of life, not just human life but all forms of life, are and will

> continue to be effected by what we call an increase in intensity of

> Light that comes directly into and around the field of this

planet. So

> even, though those who we may look upon or you may look upon as


> conscious or perhaps even totally unconscious of the changes are

> definitely effected and will continue to be effected. They don't


> the understanding that many have who are searching on the path of


> is going on for them. Why they are experiencing greater agitation,


> they are experiencing that parts of their life are no longer


> Why are they experiencing less control in the mental body than

they are

> used to?


> There is a great deal of confusion among the masses because until


> there has not been a large enough body of clear information to


> in a way that can be understood by the masses what exactly is


> taking place in this time in history. For there is nothing in your


> that can compare to what is currently going on and what will

continue to

> accelerate.


> What is happening to many of you right now is that due to the


> energies present, the etheric body is vibrating at a higher


> The physical body is then trying to catch up but it hasn't quite


> done so. This results in a speeding up of your molecular

structure. Many

> people are now experiencing this as a quickening taking place


> your own bodies. This stepping up of energies is affecting every


> in your body-nerves, muscles, vessels, skin, organs and glans as


> try to adapt to the new frequencies.


> The nervous system, which carries those energies throughout the

body in

> the form of nerve impulses, and the endocrine system, which


> much of your physiological functioning through the secretion of


> chemical substances (hormones), may be experiencing tremendous


> overloads as they constantly attempt to maintain a state of


> and balance in the body.


> This kind of expansion in consciousness during cellular


> is literally pulling you into worlds that are beyond potential and


> becoming real. Things about your world are changing in front of


> very eyes. Perhaps the most profound noticeable change is the need


> many people have noticed lately for more rest. Is anybody feeling


> lately? If so, you need to continue reading this material.


> Your body systems are overloaded and Mother Earth's systems are


> overloaded. Her body, the mass of herself, functions very much

like your

> own body. Most people do not realize that your Mother Earth


> breathes in and out? People that have been in caves or have been


> openings inside the Earth can actually hear air whistling in and

out of

> the Mother Earth. In surrendering to the change process going on

in the

> Earth and in your bodies, you are releasing your own limited


> your own limited desires, all that you have held close to you for

> security and a feeling of nurturing and safety.


> So much is happening on very deep levels of yourselves and it is


> occurring in the subconscious. You may feel overcome with sorrow,

> feeling you have lost something, or that you are leaving something

> without even having an idea of what it is you are sorry or crying


> As you approach closer and closer to the final experience (called

> Ascension), you will feel yourselves more and more of letting go

of more

> things.


> During the process of cellular transformation, you may see or feel

> specific physical changes and sensations in your body and in the


> of those around you, such as the following:




> New aches and pains will appear in various places in the body and


> these will disappear. Headaches and sudden shooting pains in the

head or

> eyes may occur and these may be signs that adjustments are being

made in

> your energies. These adjustments will be attuning you to different

> frequencies during cellular transformation. The parts of your

brain that

> have been dormant in the past are now being used. This may require


> rewiring of brain circuitry while brain patterns that are no longer

> functional will be rerouted. As you develop a higher way of

thinking and

> being, you will experience more creative energies and will create


> levels of meditation. See also CHANGES IN BODY SHAPE as well as


> FLOW in the BODY.


> As transformation occurs, there may be periods when you feel more

> anxious and irritable than usual. You may also feel restless,


> less able to concentrate. You may will have an increased

sensitivity to

> people, sounds, smells and environments. You may experience muscle

> soreness particularly in the low back, joint pains or poor


> When these glands are excessively simulated, your body is

constantly in

> a hyper state of fight-or-flight and the body expends resources at

> tremendous rates of speed.

> The mutation process that you are presently undergoing has been

> initiated within the molecular structure of the brain. The


> cycles of change are introduced to the rest of the body systems

> primarily through the cerebral-spinal fluid and from there


> the nervous system generally. This accounts for the pervasive


> of disturbances within the head, eyes, spine and nerves. It has


> in dizziness, headaches, and pressure in the head, usually


> from back to front, at other times, from side to side. It also


> for considerable nervous disruption, sleeplessness and irregular


> surges and drops. Digestion may become erratic and peculiar pains


> come and go without warning in different parts of the body.




> The tissue of our bodies is made up of cells. The cells are made

up of

> molecules and this goes on and on until the subatomic level is


> At the subatomic level, the templates or blueprints are formed for


> bodies. The probabilities of what we can do are created at the


> level. There are changes being made at this level as the Earth


> occur and as the axis shift occurs on the planet. These changes

are due

> to occur very soon. During this period of an axis shift, past

types of

> behavior and past ways of arranging matter will not be available.


> At our material level, these changes will appear to be a


> of matter. From a spiritual level however, these changes relate to


> growth of planetary awareness. When these changes happen, the

forms of

> life on the planet will change. The very structure of every cell

in our

> bodies is changing. The changes in your body will occur in the body

> cells as these cells undergo a gentle infusion of new


> impulses. The structure of energy exchange and energy transfer is


> slowly re†" wired in the cells, during cellular transformation.

> This

> could be the cause of periods of exhaustion as your body goes


> radical remodeling and rebuilding. When this change are observed,


> and move with the changes taking place in your body. After all,

you have

> nothing else to do. You need to spend time in meditation, reading,


> to relax until the time comes that the changes will eventually



> We are building new information into the cells of the body and yet


> has been said that these changes are taking place naturally. Some


> asked whether this suggests that we can reprogram our own DNA or

is this

> all being done automatically and we don't get involved in it. The


> is it's a little bit of both. The cells have been coded for this

time in

> history, prior to the time of human birth. Many people are finding


> they are drawn to a certain place or to a certain person. They are

> finding that being in that environment, whether with that person

or in

> that physical place, is creating a type of trigger, a trigger in


> cellular memory. So in this respect, it is happening

automatically. We

> are following our impulses. We are following our natural motion in


> to where the body is leading us and who the body is leading us to.


