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FWD: Random Act of Kindness

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From: a

Date: Oct 12, 2007 7:18 PM

Much Gratitude to:

Odyssey Spirit ~~tina~~

random act of kindness

By Abigail Beal

Have you ever experienced a Random Act of Kindness? Have you ever done a Random Act of Kindness, or had someone give you a Random Act of Kindness?

A random act of kindness can be something small but thoughtful. You can let someone go in front of you in line at the grocery store. You can give someone change for a dollar. Or you can also do meaningful things for charitable organizations - such as giving canned goods to a soup kitchen, or coats for the homeless, or toys for disadvantaged children. There are many ways that you can perform a random act of kindness, often it just takes a little extra time or thought to do so.

To pass the chain of kindness along, Kauffman also volunteers, she holds open doors for people, regularly gives up her seat on the train, thanks workers - especially wait staff and salesclerks, and she keeps a polite and positive attitude.

Here are some of her favorite ideas:

Hold a door open for someone.

Write a thank you note to someone who helped you or made a difference in your life.

Give blood.

Call an old friend.

Buy the person behind you in line's coffee, lunch or toll

Tell your co-workers you appreciate them and give examples why.

Compliment someone.

Volunteer to read to students or at a nursing home.

Shovel a neighbor's walk.

Smile at people on the street.

Tell your family and friends you love them.

Watch for opportunities to be kind in your daily life and act on them.

Kindness has great value. Kauffman believes that kindness is fundamental to human experience and is essential to the success of human relationships.

"We all need kindness shown to us, and we all need to express it. Kindness connects us to one another and inspires hope within us. Additionally, one of the great things about kindness is that it benefits both the giver and receiver. No one walks away from an exchange of kindness untouched," said Kauffman.

A random act of kindness is any act on a person's part that helps someone else. An act of kindness does not have to be large or detailed. It does not have to be pre-planned. The Foundation supports both planned and un-planned acts of kindness. The word "random" encourages us to look beyond our circle of friends and family. “It is sometimes those completely unexpected gestures to or from total strangers that have the most impact on our lives.

posted by odyssey spirit share your kindness love and blessings

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