Guest guest Posted November 12, 2007 Report Share Posted November 12, 2007 Aura Hygiene for Sensitive Soulsby Ann AlbersDuring lectures, classes, and in private sessions, I've beenprivileged to meet thousands of deeply caring and sensitiveindividuals. Sensitive souls have the courage to feel deeply, connectwith their loving and compassionate nature easily, and receiveaccurate spiritual guidance once they learn to trust their intuition.If you're reading this article, chances are good that you are one ofthese individuals.Have you ever:* felt drained or exhausted after spending time with a needy,demanding, depressed, or critical individual* experienced the emotional or physical pain of another, or feltscattered in a chaotic crowd or workplace* felt ill or scattered around someone who was angry or disturbed* had the tendency to second-guess or doubt your own feelings while inthe presence of others with strong opinions?If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you alreadyunderstand the challenges of feeling deeply and being sensitive to theworld around you.Unfortunately, this level of sensitivity is often misunderstood andmistrusted by people who don't allow themselves to feel so deeply. Inour society, feeling your emotions is often perceived to be a weaknessor a burden. I've met many men who would love to feel and expresstheir emotions on a regular basis, but were taught, "big boys don'tcry." I've encountered women who were labeled "hysterical" when theyallowed years of pent-up emotion to finally surface. I've met numerousadults who suffer from depression because they were once children whowere taught to "be nice" instead of being allowed to express theirupsets or sadness in a healthy way. And I know far too many intuitiveindividuals whose abilities are ignored or ridiculed by those whodon't understand.The logic of the mind has been honored and applauded for centuries.The logic of the heart is often ignored. Many people in our societywould like us to "sugarcoat" our feelings or justify our intuitions,but we cannot.If you've ever been labeled "too sensitive" or told that you shouldstop being "so over-sensitive,<WBR>" take heart. These criticisms are mostoften aimed at you by individuals who are not even aware that theyharbor a deep fear that your strong emotions might trigger their own.If a person is not at peace with or honest about his or her ownfeelings, they will not be able to comfortably witness yours.According to the angels, there is no such thing as being toosensitive. Is it possible for a radio to be "too finely tuned?" theyasked me, once when I was wondering if an outburst of sadness andtears was an over-reaction to someone's unkindness. "Not at all," theycontinued. "Your sensitivity helps you finely tune your abilities toreceive spiritual information and clear direction from God and yourangels. Your sensitivity allows you to love and feel deeply. Yoursensitivity is beautiful!" They repeated, "There is no such thing asbeing too sensitive!"The angels have taught me that we can learn to manage our energy so wecan feel peaceful no matter what the outer circumstances of our lives.You can go into a chaotic workplace or crowd and still feel centered.You can visit cranky family members without taking their criticismspersonally. You can maintain your integrity around people whosedesires don't match your own. Your sensitivity becomes a blessing whenyou learn how to embrace its gifts and manage its challenges.In order to live amidst the drama, chaos, insensitivities, and painsof the world, the angels insist that those of us with greatsensitivity need to be as diligent about maintaining our energy as weare about brushing our teeth."You have oral hygiene," they once told me. "You need aura hygiene!"From that day on, I took their words seriously and adopted bothphilosophies and disciplines that keep me energized, stable, balanced,and centered in my own point of view. The process of maintaining yourenergy field is almost identical to the process of maintaining yourphysical well-being: stay healthy, learn to detect imbalances beforethey become major problems, learn to heal when you do get out ofbalance, and have a few tried and true remedies in your spiritualcloset to help you when all else fails.Here are the basics:1. Prevention is the Best Medicine - Keep your Energy Strong & HealthyAs the old saying goes, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound ofcure." This is true whether we're discussing the maintenance of yourcar, your body, or your energy field.Exercising, eating reasonably, and taking care of your physical body -while they may require a bit of discipline - are much easier prospectsthan dealing with sickness, drugs, surgery, or chronic conditions.Likewise, engaging in activities that uplift your spirit, maintainingan awareness of your connection with God, and living in integrity aremuch more efficient ways to maintain your energy than constantlyprotecting yourself, clearing negative beliefs and influences,patching up holes in the aura, or healing chronic spiritual diseasessuch as depression or emotional exhaustion.2. Know your Flow - Learn to Notice when Something Disturbs your BalanceNo matter how diligent we are about maintaining our energy, we'rehuman and we slip up at times. Just as you can prevent an extendedillness when you learn to notice the early warning signs, you can alsoprevent serious energy drains and irritations by learning to takeregular inventory of your energy level and learning to recognize theattitudes, beliefs, and actions that drain you. You can learn todetect imbalances before they become serious energy deficiencies.For example, if you know you are allergic to pollen, you might take anantihistamine before going to work in your garden. Likewise, if yourecognize that a situation or person irritates you, you can makehealthy choices ahead of time to avoid falling into resentment andrage - both of which would seriously drain you.Taking inventory of your energy flows to learn what uplifts you andwhat drains you is something you can learn to do automaticallythroughout your life. With a little bit of practice, you can learn tobecome impeccably honest with yourself, and prevent spiritual diseasesrather than having to cure them.3. Know your "No" - Learn not to Accept Situations that Drain orDisturb YouIf you were on a diet, you would have to learn to say "no" to foodsthat weren't conducive to your well-being. Likewise, if you engage inaura hygiene, it is essential to learn how to say "no" to activities,beliefs, and attitudes that disempower you, as well as the situationsthat aren't honestly in alignment with your spirit.If you knew you were allergic to shellfish, you probably wouldn't evenentertain the notion of eating it. Similarly, if you know you aren'tgoing to enjoy an event, a date, or a conversation, why would youengage in the very same, unless you can find some value in thesituation? We can learn to overcome old habits and beliefs thatprevent us from being in integrity with our spirit. Much like analcoholic must develop new habits and beliefs to overcome his or heraddictions, we too can cure ourselves of the "disease to please," "theneed to be needed," and the "ache for approval." We can learn to makeour "yes" mean "yes" and our "no" mean "no."4. Last but not least, it doesn't hurt to have a few tips and techniques!Every now and then, despite your best attempts to be healthy, you getsick. Likewise, there are times, especially when you are firstlearning to maintain your energy, when you will feel drained,exhausted, or attacked, and you need to have ways to recover. Forexample, taking a bath with a pinch of salt in it (any type of saltworks) is a wonderfully quick and refreshing way to clear your aura.Sitting outside by a tree can boost your energy, as can upliftingmusic. These are like spiritual "vitamins" that can boost your energyand keep you from absorbing negativity along the way.You can have compassion without pity. You can care without necessarilyhaving to be a caretaker. You can serve people's souls rather thantheir personalities, and you can choose to live with greater levels ofauthenticity. You can, through taking time in stillness and play,learn to feel your connection with God so strongly that you will neveragain have to be affected by the energy of the world around you. Youcan learn to "walk in the valley of the shadow of death and fear noevil." You can learn to be with and assist people in the most direcircumstances and love them without taking on their pain.Energy is energy, the angels say. They would rather we not even usethe words "positive" and "negative," but rather refer to the energieswe feel in the world around us as "heavy" or "light," because thosedesignations are closer to the truth. All energies serve a purpose inthis school called earth. Light energies simply feel better.If you choose to take time in stillness and play, you'll be strong,healthy, positive, and able to handle life's challenges. Prevention isthe best medicine, whether you are talking about your aura or your teeth!Interesting Video about this:Clearing of Auric field meditation Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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