> is creating the firing or triggering of new information. There is

a type

> of overlapping and a blending of many processes taking place as


> triggers are activated. Then the new information is activated.

> This is taking place on a multitude of levels within the body. The


> we are in alignment with our body wisdom, the more there is a


> consciously towards that which will trigger that cellular memory


> activate the transformation within the DNA. So indeed, you are


> part, it is not to sit back and get onto automatic pilot and


> will happen. To some degree that is so, but also it is the more

you are

> in alignment with these changes consciously, the more you will be


> captain of your ship, directing and orchestrating a co-creator of


> changes within yourself and within the masses. There are many

parts to

> transformation, it is neither that you are on one side of the

fence or

> another.


> What this means in biochemical terms is quite mind blowing. A

> fundamental renovation is occurring in your house (the body) while


> are living in it. Using the analogy of remodeling your home, the


> strip off the old roof, tear up the old floor, disconnect your old

> plumbing and turn off your electricity to re-wire the home. This


> occurs while you are trying to live there. In the same manner, as


> body is undergoing the same «remodeling» you are trying to keep

> ahead of the changes and you will feel extremely disoriented and

> inconvenienced as they occur. The changes in your body-house are

> occurring because your DNA is being restructured.


> Your DNA contains within it an old understanding about what it is

to be

> here that is deeply focused in individuality. The DNA has the

> individualized expression of divinity, the individual I Am, and it


> the wholeness. Now you can conceive of both, but can you yet

conceive of

> what it would be like to be keenly aware of yourself as an


> and at the same time know that you are wholeness? That is what you


> working on achieving at this time, whether you realize it or not.


> potentiality within the DNA is capable of reformatting to allow for

> these changes.


> Universal law provides that the physical form for Divine life


> of a species may be altered or reformatted only by those who dwell

> therein. This means that the DNA of a species of Earth can only be

> altered through the creative choice of the consciousness that


> within the body form. What this means for you is that the human

DNA that

> is responsible for every aspect of your physical presence cannot be

> altered by other beings, nor can it be changed by you from outside


> the physical plane. How do you change your own DNA? To change your


> and to change your structure you need to change your emotions. You


> need to change your thoughts because to do these two things means


> change your biochemistry and your brain chemistry. It means


> and nausea sometimes.


> As these changes occur, you will experience dizziness, feelings of

> spinning and loss of emotional centering. During cellular

> transformation, your body is a constant flow of discarded proteins


> structures. Your cerebrospinal fluid is being filled with discarded

> mineral deposits. You are literally sloughing off your body and

you are

> rebuilding it. The changes will be very intense and will be very

> challenging to you during the sloughing off process. You are


> engineers of the new world species. If you agree with this and you


> willing, you must rearrange and rebuild your own DNA. You live in


> body and you will change it while you're living in it. Some people


> already begun to do this.




> During cellular transformation, repigmentation of the body will


> Many different kinds of unusual marks (round, red, white, etc.)


> appear on the skin of young people as well as on the skin of older

> bodies. This is a temporary repigmentation process that will allow


> skin to come into it's true purposes. The skin is an organ that

> functions as a bridge between heavy, dense matter of the body and


> dense matter of the auric field of the body. Within 25 years, a


> darkening of even the lightest people will occur. This relates to


> blood cell membranes being enriched by oxygen, allowing them to

move in

> greater numbers and greater velocity through the capillary system


> to the surface of the skin.




> You are completing a time loop in your spiritual growth which has

> allowed you to explore some matters in depth. This time loop is now

> coming to an end and your body is beginning to change shape as you


> that time loop. As you come back to your original time sequence,


> will go back through what you have been in the past. Some people


> notice that their head seems to be trying to expand and many

people will

> have headaches during these times usually associated with

pressures from

> these changes. It will feel almost like someone is trying to force


> head into a larger shape. Changes in body shape will happen slowly


> time. Currently the changes that are taking place are happening on


> inside of the body in the infrastructure in the following places:


> A. in the cellular system in the blood B. in the central nervous


> C. in the bone marrow D. in the brain's patterning, how it is

firing and

> receiving information from God.

> These are the changes that are occurring now and for many this


> confusion because they feel that something is going on but they


> see it in the mirror. They look in the mirror and they see that

they are

> very much the person they were five or ten years ago. They don't

seem to

> be having any less wrinkles, they don't seem to be looking any more

> healthy. This creates a bit of confusion because they know they are

> working so consciously and so hard on their inner path. Yet the


> are slow in coming, bleeding through into the outer body. This will

> certainly occur over time but it is taking place on the inside

now. This

> is where the base must first be built, deeply on the inside of the


> and will come from the inside out.


> In your future, you will see a greater lightness, an expression of


> body, expressing its lightness of being. You may see beings that


> experiencing a greater thinning or a lightening of your being. Many

> persons will be feeling taller. There may not be an actual shift

in the

> physical body of growing taller, but there will be that sense of

> upliftment. The body is expressing upliftment with a feeling of


> tall and of being lighter with the body. Some people will


> weight change, either losing weight or gaining weight as a result


> inner transformation.


> The body knows how to readjust and reorganize itself because this

> process is quite natural. This process of transformation has been


> within the cells of the body and is taking place naturally. What


> are now learning to do is how to assist what is occurring

naturally by

> being outside, being aware of the foods they are eating, being

aware of

> their connection to the earth and by being aware of the direction


> body is leading them. The greater you are aware of this, the

greater you

> can assist what is already going on and you will be continuing at


> own natural pace according to the cellular coding for each





> You are already seeing an increase of a weakening in the immune


> with the acceleration of the nervous system. There are many new


> of disease (an imbalance) that are coming out in people. More

people are

> experiencing a deeper level of frustration and aggressive

agitation that

> is creating many symptoms in the body, many nervous disorders and

> feelings of heating up. This comes out with explosions of anger and

> violence. There is an imbalance in the nervous system which can


> many disorders, many types of fevers or any type of imbalance in


> brain wave system as there begins to be a readjustment of the way

> thoughts are set up. You will see many new disorders or diseases

> cropping up having to do with the central nervous system as there


> this sense that a re-wiring is going on to accommodate the

increase in

> intensity of light.


