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SAD, Vit D, wheat, dairy

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I suffered from self diagnosed SAD for too many years to count - like from before there was even a name for it. Anyway a friend got a book about Vit D and was convinced it would help the auto immune as well as my winter only infections. I began 3000 IU Vit D AM and bedtime over a year ago. No SAD last winter and so far none this winter. Also not one cold and nary an infection. I also take 5HTP at bedtime to raise serotinin levels and find I can get really grumpy when I miss a few nights even though I feel I am sleeping OK. I just sleep sounder and dream a lot more when I take the 5HTP. My doc said that unless I dreamed and remembered the dream on waking that I needed more serotonin. Her answer was a prescription and mine was a nutrient. Eight years later the 5HTP still works for both the depressive

thoughts surrounding the limitations of the disease symptoms and the Vit D helps lower some of the symptoms so I get a WIN-WIN on that one. Before the Vit D I had tried exposure to the lights and the outside thingy, but was eventually told that I needed more skin exposure to the light and was too cold (and hypothyroid ) to dress like everyone else with arms and legs exposed. Would love to hear how others have coped and what has helped the winter grumpies aka SAD.

Was ready to sign off when I remembered that I used to increase dairy consumption in winter - even the hot choc packets have dairy. I would make toast and dip into cold milk...then found out I was gluten sensitive and stopped that practice. Later I realized I was also dairy sensitive and stopped the gluten intake so that helped also. I have a friend who adds cocoa to his coffee and tea in winter and has a marked negative change in his cognitive abilities as a result, yet retains his gentle contentment. When I have confronted him, he says "But I'm cold and it tastes so GOOD". I finally asked him yesterday if losing his mind was worth the taste of chocolate. He had to really think a while on that one.

Thanks for listening and I hope to hear of specific helps others have experienced.


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