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FWD: The Power of Your Inner Being

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From: ~Nita aka ~eerie

Date: Nov 14, 2007 7:37 PM

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Thanks and Blessings


Date: Nov 14, 2007 4:32 PM

The Power of Your Inner Being

There is a power within you which very few suspect.

While your "outer self" - your daily waking consciousness

is focused upon the external world,

your inner being encompasses all aspects of your consciousness.

Your inner being includes your outer self, your subconscious mind,

and all the other, so-called "unconscious" parts

of your mind that psychologists have tried to identify.

Your inner being is your complete consciousness.

It is all of the "separate" parts of your consciousness

in one unified package.

Your inner being is also your soul -

the real you, the complete you.

It has also been referred to as your "higher self"

because, compared to the consciousness of the outside world,

most of your inner being operates

at a higher frequency of consciousness.

It manages many essential functions for you

while your outer self focuses

upon the experience of life

in the external world through your five senses.

As members of the human race,

we are spiritual adventurers who have projected ourselves

into a physical realm

in order to experience an intense focus of consciousness.

Our purpose in the physical realm of consciousness

is to gain a sharply-defined sense of identity

and then to expand our awareness

into heart-centered consciousness and beyond.

These stages of consciousness are reflected

in the human chakra system,

which is a set of gateways of consciousness

between you and the outside world.

The main portion of Western society today

functions at the level of the solar plexus chakra,

which emphasizes intellectual and technical development

Then, there is an ever-increasing body of people

who function at the level of the heart chakra.

These leading-edge people spend much of their time

functioning through this holistic and integrative chakra.

Here they learn how to be heartfelt and then - the next stage

- heart-powered in their consciousness.

Through meditation, spiritual pioneers

go further still and activate the throat chakra,

which is the center of powerful creativity.

It is also the level of consciousness

where your soul or inner being is based.

This higher frequency of consciousness

carries with it an enormous power to create any reality~

that you need in order to realize your potential in life.

While the consciousness of the heart chakra

is more expanded than that of the solar plexus chakra,

the throat chakra is even more expanded still.

Your inner being's field of perception and influence

reaches out to include many functions and abilities

which are mostly dormant in the daily consciousness

of the outer self.

These include:

An intuitive awareness of situations,

one which sees deeply beneath any surface appearances.

Spiritual connection.

Your inner being is your personal connection to Infinite Being.

Connection to the universe as a whole.

Your inner self has the capability to be aware of anything

that happens anywhere in the universe.

It can also reach out to communicate

with the inner being of anyone

who has the answer to something which you seek to solve.

It then feeds that information into your outer self's

focused segment of consciousness through intuition and dreams.

The inner senses.

These are inner versions of the outer senses.

Inner sight is the sense that sees the subtle energy

effects produced by fields of consciousness,

such as, for example, human auras.

Inner hearing provides empathic and telepathic communication

with others as needed.

Inner touch reveals the past history and associations of physical objects.

Inner taste and smell provide an awareness of the subtle

energies emanating from substances.

Imagine having access to all of these abilities! With them,

you could sail through life, experiencing true joy,

continually discovering and expressing

more of your true potential in life.

These inner abilities do not have to be developed

within your daily consciousness.

You already possess them at the level of your inner being.

You need only practice regular communication

with your inner being in order to gain from this unlimited

source of wisdom, insight and creativity.

Tune into your inner being through;

daily meditation,

and by being receptive to the "still,

small voice within" of your intuition.

The more you pay attention to your intuitive insights,

the more you realize how profoundly correct they are.

When you align with your inner self,

your true potential begins to manifest

and miracles begin to happen in your life!

By: Owen Waters

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