> It is as though someone is putting in a 120 watt light bulb into a

> socket that previously held a 40 or 60 watt bulb. There is a


> level of amplitude, of power in the energy going, that you are all


> the sudden being plugged into. It is creating not only an


> but a greater magnification of energy going through your body. This

> energy is put in or connected through the nervous system. Unless


> is a change in the way many people are going through their daily


> the nervous system will not be able to handle the increase of



> Some things we would suggest would be a greater contact with the


> world physically by literally putting the feet into the earth and


> hands onto the earth. It would also be helpful to be in greater


> with water such as having water in the home (i.e. an aquarium,

bowls of

> water or some type of water). This helps create greater balance in


> electromagnetic field. This is recommended to help balance the


> of energy that is coming in now and does effect the physical body


> its state of wellness.

> The etheric body acts as a transmitter and receiver for surrounding

> energies. This takes place via specific energy centers for the

body or

> chakras. Each chakra is directly associated with an endocrine

gland and

> nerve plexus. Because of their close relationship with the chakras,

> which transmit and receive this energy, the endocrine and nervous

> systems especially, are now undergoing radical transmutation. The

> increase in electrical energies is requiring a complete re-wiring

of the

> nervous system, while all the organs and glands in the body are


> totally restructured. As you take on the body of light, most of


> organs and glands will no longer be needed, and will gradually


> and disappear. In the mean time, it is important to acknowledge the

> changes taking place in the body and to support the physical body


> much as possible.

> As more and more light becomes available, the intensity of

> electromagnetic energy around you also increases. This means that


> will be more rapid neurological activity in the body resulting in


> intensity impulses firing the central nervous system. The nervous


> will immediately attempt to dissipate that energy by sending it

back out

> of the spinal chord. If these impulses then fire along facilitated

> pathways into the muscular system, they could cause muscle

tightness and

> soreness. If they fire into the blood vessels, restricted


> often results. When these impulses fire into the skin, you may

> experience abnormal thermal sensations (i.e. feeling hot or cold,

> prickling, itching etc).


> If they should fire into the organs and glands, they may inhibit


> previously normal functioning. Therefore, we can see the

importance of

> supporting the nervous system at this time as it tries to maintain


> state of homeostasis (relatively stable state of equilibrium) in


> physical body. The body is trying to catch up with the increased

> frequencies of the subtle body. One way to do this is to interrupt


> of these pathways that the high intensity impulses are travelling


> Just as someone who touches a live wire is held there by the


> until it is switched off, so too will the structures and tissues

of the

> body remain in a stimulated state until these pathways are


> turning off the current.


> The mutation process is implemented by the central nervous system

> initiated within the molecular brain structure. The progressive


> of change are introduced primarily through the cerebral-spinal

fluid and

> from there throughout the nervous system generally. During the


> process you will constantly be sloughing off whole strings or


> of proteins. Full systems are being discarded by the body and are


> rebuilt with differently structured compounds which you receive


> water, air and foods that are also undergoing electromagnetic

> reformatting.


> You will find fairly high levels of excreted proteins in body


> such as urine. The body is literally washing away your old body

> formatting and rebuilding it as you live and breath and move

within it.

> The restructuring of the DNA means that you will no longer have


> bodies. You will no longer have many chakras. You will no longer

be a

> layered consciousness. You will contain no spaces, no gaps within


> consciousness or in your corresponding DNA. You will have a


> model with no gaps or separations. Everything within your system,


> your being will have wholeness, roundness. It is an indescribable


> that you will build.


> As we go through cellular transformation (the period of


> from the old dying world to the emerging new world), there will be


> when you may feel disjoined as if your body is out-of-phase with

> everything. This will be frustrating for you within your mental and

> emotional bodies. You may feel less functional which will occur as


> release the old ways and before the new ways have been fully


> This change over period will cause you to have a tendency to have


> self-esteem.


> It will also bring up a variety of survival issues. You will need

to use

> capable bodyworkers to help you in releasing energies. These


> are held in the crystalline matrix within the structures and

tissues of

> your body. When bodywork is done in conjunction with sound, it is

> especially effective. Connective tissue work will also be useful

as will

> neuromuscular therapy. Bodywork such as this will help to re-

pattern and

> open your nervous system and it will also break down crystallized

> energy.


> Cranial sacral therapy, done by a capable bodyworker, may also be

> helpful in integrating the energies in your body. As the increased

> energies are being integrated into the body, some may benefit from

> chiropractic adjustments as there may be periods when you are

prone to

> distortions and subluxations of the spine from changes taking

place in

> the body. There are many homeopathic remedies that you may try as


> as gem and Bach remedies that you may find supportive to you


> and physical bodies. These can be obtained in your local vitamin



> Part 2


> Body Changes Part 2






> People are already finding a desire to eat in a different way.

They are

> seeing a great shift away from the denser foods (i.e. meats and


> proteins), and from foods that are heavy and will stay in the body

> longer and will create greater density in the body. During cellular

> transformation, your sustenance will be coming more and more from


> light or energy vibration and less and less from physical sources.


> light pervades the universe and also affects changes in body cells

> during transformation. This can result in changes in eating habits


> changes in your appetite. There can also be a completely new


> of your intake of nourishment. Heavy or greasy foods cannot be


> because the body is functioning with heavy foods that don't

vibrate with

> your changing body vibration. You will be drawn to the foods that


> harmonize with you as a being of Light. This means for some people,

> sustaining yourselves with very sparse diets which will make them


> terrific. For others, the intake of food may be different.

> You will probably notice physical changes in your body that


> will lead to physical healing. Eat as many raw and pure,

unprocessed and

> uncooked foods as you can. This means mostly fresh fruits and


> which results in a basic detoxification diet. You must listen to


> own body and eat what is right for you. Your body's needs will


> change rapidly during these times. You may have weird cravings for


> you don't normally eat. You may have a hugh appetite one day and


> be hungry the next. You may experience intense cravings for certain

> foods, some of which you may not normally eat. What's more

important is

> to stay in touch, moment to moment with your body as it guides you


> the foods and support that it needs. All you have to do is to

listen to

> your body.


