Guest guest Posted September 9, 2008 Report Share Posted September 9, 2008 Hug's Jan xox The only thing you can control Hi Jan In my field of behavior modification and habit control, You can imagine we've heard practically every kind of Challenging situation from every kind of person. Here are some of the common yet undesirable situations People find themselves in. And the obvious thing to do is Usually not obvious to most people. Some of these will definitely sound familiar. ====================================== "Our party is tonight and no one can come Because of this storm. I'm so depressed" ====================================== We can't eat all this food or drink all this booze. We Have no place to store it. Oh well, call all the Neighbors. The show WILL go on no matter how much it Snows. Yee Haw! ====================================== "Oh my God, this hurts. Look at my leg, it's mangled. My life is over." ====================================== My dream is on hold, but it's not over. I decide if it's Over or not. Just because it's not going to be easy is no Reason for me to quit. I can do it. Nothing can stop me. ====================================== "I don't fit in my latest round of 'next-size-up' clothes. Time to get the next bigger size again." ====================================== It's time to get committed to getting in shape and staying In shape. Life is too short to live it looking like a cow And feeling like crap. I'm going to love my new health Oriented outlook on life. ====================================== "I'm not as smart as all these people." ====================================== I many not have some of the natural skills as some of These people, but what I lack in some abilities, I make up For in others, like tenacity, resourcefulness, integrity, Honor, determination. I will succeed in spite of my Shortcomings. ====================================== "I just got fired from the job I loved most." ====================================== It is a blow, but I've got responsibilities. So that book On resume writing and interviewing will come in handy now. Plus, I can sell some stuff. It's going to be fine, I just Know it. ====================================== "My hair is falling out." ====================================== I'm still going to be dead sexy when I'm bald. OR Let's get studying what the alternatives there are to keep The hair I have (and get back what I've lost). ====================================== "I haven't made a sale in months. Everyone else seems to Be doing fine. They must be getting better leads. They Must be lying like crazy." ====================================== It's time to learn some new skills. Customers are Different today than they used to be and I must change, Too. I'm going to learn everything I can so that I can be The best that I can be. The world is changing and I must Change with it. And I can do it. ====================================== "I'm 70 years old and I barely make it on this social Security." ====================================== I guess it's time to start that business I've always Dreamed about. I have lots of skills and know-how. I know I can be successful and have fun, too. And this house is Way too big for me now. I could make a bunch of money if I Sold it. Time to get busy! ====================================== "Everything is getting so expensive. Pretty soon, the Money is going to run out." ====================================== Time to make my job more important and do so well that They can't ignore me. Those management classes and Leadership training are for me. If it is to be, it's up to Me. There are a lot of good books and courses on Investing. Sounds good to me. I could be great at it. ====================================== "I've been turned down by every girl I've ever asked out. There is no one for me. I'm no good." ====================================== I'm committed to learning and changing what I must in Order to become more attractive. I deserve to love and be Loved. So it's up to me to find out what it is that women And change what needs to be changed. I will not fail. I'm A good person and I deserve to have a great life. ====================================== "This class is so hard... I'm falling behind. I better drop it." ====================================== I'm saying 'no' to some of the parties, video games, TV, And the long never-ending phone calls so that I can get the Most out of this training. It's way too important to mess It up. If I do well now, I'm setting myself up for the Future. I am committed. I know I can do it. And I will. ====================================== "There is just too much to do--with my kids, my family, My job, my friends, my husband. I'm going to go out of my mind." ====================================== All I need to do is arrange my priorities and stick to it. No problemo. Wherever I need help, I'll get it. Whatever isn't a priority will have to go. No more wasting time. It's all good. ====================================== "I'm so tired all the time. I guess I just need more coffee. Ooh, a donut!" ====================================== That's it! I'm taking more time for me. Exercise. Eating right. Supplements. Meditating. Getting to bed on time. My health is too important for me to be risking it, not taking care of myself. People are depending on me and I can't let them down. ====================================== I've been on so many job interviews and they're all over so fast. I'll never get a job. ====================================== I need to find out what I'm doing wrong fast. No more screwing around. No matter what I need to do, I'll do it. And when one company hires me, I'm going to be the best worker, the most committed worker they've ever seen. My life is going to mean something. ====================================== "My son is moving out of state for a new job. I don't know if I can handle this." ====================================== Even though I won't see him as often, I'm happy for him. I wish him all the success and happiness he deserves. And when we get together, I'll make the most of it. We always have the phone and can make home movies for each other. Life is good. