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The Truth About Tantra : Based Upon Yogani's Teaching (Sexual Content - Warning)

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Tantra: Discovering the Power of Pre-Orgasmic Sex by Yogani ©2006Excerpts from Chapter One: Tantra, Sex and Spirituality"Sex

has an essential role to play in the process of human spiritual

transformation. In these times, the word, "tantra", has become

synonymous with "spiritual sex". But tantra is far more than that. It

may well be the broadest system of spiritual practices in the world,

encompassing all of yoga, and then some, leaving literally nothing out

in terms of the many means that can be applied to accelerate our

spiritual progress. So, in the sense, tantra sometimes gets a "bad rap"

because, in addition to meditation, pranayama (breathing techniques),

postures and numerous other aspects of practice, it also includes

sexual practices. And we humans, being the sexually fixated beings that

we are, say, "Tantra is about sex!" The analysis of tantra usually

proceeds accordingly, along sexual lines, for better or for worse.And

so too shall we follow the sexual angle here in discussing tantra, not

because the other practices are not important (they are very important

and fully covered in the other AYP writings), but because sex has a

unique role to play in spiritual practices and in our transformation to

higher states of consciousness. To ignore this is to ignore an

essential part of our path and our potential to enjoy growing

fulfillment and happiness. So, in this book, we will give sex its due.

Then, along the way, we show the connection between tantric sexual

principles and the other traditional aspects of yoga.Contrary

to long-entrenched beliefs, sex is not the enemy of spiritual progress.

In truth, sex can be a powerful ally, if understood what it is and

harnessed in an intelligent way. There are a variety of means for

accomplishing this, with each being suited to the personal inclinations

of particular kinds of spiritual practitioners. In every case the

underlying principle is the same – the pre-orgasmic cultivation of

sexual energy toward an increasing manifestation of our inherent

ecstatic nature over the long term. Once we have experienced this, even

a little, then a whole new permanent inner world will begin to open to

us. This is in contrast to the transient nature of reproductive sex.It

is funny, you know, how a perception has crystallized as tantra has

crept toward the mainstream of our modern society. The common

perception for most these days is that tantra is about sex – better

sexy, more ecstatic sex, more spiritual sex. So the call of

tantra has become, "Sex, sex, sex!" Do we have one-track minds or what?

It is natural enough. For most of us, the peak experience of our life

is found in the sex act, particularly in the overwhelming pleasure of

orgasm. So it is not surprise that we are a culture obsessed with sex –

usually for it, sometimes against it, and always in awe of it. We all

know that sex somehow connects us with a greater dimension of what we

are. It is a fact that sex binds us together in love, family and,

ultimately, our spiritual life. So, of course we are obsessed with sex.

It lies at the root of everything we are. It defines us. A deep desire

we all have is to merge permanently with the ecstasy contained in this

thing called "sex".To unravel the ultimate mystery of sex, we will be wise to take a broad view of it. This is where tantra comes in.What if I told you that tantra is mainly about meditation, pranayama (breathing techniques), and other sitting practices

that we do like clockwork on a daily basis? It is true that tantra is

mainly about these things. Yes, tantra is about sex, too, and we must

face up to it if we wish to progress on our path. Enlightenment is not

possible if our sexuality is not brought into the process of yoga – the

process of union between our inner divine self and the outer world. In

cultivating our nervous system toward that, the role of sexual energy

must be addressed.Tantra means "woven together", or "two fullness as one". It means the same thing as yoga really – union,

with intimacy added. Tantra recognizes from the start that there are

two poles to be ecstatically merged for enlightenment to occur – father

heaven and mother earth, masculine and feminine energies, shiva and

shakti, yin and yang – and that these two poles are contained in us, in

our nervous system. This has practical implications in our daily life.Tantra

is the broadest of all the yoga systems that approach life as two

realities to be joined in the human nervous system. Included within

tantra are mantra yoga, kriya yoga, kundalini yoga, hatha yoga,

ashtanga (eight-limbed) yoga and others. The practices contained in

these traditional yoga systems comprise what is called the

"right-handed" side of tantra. Then there is the "left-handed side" of

tantra yoga, which is concerned with infusing pure bliss consciousness

into the indulgences. In fact, it takes advantage of them for spiritual

purposes. The left-handed side is sort of the underbelly of yoga, the

part that upstanding citizens are supposed to stay away from. That is

the traditional view anyway. That was before the "hip generation" got a

hold of tantra. Now it is respectable to practice "left-handed" tantra.

At least in the West it is. Maybe Westerners don't have anything to

lose, being so immersed in material living to begin with. Why not bring

the spiritual side into our material living? Let's have our cake and

eat it too. It's got "left-handed" tantra written all over it."….For

more information on what tantra sex really is, how it relates to truly

enlightened spiritual practice and how to prepare to practice this

ancient beautiful and loving spiritual way of living, please do your

homework, read on in this book or another source you intuitively trust,

speak with a yoga instructor; whatever brings you comfort. Just please

remember tantra is not to be viewed along the same lines of pornography

or a twisted act, it is, however, a truly sacred act helping us to grow

more enlightened and not merely a sexual come-on line of the new

millennium. Thank you!Namaste. Much Metta.Alison KainHumanity Healing Ambassador for Holistic & Alternative HealingWhen you go within you will hear the voice of whispered choice, `What path do you seek? What truth do you speak?"Eternally A Seeker

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