> In addition, you may occasionally experience disruption to the


> system, resulting in stomach ache, gas, or bloating partly due to


> increased intensity of energy in the third or solar plexus chakra.


> fifth, or throat chakra is also a very powerful energy center, and


> physical counterpart, the thyroid gland, is particularly

vulnerable to

> changes in electromagnetic energy. This gland regulates the


> processes of the body, and in many cases is trying it's hardest to


> up with the increasing vibratory rates. Some of the transmutative

> symptoms that commonly result are unexplained weight gain or loss,

> sluggishness, altered sleep patterns, and, again, feeling more

tired and

> fatigued than usual for no apparent reason.


> More fruits and vegetables will be extremely important to your


> You will find that many fatty foods will not work in your bodies


> these changing times of cellular transformation. Many people have


> eating meat which will still be of some importance to them.


> many people will be start to let go of these denser foods during

> cellular transformation. Some heavier grains may be too dense for


> bodies as the inner body changes occur.


> There are some very good nutritional substances that are from


> that create a balance in the amino acid tract. For instance, your


> called spirolina is one of them, foods that are now coming out

that are

> termed cell foods. These are foods with a high degree of life

force and

> they are very good on an overall general level. We suggest that


> these new foods or any types of supplements be done directly


> accessing ones own body wisdom.


> By eating differently, you are also helping to detoxify the Earth,


> surface and it's atmosphere. As you do this, visualize a white


> pouring through your body and the Earth, lightening the dark

spots, and

> loving all your parts. Cleansing your body will result in a

cleansing of

> the earth. Honoring your body with pure and natural foods (as


> intended) is honoring the Earth and the Earth's offerings in a way


> is without equal. After you cleanse your body, you will begin to

> strengthen and to heal any of the body parts that were weak or


> During cellular transformation, the body may require certain


> that it didn't need before (i.e. fats, proteins, carbohydrates,

> vitamins, minerals and hormones).


> We would recommend that each one learn to go back inward and to

> reconnect to the body wisdom and learn to ask and receive from

moment to

> moment as it changes constantly. Then one day you might have

needed to

> have a great deal of carbohydrates, in one form or another, on


> day you would need to take quite another kind of food supplement,


> your body has, for instance, balanced itself with one type of food,

> chlorophyll or green food. We would then move your focus to

another to

> create another overall balance. Generally it is important to

listen then

> to the body and to keep current with that information so that you


> working on a moment†" to-moment and daily level.

> We encourage each person, and would suggest that you encourage each

> person, to come into a greater connectiveness and awareness of

their own

> individual body by learning to ask the body and then learning to

open to

> the body wisdom. You should ask your body directly, «What on this

> day

> to I need to operate at a high level of balance. What on this day

can I

> do to create a sense of flow in my ife?» If we would give out

> formulas, people would tend to hold onto that formula and would

create a

> series of boxes as to what they should do. We tend to avoid this

type of

> advice because each person is so unique and what may work very

well for

> one would not create the openness or the flow for another.




> The quantity of water that you drink will also be extremely

important to

> you during transformation. The water we drink allows the electrum


> flow through your body, which is light lowered to a density as it


> the body mass. The more water you drink, the easier it is for the


> energy (prana) to enter your body and to move through the physical


> rejuvenating the organs of the body. It would be wise during


> transformation to drink plenty of water (at least a gallon a day).


> additional water allows the light to move through the body faster.


> is an electrical force in our density and the additional water


> the movement of the light. From your perspective, you cleanse your


> with additional fluids. The additional water permits the light


> to move through your body as the prana brings new life into and


> the body.

> There have been very significant fluctuations in the fluid


> levels in the body tissue which is due to the need to keep the


> content in mutating systems very high. In order for the mutation


> to be as comfortable as possible, you will need to keep your

intake of

> water up. If you do not, your body will attempt to retain fluid in


> to ensure that the element flow within your system is maintained.

Why is

> this important? It is because, during the mutation process, you are

> constantly sloughing off whole string or sequences of proteins.


> systems are being discarded and rebuilt with differently structured

> compounds which you are receiving through water, air and foods

that are

> also undergoing electromagnetic reformatting. In other words, you


> find fairly high levels of excreted proteins in such body fluids as

> urine. You are literally washing away your old body formatting and

> rebuilding it as you live and breath and move within.

> It is quite helpful for people to go into a diet that contains more

> water, not only water in its pure form, but through the fruits and

> vegetables as well. This creates a greater lightness in the body


> helps the body to reorganize its electrical structure. It is really

> quite simple, if you think of it, it is more of a movement away

from the

> density and complexities of what you have termed your modern world


> moving into a greater state of purity through which you may

receive the

> grace of this transformation. See also SINUS and EAR DISTURBANCES.




> During cellular transformation in your body, there will be


> energy flow felt mainly in the parasympathetic system of the body


> lower limbs, legs, junctions along the spinal column, and

especially the

> ganglia where the lower lumbars are positioned) and in the


> Electrical sensations will move up and down the limbs of the body.


> people will also experience sweats and migraine headaches. You will

> notice increased energies when manifesting a thought. It is good

to be

> cautious with these energies and your thoughts because they will


> magnified during the time of transition during cellular





> We have mentioned the importance of drinking lots of water during

> cellular transformation. It is also important to do more physical

> exercises (i.e. walking, jogging, running, hiking, swimming) which


> be extremely supportive during the changes. The exercise from


> also is particularly powerful because many energetic pathways can

be cut

> short and integrated throughout the body with the movement

involved in

> dancing.




