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The Secret Behind the ONE

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The Secret Behind the

'Law of the One'

By Almine

Through the evolution of awareness, a human being, who is subject to

mortality, can change into an immortal god-being while in the flesh.

During this

transformation, the secret behind the ancient Lemurian word "lahun"



In the past, initiates striving to attain God consciousness spent many

lifetimes working through these evolutionary phases.

However, in these

accelerated times, we are required to accomplish this transformation in one lifetime.

Evolutionary Phases of


Below are the phases we move through to reach the state of living as a

fully conscious god-being while still being able to remain in human form. The

first three phases occur prior to reaching God consciousness.

Phases four and

five occur while living within God consciousness.

1. The Initiate

the student starts to lose the prison bars of his belief systems. He

realizes that what the majority perceives as reality is merely a world

of mirrors, reflecting back their strongest beliefs.

He begins to understand that a

masterful person purposefully creates reality through intent, moment by


The initiate is standing on shaky ground when he realizes that

everything he has believed in is only an illusion and his perceived notion that


has a grasp on reality is a lie.

This generally results in a huge fear.

It requires great humility to acknowledge that we cannot know the vast

majority of creation from the vantage point of our surface mind.


phase sorts the true Lightseeker from one who is merely attempting to pacify

reason and support his or her existing belief systems.


The test of the initiate phase is to overcome this fear.


he doesn't, he may turn against the teacher rather than admit his failure

to embrace and release the fear.

He may seek out a new teacher who will provide

more intellectual information so that he can return to his comfort zone.

This phase also requires that the initiate cut the strings of social

conditioning that determine his or her actions like a puppet.


The initiate has to meticulously examine his life

experiences to

determine which ones still create an emotional knee-jerk reaction.

These experiences

hold unyielded insights. If the lessons from these "problems" are

embraced, the result is increased insight, which yields increased power.


There is a genuine feeling of relief as the emotional


of a lifetime are released. Some initiates experience this as feeling less


They begin to carefully observe the motives behind every thought and

action to see if it is a result of previous conditioning, or whether they are

following their inner wisdom.

Self-pity and self-importance begin to fall by the


Chakra Changes:

A human has seven primary chakras that are conical in

shape, with a plug in the center, so each looks like an hourglass when viewed

from the side.

The seals are formed by debris from previously unresolved

issues connected with those chakras.

The resolution of past trauma begins to

dissolve the plugs.

2. The Adept

The adept starts to see behind the surface appearances of life,

tapping into the deeper purpose of why these events were created. The

inter-connectedness of life becomes more apparent and he becomes literate in

interpreting the language of the Cosmos as it speaks through signs in the

environment. At this point, growth is rapid and the adept may find that he or she

is no longer able to fit in with old friends, family groups, or associates.


As the adept becomes practiced in seeing behind the face

value of events, the insights he gains bring surges of power. These power


can be felt physically, mentally and emotionally and create a pleasant sensation.

These feelings could become an addiction. If so, the adept may spend

his life chasing challenges by creating melodrama or seeking to

"save" others.

If he succumbs to this temptation he will tend to fight battles that aren't

his to fight. This results in a loss of energy.


The goal of this stage is to learn to conserve energy and


further refine the skill of seeing behind the appearances. As the student

becomes more proficient in dealing with challenges, it becomes clear that he or

she has co-created them.


As the adept resolves past and present issues, it brings


more silence within the mind. Increased silence makes available more energy,

which in turn, increases abilities for miracles to occur.

The adept begins to live in grace-no longer needing the heavier prods

to receive lessons, but instead heeding the whispers of Spirit.

Chakra Changes:

All blockages are released. Instead of being conical,

the chakras start to become spherical and overlap each other's fields. This

configuration permits information from his or her lightbodies (fields

of energy which surround the physical body) to come through more easily,

including communication with the Higher


3. The Master

Power is a result of energy at our disposal. Our minds either access

energy by increasing perception, or

drain energy by allowing our thoughts to

run rampant like rabbits across a field.

The master will require great

power to leap from this stage to God consciousness. Therefore, he or she

focuses on the balancing of the minds.

We have three minds: the subconscious mind, surface mind (which is

split into left-brain and right-brain) and God mind (effortless knowing). The


is to

unite them so they function harmoniously. It is particularly important

to discipline the left-brain because it sucks up all initial energy.

Only surplus energy is available to the right-brain, yet

it is this half that

accesses the majority of what can be known without being in God consciousness.


