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The Light Energy (Off MySpace)

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Thank you to the amazing, sage & beautiful lielie..>Date 18th November 2.13p.mbr/>THE LIGHT ENERGYLynnette-Leckie e Question:Does

"dark" light exist and is it what it seems to be: ok – not negative? Is

it true that there is no such thing as light and dark - it's all the

same? And if so: why attaining "light"-light in for instance meditation?Thank you deeply, love,Floor, Netherlands.My greetings of Light and Peace to you. This is a very good question you have provided this day.There

is the "dark" of your night-of space. As you look you see other planets

illuminated and many of you may have considered the dark of your night

as nothing, as a void. Of course this is not so. It is alive with atoms

and matter, also various waves of energy. Your entire universe is a

giant web of waves of varying levels of energy.The Galactic

certre, some refer to as "the black hole" even "God's eye". I am not

certain of how the later name came about, but I can tell you it is not

"God's eye. No, it is merely a gateway to another universe. Even that

contains energy and matter. So of course in these references to your

question there is nothing negative, nothing to fear. It merely is.Now

there is another form of energy, many of you call "dark energy" This

dark energy in merely the absence of Light. Further, this dark energy

is a heavy energy and so it is of a very low vibration. Because of this

low vibration and the absence of Light it is referred to as negative.

It attracts negative behavior you see. I use your terminology. It is

where issues of control and power reign supreme, by whatever means are

necessary to obtain power. You see as man has grown in his evolution

more Light is penetrating the darker pockets of energy in man.This

is increased by photon belt energy, now very strongly placed around

Earth. This energy brings forth more of your Soul Light as the cells in

your body undergo change to accept more of the Light energy.And

so here is the duality between the aspects of Light and dark energy. It

is not all the same. If it were there would be no difference between

the two forms of energy. No difference in the spinning of the atoms,

for Light energy spins at a much faster rate than a negative energy.Many

of you are now feeling the physical and emotional effects of a lighter

energy in your atmosphere. You may feel more tired, emotional,

restless, less sleep, your physical body may express aches seemingly

for no reason.The reason my friends is because your bodies,

the physical, mental and emotional, must now accept a much higher

vibrational energy of light. Your cells must integrate this new energy.Further

I can tell you this energy is taking you back to God the Source. To

align with his great Being. For this to be, man's vibrational and cell

structure must change. This change has begun. You feel this now. You

ask my friend why attaining Light for meditation is so important?Perhaps now I have explained to all the great difference between dark and Light you may already see why.Light

energy, drawing in the Light - the energy - for meditation, healing or

inner peace is of a higher vibration. Without the energy of Light you

will simply not obtain the level of inner peace you seek. It is from

God - God Light - the Source. The Great Being of your cosmos. As I said

it is into his Being you are returning. It is this Great One's energy

you touch when you meditate and travel to the higher dimensions. The

dimensions were set up by the Council of Light as stepping stones for

your journey home to God. It is the darker energy, the negative which

must be released for this to be. This is your journey, your journey of

en-Light-enment. Do you see now?The darker energy has many

emotional forms, known as resentment, hate, anger, control, hurt of

another in any form, jealousy, gossip – yes even gossip. Beware your

thoughts and words my friends.So you see there is great difference here. Great learning in overcoming for the Soul on it's journey home.It

is important to use the Light, see the Light, feel the Light, use it as

your lantern on your journey in this incarnation. When Jesus incarnated

he was initiated with powerful Light from God to assist on his path of

awakening all, and to manifest the miracles he performed. The great

power of his belief and faith were increased 1000 fold by the Light

energy. Lord Buddha too in his incarnation experienced great Light

energy empowering his great faith and personal self discipline to

en-Light-en others. To show another way of peace of love.Use

the Light my friends. It is God's gift to you. Each of you carry a

spark of God Light in your hearts. It is there even in what you see as

the darkest of men. It is that the man will not acknowledge nor allow

the Light to grow. But it must. It must.Use your gift of

unconditional love given freely to all. For you are all part of God -

the Source. Use your gift of Light. Expand it with love. Begin to

understand Oneness. Express Love. Express your Light.Master Kuthumilie xoShared with Love and Light,

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