> The white portion of the eyes may gradually change color, may


> bloodshot and may become slightly darker. In some cases, this may


> a slight tinge of rosiness in the eyes or a slight tinge of brown


> green, but in most cases the color will be rosiness. This change


> to the increased velocity of blood near the surface of the eyes

that can

> be viewed. The visual field of the eyes will alter and you will

begin to

> view dimensions differently as your physical sight is adjusted as


> interacts with the opening of the third inner eye, between your


> outer eye positions.




> More ridges may appear in the fingernails at the smooth light

> half†"

> moon line at the base of the fingernail. This part of the

fingernail may

> begin to vary and may become rippled.




> A change in the hair may occur where the hair is on the body and

in the

> thickness of the hair which will gradually become thicker over


> years. This change will be sufficient so that it will be





> As you begin to reformat, things have broken loose, pieces coming

out of

> the tissues in your bodies. In your heads, in your skulls, those

who are

> mutating and even those who are considering preparing for this,


> are many mineral structures that are being sloughed off into the

> cerebrospinal fluid. This material moves into the spinal column,


> the nerves and out into the tissue, so that if you recycle this

> discarded material, you will become very uncomfortable. There may


> disturbance sensations within the head, eyes, spine and nerves


> dizziness, headaches, pressures in the head (usually from back to


> and may also be from side to side).


> The primary place where mutation occurs is in the DNA of the

brain. What

> this means is that certain brain functions are going to be a bit

> difficult. Your vision will be affected; you're most certainly

going to

> be affected in terms of headaches; to some extent your hearing

will be

> altered; and, most of all, your ability to feel that you have a


> focus all time will be affected. Your heads are literally

beginning to

> contain material that is capable of electrically short-circuiting.


> you have a sense that you are losing your mental clarity, that


> things are happening in your head, including headaches, that make


> feel that you have short circuits within your brain, that is due

to the

> sloughing off of this material.


> Mood swings are also symptomatic of the body's attempts to


> more Light. There may be moments when you feel wonderful and have a

> great deal of energy, followed by a sudden crash and depression as


> experience the pull of the old world.




> The auditory range of the ears will expand so that you will be

able to

> hear the presently inaudible sounds of God's creation within you


> which surrounds you. This change will enable you to have faith in


> from hearing the sounds in your ears. Ringing or tones in the ears


> also be transmissions from spiritual entities from other


> Information from these sources makes itself known to you at the

> appropriate time in your particular spiritual walk.




> Heart palpitations may be felt at times as your heart becomes in

> synronization with the rhythm of the Earth's heartbeat. Changes

may also

> be experienced in the heart muscle tissue and striations in the


> muscle tissue will begin to show more variations. The tissue will


> to be spreading out as the heart muscle becomes denser. This

change will

> allow the heart to last longer and to create a normal life span of


> years for an individual. The normal pulse rate will increase about


> to four beats over the next ten to twelve years.


> You may see a greater constriction around the heart as many people


> to the energy of love and light that is coming in greater


> More heart attacks or various illnesses will occur where there is

> restrictive flow of energy around the heart center. This can be


> with a greater awareness of that energy and a greater openness to


> emotions, letting go, not having so much of the emotions held into


> body but finding ways for the emotions to be harmonically


> The emotions are to be felt, not denied and the emotions can then


> more of a flow and less of a closing of the life force.




> These will be felt more by many people as cellular transformation


> in the body. It is like your engines are being rebuilt and the

> temperature gauge is being replaced. It is similar to an engine in

a car

> and this temperature gauge, as it is in an engine, is outdated. So

in a

> way, you are finding that as you are building new information into


> body, into the cells, you are redesigning the different aspects of


> physical body through this transformation. So as this is happening,

> there is a greater gap in what is being experienced, a greater

> experience up and down, a greater experience of upheaval. Much is


> tossed around, much that is no longer working and that is

outdated. It

> is being tossed out as new data and new equipment is being


> introduced and built into the body.


> This is happening for all beings, whether they are conscious or


> That those who are choosing not to stay on the planet, although

they may

> not be conscious of their choice at all, have decided not to


> this level of acceleration and change in the body. Those who are

> choosing to be here at this time during this rapid acceleration and

> shifting of the physical body, of the physical mind and of the


> system, are going to make those choices either consciously for

many and

> unconsciously for many. But all will definitely be affected by the

> energies. All will experience, on some level, a shifting in the

body as

> the body moves naturally to a higher level of receptivity and


> with its source.




> More people are now able to tune their consciousness to receive


> forces or wavelengths from the universe and to use this new

> consciousness to transform themselves into a new way of being.

This new

> incoming impulses of energy is affecting the cells that compose the

> mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. People are manifesting, on


> level, this incoming light with your whole being. There will be


> when you will be inspired with flashing memories, recall of past

> situations and lives and other realizations. Insights that are


> and cosmic are beginning to infiltrate your body and to illuminate


> human mind in a way that inner body cells will activate. The mental

> capacity of people will increase considerably during cellular

> transformation.

> You may find yourself in the middle of a sentence when suddenly you

> completely forget what you were going to say next. You may be


> about something that happened when you have difficulty accessing


> memory of the event. As you move into a state of grace during


> transformation, the harder it will be to reference your past


> your memory system. All useless data is being taken from your


> files. In mastering limitation, past referencing of data was useful

> because of your acceptance as reality based on your beliefs and


> experiences. Referencing of data from the past is falling away and

> people will not have to keep the memory alive.




> Women may notice a lightening of blood flow during menstruation


> less flow and less cramping. Some pregnant women will have easier


> shorter childbirth with less pain and labor.




> There will be more out-of-body experiences as cellular


> occurs. This experience will also be accepted more by the public in

> general. It will be accomplished by more people and the experience


> become more popular and will become more fun as more people


> it. More out-of body experiences have already been increasing for


> as there is a thinning in the veil. When a being has decided to

take on

> physical form there was a veiling. As many go consciously on their


> and open to receive the greater frequencies of the true

> multi-dimensional self, there is greater wholeness and alignment


> the soul. The body is going through a process of this effacing of


> veil and a thinning and a gradual release of this protective

device is

> occurring.


