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Astral Traveling and Dreams:

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Astral Traveling and Dreams:

a) Nightmares

There can be many reasons for experiencing nightmares, some of which

may be dietary. Too much sugar in the diet can cause the mind to be

very unsettled and even 'moody'. Prescription medications and other

drugs can also cause strange dreams and have an effect over the mind.

If you are suffering from nightmares or have recently had one, then

first of all take a look at your dietary and lifestyle factors. What

have you been watching or reading lately? What have you been talking

about with others? What has been going on in your life? What have you

been eating or drinking? Have you been on any medication or have you

changed your vitamin/mineral intake? All of these things can influence


If there are no reasons for your nightmare/s then it is important for

you to take the step of thoroughly cleansing yourself and your

environment. Take a shower or bath and wash your hair too. Clean out

your room and air it out. Burn some purifying and cleansing essential

oils or incense. Cleanse your crystals too, as they will store the

vibrations that they have recently encountered. Next, undertake a

meditation to strengthen your energetic field and auric shield. Imagine

the room filling up with white and pale blue light. If you still have

trouble, then try some other methods including seeking a professional

medical opinion if necessary. Nightmares are no fun and leave you with

psychic residue. It is essential that you rid yourself of this problem,

if it is an ongoing one. The odd nightmare here and there often serves

as a reminder to us to clean up our environment and to raise our energy

vibration. So, if you have sporadic bad dreams, do not be overly

concerned... just

take the appropriate action.

B) Fear of leaving the body in astral travel

To some, astral traveling comes easily, just like falling asleep. To

others, it takes much more patience, time and diligent practice. Fear

is one of the key factors in blocking one's ability to astral travel.

You must first identify exactly what your fear is all about; what do

you think might happen? And then once you have uncovered the nature of

your fear, you can deal with it; is what you fear likely to happen? If

so, then how can you prevent it and what steps can you take to ensure

your safety? Face and know your fears and then you will naturally


Psychic Senses:

a) Clairaudience

Ringing in the ears and other continuous noises are commonly reported

problems in awakening the ability of clairaudience. If you are not

suffering from tinnitus, then these ringing and swooshing sounds can be

due to electrical appliances, light bulbs etc. If this is a concern in

your daily life, then tune and focus your mind upon a different sound -

try focusing upon an external sound.

If you are working on clairaudience exercises, then listen from within

your mind and stop straining or trying too hard. When you relax, you

will hear more. It may be beneficial to play some quiet instrumental

relaxation music in the background.

B) Clairvoyance

The world is not as it seems... If you are seeing images projected in

front of objects or instead of the object of your gaze, then that is

nothing to be afraid of. No need to be too freaked out about it, as it

is a normal course of visual development. A tree may no longer be 'just

a tree'. A person's face may change before your eyes. Take a detached,

but interested approach and merely observe these things. Ground your

energy regularly and take physical exercise to bring you back down to

planet earth.

c) Other psychic senses

Are you experiencing other people's feelings? If so, then sit quietly

for a moment, calm your mind and focus. What is it that you are

feeling... exactly? Who does it feel connected with? Once you have

identified it, then it will most likely begin to fade away. Also take

note of the time in which you experience these sensations. Acknowledge

these sensations, rather than ignoring them. Pay attention and see if

you can find the source.

As your senses open up, you may become more sensitive to the smell of

things around you. Your sense of smell, touch and taste will become

more acute.

Meditation and Altered States:

a) A drifting and unfocused mind

If you have this problem where you feel disconnected with your body and

with reality, then you must do something about it. Become aware of the

sensation of fabric upon your skin, of the weight of your body - focus

upon your feet in their shoes or against the floor. Feel the reality

and life within your physical body. If you feel 'floaty' after your

meditation exercises, then you need to focus in the physical world. Do

something physical and 'ground' your energy - sending imaginary roots

deep down into the earth. Feel your energy drop and melt towards the

floor. Otherwise, you can clap your hands, or click your fingers, stamp

your feet or take a shower.

B) Altered states of consciousness

Drug induced states are not recommended in this school as a method of

psychic development. The main reason is because drugs compromise the

strength of your aura. They damage your auric health. One can achieve

mastery over the psychic arts through a healthy, conscious state. So,

it is not necessary to damage the body and aura in order to become more


The mind naturally goes into a deeper state of consciousness as you

master the art of breathing rhythmically. Slower, more spacious

breathing slows down the mind to alpha, beta and theta levels. Your

conscious state deepens as you relax, breathe more comfortably, slower

and deeper and let go of your fears. Tip: focus upon the spaces between

the breaths.

Practical Exercises:

Exercises must be done on a daily basis in order to build up the

psychic stamina to perform the more advanced meditations presented in

later lessons. Prior to each exercise, the time should be taken to

insure no distractions occur. This means shutting off all phones,

pagers, alarms, etc. during the exercise. Also, it is highly

recommended that students keep a private journal of all information

gained through the exercises. This will assist you in your psychic


Exercise #1: Purple Flame Exercise for Cleansing and Raising Your Energy Vibration

* Calm your mind and center your energy. Breathe in and out slowly,

with pauses between the breaths. Relax the muscles in your face and

body, letting tension disappear.

* Imagine that you are in a meadow with pretty yellow and white flowers

and medium length green grass all around. It is afternoon and there is

a beautiful pink and orange sunset on the horizon.

* Notice that there is a path leading through the flowers and grass.

Follow this path until you come to a circular clearing where the grass

is shorter and greener. You will sense that this is a sacred place with

a high energy.

* Walk to the center of the circular clearing. There you will see a flat crystal stepping stone. Stand upon this crystal.

* A dome of white light now will form, enclosing you and reaching to

the rim of the circular clearing. This is a protective dome. You are

safe inside.

* Now it is time to visualize a purple flame. This flame does not burn,

it simply dissolves negative energy and it purifies all that it

touches. Notice that the crystal that you are standing upon begins to

glow with a purple hue. The light becomes stronger, until a flame

begins to emerge at your feet. This is a healing flame. It is a

blue-purple colour. See this flame coming up through your body,

clearing blocked energy and dissolving pain and negative energy.

* Continue with the flame cleaning visualization until you have reached

the top of your head, having worked through every part of your body.

* Once the purple flame reaches the top of your head, see it spreading

out in all directions and clearing the rest of your aura.

* After a while, the flame recedes back into the crystal. You will now

look up at the dome of white light and watch as it turns to glittery,

shimmery gold.

* The glittery gold will now form an egg - shaped protective shield

around you, solidifying as it does so. The white dome has now gone and

instead you are protected by this egg-shaped golden light.

* You are now ready to exit the meditation, feeling revitalized. Count

back from 10 to 1 and then wake up feeling refreshed and cleansed. If

you have any problems coming back down to earth, simply rub your wrists

or hands together or have a good stretch.

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