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What's Up On Planet Earth?

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November 17 , 2007 "SQUEEZING" INTO AN EMPTINESS The What's Up On Planet Earth? energy alerts are offered several times per month by viewing them here. Your financial support makes it possible to continue offering information on this website free of charge. Please make a donation. Notify me when a energy alert is posted! Greetings! OnMay 5, 2000, we experienced a phenomenal planetary alignment, when thesun, the moon, and five planets all lined up in the same area of thesky. I remember this time well, as many were eagerly waiting to seewhat this alignment would produce, how it would feel, and what it allmeant. Forme, it was quite a surprise. In my little 3D mind, I naturally assumedthat all would feel glorious, that we would be catapulted to a state ofheavenly bliss, and we would finally arrive somewhere incredibleindeed. Instead, I experienced feelings of great pressure and an incredible squeezing."Is this what alignment feels like?" I wondered. "Ugh! This is none toocomfortable indeed!" And what we are currently experiencing isbasically the same. Weare most assuredly being squeezed. And this squeezing is designed toforce out anything that is not vibrating in alignment with the higherrealms. Feelings of being caught in the middle of things, beingsurrounded by too much energy and activity, a pushing, pushing andtightness from above and below, feeling overloaded and overwhelmed, andwondering where one might go at all for some needed relief are signs ofthe squeezing phenomenon. We may feel boxed in at every turn, with noapparent viable solution that feels remotely right. If you are one who is experiencing a squeezingfeeling for no apparent reason in your life, you are most likely asensitive who easily picks up on the current energies. But know aswell, that the energies can also create physical manifestations thatrelate….therefore creating experiences in our lives that reflect beingcaught in the middle of things with great pressure, with an inabilityto seemingly breathe. Whenthe planetary alignment occurred in 2000, it reminded me of a spinalcord that was totally aligned, squeezing out anything that was inbetween, did not fit, and which there was no longer a space for. Ourangel wings blossoming for sure. Hence, the squeezing feeling. So then,this is the way it is when we reach a higher vibration or dimension.Most things that are no longer necessary, will get squeezed out orpushed out. Other manifestations of this current phenomenon? Havingthings get "partially resolved," but not completed. Not getting a totalclosure. Having lower vibrating aspects of ourselves hit us squarely inthe face. Having to deal with things we had not yet dealt with before.Making adjustments and having to really step up to the plate. But whenwe are willing and ready to make any necessary adjustments, then thismeans that the areas that need to be squeezed out will be squeezed out,and after we adjust and make a change, letting go of much of anythingthat does not vibrate of the purest and highest intentions andenergies, things begin to smooth out. Whenwe reach the higher realms we truly do have to step up to the plate.Living in community means that even if we do indeed know what ourspecial gift and contribution is, we have to do it well. We have to beit, express it, and take responsibility for it in all ways. We need totake our contributions seriously, because if we do not, we thenjeopardize the whole. Withthis latest shift upward and into yet another higher vibrating space,we again begin at the bottom rung. We start over, in essence, as wehave gone as far as we could where we were before, in any givenspiritual hierarchy. When we graduate to a higher vibrating community,everyone is on equal turf, so to speak. There are no leaders. Eachindividual has a vital and important contribution to make, and eachindividual must then, express their gifts with the highestresponsibility and commitment required. It is a far more serioussituation than I would have imagined, but rightfully so. So in thisregard, we will be called on the carpet and held to task, humbled, andput in our places so that we can more easily and rightfully serve andcontribute where we need to. All part of the squeezing effect. Squeezing out the peripheral energies and tendrils which no longer havea place. Thehigher realms of community is not about floating on a cloud, baskingall day, and eating those chocolate bon bons, as perhaps I may havehoped it would be in some way! Do we get to rest yet? I have to say, Iwasn't quite prepared for these new experiences, and hesitated a bit inreporting them, as they seemed so very harsh to me. And this newresidency is bringing in some other manifestations as well. Manyare being handed their perfect "job," or responsibility. The arena thatwe have dreamed about, just for us, is now available to many. In thisregard, we have to again be ready to step up to the plate. Are youready to take your designated responsibility seriously? Are enough ofyour lower vibrating "issues" or mis-perceptions cleared away so thatyou can operate in the most pure form, therefore benefiting thosearound you the most? Have you finally reached that space where you donot take things personally? Forthose who are ready to go to their next level, there will still beopportunities that will arise for adjustments and "humblings" to occur,and even opportunities to "go back" until another opportunity arriveswhen each individual is more poised to match their chosen arena orspace of contribution to the planet and the whole. Whatdoes all this mean? For many, the waiting is over. It is time for thetorch to be handed over to the creators of the New Planet Earth. Manywill thus be given a palette, just waiting for each creator's ownindividual blueprint to manifest upon it. It is then that ourindividual dreams and visions of how things could be, can now bebrought into form. Butthese new creations are not easily created in the old world, as it ismost assuredly crashing and deteriorating at a rapid rate. Part of ourroles and responsibilities involved transmuting darkness or lower anddenser vibrating energy. This is why so many of us were born intosituations of abuse and suffering, with much darkness present. It wasour job to transmute the energies through ourselves. And this, then, isone of our entrance tickets to the higher realms. If you are one whohas diligently and consciously worked at transmuting your own darkness(which is the darkness of the whole that we readily agreed to embody),then your admission to the next hierarchy is easily granted. Inessence, we have to "earn" our way to the higher realms. So then,creating our own new spaces away from the old will be our salvation. Theenergies are fairly intense now. They are doing their job in pushingout the old. Navigating these continuous storms and roller coasterrides will be the norm for many months to come. It can be increasinglydifficult now to maintain our center, but with the help of communityand our brothers and sisters, things can ease a bit. The beauty ofdisaster is that it tends to bring individuals close together. Therewill be much more of this in times to come. No more hiding away behindclosed doors…we will be navigating now toward others with similarvibration and purpose. And we will be called upon for help. Yes,deep rumblings are now ever present, reflecting movement at the deepestlevels, even though not much is manifesting right now. It may seemquiet in a strangely eerie way, but much is occurring at other levels.The seeming stillness is present to give us time to continue setting upand preparing for our settling in time in January. Much will be inorder by then, as we find ourselves settled into our very new spaces …www.whatsuponplanetearth.com Wishing you Heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times. Until next time,

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