> As this veil is thinning, you will realize that there are no


> between your physical self, your higher self or soul self and your

> multi-dimensional being. Many are beginning to experience greater

> contact with, not only beings from other realms, but with beings of

> themselves as they are pure energy. For many, this is quite a


> to begin to experience connection with themselves as they exist


> time and space as pure energy. But as the veil thins, this is one

of the

> experiences that occurs greater amplification and occurs more

often as

> the veil beings to thin.


> Now as far as the out-of-body experience, the spiritual entities


> challenging many to include their body awareness and not to leave


> behind whenever they travel out-of-body and wherever the


> creates a focal point in their awareness. This may include another

> dimension such as inter-dimensional traveling or traveling beyond


> and space with the consciousness. It seems now to you that you are


> going anywhere. But the consciousness truly does experience and


> into this realm and dimension, It may thereby access that energy


> those frequency sets and the patterns and information you wish to


> from beings living in that dimension.


> This is really not quite so difficult as it may seem. It is a


> skill that again has been shielded against and many are not quite


> to move into that level of multi-dimensionality. Many are becoming


> interested in going into the consciousness of the earth because


> has been a call put out by the earth. Many are unconsciously or

> consciously responding to the call to begin to work consciously and

> directly in direct alignment with the earth energy.


> This will assist both the individual, the mass human experience

and will

> assist in the transformation and balancing of the earth's


> or mutation. It is very beneficial for those who are feeling a

type of

> curiosity or interest or a type of draw to this call, to begin to

> explore how it is that they may travel into and align with the

> consciousness of the earth. It begins much by a prayer of intent


> you truly intend to move into this level of assistance. This is the

> first doorway that one would go through. And from there, you would


> to be open to many surprises for it can happen and it can happen


> for some. They will find themselves in a very deep awareness, in a


> deep alignment with the consciousness of the earth. From there, the

> choices are infinite.




> Disturbances in these areas are one of the primary signs of


> transformation. More people are experiencing sinus conditions (i.e.

> discomforts, drainage, and headaches). These increased

disturbances will

> continue to occur during cellular transformation. Major changes


> occur in the sinus since they function in the body primarily to


> balance. These changes relate mainly to the fact that the body has


> thrown out of balance during cellular transformation. Your

physical body

> responds to the changes by over reacting to slight stimulation by

> biologicals, such as pollens, not originating from itself.

> Flu-like symptoms, sinusitis and congestion, specific aches and


> and feelings of toxicity may be other reactions you will

experience from

> the increased intensity of incoming energy. When these disturbances

> happen, the body is reaching a threshold. It will pass beyond this

> threshold as the body's capacity to handle more light increases.


> these times, it will be especially useful to take more baths and to

> drink lots of water. This will help your body to facilitate these

> changes more easily. Swimming will also be helpful in this respect


> water is very soothing and relaxing as well as being useful in


> your energy.




> We are moving into the fourth dimension at the present. This is


> a temporary confusion of time.You will have dreams that are

erratic and

> strange sometimes. You will wake up and feel emotionally confused.


> sleep patterns might be totally disrupted. Perhaps you have slept


> hours a night until recent times. Now you are struggling to get six

> hours of sleep and don't know why. What we would want you to know


> that sleep patterns are going to be very different. You might find

> yourself sleeping many more hours than usual and having to take


> during the day, then needing very little sleep at all and having an

> abundance of energy. What you are going to find is that the more


> you bring into your body, the less time you are going to need for



> What will be happening is that it is not for you to replace this


> time with third-dimensional busy living. It is important for you

to be

> able to use this extra time for a higher aspect. You will start to


> an conscious of what you are doing but your unconscious will begin


> use this time for greater enlightenment.


> This is happening because you are moving into the fourth

dimension. In

> this new dimension the experience of night and day is totally


> Most people are used to being up and around in the daytime and

asleep at

> night. You are in a power struggle within yourself. It's as if

part of

> you is anchoring into the fourth dimension and is trying to live

in one

> way while the rest of you is here in the third dimension

attempting to

> continue as in the past. Your dreams might seem so jumbled at times

> because the dream life usually makes the move from third to fourth

> dimension before the physical life. Your consciousness is shifting


> and forth. You are having a glimmer of that experience in your


> Sometime your dreams are not just great but they are also


> Then at other times you wake up and they feel more jumbled than



> You are going to need to cut down on television and radio usage

and you

> are going to find that even your electric lights are going to

start to

> handicap you, so we would expect that you would start to cut down


> those as well. Part of what is going to happen in your world is


> there is going to be a lessening of the need for so much

electricity and

> you will want to spend more time in spiritual development.




> Changes in the tear ducts and sweat glands of the body will take


> during cellular transformation. As to the sweat glands, most

people now

> sweat less than they did about five years ago. Most people during

> cellular transformation will sweat less than they formerly did,

but it

> will be a minor change which will be observable and measurable. As


> the tear glands, your tear solution will be slightly denser,

thicker and

> will be composed of more mineral compounds. This change will also


> measurable. See also ENERGY FLOW in the BODY.




> Some people are experiencing a vibration in their solar plexus

from time

> to time. They have noticed this vibration increasingly for the past

> several months. This is part of the changes occurring during


> transformation. The earth also is experiencing a vibration from

time to

> time. These vibrations are designed to change the very matter of


> earth's and your substance. The changes are going to slowly add


> etheric components that exist in possibility and probability and


> exist within the encompassed objectives of your soul's journey


> this planet which is God's playing field. These changes are going

to mix

> these etheric components in and out of your physical body in the


> way that you would dunk a tea bag into hot water to achieve a final

> refreshing drink.


> The vibration of your entire body is shifting to a higher frequency

> during cellular transformation. Some are experiencing many


> physical symptoms which can be strong at times or can be very


> Within this lifetime, there is more evolution taking place in your


> than in the total of all previous lifetimes on this planet. A

> transformation change is taking place in your body as well as in


> earth. The very cell structure of your body is changing which will


> you to withstand and integrate these higher frequencies of energy.