Power is the second greatest temptation on the path of


Most succumb to its lure, thereby failing to make the leap to God

consciousness. At this point, the perception seeker separates from the

power seeker, in that the power seeker will fall prey to ego's need to assert


The power seekers travel

a road of showmanship, demonstrating miracles and

gathering attention. They forget that there is no point of arrival and while

seeking to increase their power, they lose their humility.

The master becomes like a beacon of light seen by beings from many


Beings often use masters

as channels since they wish to speak through

them to humankind. To allow this to occur on occasion as instructed by our

inner wisdom is acceptable.

However, in too many cases, to become a channel

merely burdens us with a new identity.


The master strives to lose all self-identity and focus on

remaining a perception seeker, not a

power seeker. Let us look at the differences:

Power Seekers

a.. · Seek

power directly

b.. · Focus

is on power

c.. · Purpose of power is to manipulate energy to be able to see into


future and the past. It is power over the environment and power beyond

another's abilities.

d.. · Enhance self-image, which is strengthened by titles and labels.

e.. · View perception as a result of the use of power

f.. · Obsession is with the unseen realms

g.. · Get power from outside sources, such as allies

h.. · Measure themselves by what they are doing

Perception Seekers

a.. · Seek clarity

b.. · Focus is on perception

c.. · Purpose of power is to break free from mortal boundaries and

gain God


d.. · Eliminate self-importance and shun labels which stunt spiritual


e.. · View power as a result of perception

f.. · Seek ever more perception until the unknowable is reached.

g.. · Get power from being aware of the inter-connectedness of all


h.. · Measure themselves by how they are being


He has mastered his thoughts, which in turn, gives balance


the emotions.

The master lives with the gratifying knowledge that he or


is becoming a free being within the cosmos.

He or she no longer feels at

the mercy of universal laws, but instead cooperates with them to live an empowered


At this point, the unseen realms become as real as this seen reality.

Chakra Changes:

A unified chakra field forms, meaning all chakras are

blended together in an oval surrounding the body. As a result, emotions are

experienced throughout the whole body.

4. The Seer

The Seer is a God-realized being. He knows without a shadow of a doubt

that all moves within him and there is nothing outside him. He has

earned his name because the alternate futures lie in a circular fashion around

him like a spider web. Less thinking is required and effortless knowing occurs.


The value of human folly needs to be embraced. Otherwise,

the Seer will feel the inclination to withdraw from human life.

Since all human

desires have ceased, it is uncomfortable to engage in human "games".

Consequently, the Seer can come across

as being aloof.


After moving through the place of emptiness into the stage


bliss, he comes face-to-face with the

greatest temptation known to humankind:

The temptation to stay in the bliss.

The requirement is that the Seer,

while retaining God Consciousness, re-engage in the human experience, fully


the value of folly.

The Seer's second task is to lead others to make the disconnection from

ego also.


The advantages of such an expanded perspective are almost


At this point, all creation is included within the Seer's

compassionate understanding and he or

she begins to see that no stage of the journey

is more important than another.

A deep inner stillness is present at all times, even if the Seer

chooses to re-engage in the human


Chakra Changes:

At approximately the time when one is suddenly plunged

into the vastness of God consciousness,

the most amazing alchemical changes

take place affecting the chakras. The

body radiates white light when the 8th

and 9th chakras open (located about where a woman's ovaries are). The

kundalini ignites in the pranic tube, and like at Pentecost, a

violet flame appears on the head.

The 10th chakra appears as a sphere above the head (as in ancient

Egyptian and Sumerian artistic depictions). The 11th and 12th chakras open in

the shoulder blades and wings of light shoot upwards. Angelic beings have

this configuration because they function with all 12 chakras.

5. The God-Being

The god-being lives beyond mortal boundaries. Since the body has

become fully spiritualized, it responds

to intent, as does the environment.

Chakra Changes:

Eventually, the 10th chakra encircles all other

chakras. This creates a vehicle which can be used to travel among the realms or

project ourselves instantly to any

desired location.


In Lemurian,

"la" means all, and "hun" means one.

"Lahun" means 10.


this final and greatest enfoldment of humankind's divinity, it is the

10th chakra that overlaps all others. Hence, the law: one has become all and

all has become one, not only in the case

of the chakra field, but also in the

consciousness of the one who knows "I AM all things".

-Copyright Spiritual

Journeys LLC, 2004

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