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To people who nothing seems to work out for... those who let situations, other people, and life trample them, the second statements above will seem Pollyanna. They won't seem realistic. They'll seem simplistic. Overly optimistic. But to those who routinely get what they want in life, they'll seem like normal attitudes and outlooks. Most people find themselves in the situations above and many others like them, and they get scared. Or depressed. And they get paralyzed by indecision. And they keep on doing the same damn things that keep them feeling down and unable to take appropriate action. What happens when circumstances in life change dramatically and fast (as it tends to do today), is that it becomes overwhelming to the average person, who lives more like an ocean liner (that can't speed up fast, slow down fast or turn fast) than they do a speed boat that can speed up, slow down or turn on a dime depending what the situation is. And when they can't keep up or can't change, they turn to food, drugs, "fun" hobbies or to people who make it worse and that make them feel angry and depressed. The problem is that there is no one problem. Behaviors, decisions and emotions are guided by many things. You can't always control situations. But what you CAN and MUST control is your responses to them. And to do that, you must always stay determined. Your confidence must never be rattled. Your mental pictures must always be of you succeeding and achieving your desired outcomes. You must be able to make the choices that are good for you in the long-term instead of just what is easiest in the moment. Because tomorrow will be here soon. You must be ready for it. You must have the right attitude and outlook. You must be looking in the right direction. Because sad, scared, depressed, and angry is no way to live. Mere "positive thinking" is not enough. "I can do it" will last a little while, maybe. But in order to achieve things in more than one area of life (the one you are most comfortable in), you need to, you must, and you CAN change a large number of your patterned ways of thinking. Not just the "I can" pattern. Because, for example, being organized requires a different set of thoughts and beliefs than being fit and healthy requires. So so-called "positive thinking" alone can't get a health oriented person, for example, to suddenly start being organized or turn them into a friendlier person if they are a bit hard to get along with. Positive thinking can't turn a great salesperson into a health nut if they've never been interested in health issues. Positive thinking can't take a bouncy, happy, friendly, outgoing person and turn them into someone who is great at earning and investing their mon-ey. This is why so much self-help information doesn't work for people. This is why so many are coming out and saying "The Secret" didn't work for them... that it's bull****. It's because change involves altering many thought and belief patterns. Our programs are different, the Think Right Now Accelerated Success Conditioning Programs are each designed to alter hundreds of unsupportive beliefs, thoughts, attitudes and emotions for each skill set. Each one cluster bombs your mind with supportive ideas. That is why so many people, even people who have been depressed for years and on medication for it experience such lightning fast change in the ways they feel emotionally and physically. It's almost too good to believe, in many cases. But it's still true. This Suggestopedic method mixed with Behavioral Cognitive Therapy methods and affirming statements are so effective, many people say that they feel like they are different people than they were. Completely different. Different thoughts. Different beliefs Different attitudes. Different decisions and actions. Different results. And happier. Lots happier. You owe it to yourself to start using what I believe to be the most effective method in existence to get you feeling and acting and living out your best life. Here's a listing of life areas that you can change. - Here is an explanation of how it works and why: - Do it. You don't risk a thing. Love, Mike Brescia PS: The massive set of gifts for anyone who gets Tranquil Sleep Now is about to be pulled. So if you haven't joined the thousands who have, check it out and take advantage of it before it's over. Go here now: - ====================== Get a free program! ====================== In order to pass on 'best practices' to other subscribers/customers, we will reward those who help us! Send a detailed success story/case study about any Think Right Now! or Instant Inner Power programs, and you can choose any TRN! or IIP audio of your choice. You only pick up the normal shipping & handling. When we get your story, we'll send your choice of program immediately. Brilliant! To be clear about this, 'I love your programs, they've helped me a lot.' doesn't count. Include this info... Your name, shipping address, program title(s) used, how/when you used it/them, how long you used it/them, what clear, specific changes/benefits you received. Please be descriptive of the benefits. If you send a picture, just attach it to your email. Send your story to support(at) and tell us your choice of audio. We'll then take care of shipping it to you. © copyright 2008 Think Right Now Int'l - - Orders: 1- Fax: To stop getting this letter would be to not get any future product/seminar/upgrade announcements from Mike Brescia and Think Right Now! International, Inc. Think Right Now International 925 State Fair Blvd Syracuse, NY 13209 US If you no longer wish to receive communication from us: & ARID=0 & D= To update your contact information: & ID=1021117663 & D= Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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