> body needs to know that this is happening and that it is okay

since it

> has never experienced being in a Light Body before on this

dimension. As

> a result, body vibrations may be experienced and many people may


> that an earthquake is occurring during these periods. These body

> vibrations will occur through a process of induction as the Earth's

> force couples with the body. One way to balance and move this


> through the body is with physical exercise (i.e. walking at least

> several miles a day).


> Part 3


> Body Changes Part 3




> As the process of cellular transformation progresses, you will be

> weighted down by an erroneous feeling of unworthiness. All the


> contained within yourself in your head, you regard as your own


> sins. These feelings are not your sins but they are the heritage

of all

> species that you represent. Because of the heaviness and darkness


> brought with you when you incarnated to this planet, you could not

> imagine that you were pure and divine enough. You could not

imagine that

> you were good enough and clear enough as well as bright enough to


> the Christ in your bodies. You dealing with immense biological


> and you also have all the psychological, mental/conceptual and


> issues that you inherited when you arrived to deal with as well.


> have to deal with many complicated issues in your life, some of


> you are not aware of at the present time and are all contained


> your body.


> As you mutate, all of these things are being thrown up by your

DNA. You

> do not have them inside of you because you did something wrong.


> things have been coming up from the deep places within you and

have not

> felt good, it is not because you are doing anything wrong. It is


> you are the right thing and the old things inside your bodies have


> surface. You have to pull them out and they will come out of the

DNA of

> your bodies. They will be sloughed off in your body and at the


> levels also.

> Past civilizations have made repeated attempts to regulate their

> conduct, to deal with the issues of conflict and separation and

> destructive behavior. They developed rules, laws and ways of


> with the destructive aspect of the conflict developing within their

> civilizations. They set up laws and lawgivers. Sometimes they also


> up a divine force that was capable of evaluating the performance

of the

> people and then dishing out punishments. Sometimes this was


> to be a very mundane part of the society, much like your legal


> where you have a judge that judges you. Sometimes it was elevated

> through a divine force priestly group or a Deity.


> You were told that «The Deity wants you to behave this way». You

> were told that «The Deity required you to do this and if you did


> do this, the Deity will require punish you in various ways». When

> you

> arrived here, you brought with you a sense that some things were


> and some things were wrong. You also brought with you a sense that


> things could be good and some things could be evil. This is


> that is not helpful to you anymore.


> There is something that you really ought to slough off during


> transformation. Consider it as releasing the Father/God. I think


> might want to trade your Father/God in for something else-for a


> child. You know the Christ child is not very adept in judgment and

> doesn't know everything. When you get to be an adult, then you know

> everything especially when you get to be a Father/Mother/God type,


> of course means that you are in a position to evaluate performance.


> So you have within you, a kind of a Father/Mother/God figure, an


> extraterrestrial one. You may even have an extraterrestrial

lawgiver, as

> opposed to a mother of Father/God. This is one that evaluates

because it

> knows everything, and it knows what is right because it has seen

it all

> before. It is operating out of the past. It's actually woven into


> DNA structure. It's part of this material that you need to

release, this

> judgment.

> You've got a genetic scorecard, and you've got a scorekeeper that


> ticking off whether you're getting it right or not. Every time you


> get it right, you clench at every level of your being. Every time


> get it right, you kind of bloom, except that there's always FEAR


> you won't be able to hold on to this rightness. So you can see

that it

> is time to release that idea of divinity. Judgment is not useful

to you.


> To be joined to the Christ child, you must relinquish the keeper.


> is a price for the Christ child, you have to trade in your keeper.


> don't live in harmony you know. But there is another price that

you have

> to pay. You have to give up evaluating your every act, your every

> thought, your every feeling, your every sensation. Do you think it


> be possible that you could have a headache and that would be good?


> you think you could have indigestion or dizziness and that would be

> fine? Do you think you could hurt someone else and it would still


> right?


> There is constant fluxation in your energy system that registers


> you have done well and when you have done badly. The feelings of


> judged causes a certain clenching in your biochemistry and a


> occurs within you. That clenching causes a clustering of the


> you're trying to release because of the mutation process. Clenching

> interferes with the sloughing off process and with the rebuilding

> process going on within you.


> Therefore, every time you make a judgement of yourself, you sour

the Ph

> balance in your body. This Ph change interferes with the

electrical flow

> within the body. You also cluster into lumps the disposable

garbage in

> your body and these are harder to pass out of your bodies.


> therefore, interferes with comfortable mutation which will create


> If you plan for self-improvement and you keep catching yourself

> repeatedly failing in your self improvement plan, actual FEAR will

> occur. This FEAR may take the following forms:


> E. You will never get it right. F. You will never measure up G.

You will

> never be worthy H. You are never going to get a grip on this

process of

> being good I. You are never going to get a grip on this process of


> right J. You are never going to get a grip on this process of being

> spiritual.


> Each person, in your uniqueness, will be more attuned to certain

> energies than other persons. The analogy could be made of having an

> antenna calibrated to receive a particular radio station. Many


> will resonate with different wavelengths at different vibrational

> frequencies than other people. Whatever wavelengths your particular

> design is calibrated to, these wavelengths are pathways cut in your

> consciousness. Once you have begun to transmute (change), the


> of those particular frequencies of the universe will take

advantage of

> these pathways to transmute more and more of the same energies to



> It may appear that issues you thought you had dealt with and


> have suddenly re-emerged in your life, bigger than ever, with even


> intensity and drama than before. It is useful not to identify these

> issues as being your personal «stuff». You need to recognize

> only

> that these energies are present and then let them move through

you. Know

> that you are transmuting them for the many who are not yet


> enough to do it for themselves.


> You need to understand clearly about the painful acts and the

things you

> have called «bad and wicked». If you knew what was really going

> on

> and if you understood the essence of the actions, you would


> that they were necessary and appropriate for you to grow and to


> Your «Deity» tells you there are many things that you must not

> do

> and should you do them, this is sin or a karmic burden on you. I

say to

> you that I have never seen a «sin» upon this planet. I have seen

> many things such as:

> 1. Beings acting out their heritage 2. Beings trying to understand


> heritage 3. Beings reenacting their battles 4. Beings reenacting


> murders 5. Beings reenacting their betrayals 6. Beings studying the

> energy of those things 7. Beings trying to see a way out all of the

> above


> I do not see these as «sins». I see them as an attempt to

> understand your task on earth and to work through this task by

> experiencing what you have come here to change. It is a very


> idea that there will be no keeper to protect others from you.

There will

> be no keeper to protect you from yourself and there will be no

keeper to

> protect you from others. Judgments will destroy your physical


> In the coming magnetic polar axis shift, judgments will destroy


> body such as the judgments that you have made against yourself and


> the ones you have made daily in little things.


> All judgements on anything such as on food, body aches and pains,

> clothing, your dealings with others, etc., will effect your body

and the

> mutation process going on within your bodies. These judgements are

> destroying the balance within your bodies. They are making the


> process difficult, painful and very depressing as you continue to


> not only yourself but others as well.


> This is something that you will have to quit doing. You will have


> move into self-acceptance of your self as well as of others in

order to

> create a biochemical and an electromagnetic environment in your


> that will optimize the opportunity for the body to mutate easily.


> then will occur with some balance and with some stability and


> with an emotional sense of well-being.


> This is nothing which is being taken from you during cellular

> transformation (mutation) without your consent. It is something

that is

> being purged from your system because you are desiring to increase


> frequency of your vibration. This is referred to by some teachers


> «Ascension» which is simply increasing the frequency of your

> vibration. There is greater perception and a greater desire for

love and

> harmony and peace among many people.


> As their vibrations increase, then the people of the Earth must


> into their own hands how they wish to construct this peace and


> as well as this love and this truth. It will soon become evident

that in

> the negotiations between nations and between individuals (in a


> sense and in an economic sense) there will be no longer the


> of one hiding from another. For where they lie, the other will


> it. The people of the Earth are becoming far too alert. This is

what is

> meant by increasing the vibration of the Earth.


> The following prophetic sources of information regarding mutation


> cellular transmission in these End Times were studied for this


> 1. «July 1993 and Beyond»-Vyawamus through Barbara

> Burns-Sedona-The Journal of Emergence-July 1993-Page 16.

> 2. «Prophesy by Gordon- Scallion»-The Sedonia Journal of

> Emergence-December 1993-Page 12.

> 3. «Becoming Light»-The Brotherhood of Light through

> Bearse-The Sedonia Journal of Emergence-November 1993-Page 64.

> 4. «It is time to incarnate fully»-Robbyn and His Merrye

> Bande-Spirit Speaks-Issue 24-Page 57.

> 5. «The Shift Into Fourth Dimension»-The Spirit of the Physical

> Master through Shapiro-Sedona-The Journal of Emergence!†"

> September, 1993 Page 3.

> 6. «From the ls of a Channel»-Brotherhood of Light through

> Fernella Rundell-Connecting Link, Issue 21-Page 84.

> 7. «Dreams of the Future»-Speaks of Many Truths through

> Shapiro-Sedona-Journal of Emergence-December 1993†" Page 6.

> 8. «The Expansions of July»-Arthur Fanning/ YHWH-Sedonia-The

> Journal of Emergence-July 1993-Page 8.

> 9. «In the beginning-The ascension planet»-from the

> Pleiadians-Spirit Speaks #50-Page 15.

> 10. «Change is Eternal»-Joopah through

> Shapiro-Sedona-Journal of Emergence!-August 1993-Page 14.

> 11. «Self-Acceptance-The key to Ascension»-Vywamus through

> Barbara

> Burns-Sedonia-Journal of Emergence!-August 1993-Page 44.

> 12. «Dance with the Deva»-Vywamus through Barbara

> Burns-Sedonia-Journal of Emergence!-December, 1993-Page 9.

> 13. «Increase your awareness»-From Merlin-Spirit Speaks, Issue

> 24-Page 52.

> 14. «The Awakening of Mankind»-YHWH through Arthur

> Fanning-Sedona-Journal of Emergence-September-1993-Page 18.

> 15. «Look To Yourself»-zi Solhara and zi Alhambra through

> Leondra

> Robin May-Sedonia-Journal of Emergence!-November 1993-Page 66.

> 16. «Earth Changes Create Body Changes»-Speaks of Many Truths

> Through Shapiro-Sedonia-Journal of Emergence!†" July

> 1993-Page

> 27.

> 17. «Relaxing Into the Flow-Vywamus and Lenduce through Saemmi

> Muth-Sedona-Journal of Emergence-September 1993-Page 72.

> 18. «I'm O.K.-I'm Just Mutating»-through Zarantra-Golden Star

> Publishing and Golden Star Alliance-1992.

> 19. Webster's Nineth New Collegiate Dictionary-Merriam-Webster

> Inc.-1984.

> 20. Predictables-The Pleiadians through Drew-Sedonia-Journal


> Emergence!-February 1994-Page 2.

> 21. One Song: Love-YHWH through Arthur Fanning-Sedona-Journal of

> Emergence! February 1994-Page 22.

> 22. Quantum Mechanical You-Part 1-Vywamus through Barbara

> Burns-Sedonia-Journal of Emergence! February 1994 , Page 30.

> 23. The Unified Heart through Elora Marie-Ana, 626 Walden Circle,

> Boulder, CO, 80303, (303) 499-3643


> There is a Divine Order to everything in life. It is for this


> that exactly where you are at any given time in life, is exactly


> you should be according to the Divine unfolding of your


> and life.


> http://www.abundanthope.net/mb1a/forum/showthread.php?t=778

> <http://www.abundanthope.net/mb1a/forum/showthread.php?t=778>

> <http://www.abundanthope.net/mb1a/forum/showthread.php?t=778

> <http://www.abundanthope.net/mb1a/forum/showthread.php?t=778> >


> © Copyright by AbundantHope.net all rights reserved


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